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May 7, 2022 6:28 AM

Apr 2014
Welcome to A・ZU・NA land!!!
I don't think that no one will expect that Nana will reveal her identity as Setsuna before. And, the reactions to her revelation were very good, especially with the vice president.
OH!!!! There is a Maze Town reference in A・ZU・NA's new song, INFINITY!! OUR WINGS!. Maze Town is A・ZU・NA's best song.

AkeZZZMay 7, 2022 6:39 AM
May 7, 2022 6:29 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Amazing episode with amazing new song. I absolutely loved those visuals. Easily my favorite performance so far in this season. A・ZU・NA. <3

It was nice to see everyone working hard together and doing their best for the festival.

That revelation scene was hilarious. Nice character development for Setsuna.

Sakuya and Sakura are so cute. :3 I like their outfits.

SerafosMay 7, 2022 11:20 AM
May 7, 2022 6:59 AM

Feb 2020
Great episode, A•ZU•NA is so gooooooood!
Can't wait for the next week!!
May 7, 2022 7:16 AM

Jul 2013
What a great episode with a lot of great moments. The best one is definitely Setsuna's self reveal.
May 7, 2022 7:55 AM

Mar 2011
Thankfully theres not much conflict. Love the episode.
May 7, 2022 8:00 AM

Feb 2019
LETS GOOOO. Another setsuna episode. This was what I’ve been waiting on all season. So glad Setsuna has finally fully accepted her love for both the student council and being an idol and no longer has to hide who she is. So many cute screengrabs/stitches of her from this ep.

AZUNA performance was great. Can’t wait for that to be up on Apple Music. Fave ep so far easily
May 7, 2022 8:13 AM

Jan 2019
a very nice setsu focused episode. it looks like there isn't a hostile takeover from shioriko. mellow shio is very kind. song was great, felt very AZUNA yet i appreciate the mix of instrumentals for each girl's solo part

VP finding out setsu is nana pretty hilarious
May 7, 2022 8:17 AM

Jun 2021
So for some reason my usual spot for discussing the episode (the Love Live sub) doesn't have a post right now... Nevermind.

I actually screamed a bit when they had Ayumu recreating the "we started this, so we have to see it through to the end" bit that she had with Setsuna past season. Character development 10/10. AZUNA is finally acknowledging the different personalities and styles that the members have, and I'm all for it. That chorus was really cute. And we're finally ready for Shioriko's backstory next episode.
May 7, 2022 10:09 AM

Jan 2018
My girl Setsuna's episode today and Shioriko episode next week. BLESSED. Setsuna finally revealed her identity. She's just the best. And with A • ZU • NA's first live we kick off the festival which was awesome. Great episode as always.
ARK-13May 7, 2022 12:18 PM
May 7, 2022 10:10 AM
Jul 2019
surf78987898 said:
So for some reason my usual spot for discussing the episode (the Love Live sub) doesn't have a post right now... Nevermind.

Saw the Discord conversation between mods, it's because the one usually posting them was away and asked another mod to do it... but that other mod forgot to post it. lol
May 7, 2022 10:13 AM

Jul 2008
While Diver Diva is my least favorite unit on the music side, AZUNA is probably my least favorite subunit from the character/aesthetic side. The grouping still seems kind of thrown together (even after the episodes devoted to them), and their style in the outfits they choose (carnival kind of stuff) is not that appealing to the eye to me.

They really are just changing 90 percent of Shioriko/Mia/Lanzhu's narrative from the game, ahah. Definitely have to take the anime as its own thing. S1 was similar, to be fair.
May 7, 2022 10:36 AM

Apr 2018
Good that they could find a solution for the idol festival with the different other schools, and Setsuna's true identity reveal in front of everyone xD A.ZU.NA representation was good, now another group is done!
May 7, 2022 10:41 AM
Jul 2018
I'm definitely happy Setsuna revealed her alter ego to everyone. There's character growth there. It was kind of like that time Spider-Man revealed his secret identify as Peter Parker, but Setsuna's decision to do so won't have any bad repercussions (hopefully lol).

