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May 29, 2012 6:25 PM

Aug 2011
why is this rated the same as tasogare otome... this shows a fricken goldmine
TL & founder of Refrain Subs.
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May 30, 2012 1:33 AM

Apr 2009
Having second thoughts about the series. Would have expected to introduce the main big boss guy (a gigantic ass fish I'm guessing?) by now, but the series' still just painfully and slowly rolling along. Zero loose ends have been really forwarded or tied, and it's been a ways into the series already.
May 31, 2012 1:46 AM

Aug 2009
ahin said:
Honestly, I totally understand Natsuki. Do you never fight with your siblings? Sure, a slap was not really the right thing to do but hell, can't deny I would have exploded at her, too. I felt she overreacted by blaming everything on Natsuki :c
It was his birthday, nobody even asked him if he even wanted to go, they just all decided for him. They fucking knew Natsuki and his dad aren't on the best terms, so how about adressing that problem first instead of risking the whole day to be ruined by forcing them together on a boat? Haru was right in the end c':
I like his dad and I also wish Natsuki would just go and talk to him already and stop with his moods but after this episode I also came to understand him a bit better. They all seem to keep secrets from him and I bet the death of his mother is also an issue.
Hell, neither Sakura nor Natsuki are adults but I'm sure they'll make up, that's how it goes with siblings.

Summed it up nicely. I dont fully understand why everybody's jumping the "I JUST LOST RESPECT FOR NATSUKI" bandwagon. I'm not saying I would've actually slapped her if I was in his shoes, but I sure as hell would've yelled/cursed up a storm. Sure, it's not right for him to do that, because she worked to try to get them to get along, but it's pretty much obvious it has something to do with their dead mom. If I recall correctly, doesnt Natsuki's father have a thing for one of the female chars?

But anyway, just offering my two cents. People react differently during situations like that, especially in the heat of the moment. Don't condemn somebody just because what they did in that situation is 'wrong' to you or in a general sense. IMO I understand how both Sakura and Natsuki reacted the way they did. Losing somebody you loved a lot isn't easy to deal with. It probably is for some people, but in this case for both siblings, it isn't.

Aaaaanyways, good episode. I think it sets up some more character development later on, especially with the people doing the Enoshima dance. Maybe that creature beneath the triangle thingy is controlling them? But yeah, shit just got real, yo. Can't wait for the next ep!
May 31, 2012 10:21 AM

May 2010
Zhou said:

Okay, what's with Yuki's dreams, he recaptures what happened each day on a film negative, I'm not sure if he is being influenced by something or if it's just him, any guesses?

I think it's just a recap of happenings of Yuki's day. What I'm interested and curious about is how it was presented.

But if it means more than that, it would be better. :)
StormViruzMay 31, 2012 10:25 AM
Jun 1, 2012 12:22 PM

Apr 2008
lol...these parts

SevenJun 1, 2012 12:32 PM
Jun 3, 2012 2:50 PM

Feb 2009
This series really is not for me, I'm bored during every single episode. I think it's a case of me being indifferent to every single character. :(
Aug 19, 2012 1:16 AM

Jan 2010
lol @ Akira
Sep 26, 2012 4:54 PM

Jul 2012
It was an okay episode. I enjoyed some parts of it.

Poor orange bracelet. :( Orange is my favourite colour too.

The ending was kinda weird. So, there's lot of boats with people dancing to Enoshima Dance? Shit's about to get real, amirite?
Jan 3, 2013 2:10 AM

Dec 2012
Haru trying to fix heart ache with a band aid was just way too adorable!
Natsuki had a right to slap his sister. It was his birthday and they made him come even though they knew from the start that he wouldn´t like it. Then they kept teasing him. And then she threw a tantrum and insulted him and said that she hated him. ON HIS BIRTHDAY!
Feb 10, 2013 8:24 AM

Apr 2012
transatlanticism said:
ahin said:
Honestly, I totally understand Natsuki. Do you never fight with your siblings? Sure, a slap was not really the right thing to do but hell, can't deny I would have exploded at her, too. I felt she overreacted by blaming everything on Natsuki :c
It was his birthday, nobody even asked him if he even wanted to go, they just all decided for him. They fucking knew Natsuki and his dad aren't on the best terms, so how about adressing that problem first instead of risking the whole day to be ruined by forcing them together on a boat? Haru was right in the end c':
I like his dad and I also wish Natsuki would just go and talk to him already and stop with his moods but after this episode I also came to understand him a bit better. They all seem to keep secrets from him and I bet the death of his mother is also an issue.
Hell, neither Sakura nor Natsuki are adults but I'm sure they'll make up, that's how it goes with siblings.

