No Game No Life (light novel)
Available on Manga Store
Jul 6, 2023 3:11 PM
Why is No Game No Loife so liked when it is just a generic isekai? The OP MCs are transported to a world about games where they are invincible because they were good with games in their original world. And who thought it was a good idea that the catchphrase of the MCs be "blank never loses" basically saying they are invincible? It makes the already tensionless games even more tensionless if that is possible. |
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Jul 6, 2023 3:24 PM
well my best guess would be that 1. isekai wasn't quite as overplayed of a concept back in 2014 as it is now 2. a lot of the art direction and color pallettes are actually very gorgeous and unique (at least to me ig) 3. at the end of the day it's a power fantasy full of girls that look like 12 year olds that weirdos can call their waifus so that always works |
Jul 6, 2023 3:32 PM
Jul 6, 2023 3:37 PM
There are a number of reasons, but the most vital and important one as far as I am concerned is that it involves close sibling relations which if not outright incestuous technically is at least incest-adjacent, and that is something which makes everything better automatically. |
Jul 6, 2023 3:41 PM
It's unapologetically abnoxious and has style. Also, it has good production values and that's what most people care about the most. |
Jul 6, 2023 3:49 PM
Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Life so liked when it is just a generic isekai? Just to add some context, "No Game, No Life" was released before there was ever such a thing as a "Generic Isekai". I could ask today why people like 'Dragon Ball Z", it's nothing more than a generic Battle Shounen, right? It's really easy to coin anything as generic when you can cherry pick things you could find in just about any Anime, while completely over looking when they were actually released. Regardless if one might think it's nothing more than just a "Generic Isekai", it actually offers an actual entertaining story, at least I thought it did. If someone really has an issue with "No Game, No Life" simply having elements one could find in other Anime titles, they would be hard pressed to find anything completely original and likely be riddled with dozens of more unimaginative ideas about them than simply singling out a title like "No Game No Life". Even less so if you are Broadly looking at the entire medium and not caring when something was actually released. |
ColourWheelJul 6, 2023 4:08 PM
Jul 6, 2023 3:53 PM
It can't be a generic isekai, there was no isekai genericism back then. But it's popular because it's actually rather good. Ionliosite2 said: And who thought it was a good idea that the catchphrase of the MCs be "blank never loses" basically saying they are invincible? It makes the already tensionless games even more tensionless if that is possible. Wondering whether characters will actually lose a thing is not actually a source of tension at all in lots of highly regarded stories. There are obviously some where you never know if they're going to win, but "the protagonist always prevails" is a very common trope. The basic appeal to NGNL of course is not wondering whether they will win, but trying to guess how they will win. |
Jul 6, 2023 3:54 PM
No idea. I was surprised by it as well. |
Jul 6, 2023 3:59 PM
>Lolis >Partially relatable plot because most weebs are also into games and the concept of being the best at something one loves, in a different world, where it is the most important thing in life, is appealing to said weebs. >Lovely colors and amazing art for it's time, even compared to some shows today it stands out and has better animation >Ecchi of course and it's comedic too These are the only reasons I could think of at least |
Jul 6, 2023 4:00 PM
Wdym generic it has one of the best world buildings in all of anime. Go read the light novels they are amazing. |
Jul 6, 2023 4:02 PM
I'd say it came at the right time - the post-SAO isekai wave was still fresh enough to not become tiresome/repetitive. It's really around the time Rezero and Konosuba both aired that the isekai wave finally ran out of novelty. NGNL was a full 2 years before then. |
Hot Blood saves lives. |
Jul 6, 2023 4:10 PM
ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Life so liked when it is just a generic isekai? Just to add some context, "No Game, No Life" was released before there was ever such a thing as a "Generic Isekai". I could ask today why people like 'Dragon Ball Z", it's nothing more than a generic Battle Shounen, right? It's really easy to coin anything as generic when you can cherry pick things you could find in just about any Anime, while completely over looking when they were actually released. Regardless if one might think it's nothing more than just a "Generic Isekai", it actually offers an actual entertaining story, at least I thought it did. If someone really has an issue with "No Game, No Life" simply having elements one could find in other Anime titles, they would be hard pressed to find anything completely original and likely be riddled with dozens of more unimaginative ideas about them than simply singling out a title like "No Game No Life". I do know that No Game No Life was released when isekai wasn't that big of a trend, but like SAO web novel came out in 2003 and it is still not the oldest isekai. Another very bothersome thing for me is that it is still rilled with bland and/or obnoxious characters and the MCs are no more than Mary Sues. |