A・ZU・NA might be my favourite subunit in all of Love Live, not gonna front
May 7, 2022 10:52 AM

Dec 2018
So they had too much people apply to hold the joint concert huh, interesting situation lol, but it was great development for Setsuna, she even revealed to everyone that she’s also the student council president which was a really good moment. And of course I loved AZUNA’s performance, great song and their outfits were kinda goofy but fitting lol.

Also I don’t know why Lanzhu was there at the meeting with the other schools, I guess she’s just as important by herself as entire schools, not a big deal tho lol.
May 7, 2022 11:39 AM

Jul 2008
I LOVE how we get all the N card girls from SIF cameo-ing in this show. Such a love letter to the fans.
May 7, 2022 11:46 AM

Oct 2018
Probably my favorite episode of the season. This was a really great conclusion to Setsuna's character arc in bridging both of her identities as a student council president and a school idol ultimately leading up to her reveal to both her family and everyone at the school. Everything from the soundtrack to the comedy to everyone helping Setsuna out felt very reminiscent of season 1.
May 7, 2022 12:56 PM

Oct 2018
I'm absolutely surprised to see them reveal Setsuna's identity to everyone, in the game hardly anybody knows as far as I've heard. But I do really like that change.
May 7, 2022 3:21 PM

Jul 2016

Pretty well-structured episode overall. Really liked how they merged both A-ZU-NA and the School Idol Festival's storylines together.
May 7, 2022 4:05 PM

Jun 2021
AZUNA best group! Love so much my favourite girls
May 7, 2022 4:08 PM

Nov 2009
They revealed who Setsuna really is...

*if I was in-anime fan: "I wanted Setsuna to be a Alien"*


It was funny when they tried to deceive VP, but she just stays her poker face, unmoved.

But VP apparently is very understanding and supports Setsuna.

(tho some ppls were shocked, lol)

___ ___ ___

Donno how they suddenly got too many application for the concert... they didn't pre-schedule the people that's already in and shows how much room is left?

Also... the Joint school festival... (still a bit confused)

So the groups are basically just performing at their own school?

Doesn't that pretty much defeat the purpose of "Joint" if they're not all in one place?

Instead of "joint" it's just schools doing the festivals at the same time. (that they're already doing regardless of "joint" or not)

(and it also means ppls have to choose which school to go watch whichever group that's performing there instead of watching everyone from one single school) (thus meaning ppls won't be able to watch all performance like an actual "joint concert")

Or are they doing it on a this groups performing at this school on this day, and the next day a different groups performing at a different school?

So instead of a one day event, it's multiple day event.

But problem still there... are the actual school that's already done with "their" festival going to basically give entire week of days off so ppls can go watch other groups performing at a different school?

Meaning... if they're going to do multiple days of festival, there's no real need to have multiple school... when you can just have the multiple day on one single school.

(so the groups are "not left out", but rather the "students/ watchers/ audiences" are now the ones left out, unless the students are watching it on their phone during class... lol)
amlgMay 7, 2022 4:33 PM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
May 7, 2022 6:34 PM
Nov 2020
best episode so far
May 7, 2022 10:19 PM

Apr 2021
A・ZU・NA's new song is *chef's kiss*. I def played it multiple times.

May 8, 2022 1:31 AM
Apr 2022
This was such a fire episode and I loved the whole story. Though I hate the costumes in the insert song like they look really really ugly. Also it doesn't suit Setsuna and Shizuku at all.
May 8, 2022 5:19 AM

Jun 2021
Okay, so we've learnt a few things in this episode:

Shioriko won't be taking over as president like she did in the game. No doubt she'll be elected, but it won't be in a coup over Nana, who'll end her time and step aside naturally. This is a good thing. So in the meantime, it appears the story will instead focus on Shioriko's secret passion to become a school idol and whether or not she'll embrace it. Again, looks like a foregone conclusion she'll join the School Idol Club, but it'll be nice to see it more from her perspective and give the show the opportunity to explore her character a bit more.

