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Jun 13, 2017 5:02 AM
We start off with balls being destroyed. Lots of balls start appearing then we enter a ball showing the universe then Earth. Hold up. Multiple universes. Holy shit! Kaiba built himself a deathstar in just 6 months. Not even surprised. It is beautiful. LMAO Of course it's shaped as KC. OMG! Kaiba has the Sennen Puzzle! That is the most beautiful Sennen Puzzle in the series. Kaiba's eyes! So beautiful. Old Kaiba is back! Holy shit! They're digging in the Shrine of the Underworld. Oh shit! They developed smartphones in just 6 months. Well, if KC can build a deathstar then a smartphone is a piece of cake. They looking for the puzzle. CG helicopters. Ugh. Mokuba changed his appearance during these 6 months. He's no longer that brat with a gang that carried knives and guns. It's Yugi!!!! He looks taller from the end of the manga. It's Sugoroku! Damn. Yugi's voice. Anzu stop coming by the crib. That lady Yugi ran right by had some nice oppai. lol at Yugi saying hey to the cat. HOLY FOCKING SHIT! LAWD JESUS! ANZU IS SO FINE! DEM LEGS! DAT OPPAI! AAAAAAAAH! Yugi is now up to Anzu's eyes. No longer looking at Anzu's oppai from 6 months ago. Jonouchi!!!!!!! Return of the Air Max. LMAO Of course he's late. lol at that cute school girl running because she's late as well. LMFAO at Jonouchi getting a morning facial from Sanpei. That woman Jonouchi rode by in the sweater is is cute and has nice oppai. LAWD JESUS! LOOK AT THOSE LEGS! The skirts teasing the pantsu from that angle. The amount of pantsu tanks I want to do. AAAAAAAH! Anzu oppai on point. Bakura continues to get bitches. lol at the two girls on the side pressing their faces against each other. That girl with the ponytail is cute. Honda!!!!!!!!! lol at Honda hopping on the back. LMAO Jonouchi and Honda got through before Karita closed the gate. Damn. Look at that girl working them hips. It's the cute ponytail Bakura fangirl behind them. lol at Jonouchi putting Honda in a hold. Jonouchi is dreaming of being a pro duelist. Yugi got his deck taken away. lol Sounds like Yugi to make a game. Dat oppai. Dat girl sticking out that booty. Deserves a pantsu tank. Who is that guy? Yugi and co. don't recognize him, but now they know Aigami. Anzu oppai. Kaz's original Black Magician. Yugi can't forget Atem. Oh, man. The Ceremonial duel. Fock! CG Osiris. Oh, yeah! Old Yu-Gi-Oh! bullying. Good times. Kudaragi just called Aigami cute. That's suspect as fock. Damn. Kudaragi got a nice phone. Jonouchi with the nice backflip recovery. Did that black dude just spit on Jonouchi? Dat Blue Eyes Maintenance Dragon. Aigami's laughing. WTF! Aigami just summoned a cube. WTF! Kids are appearing. Holy shit! The way Kudaragi and his gang disappeared gave me old Yu-Gi-Oh! vibes. WTF! Aigami walked by the camera then ended up being it. Wait...who is that? OMG! He's wearing the jacket cape. I saw those gold bangles. It can only be... OMFG! It's Atem! AAAAAAAAAH! Kaiba is there. That is the most brollic Atem in the series. Based Kagami. Kaiba is mad because he didn't see Atem leave. Kaiba's got a new Duel Disk. Dat Passionate Duelist. Eh? Why did the duel disk just transform? It never did that in the manga. Holy shit! Dat Duel Gauge is amazing. The best in the whole series. Oh, shit! 8000 LP. Yugi (Not Atem. He's 16.) and Kaiba are 18 now. Dat Duel Link Dimension System. Ugh...CG Blue Eyes. Yuugo Shokan! Holy shit! Kaiba has a new Blue Eyes Ultimate. Atem summoned Black Magician! Neo can attack 3 times? Holy shit! ATEM!!!!! Nice counter. Atem has a new Elf Swordsman. Old Elf Swordsman. The memories. Dat Elf Swordsman sakuga. Kaiba has a new Blood Vorse. OMG! My waifu returns! BLACK MAGICIAN GIRL! Dem legs! Unfortunately, she is a victim of anime sabotage because her oppai are smaller compared to the manga, which were C cups. Kaiba broke Neo free. He's going to attack. Dat Atem smile. AAAAAAAAAAAH! He said it. He said Sore wa dou kana. It's over! I love how the music stopped before he said it. OMG! They played God's anger! AAAAAAAAAH! Kaiba got that fock my life face. Kaiba survived? IT'S EXACTLY 9000! Damn. That look on Atem's face. HAIPA ARUTIMETTO BASUTO! ATEM!!!!!!!!!! The duel wasn't real. Kaiba's old scientist shows up. The new way of dueling is called Duel Links Solid Vision System. Kaiba is getting rid of physical cards and going all digital, plus the cards will be visualized by the players memory banks. Amazing. So that's how Atem showed up. But Kaiba said he visualized him perfectly, which is not true since Atem never wore bangles (only in Egypt) and his wrist bands were different (anime version). Plus, the Duel Disk never transformed. What did the water bottle do to you? Kaiba is trying to revive Atem. They found the Puzzle. Girl in the blue skirt got a nice booty. Damn. That mom is a MILF. OTOGI!!! He works there. OMG! Anzu in that outfit looking so fine! I want her to eat my ice cream. Yugi's not in his school clothes. Thank god. Yugi got on that Drump outfit. Bakura got on his Duel Art clothes. OMG! Anzu oppai on point! Yugi got a nice phone. Damn. Dat Anzu close up. Dat oppai jiggle. Bakura's fan club following him. lol Kaiba is making an announcement. Oh shit! Jonouchi is the one in the shibe suit. LMFAO LAWD JESUS! Anzu oppai. LMAO at Jonouchi trying to get Honda to buy him a new Duel Disk. HOLY FOCKING SHIT! ANZU'S OPPAI WHEN SHE GOT UP! LAWD! LMAO at Jonouchi eating Anzu's ice cream. Anzu oppai jiggle. LMAO at Honda throwing Jonouchi to the ground. Otogi's dad is back. He fired Jonouchi? Hold up. Then that means Jonouchi worked for Otogi's dad and Otogi finally got Jonouchi to be a dog. LMAO Aigami is back. What is that place? Those pillars have the Sennen items on them. Aigami appeared. Holy crap those kids. Aigami's name is Deva? It's Sera. WTF! Was that Yami Bakura? Aigami disappeared. LMAO at Jonouchi and Otogi's dad. Holy shit! Aigami actually disappeared. ISONO!!!!! Kaiba has arrived in his Blue Eyes Fighter Jet. Finally, we get to see it animated. It looks awesome. Holy shit! That's a big ass fall. Hold up. If you were going to land it then why jump out from that height? Dramatic ass. Kaiba is finally in the Shrine of the Underworld where he missed the battle between Atem and Yugi. Holy shit at that security system. Kaiba senses something. A lock that takes 13 minutes. lol Kaiba knows Aigami and his true name. WTF! Kaiba can pinpoint a persons location. Also, WTF! Aigami was in DC 3 minutes ago. Oh shit! KC rules over all of DC. A person can't register as a resident without registering their dueling deck? Cute girl with the purple hair. lol at Aigami calling Kaiba a mad dictator. That guard pulled out a gun on Aigami. Old Yu-Gi-Oh! nostalgia. The cube. Those kids. That guard is disappearing. Aigami talks about the collective human conciousness. That guard was transferred to another dimension. Aigami's group are called Prana. Aigami used the cube on Kaiba. NO!!!!!! Don't get spooked, Mokuba! Kaiba pulled out the Duel Disk. Holy shit! That's what was in his shoulder pad. Kaiba countered Aigami's supernatural cube with science. Kaiba and Aigami are going to duel in the Shrine of the Underworld. The cube transformed. Dimensional Realm? That hole in the sky. Ore no taan...Doro! Dimension Summon. The Duel Gauge changed. It now has Spirit. OMG! That aura around Kaiba. That old Yu-Gi-Oh! nostalgia. Dat Krystal Dragon. Aigami just summoned Hokai'in Vijam. Another Krystal Dragon. Vijam disappeared into another dimension to avoid the attack. The other KD has been undimensionalized as well. Kaiba has Blue Eyes in his hand now. Holy shit! Another new Blue Eyes. Alternative. Horobi no Bansutorimu! Aigami negated the attack. Now Kaiba has 2 more BE on the field. Seeing Kaiba's BE's get un-dimensionalized reminded me of Fate/Zero's Ending theme. Holy crap! Dat Dark Ganex. Holy crap! Dat effect. Now Aigami summons Blade Garoodia. Holy crap at BE's getting destroyed. Holy crap! Now Aigamu summons Buster Gundil. Kaiba!!!!! Kaiba got sent flying. Kaiba counters with Counter Gate. Aigami blocked Kaiba's field. NO!!!! Kaiba tells himself how he should have been the one to beat Atem, but he wasn't there. Now Atem's ghost haunts him. Kaiba yells and slaps the ground. The ground starts glowing. Could this be....a Destiny draw? DORO!! Something's happening. The ground is crumbling. OMG! God's anger! Holy shit! Obelisk no Kyoshinhei! He looks different. Aigami is shook as fock! Monsuta de wa nai!! Kami da!! Goddo Hando Inpakuto!! Aigami with the Yu-Gi-Oh! eyes. The lock is finished. lol at Mokuba riding on the box. Aigami teleported to Mokuba. His hand went through the glass. Mokuba headbutts Aigami. Kaiba dipped. Mani found the Sennen Ring. lol at Jonouchi's dream. lol at Karita getting on Jonouchi. Anzu oppai. The girl next to Anzu oppai. lol at Honda. Sera and Aigami are related. lol at the two dudes in the classroom. Anzu oppai more on point than that bowling ball. Jonouchi really has Red Eyes back. Oh shit! They're at Burger World. The memories. The place Anzu fell in love with