Jul 6, 2023 4:13 PM
People love ONE "supernaturally" genius character, so imagine having TWO? And it's colorful too. Pokémon had an episode canceled due to epilepsy concerns, but I think this anime is more harmful than Porygon. |
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time. Watch more movies, please. Perhaps, this is hell. |
Jul 6, 2023 4:15 PM
Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Life so liked when it is just a generic isekai? Just to add some context, "No Game, No Life" was released before there was ever such a thing as a "Generic Isekai". I could ask today why people like 'Dragon Ball Z", it's nothing more than a generic Battle Shounen, right? It's really easy to coin anything as generic when you can cherry pick things you could find in just about any Anime, while completely over looking when they were actually released. Regardless if one might think it's nothing more than just a "Generic Isekai", it actually offers an actual entertaining story, at least I thought it did. If someone really has an issue with "No Game, No Life" simply having elements one could find in other Anime titles, they would be hard pressed to find anything completely original and likely be riddled with dozens of more unimaginative ideas about them than simply singling out a title like "No Game No Life". I do know that No Game No Life was released when isekai wasn't that big of a trend, but like SAO web novel came out in 2003 and it is still not the oldest isekai. Another very bothersome thing for me is that it is still rilled with bland and/or obnoxious characters and the MCs are no more than Mary Sues. Then you just have a personal issue with "No Game, No Life" completely unrelated to your premise. "No Game, No Life" is no more generic anything than any other Anime this medium has to offer. |
Jul 6, 2023 4:24 PM
ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Life so liked when it is just a generic isekai? Just to add some context, "No Game, No Life" was released before there was ever such a thing as a "Generic Isekai". I could ask today why people like 'Dragon Ball Z", it's nothing more than a generic Battle Shounen, right? It's really easy to coin anything as generic when you can cherry pick things you could find in just about any Anime, while completely over looking when they were actually released. Regardless if one might think it's nothing more than just a "Generic Isekai", it actually offers an actual entertaining story, at least I thought it did. If someone really has an issue with "No Game, No Life" simply having elements one could find in other Anime titles, they would be hard pressed to find anything completely original and likely be riddled with dozens of more unimaginative ideas about them than simply singling out a title like "No Game No Life". I do know that No Game No Life was released when isekai wasn't that big of a trend, but like SAO web novel came out in 2003 and it is still not the oldest isekai. Another very bothersome thing for me is that it is still rilled with bland and/or obnoxious characters and the MCs are no more than Mary Sues. Then you just have a personal issue with "No Game, No Life" completely unrelated to your premise. "No Game, No Life" is no more generic anything than any other Anime this medium has to offer. It is not unrelated to my premise, but ok. |
Jul 6, 2023 4:40 PM
Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Life so liked when it is just a generic isekai? Just to add some context, "No Game, No Life" was released before there was ever such a thing as a "Generic Isekai". I could ask today why people like 'Dragon Ball Z", it's nothing more than a generic Battle Shounen, right? It's really easy to coin anything as generic when you can cherry pick things you could find in just about any Anime, while completely over looking when they were actually released. Regardless if one might think it's nothing more than just a "Generic Isekai", it actually offers an actual entertaining story, at least I thought it did. If someone really has an issue with "No Game, No Life" simply having elements one could find in other Anime titles, they would be hard pressed to find anything completely original and likely be riddled with dozens of more unimaginative ideas about them than simply singling out a title like "No Game No Life". I do know that No Game No Life was released when isekai wasn't that big of a trend, but like SAO web novel came out in 2003 and it is still not the oldest isekai. Another very bothersome thing for me is that it