This, seriously.

.......Why is everyone hating on Natsuki? Did you happen to completely miss everything Sakura said before that? Like I don't think she was wrong in what she was trying to say, but she put it VERY fucking rudely in a way that would have made anyone want to slap her >>;;

Natsuki is a GOOD BROTHER. Why does the one time he snaps suddenly cancel out everything else that he did for Sakura before that episode? He’s been putting up with Mari and his dad because he doesn’t want Sakura to feel sandwiched between the two sides because she gets along with both. Like he was doing it all for her and seriously what the hell is she saying? "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT I HATE YOU etc" Then she points out he’s the only one not smiling when everyone else was was just one of the few things she could ever say to let him know that you CLEARLY don’t understand how he feels at all. Seriously I know she's only 9, but jesus...

Yes, it's easier to relate to Sakura in general but put yourself in Natsuki's shoes. You're an older sibling. You love your mom a lot. YOUR MOM DIES. In a very short amount of time your father is going out with some lady you don't even know. You then have an irresponsible, uncommunicative father and a younger sister (who btw moved on easier because she wasn't alive long enough to bond with your mom as much as you did).

I also feel really bad because there was no one that took Natsuki’s side during this fight, as opposed to Sakura who has like Yuki and everyone else. And you guys are forgetting that it was HIS BIRTHDAY. His fricken birthday ffs.

but she’s not a bitch and I don’t blame her for crying or feeling how she did. Neither of them were wrong, they just came from different standpoints. Sakura wants to move on and bring everyone with her (including her late mother) and Natsuki wants to stay behind and leave Mari out of it. Neither one is at fault here, they just want different things and are both uncommunicative and stubborn and thus THIS HAPPENED.

there's a 99% chance they're going to make up in the next episode anyway so CUT THE HATE ON THE CHARACTERS. neither of them meant what they said so blame everything on the bad atmosphere at the time.
Mar 23, 2013 8:31 PM

Jan 2013
It's getting more serious. I like it.
Mar 26, 2013 4:53 PM

Jan 2010
Natsuki slapping Sakura was quite the surprise, man
Mar 29, 2013 6:20 PM

Jan 2013
ALacie said:
Dramatic episode-- but what stuck in my mind was when Yuki said/monologued, "Natsuki was right. I didn't understand. I don't know anything about parents or siblings."
I'm really curious about Yuki's past and family situation :||

I didn't expect Natsuki to slap Sakura, especially because of how much he dotes on her. I thought that maybe he'd yell at her or something, but I didn't expect a SLAAAP. Then again, I also didn't expect Sakura to react and blame Natsuki like that 3:

This episode was filled with unexpected things >D

THANK YOU! I thought that was really insensitive. I'm pretty sure Yuki is an orphan and an only child. You're the only other person I saw commenting on this aspect. I understand that Natsuki slapping Sakura was shocking and controversial, but what he said to Yuki was pretty hurtful as well.
If only you knew, my dear, how I live my life in fear.
Oct 5, 2013 3:11 AM

Sep 2012
100,000 yen only for a fishing thing, what a waste of money.

What the hell happened to Haru, who is he talking to at night?

Sakura is missing, where did she go?

This is getting serious.

Akira is still spying.
Nov 18, 2013 1:30 AM

Apr 2012
Poor Sakura, it felt really bad when Natsuki slapped her. It's not like she did anything wrong, except maybe blaming him, but it's not like that was insufferable or anything. And now she's disappeared, I hope she's okay.
May 14, 2014 12:39 PM

Jun 2011
Not a fan of the drama at the end with Sakura and Natsuki, seems kinda forced.

Alien invasion!
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jun 7, 2014 5:25 AM
Apr 2013
Weird episode!