Atem. Honda, you damn well know it was Atem who beat Kaiba. Holy focking shit at that station. Kaiba got cute girls working for him. Kaiba's planning anouther tournament. LMAO Kaiba has his own way to get to space. Amazing. Kaiba built a space station just to complete the puzzle. Plus, he's going to do in 6 hours what took Yugi 8 years. LMAO Jonouchi asks Aigami whats up with his cube. Jonouchi and especially Bakura know full well that if they see the Eye of Wdjat in Japan, it means trouble and that they should run. They've been through supernatural shit for 3 years to know better. Those girls that walked by Bakura are cute. Sera so kawaii. Can't to see her grow up. Shadi's full name is Shin. That Prana blonde hair girl is cute and has nice oppai. Yugi shares the same wavelength as teh Prana. Sera gave Yugi a piece of the Puzzle. Bakura is getting shook. We finally see Bakura's dad. Jonouchi!!!!! Yugi on a bike. LMAO at his hair. Jonouchi's been cut from the hive. Sayonara. LAWD! Anzu in that outfit. Shadi never had those markings on his face in the manga. lol at the way Deva said Oh. lol Shadi didn't tell Bakura's dad the consequences of wearing the Ring. Bakura's dad got off lucky. His insides should have burned resulting in him spitting out fire and his eyes burning. The return of Yami Bakura! Ko-Yami Bakura is so kawaii with his little horns. Sennen key is shit for not being able to protect its owner. Shadi had the cube. And that is how Shadi died. Ko-Yami Bakura killing kids. No regard for human life. I see they played it safe and not have the Rings needles pierce Bakura skin like in the manga. I assume Ko-Yami Bakura took Bakura's dad to the hospital. Would be awkward to leave him there with Aigami and the rest. Mani is back. That damn Ring. Mani is gone. Yugi and co. arrive at DC Plaza where Battle City began. Aigami appears in front of them. Aigami implanted memories into them. He revealed his name. Deva said the name of the title. Roll credits! Deva said it again. Roll credits! Jonouchi is disappearing. NO!!!!! Atem! Jonouchi is back! Deva said it again. Roll credits! Jonouchi didn't tell Yugi he saw Atem. Helicopters appeared before Deva. Holy shit! Swat team surronded Deva. They sealed Deva's powers and took the cube. Kaiba is in the middle of the street holding up traffic. Kaiba shows Yugi the Puzzle. LMAO Kaiba just told Yugi his house has camera's in it. lol at Mokuba locking the store up for Yugi. Yugi's about to get hit by a truck. Sera so kawaii. Deva is locked up. They won't let him out. Anzu oppai. Anzu phone tho. That jet. Look out! Neo BEUD appeared out of the ground and destroyed the jet. Dat explosion! LMFAO You know old Kaiba is back when he did some over the top sick shit like that as an example to show off the new Duel Disk. Holy shit! It's that piece of shit scumbag mother focker Haga and Ryuzaki. Yo! When Kaiba said to the crowd that "Your weapons are now your cards", that scene reminded me of Atem's image of Seto leading the people of Egypt after returning from the Memory world. Kaiba's speech was so beautiful. Had a smile on my face. WTF is Kaiba standing on? That's futuristic as fock. Holy shit at that ground appearing. Holy shit at Yugi's voice. Kaiba throwing the duelist like a frisbee. lol There it is. Yugi putting on the Duel Disk. The scene Kaz worked on. The whole of Kaiba land is in the Dimension Realm. Sera so kawaii. Oh, yeah! The duel aura is back. Yugi summoned a new Giant Soldier. Deva summons Geira Guile. DAT OST! LMFAO at how Yugi was flying away. Deva summons Dragni. YUGI!!!!!! Deva summons Indiora. Deva said the name of the title again. Roll credits! Yugi summoned a new Gaia. Yugi declines Deva's offer. Shadi appears. So that's how Sera appeared in Kaiba's mansion and then disappeared. Shadi used the cube on that asshole. Holy shit! Dat Dimension Trap Pyramid. Yugi beat Deva. LMAO at Jonouchi and Honda doing the Inoki face. Deva disappeared. Bakura's back. Sorry, Yugi, but Kaiba's not interested in you. He wants his rival. Kaiba is straight up savage. DAT OST! Time for Kaiba and Yugi to duel. LMAO at Kaiba's savagery calling Yugi, "Vessel" Yugi. Kaiba summoned Blue Eyes. Hametsu no Toripuru Basuto Sutorimu!! Black Magician! Dat Fortress. Ritual summon? Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon? HOLY SHIT! Konton no Makishimamu Bāsuto!! A new Magician Girl has been summoned. Apple Magician Girl. LAWD! Dat oppai. Dat booty. Dem legs. Dat oppai jiggle. Another Magician Girl. Lemon Magician Girl. Dat Apple side oppai and booty. And finally....My waifu, BLACK MAGICIAN GIRL! Kaiba is calling out the Ultimate dragon. That would be Neo BEUD, right? WTF! Deep Eyes White Dragon? Holy shit! Gandora...X? Yugi is putting the pieces inside. Sera so kawaii. Deva found the Ring again. He's being surrounded by darkness. Atem is not inside the Puzzle. Kaiba's face. I'm so sad for him. Don't accept it, Kaiba. You didn't do all this for nothing. God's anger! SHISHA SOSEI DA! Yugi countered Kaiba and summons Black Magician. Is Kaiba going to lose? NO!!!!!! Ike, Black Magician! BLACK MAGIC! Kaiba's LP are falling, but he smiles with a face down card on the field. What just happened? The power shut off. Deva is back. The Ring is on the cube. Holy shit! That guy is disappearing. More people are. Holy shit! Deva transformed. That's our Kaz. Sera so kawaii. Deva said the title again. Roll credits! The cube is the 8th Sennen Item? It connects to the space between dimensions. Sera is kawaii. SERA!!!!!!!!! Anzu's eyelashes are beautiful. Oh shit! The first ever Kaiba-Yugi tag team. Dimensional Realm Duel of Darkness. Holy crap! Deva summoned Crimson Nova. Dat Pandemic Dragon. Deva said the name of the title again. Roll credits! Deva summoned his boss monster. Crimson Nova Trinity! KAIBA!!!!!!! Kaiba said to call him. Deva said the title again. Roll credits! Yugi put on the Puzzle. Yugi used a new Kuriboh! JONOUCHI!!!! The light in Yugi's eyes are gone. Yugi's falling. He couldn't live up to the moment that Atem thrives in. WTF! A gold falls from the sky and hits Yugi. The light is getting rid of the darkness. The Sennen Puzzle made the noise. What is happening? No way...Could it be...him? OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATEM IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The return of teh jacket cape! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT! ATEM'S EYES! DAT FACE! THAT IS THE FIERCEST ATEM IN THE SERIES! HOLY SHIT! DAT DRAW WAS BEAUTIFUL AND MAJESTIC! The way Atem drew the card and slapped it on the board with that finesse without looking at the card. Beautiful. OMFG! MAHADO!!!!!! Atem defeated Mahado with the wan taan kiru! Deva disappeared. Atem saved the world...again. Kaiba is back! Hurry up and wake up. Atem is here. Atem looking so awesome. I want to cry. Atem and Yugi separated. Yugi still isn't the same height as Atem? lol The light has returned to Atem's eyes. NO!!!!! DONT GO!!!!!!!!! Deva lives. Their powers are gone now since Atem came back. Sera so kawaii. Anzu asking if her husbando is doing well. Oh, lord! Anzu oppai. lol at Jonouchi looking at Kaiba. Kaiba tells "Yugi" that he was once again...a truly proud duelist. lol at Jonouchi and Honda crying. Yugi and co. graduated. Mani heads in a separate direction. Sera so kawaii. I'll miss you Sera! Anzu says farewell as she goes to America. Holy shit at Kaiba's new outfit with all that gear. Kaiba is gearing up heading off somewhere. He leaves everything to Mokuba. Kaiba is in a desert and he has the dimension bubbles around him so he's in another dimension. Holy shit! Kaiba is in Egypt. The Palace. Could Kaiba really be.... OMFG!!!!! Kaiba is in a throne room. Someone has the Puzzle. The person gets up. Kaiba shows off his new improved Duel Disk. Kaiba says Hmph. It's Atem....and HE SMILED!!!!! KAIBA ENTERED THE AFTERLIFE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Holy shit! I originally watched this a week ago. I knew it'd take me 6 hours to finish watching this in one sitting (true story) because I had to appreciate every single thing that happened and that's without me typing my live reactions to each scene. I knew this movie was going to be a masterpiece and that I was going to rewatch it a day or 2 after so I saved the live reactions for the rewatch. It took me 3 days to finish the rewatch because every 30 minutes took 2-4 hours and since I did the final 1 hour in one sitting that took 5 hours, but it was worth it because all masterpieces are. My live reactions took up the whole page so I had to put them in spoilers. lol Anyway, I've been waiting to watch this movie since it was announced, even more so when it was revealed to be a sequel to the manga with Kaz working on it. As expected, Kaz delivered with this masterpiece showing that the original manga canon (His story) is the best in the series. After years of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime canon being dominant in the series after the original manga ended, it's so great to see the manga canon get some love, especially since it was the 20th