is still rilled with bland and/or obnoxious characters and the MCs are no more than Mary Sues. Then you just have a personal issue with "No Game, No Life" completely unrelated to your premise. "No Game, No Life" is no more generic anything than any other Anime this medium has to offer. It is not unrelated to my premise, but ok. For a moment I will entertain your idea that "No Game, No Life" is actually a "Generic Isekai" as you say it is. Then it should be easy for you to list over a dozen other Isekai that you think are just like it and even point out why it makes "No Game, No Life" so generic. Your premise left very little context but even in your 1st comment you only offer saying this... Ionliosite2 said: The OP MCs are transported to a world about games where they are invincible because they were good with games in their original world. Would love to see what other Anime follow this same premise that makes it so generic in your mind. Other than that your issues comes off more as a personal gripe than something to actually support your premise. Which is fine. If you simply don't like "No Game, No Life" I could care less. But this could be a great opportunity for you to convince others that "No Game, No Life" is just a "Generic Isekai" by adding more context to your premise, because so far what you have offered isn't very convincing. |
ColourWheelJul 6, 2023 5:24 PM
Jul 6, 2023 4:51 PM
Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Loife so liked when it is just a generic isekai? The OP MCs are transported to a world about games where they are invincible because they were good with games in their original world. And who thought it was a good idea that the catchphrase of the MCs be "blank never loses" basically saying they are invincible? It makes the already tensionless games even more tensionless if that is possible. Isekai is neither good nor bad, and the concept is not restricted to anime/manga/light novels (It predates anime) . The "another world" of NGNL is anything but a standard fantasy/RPGverse (not that a standard verse is necessarily bad, consider "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon", but it does not help (unless you are going for parody, e.g. The Order of the Stick, (if you insist of sticking to amine look at Kona Suba))) Certainly the main characters can be seen as overpowered. However, I did not find that this impacted my viewing. |
old_geezerJul 6, 2023 5:12 PM
William Hughes Complex systems exhibit unexpected behaviour |
Jul 6, 2023 4:57 PM
Because it's not "just a generic isekai". The premise of a world where all conflict is settled via games sets it apart from pretty much any other isekai series that exists. Yeah, the protagonists are OP, but that's part of the appeal. A lot of these games, like Materialization Shiritori and the VR game that they play against Izuna would be unwinnable by normal standards, and seeing how their strategies play out, and how they manipulate everything and everyone in such a way to guarantee their victory in a game that humans realistically wouldn't stand a chance at beating, is interesting to some people. Not to mention that they're not OP in the traditional sense. They have no unique abilities that put them at any kind of advantage. In fact, because they're humans, they lack the ability to sense spirits altogether, leaving them with no capability to even sense magic, let alone to use it. They're only overpowered because they're intelligent. Also, the whole "Blank never loses" catchphrase is based on the fact that they haven't lost yet. It's not saying that they're invincible, so much as it is reinforcing their egos. And after volume 8, when they're forced into a situation where the only winning move is a draw, which they consider to be a loss for some reason, they stop using that catchphrase. They also take a pretty significant loss at the end of volume 10. |
Jul 6, 2023 5:20 PM
Is it though? Because it sounds like by "generic" you just mean it shares similarities with other series, which so does literally everything else. But name one other isekai where everything is centered around games. Because the closest I can think of is Mondaiji-tachi, and even that doesn't hit the same as No Game No Life, because it still has actual combat in it. |
Jul 6, 2023 5:24 PM
Didn't really like it and I agree most of it was tensionless, but I wouldn't call it generic either. Not only it released at a time far from the current saturation, I'd also consider it to have shaped its own particular traits... And it barely matters that I often found those poor because most of what's done with that genre nowadays is half-assed copy and paste of whatever's catchy/trendy or bordeline degenerate. |
Jul 6, 2023 5:25 PM