What a silly girl, that Sakura.
Jul 12, 2014 4:45 PM

Jul 2013
Poor Sakura. :( Interesting seeing the family dynamic although it didn't pull much emotion out of me just because the voices were more intense while the animation made the characters look less emotional.
Aug 15, 2014 9:13 AM
Aug 2013
that's a nice thing to do giving him a discount :)

brat... Natsuki's sister's a brat. okay... became a brat
I don't understand the "Natsuki's a jerk" thing, his dad is more likely a jerk

A person will not have fun just because everyone is. It was his birthday, HIS BIRTHDAY, an event heavily connected to his mother (and father, fine). He isn't even like the focus, which he should be. It's like they just dragged him to be there, of course you'll expect him to not be happy at some degree!

He just snapped and did some slap. I would bitch slap her too if she was my sister, and I'd cry too if I was slapped by my brother. I didn't expect that burst of blame, and I was really getting worked up because what she's saying was just shut your mouth, the slap was a surprise too really to the point that i was somehow relieved, because i was really feeling Sakura's words.

You can't make a person to accept to like that Mari just like that, she's not even trying to be liked by natsuki ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ the dad and the sister are doing it for her, maybe that's smart of her because she knows she can't do it. and the dad is like.. hey children do you want to eat outside? wanna fish? man I thought of this cool new thing let's try it okay?! lol! oh and btw this my gf and might be your new mother, 2 yrs's a long time maaann. ಠ_ ಠ

your dad's right Natsuki just go out of Enoshima and just take your mom's belongings, take your sister with you and don't come back to your dad, since he can have a family of his own now hhmmp.. :(

and why didn't their dad (NOBODY ELSE HAD THE RIGHT TO GET IN THE MIDDLE, THAT WAS A FAMILY MATTER, FAMILY MEMBERS ONLY) say or do anything when she got slapped, like yeah it's okay, i'm their dad but it's their fight, and my woman here might feel uncomfortable, woman (I mean she does want to join the family) be like don't wanna have to do with anything with the past wife's children i'll just stay quiet here, that not my problem ( ಠ_ ಠ ).......... GOOD BYE
no wonder Natsuki doesn't like either of you, jesus christ, they expect him to just accept it

I don't understand how you all want Yuki to "kick Natsuki's ass" that would be COMPLETELY out of place for him to do, it's more 'jerky' than slapping your sister.

but of course I'm not forgetting
Natsuki, talk it out with your dad!!!!!!!!!!! but then again the father doesn't seem the type that you could hold a serious conversation with, even with the sister there to make Natsuki behave better, because the girl would probably disregard her brother and take her dad's side
Sep 4, 2014 8:07 PM

May 2012
That last part :/ Poor Sakura, good episode though but some drama sure is nice for a change!
Apr 2, 2016 10:15 PM

Jan 2014
Natsuki, my boy, nobody understands you :( There, there... That nasty little Sakura bich.
I mean who gives their children the name Sakura??? So overused it's sickening!
Nov 15, 2017 6:51 PM

Sep 2013
Well that was just fucking depressing

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Jan 23, 2018 3:52 PM

Feb 2015
FloralHimegimi said:
that's a nice thing to do giving him a discount :)

brat... Natsuki's sister's a brat. okay... became a brat
I don't understand the "Natsuki's a jerk" thing, his dad is more likely a jerk

A person will not have fun just because everyone is. It was his birthday, HIS BIRTHDAY, an event heavily connected to his mother (and father, fine). He isn't even like the focus, which he should be. It's like they just dragged him to be there, of course you'll expect him to not be happy at some degree!

He just snapped and did some slap. I would bitch slap her too if she was my sister, and I'd cry too if I was slapped by my brother. I didn't expect that burst of blame, and I was really getting worked up because what she's saying was just shut your mouth, the slap was a surprise too really to the point that i was somehow relieved, because i was really feeling Sakura's words.