anniversary of the manga (1996). Plus, it's a Kaiba movie with Yugi being added to the plot afterwards because Kaz didn't think fans would be interested in a Kaiba only movie. With that said, why the fock is Yugi appearing first in the credits followed by Kaiba? That's bullshit and unfair to Kaiba, the leading man. Holy shit at what Kaiba's done in just 6 months. Reading Transcend Game, I was thinking "Okay, the world of Duel Links. I can see that." regarding the advance in technology then the beginning of the movie hits you with a Space Elevator. In 6 months....a Space Elevator....and it was built to complete the Puzzle. Then we have smartphones and the rest of what Kaiba did to Domino City. Kaiba Corp. knows your exact location. Kaiba literally pulls up a screen telling Aigami that he was in DC just 3 minutes ago. You also can't become a citizen without registering your dueling deck. LMAO Then all the futuristic shit at Kaiba Land. You have to remember that this movie is in the year 1999. That's our Kaiba. TsudaKen's first performance as the manga version of Kaiba was amazing. I really felt for Kaiba in this movie because he wasn't in the final arc except for the second to last page in the final chapter so he missed his one and only rival depart for the afterlife. He had to learn what happened from Yugi. Without his rival, he regressed to the Kaiba we first met in the manga. i wanted him to reach his goal since it is his movie. I loved his eyes. Reminiscent of him earlier in the manga. I hated when that white light was added to his eyes later on in the manga. My favorite color is blue so all the blue colors in this movie made me jizz. Loved it when Kaiba summoned Obelisk no Kyoshinhei. His eyes widened then he slapped the ground with his hand and drew the card so fabulously while saying "AAAAAAAH! DORO!" then told Deva "Monsuta de wa nai!! Kami da!!" Loved it how he called all the attack names. The one that got to me the most was with Obelisk when he said "Goddo Hando Inpakuto!!" I was saying it with him while imitating Obelisk. Loved it when he said all the attack names in the movie. I had to copy him. That was epic as fock. Loved the Kaiba Land scene with the jet and explosion followed by Kaiba appearing and Kaiba's speech. Focking beautiful. It was great seeing Yugi and co. in their final year of high school and graduating. Glad to see Yugi, Jonouchi, and Honda improved their grades enough for them to graduate. Yugi got slightly taller since 6 months ago and his voice got deeper. His eyes changed showing the strength he gained. Jonouchi's growth throughout the series resulted in his mature look. Funny that Otogi finally got him in the dog suit. Honda is Honda. Bakura still getting all the bitches. We got to see Karita and Otogi's dad. Plus, Bakura's dad. Anzu Mazaki. LAWD JESUS! Dat new look. Dat jiggling oppai. Dem legs. Dat skirt teasing the pantsu. LAWD! Perfection. Anzu reclaimed her position as best Yu-Gi-Oh! girl. Thank you, Kaz. Also, I want to give props for all the female background characters being hot as fock. All them skirtss made me want to give them the pantsu tank. Aigami was an awesome villain...until he learned the truth. Loved his performance the best in the Shrine of the Underworld. Loved when he teleported to try and stop Mokuba. I felt like Kaz could have done better regarding Aigami's monster design after using the Ring's power. Speaking of Mokuba, he's cleaned himself up in these 6 months. He's come a long way from that little shit who used to have a gang that carried guns and knives. Ko-Yami Bakura was awesome. So cute with his little horns. Fock that piece of shit scumbag Haga. Can't believe Kaz put him in the movie over Mai. Virtual Yami Yugi's duel was awesome. When he said "Sore wa dou kana", I started yelling saying "It's over. He won." Then when he realized he didn't, his face when he said "Kaiba." pained me. So happy Atem came back. I expected it from the start because you can't have Yu-Gi-Oh! without the main character (Normal Yu-Gi transforms into Yu-Gi-Oh! meaning Game King. Atem's name is Ou/Oh in Yu-Gi-Oh!) in it, especially when the Sennen Items are involved. That transformation scene was awesome as fock. Reminded me of DBZ and G Gundam. His face and eyes were the most fierce look in the whole series. He didn't have the white light in his eyes until after he beat Aigami. The way he drew that card was epic and beautiful. The way he slapped the card on the disk without looking at it to summon Mahado with such finesse was a thing of beauty. Then Aigami getting wan taan kiru'd to finish it off. Amazing. That whole scene was majestic and pure perfection. As much as I wanted Atem to talk, I'm fine that he didn't because dead people can't speak. I wish Anzu saw her should-be-husbando because she'd have her way with him before he went back to the afterlife. Yugi finally got put in a spot to shine and "save the world" and he fails. Dead man Atem had to come back from the afterlife to save everyone. Yugi wasn't ready for that "main character" status and this being a Kaiba's movie gets me mad that he wasn't the one put in Yugi's spot, but it resulted in Atem coming back so all is forgiven. lol. Defeating Atem only happened because it was time for him to rest. Sera is so kawaii. She's going to be a babe when she grows up. Kaiba found Atem. Brought a smile to my face. I wish I could see the duel. Yugi better hope Anzu doesn't find out how Kaiba got to see Atem again. Happy to see Kaz tie up loose ends and we got to see him go more indepth with the Sennen items having an evil intelligence. My only complaints about the movie were the anime related changes in DM that were in this manga canon movie. Virtual Atem's Duel Disk transforming when it's time to duel. The manga Duel Disk does not do that. Jonouchi's Duel Disk is the manga Duel Disk. All those moving parts. Nope. Yugi's (and Virtual Yami Yugi) wristband are the anime versions. His manga wristband has a buckle on it. Yugi's hair is the anime versions. Manga Yugi has red and purple (4 hair colors) in his hair instead of just purple. Though, Kaz does have artwork outside of the manga with purple only, he also has the manga colors outside the manga. I'll consider that laziness. So happy the OG's like KAgaMI, Takahashi (not Kaz), etc. came back for this masterpiece. Kaz proving once again that manga canon (his story) is best canon. Ike did an awesome job as expected composing the music. My only issue is that there was one piece of music that was the main music in the trailers (my favorite) that wasn't in the movie. :( For Yugi x Anzu shippers who are sad they didn't see them end up together in the movie (old interview from years ago), but that doesn't change the fact that Anzu confessed her love for Atem throughout the manga: Shonen Jump: Are Yugi and Anzu going to be together in the future? Kazuki Takahashi: Anzu is now in America, studying dance. If she still feels the same when she comes back to Japan, or she feels more than she did before toward Yugi, the two may even get married! [laughs] I noticed no one posted Takahashi's possible future plot story that he posted back in October 2016 that takes place after the movie so here you go: An illustration of a future tidbit of the movie’s story. Since graduation four years have passed, Yugi as expected wins at the world game contest, and begins walking the achieved dream path of a game creator. Yugi’s game is given a high valuation, so what ends up happening is Kaiba Corporation embarking on joint development. Yugi’s invented sphere-faceted-model fighting game = Spherium II prototype model is complete, so right now Kaiba and Yugi commence the fight on the stage of space! From now on Yugi Muto becomes the new Yu-Gi-Oh! = GAME KING has departed for his goal~! END This is just one possible future story. Thanks for cheering on the Yu-Gi-Oh! movie this year~~! It’s great to have drawn an illustration of what Yugi’s prospective future felt like together with Kaiba! Finally, I was wondering why the score was dropping from 7.80's (back in January) to it's current score , and to no one's surprise, what attributed to it were the reviews were by English dub watchers. Only 1 review was before the overseas release and it had a high score (while 1 English dub watcher had a high score). smh With that said, I'll check out the English dub for laughs and see what changes were made (already read it, but I got to see it myself) considering this movies existence contradicts the anime (specifically, the English dub since they want to change the canon of the movie). Plus, I read the comments in this thread and some of you couldn't even understand the simplest things explained in the movie and looking at the dates of the posts showed you watched the English dub. I'm intrigued even more now. lol |
RobNov 16, 2017 9:31 PM
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have). |
Jul 7, 2017 4:52 AM
This is basically Kaiba the movie, which is great. The amount of swag he had throughout the movie was off the charts. |
Jul 19, 2017 6:47 AM