1.Period it came out. 2.The world is more interesting it's far from oh a typical fantasy I mean a game world isekai is still more appealing then most other isekai are isn't it. If your comparing to say a Log Horizon or others sure. But again No Game No Life is a 'board games, card games, word game and more' type gaming world. I mean how many allow escaping at any time via a wardrobe hmmmmmm I wonder which does that in anime...... I mean we can compare Narnia, Wizard of Oz and more even but otherwise many 'other world' type stories go before anime and even earlier than oh 2012 with SAO and 2014 of NGNL. Mass production and similar worlds and a gimmick is nothing new, thinking at different elements than 'oh it's this genre/theme' is really easy to do yet people seem to not look that far and more that the group/whatever side to easily point fingers at. I'd not defend isekai nowadays but would outlier series or old isekai that also did stand out (not just oh it's old so it wins that's just pointless) but if people throw a term around then well that's where it gets funny. So if the rules of chess, whatever the last letter was, and others is something not other isekai are pulling from then how is it generic if no other isekai are pulling inspiration from it hmmmmm. It isn't generic if no one is pulling from it. It's generic when they are. Might want to look deeper than trolling or oh the isekai term throw it in a thread how easy to point fingers at this post and the term. Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou desu yo? did it's game world thing but it was also different as well in it's why of doing things. So that's 2 that do this form how is that generic. XD Most isekai now are medieval fantasy so how is an outlier generic it isn't it's an outlier. Anomalies are not generic. XD Not a video game world, not a fantasy world with oh villages, and slimes and smartphones and this and that. So going oh it's isekai is the most people know nothing about it and just taking the term too seriously than knowing anything about the show and what made it compelling over other 'isekai' that are just fantasy, gimmick, generic character, generic world, than a more broader world scale, the different regions and why the lowest region is in the state it's in of failing and them making a come back. I mean board games rules to dictate a world that's pretty rare for an isekai to do isn't it hmmmm when their so traditional fantasy. It's not a character of a vending machine or a tough guy, a smartphone or whatever it's actually got more depth to it then that. Sure it's still a typical audience appealing show but does it's world have more than many others in terms of not being typical fantasy yes. Does it have as much depth as others depends how far you compare Slime to No Game No Life or others I guess. Even No Game No Life is more comparable to I guess video game worlds because it tries to have very particular rules to it and look and feel then just well again medieval fantasy. I mean I'll take anything over dwarves/elves in any game or movie/tv show and any original characters like a Qunari from Dragon Age, Cthulu in those sorts of areas of stories/worlds or some other out there creates to add to their unique universe than well just oh the same old ok no thanks. It's why I like sci-fi it requires more 'well we need different types of aliens' with no elf/dwarf and otherwise bases to use. 3.Artstyle. 4.I mean their named blank as a team so it's edgy and cool XD, it's got ecchi in it, the games are put exaggerated of elements in a fun way. What else is there to dissect of things it has. 5.Steph is made to be annoying on purpose a lot more than I remember and rewatching it I went oh ok then. To me the word game was still fun to see the dumb scale they go and the animation/art just has fun with itself. I prefer reverse isekai more aka Devil is a Part Timer, Dragonmaid (not a fan of some scenes that are a bit yeah yeah Dragons did whatever for the world I don't care it's the human world not the dragon world's humans ok anime, good your not immersing me with that garbage). Otherwise I'm usually not watching isekai anyway. |
Suntanned_Duck2Jul 6, 2023 5:43 PM
Jul 6, 2023 5:35 PM
I would assume in the time it came out. NGNL came out around 2014 isekai was still fresh and new at the time. Personally for me I find NGNL okay. Nice animation, Likable characters. |
Jul 6, 2023 5:45 PM
ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Life so liked when it is just a generic isekai? Just to add some context, "No Game, No Life" was released before there was ever such a thing as a "Generic Isekai". I could ask today why people like 'Dragon Ball Z", it's nothing more than a generic Battle Shounen, right? It's really easy to coin anything as generic when you can cherry pick things you could find in just about any Anime, while completely over looking when they were actually released. Regardless if one might think it's nothing more than just a "Generic Isekai", it actually offers an actual entertaining story, at least I thought it did. If someone really has an issue with "No Game, No Life" simply having elements one could find in other Anime titles, they would be hard pressed to find anything completely original and likely be riddled with dozens of more unimaginative ideas about them than