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Apr 3, 2024 1:36 AM

Oct 2010
No fight and we got over 80%
Apr 3, 2024 9:55 AM
Jun 2021
This is a banger, this is a banger and i know bangers
Apr 4, 2024 9:55 AM

Sep 2012
if this staff has so much sentimental value why use it? just put it away so it would be safe and buy new and use new staff, next time there may not be no repairing it
Apr 4, 2024 3:19 PM
Jun 2016
I had a feeling she would pass Fern and I was right.
Apr 6, 2024 1:20 PM

Oct 2023
I now got two new waifus, I love their personalities, very far from the character design
Apr 7, 2024 5:33 AM

Jul 2013
I knew Fern is a genius but this got me wondering if Frieren also knows Serie has been suppressing her mana. She never outright said it.
Apr 7, 2024 4:07 PM

Mar 2019
This episode was so beautiful that my eyes even fell out. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Apr 8, 2024 4:50 PM
Feb 2015
Serie will not Frieren pass but she will pass Fern no matter what she say to her. Frieren sure being hated here. It heartwarming to see ridiculous spell of making flowers bloom will make a miraculous encounter to happen, everything have purpose even the fool spell, which lead Himmel to choose Frieren to be his team mates.
Apr 9, 2024 6:32 PM
Mar 2017
Thought provoking
Apr 19, 2024 12:40 AM
Jan 2018
I would give this episode 6 stars if I could. Just the sheer amount of wholesome emotion that this episode evokes.
Apr 20, 2024 9:36 PM

Feb 2009
So passing the second test was all for naught for pretty much everyone aside from Fern. It's funny because while it's true that many of those who passed the second test was probably not qualified to be first rank, it's also true that it was the failure of the examiner, not the examinee. Yet, they get failed anyway while the examiner walks away without any punishment for toying with people's lives.

The conclusion with Serie failing Frieren was so vain and clearly not because of Frieren's lack of ability (because let's face it, Frieren can probably wipe the floor with the entire first rank group in that room aside from Serie herself), so much so that Frieren was even able to confidently predict it was like the ultimate proof that Serie is just as much a failure as Sense when it comes to examining and determining who deserves to be "first rank". It goes to show that just because you excel at something, doesn't mean you will excel at teaching and judging others on that very thing.

Honestly starting from the second test, the series have been dropping off for me due to such a vain plot that is just designed to fail the examinee because "lol I don't like you". Still a great series overall, but could definitely do without this.
Apr 23, 2024 12:31 AM

Feb 2021
Frieren fail but She got lot of companion and interesting journey.
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Apr 23, 2024 1:32 AM
Feb 2024
Reply to EinTheVariance
So passing the second test was all for naught for pretty much everyone aside from Fern. It's funny because while it's true that many of those who passed the second test was probably not qualified to be first rank, it's also true that it was the failure of the examiner, not the examinee. Yet, they get failed anyway while the examiner walks away without any punishment for toying with people's lives.

The conclusion with Serie failing Frieren was so vain and clearly not because of Frieren's lack of ability (because let's face it, Frieren can probably wipe the floor with the entire first rank group in that room aside from Serie herself), so much so that Frieren was even able to confidently predict it was like the ultimate proof that Serie is just as much a failure as Sense when it comes to examining and determining who deserves to be "first rank". It goes to show that just because you excel at something, doesn't mean you will excel at teaching and judging others on that very thing.

Honestly starting from the second test, the series have been dropping off for me due to such a vain plot that is just designed to fail the examinee because "lol I don't like you". Still a great series overall, but could definitely do without this.

Serie did not fail anyone who had the ability to be a first class mage. As a manga reader there are a LOT of responsibilites that first class mages have to perform and all the people who failed are not up to the task, period.
Even failing Frieren was justified, she is powerful yes, but not for a elf of her age. With that measurement she is below average.
Also she would not fit into the first class mage lifestyle either. A lot will be made more clear when season 2 comes around.
Serie actually did Frieren a solid by not promoting her and banning her for the next 1000 years.
Its basically her way of saying " go and collect your useless spells for another 1000 years and get it out of your system".
Apr 23, 2024 11:24 AM

Feb 2009
Reply to Ogami1978

Serie did not fail anyone who had the ability to be a first class mage. As a manga reader there are a LOT of responsibilites that first class mages have to perform and all the people who failed are not up to the task, period.
Even failing Frieren was justified, she is powerful yes, but not for a elf of her age. With that measurement she is below average.
Also she would not fit into the first class mage lifestyle either. A lot will be made more clear when season 2 comes around.
Serie actually did Frieren a solid by not promoting her and banning her for the next 1000 years.
Its basically her way of saying " go and collect your useless spells for another 1000 years and get it out of your system".
@Ogami1978 Maybe, but I was talking about the anime, where none of the things you mentioned was ever brought up. In fact, if "doing responsibilities" was the bar, the tests certainly didn't reflect that, yet another failure on the examiners part. Plus, on the second stage, she essentially carried the party along with Fern so you could say she took on more responsibility than most of the party did for them to clear.