the movie was bit disappointed especially the plot ,story really mess it up,and Aigami sucks!, just terrible generic villains.and not to mention that CGI monster used.. but thanks it really helped by the music and duel sequences. Monsta de wa nai!! KAAAMIIIIII DAaaa!!-Kaiba and ending is okay imo. and glad too see the characters back again especially Anzu she really look pretty n cute in same time hahaha |
GikiseimaJul 19, 2017 6:51 AM
Aug 23, 2017 11:30 AM
Pretty good epilogue movie about Kaiba's mourning of Atem. Pretty bad movie about orphan kids desiring a new life. Just why did they make a two-in-one movie?! The slight and sleek re-design of various figures (creatures and characters, clothes included) effectively give a nice gloss to the visuals, tarnished only by some 3D CGI troubles (a few cases of bad integration and some creatures looking worse than they should). Enjoyment: 3.5+/5 Simply too much of the card game. Score: 6/10 A shorter movie without the events around Aigami would have been easily better. |
Rei_IIINov 1, 2018 8:46 PM
Oct 22, 2017 11:53 PM
Ending could have been better... a random plot armor of Pharaoh/ Atem appearing out of no where and summoned a OP monster that did instant win. (no dueling strats...) IE: the Pharaoh only dueled for less than 30 seconds in the entire 2 hour movie. And then the "end end" didn't even do the Pharaoh vs Kaiba in the other Dimension (pretty much a parallel world). |
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing* |
Nov 16, 2017 9:13 PM
I see they didn't mention Yugi taking the contest in Germany. Um...where is Kudaragi's gay implication dialogue with Aigami? That whole conversation between Virtual Yami Yugi and Kaiba before their duel was changed. Kaiba only talks about settling the score, but in the original version he states that Atem vanished without trace all while remaining victorious. Kaiba regresses to when we first meet him in the manga because his rival is gone and that affected him deeply. This ties in with his relationship with Gozaburo and how Yami Yugi filled that hole. It's not about just settling the score. Holy crap. Is Kaiba scared to call him Atem? Pharoah this, Pharoah that. 4K Media even changed the canon of the movie to the English dub of the anime, where Kaiba was there when he learned Atem's name and you don't even call him Atem? What was the point? The original version of the movie had Kaiba call him Atem and he wasn't even there in the manga. Inner monologue? Kaiba's dialogue at the end of the duel regarding Atem was changed. The conversation with his scientists were changed. He even tells them that Atem is the Pharoah. WTF at the crushed bottle scene. They literally had Kaiba say fire the person that made that bottle because a Kaiba Corp bottle shouldn't be crushed so easily. OMG! He can't stop saying Pharoah. WTF is up with them mentioning Bakura's accent for the reason he gets bitches? WTF is up with these dog jokes? Why is Kaiba acting like its the first time he's entered the Shrine of the Underworld when he was there? 4K Media can't even be consistent with their own nonsense. They changed the reason why Kaiba doesn't get sent to another dimension by Aigami. They changed Alternative's attack name. They changed Kaiba's dialogue before he drew Obelisk. It's not only about settling the score with Atem. WTF at Kaiba randomly saying "Aigami...To be continued!" What is this pillow talk? This Jonouchi and Aigami convo sounds different, especially Aigami calling him dumb repeatedly. Why they change Shadi's dialogue to let Bakura's dad take the ring so easily. They changed Ko-Yami Bakura's dialogue when he gets up, which I find pointless. Yami Bakura originally stated that he finally found a new host. Hold up. They changed Aigami's dialogue with Yugi and co. He specifically told them he altered their memories in the original, but he skips it here. They slightly altered Jonouchi's response to Aigami regarding why he came back. Yes...Yugi's cardio stinks. Really? Ah! Kaiba and Yugi's conversation in the street. We reach the point where dumbass 4K Media's choice to change the canon of this movie from the manga to English dub anime is showing. Kaiba disregarding Yugi and treating him like shit goes against the ending of the English dub. Kaiba is once again scared to say Atem. They changed Mokuba's dialogue with Yugi to saying long time no see when he originally saud he locked the store for him. Aigami says what with a shocked look and Mokuba response with we finally got that smirk off your face to Aigami saying you lie and Mokuba saying he lies sometimes but not now. Honda says this is the biggest duel of Yugi's life. Wrong in both dilague and story. Honda originally said Yugi's up against you know who.... Holy fucking shit! They changed everything about what Kaiba said in his speech. They turned gold into shit. They changed Kaiba's dialogue when introducing Yugi and Aigami and holding up the puzzle. WTF! They changed Aigami and Sera's conversation into Aigami's doing wrong, but he believes he's doing right. They changed Yugi and Kaiba's conversation when Yugi tries to stop Kaiba from dueling Aigami. Also, they changed Anzu saying "Yugi" in a worried way to "Yeah, Yug". LMAO They stopped calling him Aigami. Now they're calling him Deva. They called him Aigami until the end of the movie. They changed Yugi and Aigami's pre-duel conversation. They changed Yugi and Kaiba's convo when kaiba gave Yugi the duel disk. Yugi doesn't say "Ready, let's duel" to Aigami. He actually say's "Let's go, Aigami-kun". Anzu likes Pink? News to me. Yugi won't give up when there's a friend on the line? Um...Yugi only talks about the future. Then Aigami talks about friendship. lol Aigami talks about their consciousnesses being misguided and distorted inrelation to what Yugi said about not giving up the future. They change it Yugi and co know nothing about friendship, only cruelty, so he has to banish them. lol They changed the dialogue throughtout that whole break. Yugi tells Aigami how their world may be twisted, but there's still a future. They change it to trying to stop Aigami from hating and how he's doing it for Bakura.. That Yugi and Kaiba convo before their duel was changed. lol at Yugi saying Atem while Kaiba says Pharaoh. During Kaiba's first draw, he didn't call Yugi a vessel. Yugi places one card face down for his turn then Kaiba calls his name and says he'll teach him why he's only a vessel. They changed it to Kaiba saying a single face down? It's like Yugi's not even trying. After Yugi summons his trap monster to stop Kaiba's attack, Kaiba says damn you. It is changed to Kaiba saying its a lucky move. lol After Yugi destroys blue eyes Kaiba says that it seems in order to shatter the shackles Yugi has placed over the Kings soul, he'll have to crack down the whip of utter defeat and make Yugi submit. That was changed to Kaiba saying to Yugi, you think you've taken things to the next level, he's given him no choice. When Kaiba summons Chaos MAX he says this pathetic farce ends now. That was changed to Kaiba saying what was it that the Pharaoh use to say? Play time is over. Yugi gets up and says he hasn't given up. He promised him. That was changed to you haven't beaten me yet Kaiba. Yugi says he'll defeat Kaiba with the monsters he calls friends. Kaiba say You...defeat me? Then you'll perish with your friends. Changed to You fight me with fruit. Don't mock me. When BMG destroys Chaos MAX Kaiba says But I will now... Changed to You really hate dragons. Fun fact: Yugi was originally suppose to own Blue Eyes. Kaiba says he'll now call forth the ultimate dragon. Changed to dragons will never go extinct. Deep Eyes summon chant. LAWD! After Deep Eyes effect finishes Kaiba says now allow me to drop the curtain on this duel. Changed to I don't think the Pharaoh can save you anymore. After Yugi takes some damage off Deep Eyes attack, Kaiba says Curse you. Changed to Your move. Scene changes to Jonouchi and co. Honda's line was changed. They actually kept what Jonouchi said. Holy shit. There is a god. Gandora summon chant. lol After both monsters are destroyed Kaiba says So you intend to stand in my way until the bitter end, do you, Yugi? Changed to Do you see now? Nothing will get the way of me resurrecting the Pharaoh. Yugi says the reason he even came is because there's something he had to tell Kaiba no matter what. Changed to its not up to you or me. He needs to shows him. Aigami says save me Sera. Changed to help me Sera. Yugi says Atem no longer resides in the puzzle. He knew the moment he had the last piece. Changed to he's gone Kaiba. Gone forever. He knew it in his heart the moment they said goodbye and other changed shit from that scene before they continued. Kaiba says he wont accept it. He will defeat Yugi and summon forth the Kings soul. Changed to You lie. The Pharaoh is just afraid to come out. Dat changed Deep Eyes dialogue from the grave. Kaiba says this spells your defeat. Change to This is it, Yougi. It's over. When BM is summoned, Kaiba says Yugi and Yugi says Kaiba followed by silence. Changed to Kaiba saying Him and Yugi saying Are you ready? Followed by Kaiba saying he's always ready. ]As Aigami returns, Sera says This can't possibly be... That was changed to Diva, is that you? Then as Aigami is coming out he says you pitiful humans keep making the same mistakes over and over. That was changed to Yes, it's me dear sister and other stuff. Yugi says is that Aigami. That was changed to Yugi saying For better or worse. After Aigami comes out, Kaiba says he's looked better. Unnecessary dialogue from 4K Media because Kaiba didn't actually say anything. After Sera appears next to Yugi and Kaiba, Aigami says How pure indeed...immaculate, consciousnesses linked together..but behold..What a truly abhorrent, yet beautiful form it is. That was changed to Diva is no longer in control. I am his fear invited me into his soul. He has saved me. Holy shit! I'm done. Too much changes. Not even the same story. As the cube goes toward the sky, Aigami calls it the The Dark Side of Dimensions. English dub too busy creating another story to mention that. Sera talks about how the cube is the 8th item and about Shadi's plan. That was changed to Oh no! If a single drop of evil... Different story. Aigami now talks about how a single drop of impurity and hatred mixes into the dimensional domain in the Japanese version. 