Greetings human beings! I am lordcrab86 and welcome to my club! ^_^
<span style="font-size: 100%;">Things you should know about lordcrab86:<!--size--></span>
my real name is william and i'm currently 19, i live in mt pleasant, south carolina and i'm a student at trident technical college
personality wise, i'm shy, quiet, and anti social, but other times i'm friendly, kind, goofy, and just plain weird and random! XD
I have asperger's syndrome
i'm a christian
i hate tsunderes
english dub fan for life!
i'm a cinephile (i love movies and i love watching them)
all time favorite movie is pulp fiction!
all time favorite anime is elemental gelade!
i hate ecchi (not entirely cause there are exceptions)
i love yuri
i love horror movies
i don't like naruto and twilight. if you like either of them or both, good for you, i personally don't care for them.
i'm a feminist and i hate sexism. if you think men should be men (overly aggressive, dominant, tough, douche bags) and women be women (submissive and meek and how they should stay in the kitchen), go play in traffic.
i despise dub haters, i hate it when people believe the original japanese language is 100 times better no matter what (i personally don't believe this) and say the english dub destroys the anime. prefer subs over dubs? no problem. saying every single dub is a spawn of satan? kill yourself please.
arrogance and ignorance are two of my biggest pet peeves
as for hobbies: cooking, photography, singing, guitar, watching movies, buying dvds, video games, bike riding, surfing, etc.
my two favorite anime characters are: ren (elemental gelade) and vash (trigun)
club rules:
have fun
no fights
and that's it XD
have fun everyone, later ^_^
Members: 29
Pictures: 6
Category: Other
Created: Mar 9, 2010
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