I just found it ironic that the second test was literally "you must clear this dungeon that no one has done before", because if that was the bar for first rank, then clearly all the current first rank didn't qualify either.

Serie judging Frieren on the scale of "powerful but not for her age" is exactly what I mean by vain. Why does her age matter? The fact is, her power level is still well beyond other first rankers, new and old. She literally broke the barrier in the first test that the first rank examiners wouldn't believe anyone could do (even Serie herself commented at the time that she froze hell or whatever). So what if she's not as strong as she could potentially be? How does that discredit her current strength which is still over the other first rankers?

I honestly really dislike characters like Serie who thinks she knows better than everybody and judges everyone based on her own standards. It's exactly what leads to her decision to fail Frieren and you saying she's doing her a solid is just from her own selfish perspective.
Apr 23, 2024 12:57 PM
Apr 2022
OMG, that how they both met?!! Damn, that gives me a shock of plot twist !!!
May 5, 2024 5:22 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Dang thank goodness that the 3rd test- or rather, 'test', is a short one. I see 2 episodes left and think that there's no way that they'd complete the exam when considering how many episodes the first 2 tests took. It would've left this season at a bit of an awkward spot. But that's not the case, as Serie quickly fails everyone including Frieren.... but proceeds to pass Fern, allowing them to now continue with their journey.

I love what they did for the post-credits 'scene', which is usually the blank white screen overlayed with lines previewed from the next episode. Here, it's just sounds like a lot of characters laughing and having a good time, followed by a "see you again" by Frieren. Can't wait to see how they wrap it all up for now, but I'm sure they'll do it well.

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 8, 2024 6:41 PM
Apr 2024
Nearing the end 😞
May 12, 2024 10:47 AM
Aug 2020
Great episode as expected!
May 12, 2024 12:26 PM

Jul 2021
The end of the second stage was nice im glad plenty of people i wanted to pass did though some did not like Richter. Ferns staff she got destroyed but and she means alot to her, a gift from Heiter himself. It was kind of Frieren to find someone to repair her staff as is meant alot and it was kind of Richter to accept and repair. Denken paying a visit to Richter was kind, i would like to see more of them throughout the show.

Serie. What a mage she is, and her she is wanting to do the third test herself which is not that suprising as Frieren is one the remaining people in the exam and Serie seems to not like her that much. Though Serie has failed many in this thrid part of the exam with the interview part. It seems she has taken a liking to Fern and let her pass which was kind of her.

Himmel and Frieren met way before when Himmel was just a boy. I really liked that short flashback to show why Frierens fav spell is one that creates a field of flowers, a spell taught to her by her master.

May 17, 2024 3:43 AM

Apr 2013
Serie is really quite full of herself for someone sitting just on her ass doing nothing most of the time while Frieren was out there defeating demons and the demon king.
May 22, 2024 10:30 AM

Feb 2018
Very heart-warming moment when Fern came back to find the staff fixed.
When it was revealed that Serie would be doing the next test I think it was expected that they wouldn't let Frieren pass, but I also thought it would be the same for Fern, didn't think she was going to impress her by seeing that fluctuation thing and pass.
May 25, 2024 1:57 PM
May 2024
Fern is goated and i'm all here for it
Jun 19, 2024 10:02 AM
Dec 2021
An amazing anime and story.
Jun 21, 2024 4:00 PM
Jun 2015
I’m voting Frieren for best MC. You just can’t help but love and respect anything she does. Does she fully understand human emotion? No, but she still tries. And she will help others with no expectations in return. In one episode, we saw how she helped a little boy, who ended up being the one who helped the Demon King. And we saw the one she taught, become a first class mage before our very eyes. FRIEREN’S THE BEST
Jun 25, 2024 6:59 AM

Mar 2015
Great episode. Serie herself stepped in to mediate the final say. Of course Fern wasn't fazed!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jun 29, 2024 12:02 AM
Jun 2024
the story looks interesting
Jul 9, 2024 12:47 PM
Mar 2024
This anime is a rare and precious diamond, cut to perfection from its manga source
Aug 6, 2024 1:49 PM
Jun 2019
I was actually interpreting it so that Serie actually expands her magical aura rather than suppress it so it seems larger that it actually is. That's why she was disappointed that that old 1st class mage didn't notice it and called him a coward. At least that was my interpretation.
Aug 6, 2024 1:55 PM
Jun 2022
fern for the win!!!
Aug 16, 2024 4:15 PM