4K Media changing who says what now. lol After Sera disappears, Aigami calls Yugi and Kaiba worms and how they'll make a fine feast. That was changed to now the fun shall begin. Kaiba asks Yugi if he still has the will to fight. That was changed to Kaiba telling himself he wont go down without a fight. Kaiba says he'll settle the score with Deva. That was changed to Time to battle. Diva keep your paws off our dimension. Yugi says In order to protect his friends, he'll fight him. That was changed to We'll defeat you together and save the world. After Kaiba and Yugi say Duel! Deva says consider this the start of a Dimensional Realm Duel of Darkness. That was changed to why destroy you quickly when I can savor it. 4K Media ignored the summon chant. lol Deva says Finally realized this is no ordinary duel? You fools will be eaten alive by Dark infestations each time you lose LP. That was changed to this a Shadow Game. I said I'd destroy you. After Diva summons two Cubic monsters Kaiba says he's getting tired of Diva's laugh. Kaiba says nothing in the origal version. After Pandemic effects, Deva says It looks like your friends monster caught you by the throat. That was changed to Nice teamwork. Another ignored summon chant. LMAO Yugi is on his knees about to draw and they added that heart of the cards crap to the script when Yugi actually didn't saw anything but "draw" in the Japanese version. As Yugi faints he says Sorry everyone. That was changed to ...Cards. Deva says to Sera, what was I just...? That was changed to what have I done. Then Sera says Our powers are no longer... That was changed to It wasn't you. The Pharaoh returned. Why 4K got Jounouchi calling Atem, the Pharaoh? Jounouchi says that he met him again as well. That was changed to Did he ask about me? Kaiba says Looks like he came back after all. That was changed to I told you he'd be back. I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. Kaiba says Not so sure about that. That was changed to You have your bond with him and I have mine. Kaiba says You were once again...a truly proud duelist. That was changed to Until our paths meet again. Mokuba says Brother...are you really going to go? That was changed to Big bro, the new duel disk numbers are in. Kaiba says completing this will create a new type of dueling. That was changed to Thanks for the update Mokuba. 4K leaves out Mokuba saying that its the Dimensional Space Emulator system. Kaiba says Mokuba, you handle the rest. That was changed to mokuba, you're in charge. Oh shit! 4K actually said Duel Dimension System. It took me a month to finish, but I did it. I pointed out the key changes 4K did to this movie in comparison with the Japanese version. Lawd Jesus! These remnants of 4Kids (Yes, there are 4Kids employees working at 4K Media because its the same production team) have shown that they learned nothing about their fans and especially the original fans (Not kids anymore). This movie is for manga fans and they changed the canon of the damn movie to be after the anime, especially the English dub. They took the meaning of the movie and ruined it. The contradictions were so obvious and the movie had a different plot from the Japanese version. Kaz still getting his money, but as a fan of creative vision, this was truly disrespectful. But there are folks who would defend these changes because they have been brainwashed since the beginning. lol I see now why the MAL score dropped more than it should have. amlg said: Ending could have been better... a random plot armor of Pharaoh/ Atem appearing out of no where and summoned a OP monster that did instant win. (no dueling strats...) IE: the Pharaoh only dueled for less than 30 seconds in the entire 2 hour movie. And then the "end end" didn't even do the Pharaoh vs Kaiba in the other Dimension (pretty much a parallel world). What movie did you watch? The Sennen Puzzle and the other items were involved in this movie from the beginning. Kaiba wanted to bring Atem back and Aigami wasn't against it for plot reasons. How did you not see how this was going to end? Yugi had on the Puzzle and it flashed when he put it on. That was a hint for the audience to get their attention. Also, when Atem took over, the card that was in Yugi's hand disappeared. So it was most likely Atem's deck now because Yugi did not have Mahado prior to the duel. Mahado's effect was the reason he won, which the movie did not explain. That's the only reason for you to complain. |
RobNov 16, 2017 9:17 PM
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have). |
Nov 21, 2017 11:38 AM
How can someone not love Kaiba after watching that. |
Dec 14, 2017 12:10 PM
They really tried to do a lot of right things in here. Trying to connect the plot to the original series with Shadi, glimpses to the evil spirit of Bakura, even merging him with the new obligatory movie villain. Glorious Kaiba at the center of everything, this guy is the textbook definition of a rival character. Good thing they didn't have Kaiba job to anyone, not even Yugi. The original is full of iconic characters, nothing that followed it ever held a candle to the original. They really got lazy at the end when the Pharaoh finally showed up, just summon some egyptian looking monster, skip, gg, lol? |
Dec 27, 2017 8:09 PM
I enjoyed it, very Kaiba centric which was nice |
Dec 29, 2017 1:01 PM
I really really loved this movie. The nostalgia is real! It's even better than the Digimon nostalgia movie. I mean seriously. Kaiba-centric movie? Kaiba getting to fight Atem in the ending? Damn! I love how much focuses on Kaiba because I think he deserves better screen time than what he got in the main series. I also love that the Jap's VA are back and still the same voice as I remembered them in the main series. But the whole new cards are just confusingly OP. Like seriously. Everyone just used this and that trap cards, while abiding the rules, they're just too OP. And I definitely love all the callbacks. Kaiba calling Obelisk, Atem with Mahad, the millennium ring as enemy, Shadi flashbacks, etc just made my nostalgia eyes blind. I'm blinded with nostalgia and I admit that. |
Jan 23, 2018 5:29 PM
finally watched the English dub of this on dvd. No idea why they wrote 89 mins on the back of it when it was actually 2 h 6 mins. Tea looks weird in this movie (her eyes look evil) *laughs at Kaiba's cheesy lines* I totally knew he was gonna summon Obelisk! ending felt like a cop out with Atem coming out of nowhere and saving the day o_o the "Cubic" monsters got annoying/repetitive and I didn't like Sara's VA she sounded annoying too |
Mar 3, 2018 2:54 AM
watched this today Aigami's plana mumbo jumbo totally flew over my head at first, I had no idea what this guy wanted, or what is all this collective consciousness stuff... it was nice seeing Yugi, Kaiba and everyone else though |
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!" |
Mar 6, 2018 8:09 AM
I like the Bakura and Shadi's story Kaiba went full gay over Atem, lul |
Mar 10, 2018 10:18 PM
It was stupid. It didn't make much sense. Not much actual character or story. was a lot of fun. The animations for the monsters. Even the stupid parts where characters are just screaming for no reason. And that's what I came into this movie for: popcorn entertainment. And I got it. 7/10 Kotori_Sonoda said: watched this today Aigami's plana mumbo jumbo totally flew over my head at first, I had no idea what this guy wanted, or what is all this collective consciousness stuff... it was nice seeing Yugi, Kaiba and everyone else though That's another one of my major problems with this movie: the lack of explanation for things. Where does their reality-bending power originate from? How do they control it? Why haven't they already changed the world, even though it's so OP? Why does it dissapear when the pharaoh returns? |