simply singling out a title like "No Game No Life". I do know that No Game No Life was released when isekai wasn't that big of a trend, but like SAO web novel came out in 2003 and it is still not the oldest isekai. Another very bothersome thing for me is that it is still rilled with bland and/or obnoxious characters and the MCs are no more than Mary Sues. Then you just have a personal issue with "No Game, No Life" completely unrelated to your premise. "No Game, No Life" is no more generic anything than any other Anime this medium has to offer. It is not unrelated to my premise, but ok. For a moment I will entertain your idea that "No Game, No Life" is actually a "Generic Isekai" as you say it is. Then it should be easy for you to list over a dozen other Isekai that you think are just like it and even point out why it makes "No Game, No Life" so generic. Your premise left very little context but even in you 1st comment you only offer saying this... Ionliosite2 said: The OP MCs are transported to a world about games where they are invincible because they were good with games in their original world. Would love to see what other Anime follow this same premise that makes it so generic in your mind. Other than that your issues comes off more as a personal gripe than something to actually support your premise. Which is fine. If you simply don't like "No Game, No Life" I could care less. But this could be a great opportunity for you to convince others that "No Game, No Life" is just a "Generic Isekai" by adding more context to your premise, because so far what you have offered isn't very convincing. Easily the first that comes to mind is Mondaiji, it was even compared to that one back when NGNL was airing, it is about 3 Mary Sues that get transported to another world where they play high-stake games, both the anime and the novel came out before NGNL. But those things that bother me more than being generic are obviously the writing of both the plot and its characters, so you can say it is in part "personal gripes". |
Jul 6, 2023 6:05 PM
Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Life so liked when it is just a generic isekai? Just to add some context, "No Game, No Life" was released before there was ever such a thing as a "Generic Isekai". I could ask today why people like 'Dragon Ball Z", it's nothing more than a generic Battle Shounen, right? It's really easy to coin anything as generic when you can cherry pick things you could find in just about any Anime, while completely over looking when they were actually released. Regardless if one might think it's nothing more than just a "Generic Isekai", it actually offers an actual entertaining story, at least I thought it did. If someone really has an issue with "No Game, No Life" simply having elements one could find in other Anime titles, they would be hard pressed to find anything completely original and likely be riddled with dozens of more unimaginative ideas about them than simply singling out a title like "No Game No Life". I do know that No Game No Life was released when isekai wasn't that big of a trend, but like SAO web novel came out in 2003 and it is still not the oldest isekai. Another very bothersome thing for me is that it is still rilled with bland and/or obnoxious characters and the MCs are no more than Mary Sues. Then you just have a personal issue with "No Game, No Life" completely unrelated to your premise. "No Game, No Life" is no more generic anything than any other Anime this medium has to offer. It is not unrelated to my premise, but ok. For a moment I will entertain your idea that "No Game, No Life" is actually a "Generic Isekai" as you say it is. Then it should be easy for you to list over a dozen other Isekai that you think are just like it and even point out why it makes "No Game, No Life" so generic. Your premise left very little context but even in you 1st comment you only offer saying this... Ionliosite2 said: The OP MCs are transported to a world about games where they are invincible because they were good with games in their original world. Would love to see what other Anime follow this same premise that makes it so generic in your mind. Other than that your issues comes off more as a personal gripe than something to actually support your premise. Which is fine. If you simply don't like "No Game, No Life" I could care less. But this could be a great opportunity for you to convince others that "No Game, No Life" is just a "Generic Isekai" by adding more context to your premise, because so far what you have offered isn't very convincing. Easily the first that comes to mind is Mondaiji, it was even compared to that one back when NGNL was airing, it is about 3 Mary Sues that get transported to another world where they play high-stake games, both the anime and the novel came out before NGNL. But those things that bother me more than being generic are obviously the writing of both the plot and its characters, so you can say it is in part "personal gripes". How does two titles that share just