You can't make a person to accept to like that Mari just like that, she's not even trying to be liked by natsuki ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ the dad and the sister are doing it for her, maybe that's smart of her because she knows she can't do it. and the dad is like.. hey children do you want to eat outside? wanna fish? man I thought of this cool new thing let's try it okay?! lol! oh and btw this my gf and might be your new mother, 2 yrs's a long time maaann. ಠ_ ಠ

your dad's right Natsuki just go out of Enoshima and just take your mom's belongings, take your sister with you and don't come back to your dad, since he can have a family of his own now hhmmp.. :(

and why didn't their dad (NOBODY ELSE HAD THE RIGHT TO GET IN THE MIDDLE, THAT WAS A FAMILY MATTER, FAMILY MEMBERS ONLY) say or do anything when she got slapped, like yeah it's okay, i'm their dad but it's their fight, and my woman here might feel uncomfortable, woman (I mean she does want to join the family) be like don't wanna have to do with anything with the past wife's children i'll just stay quiet here, that not my problem ( ಠ_ ಠ ).......... GOOD BYE
no wonder Natsuki doesn't like either of you, jesus christ, they expect him to just accept it

I don't understand how you all want Yuki to "kick Natsuki's ass" that would be COMPLETELY out of place for him to do, it's more 'jerky' than slapping your sister.

but of course I'm not forgetting
Natsuki, talk it out with your dad!!!!!!!!!!! but then again the father doesn't seem the type that you could hold a serious conversation with, even with the sister there to make Natsuki behave better, because the girl would probably disregard her brother and take her dad's side

That was a good comment really *-* (Even though it is a bit old now but i've just watched the episode and i was happy to see that someone shares my opinion ^^ :D ) I totally agree with you and i don't understand why all people says that Natsuki is the wrong one.. :/
I know that Sakura didn't deserve that slap, i admit this.. but i still think that things were hard for Natsuki also. I don't like his father much and i can understand his feelings toward his dead mother :'( I think Sakura just considers about now but Natsuki is thinking about his mother and her memories.. He is just a bit stubborn to admit changings in their lives..
HoshizukiJan 23, 2018 4:00 PM
Sep 9, 2018 2:33 PM
Sep 2015
FloralHimegimi said:

brat... Natsuki's sister's a brat. okay... became a brat
I don't understand the "Natsuki's a jerk" thing, his dad is more likely a jerk

A person will not have fun just because everyone is. It was his birthday, HIS BIRTHDAY.

I agree, he didn't have to slap her but she called him an idiot first. His birthday was his special day and it was ruined... I relate to Natsuki so much, it's not like he's antisocial but his personality is quiet and serious and his sister wants to change him by force
Sep 9, 2018 2:33 PM
Sep 2015
Wtf was Sakura yelling 'mom' when the bracelet fell down? The BRACELET fell, not her actual mom. I didn't get that scene
Feb 22, 2019 4:16 PM

Nov 2016
Damn, that escalated quickly.

But I'm kinda proud at my boy Yuki for standing up against Natsuki.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 8, 2019 3:51 AM

Dec 2013
Didn't expect drama on this episode. Sakura is such a sweetheart making bracelets for her family but I can't still fully understand what Natsuki is not getting along with his dad. What's happening to the boats? And is it related to Haru?

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵?
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺?

Jun 3, 2019 1:34 PM

Mar 2013
Natsuki was just a horrible brat this episode. He's old enough to know better.
90s J-rock was our aesthetic peak.
Mar 23, 2020 8:43 AM

Mar 2010
... Why slap her. She did nothing wrong :( I am worried for Natsuki's future children

Guessing a step mother is too much for Natsuki and he is acting up
Sep 17, 2020 4:46 PM

Aug 2017
Coco's fish form has glasses xD
Haru trying to heal his heart with a plaster was cute. And his voice when he was talking to a triangle at night sounded...unusual

I liked the way word game was presented. Akira lost the 2nd time offscreen- it was represented by the fish making a "loop" in the air and returning to the same spot. Or at least that's how I interpret it.

That "family trip" was intense. Natsuki really made me feel uncomfortable with that slap. Domestic violence! I can understand Natsuki's frustration with his family though (it's not like Tamot or Sakura don't have a point, however).
St0rmbladeSep 17, 2020 4:51 PM
Mar 11, 2021 2:19 AM

May 2020
Natsuki's family drama finally came to surface, very dramatically I might add. Not a fan of the slap but Sakura was definitely pushing him a little too hard. His issues with his dad finally spilled over.

Meanwhile, creepy things keep on happening everywhere else.
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