removed-userMar 10, 2018 10:22 PM
Mar 28, 2018 9:55 PM
This was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Then again, it's a movie about Kaiba, the best character, so it was so amazing to see him and his ego and obsession on full display. The animation was top-notch and really helped this movie. For me, the first part and last part were superb. The middle though... Unfortunately, what brought this movie down wasn't Aigami, but his powers. They explained it 2 or 3 times and each time I got more and more lost and I read the tie-in manga! By the end, it felt like the explanations were contradicting (why does the dimension Jounouchi ends up in start disappearing? How does Atem appearing negate it? Why does Bakura end up okay despite being "deleted"? Would Jounouchi had come back to life too?) and overly complex for something that's basically dimension traveling. I honestly didn't mind Aigami's backstory and Prana, minus the powers, made some sense, but dang was his deck total bullshit. I know why, but it was irritating to see him do everything in 1-turn. Buuut, didn't mind the quick pace battles too much; battles were always my least favorite part of the series. That said, for what they were (okay, mostly Kaiba's battles) they were entertaining. Though... following the LP damage it's easy to see we're missing a few steps here and there. Basically: The middle needed more Kaiba and less magical cube nonsense. It only needed to be established twice - once for the audience and once for Kaiba. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but... I... I... I didn't mind the CG, it actually looked... good. cringes Unbelievably, they managed to blend them well enough that they didn't stick out like a sore thumb (except in one duel in the last half). All in all, I loved it. This movie is definitely for those who like Kaiba and it's completely unapologetic about it. It does have flaws but its' revelation in everything Seto Kaiba, kinda, makes up for it. Sure, Atem doesn't talk, but getting a special of Kaiba and Atem's duel in the After Life would 100% make up for it. |
Apr 7, 2018 8:29 PM
I had a lot of problems with this movie. I don't feel like writing a text wall, but I think the biggest thing that stuck in craw. Was the fact that Atem saved the day. The whole point of Yugi's duel with Atem was to show that Yugi was ready to move on, that he longer needed the guide of the Pharaoh, that he could stand on his own two feet. Nope, let's just have Atem come in and defeat the bland villain with a single draw. |
Apr 26, 2018 11:59 PM
Personally I didn't love the movie, but I didn't dislike it ether. Was I the only one, when I saw the millennium ring, was hoping for a Bakura and ring unite? The part were Kaiba summoned obelisk the tormentor was pretty cool too. The main point I got from this movie was that Bakura wore the ring better then Aigami |
Oct 15, 2018 8:27 AM
so the millium puzzle is back and so is the ring no surprise I liked the idea of a reunion but the new villain sucked and the idea of kiba being able to go to the spirt world to challenge atem was a bit much but since he did I really wish they would have showen the outcome of the final dual!! |
Oct 16, 2018 7:30 AM
Oct 16, 2018 7:31 AM
SuperiorMX94 said: ]they didn't use tribute summons and all did they? yugi summoned dark magician frm hand? Classic OG; I'd say this is original series |
Oct 18, 2018 2:14 AM
Anzu/Tea looks gorgeous in this movie that's what all I care xd just kidding I was binging original yugioh mango and decided to watch this movie nice sequel with great animation |
Nov 10, 2018 12:04 PM
Kind of disappointing to be honest I expected more good duels. |
Feb 19, 2019 12:46 PM
Watching the English dub because at least this time it's only the voice acting that's different, unlike Duel Monsters that changed cards and made everything a lot more kid friendly. (Making it so I had to watch the Japanese dub, Yugi's voice actor is horrible to listen to) Definitely brings back memories hearing the English voice actors again from like 15 years ago, especially Joey. Ah man ... the fight between Kaiba and AI Yami, duels were so simple back then, definitely a lot more fun to watch those fights imo. "Even his perfectly quaffed hair" ... LMFAO Kaiba with his dramatic entrance "Kaiba, you're not my pillow either!" Damn, an actual elevator to space lol. "When you fight using hate, to achieve peace ... You've already lost." ... Deep Yugi Yugi pulling out all the magician girls! "Oof, he's looked better" ... Oh kaiba ^^ Kuriboh always being sacrificed D: Ah hearing the old outro again "Your move" :D I kinda enjoyed this movie, the old crew of the English dub brought back some nostalgia and the duels were actually alright. Story was mediocre but then again Yugioh has never really been about having a great story. 7/10 |
Jun 19, 2019 2:47 PM
First things first, I MUST say this before I go deeper into my thoughts on this movie. I thought I was watching the abridged series for a moment when Kaiba talked about recreating the Pharaoh's perfectly-quaffed hair which apparently took the longest lmfaooo I swear no matter how much shit the dub for YGO gets, it's still so iconic and entertaining that I'd take it any day over the subs for that reason alone. The dub is simply just something else. The voice actors were all in their A game with this movie. I could feel the nostalgia from all the harsh one-liner remarks from Kaiba which is one of the reasons he's so iconic in the first place. This movie is seriously filled with Kaiba memes. I could go on with my favorite lines from Kaiba in the dub but I won't lol. The jokes in this movie are such throwbacks and almost like a nod to the abridged series from Bakura's British accent and fangirls to Joey's iconic creepy face. Not to mention, yasss no gun censorship! Now that the jokes are done with, I'm gonna try and digest what I just saw. First of all, there's a lot of vague stuff happening one after another and it would take a lot of analysis to explain them. YGO has always been about transcending common sense. Sometimes, stuff just doesn't have to make sense at all but I like to give myself a little challenge since I loved YGO ever since and I did love the movie as well. I see a lot of people having mixed reactions to it for being somewhat confusing and I understand. I did have some trouble figuring things out so even if I try to explain them, everyone is free to take them with a grain of salt since it's just my own analysis after all. It's also advisable to read "Yu-Gi-Oh! Transcend Game" which is a special 2-part manga chapter by Kazuki Takahashi that ties to the movie and explains some stuff. Long story short, the manga shows us everything Kaiba did in the last few months since Atem departed to the afterlife where he developed a new technology where he could ascend to a different dimension aka the afterlife aka where Atem lives now. That's the gist of it but the manga explains it in detail so it's definitely better to read it. That explains the ending of the movie where Kaiba was seen traveling to Atem's kingdom to challenge him in a duel. How was he able to survive the afterlife? He survived Diva's cube. That should tell you enough. Not to mention, by the end of DSOD, he already got hold of Diva's cube and analyzed it. It's not that farfetched for Kaiba to use it. Now a lot of explanation in the movie is credited to technology. Whether you want to accept it or not, it's basically the answer to everything. Technology has no limits and YGO being the over-the-top show it is, abuses that fact to the point where it almost seems like magic. Take it however you want. I personally accept it. How was Kaiba able to summon Obelisk again? Like I said, a lot of stuff in the movie is all up to interpretation. They purposely leave it to us in order to make the movie flow smoothly. Here's my take on it. At first, I thought he was able to summon Obelisk due to his new technology which gives life to all his memories that includes the god cards. The god cards can never be duplicated but Kaiba has a strong affinity to Obelisk due to the events of Duel Monsters and of course his heritage as Priest Seto's reincarnation so he was able to do the impossible. With that said, I doubt he could replicate Slifer or Ra. I'm inclined to believe that it's only exclusive to Obelisk due to the reasons I've stated. However, after looking at that scene again, I truly believe this time that Kaiba's pure determination to duel Atem again called out Obelisk. He could not afford to lose and let all his hard work go down the drain especially since he's very close to achieving his dream. They were dueling in the ceremonial temple where all the millennium items and god cards were buried when the temple collapsed. Kaiba called out to Obelisk and the god card heard him because of its strong affinity to Kaiba. Obelisk is almost synonymous to Kaiba as Slifer is to Yugi. He basically pulled Obelisk from the ground, sacrificed his 3 dragons as a requirement and summoned it. The fact