It also appears Nijigasaki is taking a page from Bandori's book and making a huge joint festival with a bunch of other schools. Instead of two, it'll be five! School Idol Festival 2: Electric Boogaloo is going to be epic!

Nana finally told her (very good looking) mom that she's an anime-obsessed idol. I hope the glasses-wearing nerd doesn't leave us tho. I like her a lot.

WE GOT DREAM LAND! Fairy Ayumu! Honey Bear Shizuku! MAZE TOWN! THE DREAM LAND SONG ACTUALLY PLAYED! So many references, very nice.

Also, the Vice President is so precious, we must protect her at all costs.
May 8, 2022 6:15 AM

Jul 2014
I accept that the game and anime are entirely different continuities and that I shouldn't be expecting the anime to directly adapt the plots the game used (hell, they made a change for the better on that front with how they've integrated Lanzhu), but I feel like every single decision they made here regarding Setsuna and Shioriko completely diminishes them as characters and arguably defeats the point of those traits to begin with. On top of that, the anime basically disregarded the fact that the Setsuna identity was one Nana made so her strict parents wouldn't find out what she's doing, but apparently when they do find out they just don't care at all. Nice job just completely disregarding the foundations of Setsuna's characterisation, you imbeciles.

The way the anime has handled her, Shioriko is an absolutely pointless character. There's nothing to her personality in the anime. There's no drama or conflict from her being added to the cast, and that lack of conflict removes all the weight from Setsuna revealing her true identity: she's never been challenged as the President, there's been no consequences for her leading the double life as President and school idol (and therefore no reason to care that Shioriko found out) and so it all just doesn't matter.

Love Live as a franchise can go OTT with the drama at times, but this second season of Nijigaku is trying too hard to course-correct into having no drama at all and it's just completely ruining the characters by making them completely flat.

By far my least-favourite episode of the entire Nijigaku anime. I hated the yandere Ayumu stuff more, but I just loathe what this episode as a whole represents.
May 8, 2022 11:04 AM

Mar 2018
Can't believe that we get this after the masterpiece that was Love Live! Superstar!!

Everything feels so flat...
May 8, 2022 3:42 PM
Jul 2018
loved the performance and also the way Ayumu and Shizuku trying to convince Shioriko after she found out Setsuna and Nana were the same person >_>
May 8, 2022 10:25 PM

Mar 2017
Honestly I'm really surprised how much the N girls are making appearances. I thought they were never really going to be in the anime considering that they took 3 of the N girls and made them part of the Nijigasaki group, but I guess that's not the case.

I know the first season showed some of the N girls too, but I thought that was just a little easter egg as a one-time thing, especially since Haruka is Kanata's sister in the game so it made sense to have her appear. It's really nice to see them though! Just makes me kind of wish we could actually see them perform as well haha, some of N girl groups had pretty interesting premises/good character designs and outfits in the game. Kind of a shame that we only get to see Nijigasaki perform.
May 8, 2022 10:49 PM

Mar 2017
Atavistic said:
On top of that, the anime basically disregarded the fact that the Setsuna identity was one Nana made so her strict parents wouldn't find out what she's doing, but apparently when they do find out they just don't care at all. Nice job just completely disregarding the foundations of Setsuna's characterisation, you imbeciles.

Yeah this really confused me during the episode. I will admit I haven't kept up with the game's main storyline in awhile, but I was pretty sure that Setsuna kept her school idol business as a secret because of her strict parents. So it really surprised me when she just went and told her mother in this episode. Definitely does give me mixed feelings of how they're changing up their anime characters in relation to their game characters.
May 9, 2022 4:15 AM

Aug 2011
Atavistic said:
I accept that the game and anime are entirely different continuities and that I shouldn't be expecting the anime to directly adapt the plots the game used (hell, they made a change for the better on that front with how they've integrated Lanzhu), but I feel like every single decision they made here regarding Setsuna and Shioriko completely diminishes them as characters and arguably defeats the point of those traits to begin with. On top of that, the anime basically disregarded the fact that the Setsuna identity was one Nana made so her strict parents wouldn't find out what she's doing, but apparently when they do find out they just don't care at all. Nice job just completely disregarding the foundations of Setsuna's characterisation, you imbeciles.

