Here over at Anime Blu-Ray we try to provide the best Anime Blu-Ray content possible for any given Genre, weather it will be Ecchi or Action, we will provide you all with the best uncensored blu-ray content we could find. The Blu-Ray content that we post only come from legit and official fansub websites (Ex. Doki Fansubs), none of that third party content (Ex. Piratebay) that people provide as that could in danger our clients and our members.
Anime Blu-Ray don't just only allow Blu-Ray content or just upload and post Blu-Ray either, here you can post anything Anime/Manga related, even eroges are also allowed. If it's anything to do with the Anime or drawings it's aloud here. Although saying all that our main priority is Uploading Anime Blu-Ray content.
We have multiple sites that you can keep in touch with us and keep up to date with our posts, like Facebook and Twitter that you can follow us on if you so choose to. Links to the following sites:
We are currently recruiting admins, officers and Graphic Designers, if you are interested then, go
here to see what you have to do to apply.
Clubs Affiliated With
The Waiting-For-Uncensored Club
Anime's Blu-Ray'd (Completed 0-Z):