the card was a physical copy instead of the hologram cards Kaiba has been using further reinforces this theory. Did Kaiba lose? How did he survive with 100 life points left? If the duel went on without interventions, Kaiba basically lost the duel. If you look at the facedown card he had, it just faded away meaning he didn't use it because he couldn't in the first place. It was Polymerization and he set it up as a bluff. Yugi beat him fair and square but the power went out as his life points were decreasing that's why it stopped at 100 and they proceeded to duel Dark Diva. Yugi and Atem reuniting was such a heartwarming moment. I could see people seeing it as something detrimental to the movie because Duel Monsters was set up as Yugi's coming-of-age story about how he could stand on his own without Atem but honestly, I don't really mind Atem coming back and it makes sense in a way. It shows that Atem is still watching over Yugi in the afterlife and should he be in desperate need of his help, he's willing to travel dimensions to save his ass. The millennium puzzle still holds its powers just like how the millennium ring still holds its own as well and it served as the connection between Atem and Yugi to come to his aid. Notice how at the end, Atem takes the millennium puzzle with him this time to the afterlife. This is the real closure to Yugi and Atem. I also like how there was no dialogue during the reunion. It was just their eyes meeting each other. It was such a powerful scene. Nothing was said but you can still understand the situation. Duel Monsters was such a bittersweet ending but in this movie, the goodbye felt so heartwarming. I think I've already explained most of the confusing parts to the best of my ability. Moving on the characters and the plot. There's basically 3 main characters in this movie, of course Yugi, Kaiba and Diva. The rest of the gang didn't do much which is for the best because I honestly don't know how they would fit into the plot if Kazuki Takahashi tried to squeeze them in. They're basically bystanders this time and Joey was a test subject to show the audience how the "other dimension" from the millennium cube works. All is good here. Yugi played the least amount of role in this movie. It's nice to see him again all grown up. Still the same good guy which is definitely not bad at all by the way. I love him that way but with that said, he did show some growth in the movie. He showed his guts when he went against Kaiba's tournament rules and he showed his wisdom when he rejected Diva's offer to join his side and told him the flaw in his ideals and he especially showed maturity when he proved to Kaiba that Atem will not come back simply because he completed the puzzle again. Diva is another good addition to the cast. His ideals are larger than life. He wants to create a utopia where hate doesn't exist. Sounds pretty cliche but in a good way. They were chosen by Shadi to inherit the Plana as a reward for suffering in the world. However, his ideals are corrupted with fear and hatred, something Shadi taught him against with. Hatred for Bakura for killing Shadi and his fear of Atem's resurrection which was predetermined. He was afraid that the Plana would lose their powers once the Pharaoh was resurrected, the power to create his ideal world. He was afraid things would go back to the way it was. His ideals are twisted because seeked to destroy Bakura and Yugi which goes against Shadi's teachings. In the end, he accepted the fact that he must keep on living in the real world with his sister and strive for a better life this time. Kaiba is the best part of this movie. Yugi might be the official main character but looking at the bigger picture, this movie was definitely meant for Kaiba. In the manga, Kaiba never got to see Atem go so basically he was just told that Atem upped and left which he could not accept a little bit. His rival and the only duelist he ever acknowledged just left like that. He doesn't even acknowledge Yugi. He straight up said that he does not want to duel Yugi but the Pharaoh. This is such a major growth because in Duel Monsters, Kaiba basically spent the entire show denying or pretending to deny everything that happened and dumbing down all the supernatural events to petty tricks. Obviously, he realized in the series that magic does exist but his ego is too big to publicly acknowledge it. This time, he fully acknowledges it. He believes in the afterlife, he believes in destiny and he believes in magic. He strived very hard to enhance his technology to the point where it could even be seen as magic. I must say, he's kinda borderline obsessed or crazy. The guy basically spent the entire six months developing a technology so he could go to the afterlife to duel Atem lmfao. Such strong will and determination. Values that make his character so endearing. His feelings and longing for Atem were resolved nicely in the movie. He straight up said that Yugi has his bond with Atem and so does he. That's a very major development. He publicly acknowledged that he does consider Atem as someone extremely important to him and he has always believed that the Pharaoh will return. Not even Yugi had that conviction but Kaiba was firm on his beliefs. This movie definitely deserves a 10/10 from me. I loved it so much and I think it's plain obvious considering how lengthy my post is lmao. I got carried away. It was perfect from the plot to the characters to the animation to the duels. I didn't fully understand Dimension dueling in the end but I honestly don't even give a fuck. Another thing is that Kazuki Takahashi alluded to Yugi and Kaiba's future with an illustration he did. I firmly believe it's canon since the creator himself drew it. It shows that Kaiba finally acknowledge little Yugi and it looks like he helped him with his dream of creating his own game. Now the chapter is finally closed and in the best way possible. Thank you YGO and thank you Kazuki Takahashi. |
Sep 13, 2019 3:13 PM
as a HUGE fan of Yu-Gi-Oh DM (still play the old school card game to this day) i have to say that the movie was enjoyable,but its duels didnt make a lick of sense. like,i noticed so many things in them that are plotholes/ dont make sense lol. i gave up even trying to understand how things worked by the end XD. was good overall. I have to wonder though,WTH was that ending about lol? if it was a teaser then how come it has been 3 years and we havent seen a sequel? and if it wasnt then how the heck is this supposed to be how the series ends? when it is a clear cliffhanger? it legit left me very confused lol. |
May 5, 2020 12:39 AM
And here I was thinking DM severely lacked in the Ryou department. I’m so glad they showed us the backstory with his dad and Shadi - I mean Shin - and rightfully placed Ryou amongst the friend group. The ring digging into his body and the sides of his bangs bouncing up like devil horns, as small of a Zorc cameo as it was, I friggin loved it. Asking someone for forgiveness before resorting to a duel wasn’t done for any of the original villains, so I’m glad it was a possibility here and that it actually did affect Diva. We got to learn how the millenium ring both impacted and traumatized Ryou, so I’m satisfied :) And Joey is back to green, as he should be. Never liked the blue anyway. I’m glad plot established his broken duel disk as a reason for not really being around, otherwise I might have had a problem. There’s so many stories out there of people becoming villains to bring their lost love back to life. Kaiba never addresses his emotions, so idk if I find it funny or sad that his mourning of Atem is what drove him to build all this tech (to get him back + in preparation of his return). If I remember right, only in the filler Doma arc did he make simulations of Yugi. Here, Takahashi actually had his hand in this - the crazy man really did allow Kaiba to live his full Atem fantasy. Side note “registering as a citizen by registering your deck” is… just. Beyond incredible. To live in his city you’re forced to sign up as a duelist. In comparison, Yugi seems done with it. Look, he’s moved on to making a new game lol I felt some type of way at the chance that we’d see them in a tag team duel, one last time. And Kaiba initiated it. That’s growth. I forgive the pacing because I know the creator was really salty about the problems Konami did to his vision. Kaiba sending himself to the afterlife to duel the pharaoh is hilarious, but at the same time, feels out of place. It’s like… bro did you really just kill yourself off (left behind MOKUBA?), or is this Takahashi sending a message? Though he still seems really enthusiastic about these characters, just going off his IG. And then I keep thinking about it. Atem became his white whale. Kaiba literally defied time and space, moving heaven and earth to meet him again. He always wants an audience for his big duels - but he won't get that kind of glory from a duel with Atem in the afterlife. No one that matters is there to witness it. Which means he's doing this for himself and acting on desire alone. To those posting Takahashi's illustration, he said it's only a possible future. The ambiguity behind that action makes me think he only posted it to appease the fans. Right now I'm sitting on Kaiba really did die, but either reality is plausible. Depends on how you view his character. I agree with others' replies on Diva's powers being hard to follow. Definitely have to sit on that some more. I didn't mind Prana, but I thought the backstory alluded to not just Shadi, but the kids dying as well? Since they don't age? The little sister being with Diva at the end is my biggest confusion. However, my enjoyment is through the roof, and that conquers everything. More than anything, my eyeballs couldn’t stop scanning the amazing ART. The flashback to Yugi and Atem's duel with new angles and a more vibrant energy was everything. Wish we could get all the best moments from the show like this. The CG + 2D combo on top of the remixed original OST ascended me. And! I dig Dark Magician's new colors. I'm sure it's to resemble Yugi’s Silent Magician, further establishing their connection. |