one thing in common with each other, which according to you is being "transported to another world where they play high-stake games" really make "No Game, No Life" suddenly coined as a "Generic Isekai"? This sort of premise isn't even generic in itself to begin with I am sure I wouldn't be the only one thinks this either. This is like if someone was to start griping about "Neon Genesis Evangelion" being generic because it shares similarities with "Macross" simply because it has Mecha in it fighting an alien like invasion. Besides this is only one example that shares similarities with another title which doesn't suddenly make something generic, you would have to point out at least a few more example where being "transported to another world where they play high-stake games" is a reoccurring theme to even come close to convincing anyone that "No Game, No Life" is generic in this regard. |
ColourWheelJul 6, 2023 6:19 PM
Jul 6, 2023 6:11 PM
If you break it down like that level of analysis any show is generic because everything has been done before to some degree. Hell most stories today are not that different from ones thousands of years ago. It's about how things are executed and just the general feel or hype around any given show. Ironically the prequil side story with the No Game No Life: Zero movie the main two characters is actually a more interesting than for the main series. Schwi is literally just Shiro in behaviour but she has a reason for being a kuudere to the extreme, she's a robot while Shiro is just how she is with no reason given in the span of the show. |
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Jul 6, 2023 6:18 PM
ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Life so liked when it is just a generic isekai? Just to add some context, "No Game, No Life" was released before there was ever such a thing as a "Generic Isekai". I could ask today why people like 'Dragon Ball Z", it's nothing more than a generic Battle Shounen, right? It's really easy to coin anything as generic when you can cherry pick things you could find in just about any Anime, while completely over looking when they were actually released. Regardless if one might think it's nothing more than just a "Generic Isekai", it actually offers an actual entertaining story, at least I thought it did. If someone really has an issue with "No Game, No Life" simply having elements one could find in other Anime titles, they would be hard pressed to find anything completely original and likely be riddled with dozens of more unimaginative ideas about them than simply singling out a title like "No Game No Life". I do know that No Game No Life was released when isekai wasn't that big of a trend, but like SAO web novel came out in 2003 and it is still not the oldest isekai. Another very bothersome thing for me is that it is still rilled with bland and/or obnoxious characters and the MCs are no more than Mary Sues. Then you just have a personal issue with "No Game, No Life" completely unrelated to your premise. "No Game, No Life" is no more generic anything than any other Anime this medium has to offer. It is not unrelated to my premise, but ok. For a moment I will entertain your idea that "No Game, No Life" is actually a "Generic Isekai" as you say it is. Then it should be easy for you to list over a dozen other Isekai that you think are just like it and even point out why it makes "No Game, No Life" so generic. Your premise left very little context but even in you 1st comment you only offer saying this... Ionliosite2 said: The OP MCs are transported to a world about games where they are invincible because they were good with games in their original world. Would love to see what other Anime follow this same premise that makes it so generic in your mind. Other than that your issues comes off more as a personal gripe than something to actually support your premise. Which is fine. If you simply don't like "No Game, No Life" I could care less. But this could be a great opportunity for you to convince others that "No Game, No Life" is just a "Generic Isekai" by adding more context to your premise, because so far what you have offered isn't very convincing. Easily the first that comes to mind is Mondaiji, it was even compared to that one back when NGNL was airing, it is about 3 Mary Sues that get transported to another world where they play high-stake games, both the anime and the novel came out before NGNL. But those things that bother me more than being generic are obviously the writing of both the plot and its characters, so you can say it is in part "personal gripes". How does two titles that share just one thing in common with each other, which according to you is being "transported to another world where they play high-stake games" really make "No Game, No Life" suddenly coined as a "Generic Isekai"? This sort of premise isn't even generic in itself to begin with I am sure I wouldn't be the only one thinks this either. This is like if someone was to start griping about "Neon Genesis