The way the anime has handled her, Shioriko is an absolutely pointless character. There's nothing to her personality in the anime. There's no drama or conflict from her being added to the cast, and that lack of conflict removes all the weight from Setsuna revealing her true identity: she's never been challenged as the President, there's been no consequences for her leading the double life as President and school idol (and therefore no reason to care that Shioriko found out) and so it all just doesn't matter.

Love Live as a franchise can go OTT with the drama at times, but this second season of Nijigaku is trying too hard to course-correct into having no drama at all and it's just completely ruining the characters by making them completely flat.

By far my least-favourite episode of the entire Nijigaku anime. I hated the yandere Ayumu stuff more, but I just loathe what this episode as a whole represents.

Are you new in the franchise? Japans fans stop playing sifas after what happen with lanzhu and the gangs. You want same thing happen with anime? So far Japan fans like this season 2 and CDS and BDS doing really well.
May 9, 2022 6:21 AM

Oct 2007
they could not do their event, but then managed to do an even bigger collab with other schools. :)

nice debut for AZUNA. Did not expect Setsuna to actually reveal her identity - that girl who admired her looks so happy.

and damn, I somehow skipped episode 5.. gonna watch it tom. ><
too much playing of Genshin Impact made me forget..
May 9, 2022 8:48 AM

Jun 2021
this was such a great episode

All those fake possibilities about Nana being an alien or something... lol. And i adored Shioriko's dull surprise reaction about her secret identity (in a very different way from expected) is discovered, including those poor attempts also from Ayumu and Shizuku to cover it.

And when Nana (always preferred this name instead of Setsuna, honestly) needs friends, she remembers that she always had some. And even better, when Ayumu of all people approaches her with a fistbump exactly as Nana did to her in that wonderful episode 12 of season 1, she proves herself as the best.

Yoshiko, please, you already had your own show. Please go out of Sakuya Kurobane's body. Damn.

Nana's reveal was honestly plagued with Clark Kent's syndrome, but still amusing to watch also for some reactions of people from the student council

Finally, i was obviously glad to watch Maze Town and Say Goodbye Namida costumes during A*Zu*Na song.

Now, it finally seems time for Shioriko's development.
_untitledMay 11, 2022 5:59 AM
May 9, 2022 2:08 PM

Dec 2011
I dunno but they should put more emphasis on the outfits for the performances. They look unflattering, uninspired and bland yet again - we're talking Love Live! here, what happened? The designs used to be much more interesting, for example in the Superstar series or any one before that.

Really, this sequel feels very flat apart from the very amusing songs and performances overall. Still can't get over the outfits tho.
May 11, 2022 2:39 AM

Nov 2019
Setsuna's arc was covered perfectly waa

Glad the girls managed to pull through in the end and figure out how to have the School Idol Festival on the culture festival days

Sakuya and Sakura are adorable, I hope we get to see more of their duo

Nana revealing herself to be Yuki Setsuna, the reactions were hilarious

A・ZU・NA's performance was so cute~!
May 11, 2022 5:09 AM
Jul 2021
This episode made me cry ! I never would expect Setsuna going all out with revealing her identity. Not to mention, the scene when Ayumu reach her fist out, really a nostalgia to the Season 1 when Setsuna reach her fist out for Ayumu.
May 15, 2022 11:36 PM

Oct 2017
Setsuna trying to hide her secret after Shioriko found out was hilarious. Her secret's finally out to everyone too. Vice Prez wins the award for the best reaction of the year for sure. Also I like Kurobane Sakuya, she seems amusing. Sakura too.
May 19, 2022 7:13 PM
Nov 2020
Atavistic said:
I accept that the game and anime are entirely different continuities and that I shouldn't be expecting the anime to directly adapt the plots the game used (hell, they made a change for the better on that front with how they've integrated Lanzhu), but I feel like every single decision they made here regarding Setsuna and Shioriko completely diminishes them as characters and arguably defeats the point of those traits to begin with. On top of that, the anime basically disregarded the fact that the Setsuna identity was one Nana made so her strict parents wouldn't find out what she's doing, but apparently when they do find out they just don't care at all. Nice job just completely disregarding the foundations of Setsuna's characterisation, you imbeciles.