CMYKMay 5, 2020 2:51 AM
Sep 20, 2020 1:47 PM
Oct 16, 2020 8:07 PM
It looked pretty. The story was total nonsense, though. |
Feb 3, 2021 1:45 PM
i was disappointed with this movie first of all the plot it started nicely we see yugi and his friend what they are doing after atem left (which i believe would be a good conclusion for the manga too because while the manga already concluded well they could had at least shown us how yugi and his friends went on with their lives since yugi is the protagonist) moving on we our enemy he was very boring and uninteresting and the whole thing with his powers was lowkey bs and so was his view of the world next we have kaiba i dont like how he was portrayed in this movie at all yes he has always been obsessed with defeating yugi but this movie just took it on a whole another level which ruined kaibas character i also didnt like how the duel monster was played it felt like all the rules that would normally apply just disappeared it didnt feel like the usual duel monsters that we as fans watched during the original series i also didnt like this new duel disk it felt very weird too and all those monsters coming out of nowhere especially the blue eyes white dragon versions kaiba used he never had such cards where did they come from? and how did kaiba summon obelisk?? it made no sense to me likewise kaibas technology completing the pazzle was bs to me yugi had to try hard for 8 years and he managed to do it because he is the choosen one by atem/the pazzle so now kaiba coming and completing it in no time with his technology feels so forced for the sake of the plot. On a positive note i liked how the fight concluded although atem coming back was also forced/asspull i still enjoyed the moment of him coming back ( probably due to nostalgia) i also liked how kaiba accepted yugi and "congratulated' him but then they had to ruin this by having kaiba somehow traveling to ancient egypt to duel atem which once again is bs because how could kaiba possibly do this and it takes kaibas obsession way too far like wtf . one thing i also liked was how yugi was portrayed i liked how they showed his bright and cute smile and his confidence they showed well his character growth/developement. moving on to the art i have mixed feeling towards it too because i didnt like the CG for the monsters it felt very weird . so yea concluding i was very disappointed i expected a movie focused on yugi and how his life was after atem left and not a plot where kaibas obsession is taken way too far for the sake of creating a plot |
Mar 9, 2021 3:34 PM
While this was my favorite of the 3 Yu-Gi-Oh movies by default (I'm not counting the Red-Eyes special from the first series), I thought this movie had so many problems that I can't say I enjoyed it. Even though Kazuki was involved in the creation process of the new monsters and characters, the whole thing barely felt like DM to me even though this is meant to serve as a sequel. The duels themselves were confusing as hell and the CGI seemed like a distraction used to make the duels seem exciting while hiding the paper-thin plot. I also really wish that they had left Atem alone instead of him coming back from the dead for a few seconds near the end. Kaiba's character pissed me off the most because his obsession with getting even with Atem reached critical mass. The man should literally be locked up in a psychiatric ward. |
Jul 12, 2021 1:33 PM
Oof, can't believe it took me 5 years to see this one. So, did we really need this movie? Did Kaiba really need an elevator to space? No to both, but they were still fun. It was good to see everyone again. I kinda hoped they wouldn't bring Atem back. Let the guy RIP. But it wasn't that bad. Watched it subbed, I'll definitely rewatch it dubbed later. |
Oct 22, 2021 2:22 AM
This movie is surprisingly good. It goes beyond plain mythology and reaches for Hegelian phylosophy (quantity becomes quality and so on) with soft marxist undertones. |
povsuduvolosyOct 22, 2021 2:55 AM
Apr 6, 2022 8:06 AM
Damn I'm glad I didn't miss this movie, I never had expectation for plot in this kind of show but the art and animation of the duel shown here is undoubtedly one of the best ever made... |
Apr 6, 2022 8:07 AM
It's a shame that Atem only appear briefly as a deus ex machina, but his entrance is epic... |
Apr 27, 2022 1:27 PM
I want that Solid Vision System invented in my lifetime! Such a badass way to duel! Pandemic Dragon. lmao! And the virus looks like Corona too. Did they somehow predict that a Corona pandemic will happen 4 yrs later? Anyway, cool looking movie! I'm glad Kaiba got his revenge match via time traveling in the end. I wonder if he won though. lol 7/10 |
Jan 5, 2023 12:10 PM
Masterpiece of a movie, brought down by fucked up bad duels |
Jan 10, 2023 11:30 AM
Pros - 8000 Life Points :O - Visuals (Say what you want, but it ain't as bad as CGI dragons in 5D's) - Dimension Dueling, which fleshed out the Ba system from the ultimate shadow game - Kaiba screwing all the rules at the end lmao Cons - Duelists don't say when they set cards :( - Dimension Dueling took time away from traditional dueling - Millennium Key dude talking about "3 good, 3 bad" while making a cult - Millennium Puzzle being "empty," but Millennium Ring still making people evil? |
Apr 16, 2023 7:14 PM
Just watched after all the stalling I have mixed feelings about it .. But wow , was that the dub opening theme as the ending of the movie? didnt see that coming |
Apr 17, 2023 12:29 PM
After sorting my thoughts a little , Atem ending it in a way as if there is no more hope for him to come back kinda made me salty this movie even existed , and since Kazuki Takahashi passed away , there is no hope , unless he gave them a will , writing what else can be milked for the series for Atem to come back. This movie was a PURE KAIBA FAN SERVICE , I bet Kaiba fangirls were happy as hell , might as well consider Kaiba as the MC here. Sadly the downside of this movie is the villain , happens when we get a villain out of nowhere with a random plot , his whole existence was solely to trigger Atem protecting Yuugi which wasn't a bad thing , but I liked that the movie covered what we didn't know about Shadi and what did he mean by "his Body already died a long ago" and cleared any doubts if he was Shada. |
Feb 3, 2024 10:16 PM
This movie "supposedly sequel" is sooooooo bad, I am surprised I didn't puke in the end after watching. Like someone else here said, it's a lot of CGI. Honestly, there was very little "actual and legit" card game played in the movie, a lot of it was just action, action, and more action scenes rather than a good flow of explanation of effects and moves. I felt I just saw the HP hit 0 somehow and the movie tried to focus on making the scenes pretty than making it logical lol I am glad I skipped forward a lot while watching, because I would not have taken an entire 2hr to finish this kind of "sequel" movie. They basically just slammed things together to make everything look nice and totally ignore how audiences would make sense of the plots. Sooooo bad. |
Aug 19, 2024 11:52 AM
Kaibab was the best part of the movie. I watched the dub, and he was so funny with his random one-liners or observations. like the computer rebuilding the puzzle and explaining how it works and Kaiba replying, "I know how you work I invented you," just for the computer to reply basically saying "I know, but you love being reminded how great you are." Kaiba is just so ridiculous and I love how self-aware the movie was about him specifically. |
Oct 5, 2024 10:44 AM
This was a great addition to the manga ending, I like this canon route. Although the manga ending is unmatched. Wish we got to see more of Atem's duel, Damn his aura is unmatched. Kaiba was one of the best things about this movie, His role and dialogue was on point, He even invented time travel just to fight Atem, Talk about obsession lol. Overall a great Yu-Gi-Oh movie. |
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