Aug 2018
This episode gave me the chills.
First, we can't forget Best Boy Stark appearing once again, and being the one that Fern looks after, after she had an argument with Frieren.
The wand does really have a lot of emotional importance to Fern, and it was really sweet how Frieren was able to find someone (that was actually Ritcher) to fix it.
So the final exam is just an interview with the grand mage Elf. And she did fail Frieren no matter what she said, even though Frieren is more than skilled enough to be a 1st class mage. I really do wonder why she doesn't understand Frieren's vision on Magic.
But the fact that Fern was actually able to surprise the elf, and see her mana fluctuating, it's incredible, not even her own student, in so many years, was able to see it, even though he was able to see that Frieren was concealing her mana, something that only the Demon Lord was able to. And right after she said she wouldn't take any more human students, she wants to take Fern as an apprentice. But the truth is that I'm sorry girl, but Fern and Frieren will always be together, you're too late, and you wouldn't have given little Fern a chance to be a mage either, so yeah, no Fern apprentice for you. The title of the episode really fits it! It gave me the chills when she said that Fern will pass. And now, our party can safely go to the north! I wonder if Denken also passed his exam (I hope so, he deserves to see the grave of I suppose is the grave of his wife). Also, it means we will get more of the party in this last episode, yay! This 3rd exam really was quick, but it makes sense, since so many mages made it into the 3rd exam, mainly due to Frieren. Which really shows that the elf only failed Frieren because, I suppose, she thinks her motives to be a magician aren't what she wants, and because Frieren could be much stronger for the age she has I suppose (I think she's just a little jealous, but anyways).
The fact that the preview screen was just white, with town noises was quite a nice touch, for our final preview of episodes of this season! Really can't believe the next episode is going to be the last one! Getting the necessary courage to watch the last episode, and add this anime to my completed list, and also in my Top 10 anime!
Last episode, here we go!
Sep 19, 2024 5:25 PM

Oct 2022
That Ubel chick is kind of scary at this point.
Oct 3, 2024 2:29 AM
Mar 2022
i like the end of the anime, see you next season
Oct 11, 2024 4:59 AM

Nov 2016
The basis of magic is the ability to imagine the result. She turned away applicants because they couldn't see themselves as first-class mages. And yes, many of them are talented, but they only passed the test because Frieren was there, which destroyed the whole idea.
Talent alone isn't enough. A first-class mage is a mage who performs miracles, who does the seemingly impossible. Fern fits the bill. Compare her to Kanne. There's a gulf between training and ability. Kanne can become very powerful, but she's only talented and young yet.
LacingMasterOct 14, 2024 10:22 AM
Oct 14, 2024 9:28 AM

Nov 2023
ferns the only first class mage wow, maybe she'll surpass frieren by the end. im not ready to let go of this series though :(
Dec 31, 2024 1:03 AM

Jul 2019
Ergh... wut? I mean titles conceived by humanity don't apply to them all that much but being failed like this? Someone did not watch their fair share of Spongebob Squarepants: ImAgInAtIoN
Jan 5, 2:00 PM

Feb 2018
Serie's intuition was right just as Frieren said. Most of the mages weren't worthy of becoming first class mages besides Denken, Fern and Frieren that is.
Feb 7, 4:56 PM

Jul 2020
Serie does everything she 'hates':
1. Taking charge of the Continental Magic Association (per Flamme's will)
2. Taking in more human apprentices despite calling her choice of picking Flamme up the wrong choice.
3. In the peaceful era, there is no need for her to train to suppress her mana, the demons out there are not a threat to her. She calls that skill not worth her time, while she continues to perfect this 'unnecessary skill'.
Mar 17, 12:41 AM

Dec 2024
YAY WE GOT ANOTHER SOL EPISODE :)))) SOL episodes in this show are really fun to watch although the end was the 3 first half of the third test which is alright. Fern was angry at Frieren for like not saying she should repair her staff and just replace it despite the fact that she has had it her whole life no bueno Frieren however she repaired it for her anyone so now we have happy Fern and very wholesome moment which amazing stuff man. Now we got the start of the third test and poor Frieren she failed for some stupid fucking reason despite being the second strongest too strongest mage on the damn continent, all for having a favorite spell? Really? Frieren deserved that first tier mage status more than anyone.
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