The way the anime has handled her, Shioriko is an absolutely pointless character. There's nothing to her personality in the anime. There's no drama or conflict from her being added to the cast, and that lack of conflict removes all the weight from Setsuna revealing her true identity: she's never been challenged as the President, there's been no consequences for her leading the double life as President and school idol (and therefore no reason to care that Shioriko found out) and so it all just doesn't matter.

Love Live as a franchise can go OTT with the drama at times, but this second season of Nijigaku is trying too hard to course-correct into having no drama at all and it's just completely ruining the characters by making them completely flat.

By far my least-favourite episode of the entire Nijigaku anime. I hated the yandere Ayumu stuff more, but I just loathe what this episode as a whole represents.

She revealed the truth to her parents in hopes they'll be able to understand her passion for school idols and that her grades are not getting affected despite the fact that she joined the school idol club...It's rough having dual-persona so this reveal is actually good for her development to finally lift all of her burdens and worries, of everything that's holding her back so she could be at her best.

As long as her grades aren't affected, strict parents like hers won't really care much.

Tell me something about Lanzhu though, u played the game right? I heard she did some fck ups in the game's storyline but how bad is it? And who was the student council president at the time?
May 20, 2022 1:09 AM

Jul 2014
Shirowhite01 said:
Tell me something about Lanzhu though, u played the game right? I heard she did some fck ups in the game's storyline but how bad is it? And who was the student council president at the time?

So, in the game, Lanzhu and Mia are introduced at the start of season 2 of the SIFAS story, by which point Shioriko has been student council president for quite a while and already gone through her entire arc.

As for how bad it is, very bad. Between the season 1 and 2 stories, the player-character goes on a student exchange program for a couple months and by the time she comes back Lanzhu and Mia have been around for a while, having been inspired by the School Idol Festival (not too dissimilar to what the anime gave us so far).

In that time (and entirely offscreen) Lanzhu is somehow able to set up her own rival school idol group in the school (the Association) and forcibly disband the Club, while also using members of the disciplinary committee (the green-haired twins who we've seen a few times in the anime) as an anti-Club group whose sole purpose is to stop the Club from practicing, performing or doing anything that would constitute club activities.

This is already bad enough, but Lanzhu is also somehow able to convince several members of the Club to leave and join the Association instead, showing complete disregards for their bonds as a group: this was initially just Ai and Karin, but Shizuku also defects by the end of the first chapter of the season 2 story (I also hear Shioriko joins later too). Also, despite being student council president, Shioriko does absolutely nothing about this situation and seems almost entirely nonplussed about it, thus defeating the point of her entire in-game character arc in my eyes.

And you remember that comment anime-Lanzhu made to Ayumu in the first episode of this season? Lanzhu's basically like that, but dialled up to 11 in the game with an extra-strong dose of narcissism to boot. But the game tries its hardest to not present Lanzhu as in the wrong as most of the club seem to just accept the new status quo (which they had to do off-screen cos there's no way they could have made it make sense on-screen) with Kasumi being the only one actually angry with Lanzhu about the whole situation.

I stopped reading after the first two chapters of this, but from what I understand they later backpedal hard to outright retcon these chapters by shifting Lanzhu to something closer to what we've seen in the anime. I also understand that she is not made to apologise for everything she did and instead it's the Club who apologise to Lanzhu despite never being in the wrong, a writing choice which only added fuel to the fire.