Evangelion" being generic because it shares similarities with "Macross" simply because it has Mecha in it fighting an alien invasion. Besides this is only one example that shares similarities with another title which doesn't suddenly make something generic. You would have to point out at least a few more example where being "transported to another world where they play high-stake games" is a reoccurring theme to even come close to convincing anyone that "No Game, No Life" is generic in this regard. They share many things with each other, and you kinda asked me the same premise not the same everything, but well, I watched Mondaiji like 8 years ago or so and hated it to the brim, so I can say for sure that I don't remember it perfectly. I wouldn't mind if someone says Evangelion is generic, in fact, people already say that and I wouldn't say "no" to them because I see no point in negating it. |
Jul 6, 2023 6:22 PM
traed said: She has a reason. She's a loli prodigy. Shiro is just how she is with no reason given in the span of the show. |
Jul 6, 2023 6:22 PM
It has no tension yes, but at least the strategy is still fun to follow. |
Jul 6, 2023 6:25 PM
Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: ColourWheel said: Ionliosite2 said: Why is No Game No Life so liked when it is just a generic isekai? Just to add some context, "No Game, No Life" was released before there was ever such a thing as a "Generic Isekai". I could ask today why people like 'Dragon Ball Z", it's nothing more than a generic Battle Shounen, right? It's really easy to coin anything as generic when you can cherry pick things you could find in just about any Anime, while completely over looking when they were actually released. Regardless if one might think it's nothing more than just a "Generic Isekai", it actually offers an actual entertaining story, at least I thought it did. If someone really has an issue with "No Game, No Life" simply having elements one could find in other Anime titles, they would be hard pressed to find anything completely original and likely be riddled with dozens of more unimaginative ideas about them than simply singling out a title like "No Game No Life". I do know that No Game No Life was released when isekai wasn't that big of a trend, but like SAO web novel came out in 2003 and it is still not the oldest isekai. Another very bothersome thing for me is that it is still rilled with bland and/or obnoxious characters and the MCs are no more than Mary Sues. Then you just have a personal issue with "No Game, No Life" completely unrelated to your premise. "No Game, No Life" is no more generic anything than any other Anime this medium has to offer. It is not unrelated to my premise, but ok. For a moment I will entertain your idea that "No Game, No Life" is actually a "Generic Isekai" as you say it is. Then it should be easy for you to list over a dozen other Isekai that you think are just like it and even point out why it makes "No Game, No Life" so generic. Your premise left very little context but even in you 1st comment you only offer saying this... Ionliosite2 said: The OP MCs are transported to a world about games where they are invincible because they were good with games in their original world. Would love to see what other Anime follow this same premise that makes it so generic in your mind. Other than that your issues comes off more as a personal gripe than something to actually support your premise. Which is fine. If you simply don't like "No Game, No Life" I could care less. But this could be a great opportunity for you to convince others that "No Game, No Life" is just a "Generic Isekai" by adding more context to your premise, because so far what you have offered isn't very convincing. Easily the first that comes to mind is Mondaiji, it was even compared to that one back when NGNL was airing, it is about 3 Mary Sues that get transported to another world where they play high-stake games, both the anime and the novel came out before NGNL. But those things that bother me more than being generic are obviously the writing of both the plot and its characters, so you can say it is in part "personal gripes". How does two titles that share just one thing in common with each other, which according to you is being "transported to another world where they play high-stake games" really make "No Game, No Life" suddenly coined as a "Generic Isekai"? This sort of premise isn't even generic in itself to begin with I am sure I wouldn't be the only one thinks this either. This is like if someone was to start griping about "Neon Genesis Evangelion" being generic because it shares similarities with "Macross" simply because it has Mecha in it fighting an alien invasion. Besides this is only one example that shares similarities with another title which doesn't suddenly make something generic. You would have to point out at least a few more example where being "transported to another world where they play high-stake games" is a reoccurring theme to even come close to convincing anyone