As to how Lanzhu is able to actually do what she does without repercussions, I'll spoiler tag this in case it comes up as a plot point in the anime later (I very, very much doubt the anime will even touch any of the rest now):
May 24, 2022 12:04 PM
May 2019
Absolutely loved this episode with Setsuna's reveal and AZUNA was too cute.
May 24, 2022 12:10 PM
May 2019
Casual_RezaF said:
This episode made me cry ! I never would expect Setsuna going all out with revealing her identity. Not to mention, the scene when Ayumu reach her fist out, really a nostalgia to the Season 1 when Setsuna reach her fist out for Ayumu.

Yeah I like that her mom took it well also and they showed her watching the AZUNA concert on her laptop.
Jun 1, 2022 9:04 AM
Nov 2020
Atavistic said:
Shirowhite01 said:
Tell me something about Lanzhu though, u played the game right? I heard she did some fck ups in the game's storyline but how bad is it? And who was the student council president at the time?

So, in the game, Lanzhu and Mia are introduced at the start of season 2 of the SIFAS story, by which point Shioriko has been student council president for quite a while and already gone through her entire arc.

As for how bad it is, very bad. Between the season 1 and 2 stories, the player-character goes on a student exchange program for a couple months and by the time she comes back Lanzhu and Mia have been around for a while, having been inspired by the School Idol Festival (not too dissimilar to what the anime gave us so far).

In that time (and entirely offscreen) Lanzhu is somehow able to set up her own rival school idol group in the school (the Association) and forcibly disband the Club, while also using members of the disciplinary committee (the green-haired twins who we've seen a few times in the anime) as an anti-Club group whose sole purpose is to stop the Club from practicing, performing or doing anything that would constitute club activities.

This is already bad enough, but Lanzhu is also somehow able to convince several members of the Club to leave and join the Association instead, showing complete disregards for their bonds as a group: this was initially just Ai and Karin, but Shizuku also defects by the end of the first chapter of the season 2 story (I also hear Shioriko joins later too). Also, despite being student council president, Shioriko does absolutely nothing about this situation and seems almost entirely nonplussed about it, thus defeating the point of her entire in-game character arc in my eyes.

And you remember that comment anime-Lanzhu made to Ayumu in the first episode of this season? Lanzhu's basically like that, but dialled up to 11 in the game with an extra-strong dose of narcissism to boot. But the game tries its hardest to not present Lanzhu as in the wrong as most of the club seem to just accept the new status quo (which they had to do off-screen cos there's no way they could have made it make sense on-screen) with Kasumi being the only one actually angry with Lanzhu about the whole situation.

I stopped reading after the first two chapters of this, but from what I understand they later backpedal hard to outright retcon these chapters by shifting Lanzhu to something closer to what we've seen in the anime. I also understand that she is not made to apologise for everything she did and instead it's the Club who apologise to Lanzhu despite never being in the wrong, a writing choice which only added fuel to the fire.

As to how Lanzhu is able to actually do what she does without repercussions, I'll spoiler tag this in case it comes up as a plot point in the anime later (I very, very much doubt the anime will even touch any of the rest now):

I appreciate ur explanation about the Lanzhu scandal in the game and yeah it's really bad now that i know what happened, i'm glad the anime changed Lanzhu and Shioriko's characters for the better...I just hope the anime staff won't decide to use the controversial plot point that was in the game into the anime it will only hurt their sales if they use it.
Aug 21, 2022 12:07 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Setsuna finally came clean to everyone and Shioriko was surprisingly chill with it. I'm glad they're handling it so well here! Also loving all these app characters. I spotted the 2 a while ago but it's nice to see them have speaking roles. Shioriko's sister is also pretty cool
Mar 7, 2023 11:39 AM

Jan 2020
Seems like all the N girls got an appearance except for my favorite (Mutsuki) </3

« »
🍙 Koizumi Hanayo
Dareka Tasukete!!!
Jun 5, 2023 11:20 PM

Oct 2021
I like how Shizuku pretended to be Setsuna, cause when I first started watching, I kept getting the two of them confused. 
Jul 9, 2023 12:23 PM
Feb 2016
Me gusta este anime.

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