that "No Game, No Life" is generic in this regard. They share many things with each other, and you kinda asked me the same premise not the same everything, but well, I watched Mondaiji like 8 years ago or so and hated it to the brim, so I can say for sure that I don't remember it perfectly. I wouldn't mind if someone says Evangelion is generic, in fact, people already say that and I wouldn't say "no" to them because I see no point in negating it. Yet you only take the time to specifically point out one thing while claiming many examples. Either way all this proves is your gripe with the Anime is personal and really has nothing to do with something being generic or not. Which really has nothing to do with the original premise, Which I said before is fine. I could care less if you really like an Anime or not. |
Jul 6, 2023 6:25 PM
Jul 6, 2023 6:27 PM
I (sadly) watched all of them except Isekai Shoukan whatever whatever, and it's true, they are far worse. |
Jul 6, 2023 6:33 PM
Ionliosite2 said: Exactly. Back then there weren't this many shows and the shows that were big (from what I can remember) were SAO, Log Horizon, Mondaiji, and No Game No Life. These were popular before generic isekai existed so they really aren't generic. I (sadly) watched all of them except Isekai Shoukan whatever whatever, and it's true, they are far worse. I guess it's like calling Naruto, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Bleach, or earlier battle shonen shows as generic, which you totally can but not a lot of people do it. But meh that's just my opinion which I write as I farm my gacha game. |
Jul 6, 2023 6:38 PM
i haven't seen it. but its one of the few isekai that does have me inteteated for 2 reasons: 1. mind game anime are rare, specially the good ones. and i don't know another mind game isekai. 2. the art style is so pretty and unique. |
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Jul 6, 2023 6:44 PM
I support it becuz the author is from my country :D also is nostalgic and love the artstyle |
Jul 6, 2023 8:26 PM
You seem to be assessing it by today's standards. No Game No Life came out in 2014 before the wave of isekai and its reign over the industry. It was still a relatively fresh concept back then. I believe NGNL has enough standout qualities that excludes it from being a generic isekai. It's been almost a full decade and I still recall the show very well while I can't for the life of me remember anything about 100 other actual generic ones. It was done by Madhouse when they still made good shit, so the production quality alone puts it above many others. The art style and color design are fabulous to this day. No other isekai tops it in that regard, in my opinion. Settling everything by games adds a level of strategy rather than mindless action seen in most others. Problem Children is the one most similar to it. Calling that one generic would be fitting considering it was by Diomedea who have never made anything good. |
Jul 7, 2023 2:53 AM
Well not sure but if I would think why I liked it than maybe others liked it too for the similar reasons: 1. Isekai were not that copy pasted back than 2. Protagonists till today are more unique than in average isekai 3. Instead of Hero vs Demon Lord story they've made something more unique 4. Artstyle is unique 5. World is more interesting and diverse/different than in typical Isekai 6. It has a nice soundtrack 7. Protagonists at the beginning have won against literally the God/strongest opponent since the beginning so no one is surprised for them being broken later 8. The idea of defeating and conquering all races to challenge God is a better idea than defeating a casual Demon Lord 9. It is filled with references to other anime/stuff which people like and the 10th covenant of NGNL world - Let's all have fun and play together No one has expected the NGNL reference inside the NGNL thread comment |
Jul 7, 2023 3:57 AM
I think Shiro's design honestly helped it get more popular. The general art style of the anime does stand out a lot for sure. |
Jul 7, 2023 12:20 PM
Its not significantly less-generic than its brethren, but it had a few standouts that make me prefer it over most (no order): 1. Great OP 2. Great Visuals (esp. Art Direction) 3. Mental Battles instead of Physical ones (not super smart yeah but ridiculously fun) 4. Over The Top characters (embracing the power fantasy) 5. All of the above contribute to rule of cool 6. Worldbuilding (basic, but it worked for me) Far from my favorites but i enjoyed it unironically. |
Jul 8, 2023 9:30 PM
Thread locked for breaking the Anime Discussion Guidelines: 2. Please refrain from creating threads that do not encourage meaningful and/or civil discussion. Examples include: [...] g. categorizing generalized opinions as popular/unpopular e.g. Why does everyone like/hate ___, Why is studio ___ so hated, Post your unpopular opinion about ___, etc. You may also use this thread if you want to talk about overrated/underrated anime. |
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