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Days: 273.2
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- Completed1,952
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- Total Entries2,110
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- Episodes19,096
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Days: 57.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries319
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- Chapters9,108
- Volumes738
All Comments (20574) Comments
That they are! Exactly, boo being for children only xD. Cool you remember Champion Iris having that nickname, but go her fancy version as I like her more there! Aye for the Gen 4 engine being slow, but true they’re really good games besides that issue xD. Indeed! Aye, PriPara also had a million climaxes so AiPri just wants to be PriPara again xD. Aye for the terrible publicity, and nope as it debuted a mere 4 years ago (which is why TR is the first season to have it), so boo spamming it that much! Aye, Cures don’t need cosmetics because they’re LEGENDARY WARRIORS, and go Kokoro indeed xD.
Certainly! Aye, boo Homare being my least favorite Cute who isn’t pink, a traitor, or has a penis xD. Right! Aye for ability capsules and mints among other things, but indeed for being roundabout xD. I blame Madoka coming when BW did! Aye so cool for B2W2, I’d like more HGSS if they weren’t slower than an Alola Pokémon but otherwise they’re cool xD. That it is, go white hair! Awesome you did, go Tsugumi saving the day but being “gone” because as I said before AiPri has a million climaxes xD.
-Hinata from Naruto (also shy and a childhood friend, never say never)
-Rikka from Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai
-Medaka from Medaka Box
-Aki from Masamune-kun no Revenge (only blue in the anime, but still counts)
-Junko from Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou (though she sucks)
-Himari from Omamori Himari
-Ringo from Nourin (Maybe? Info is rare)
-Aoi from Ai Yori Aoshi (another shy childhood friend, quick, make a wish!)
-Ren from Erementar Gerad
-Hazuki from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase
-Mahoro from Mahoromatic
-Tsumiki from Acchi Kocchi
-Yurika from Nadesico
-Island has a blue hair winner, but it's awful...
Plus "harem" or omnibus wins for stuff like Highschool DxD or Bokuben. If you include "blue haired girl is paired, but not with the lead" there's also BakaTest and even Franxx (despite people insisting Ichigo is an example)! The worst part is people don't bring up actually shat on blues like Kanna from Ano Natsu or Shinobu from Love Hina, which once again proves people are idiots xD.
Right so no worries for Mayu! Aye, boo Homare having her plot stolen by the writer’s lame sock puppet (Henri), not having Ogura’s usual cute voice, and cutting her hair xD. Aye, nothing against Sayo! Aye, even now they still are coy about the mechanics that have been around since 2002 xD. Aye, plus Audino has a Madoka-like wide head! That’s cool, go liking HGSS while I prefer B2W2 xD. Aye, go their white hair! Also don’t forget to watch AiPri xD.
Fair but no worries! Aye, but still a better role of her than Homare xD. Boo the sea cow, and no offense as you like Sayo! I doubt they’d brazenly talk about IVs and EVs and stuff xD. True! Great joke in both regards, boo Audino again as it looks like Mami Tomoe xD. Aye, boo hating my second favorite games because it’s not Kanto enough! Aye. Great joke on their similar names, they both have long white hair too xD.
Certainly such as Ran, Yuki, and the aforementioned Ageha! Great reference to the tarot magical girls, but this meganekko is voiced by Yui Ogura so boo xD. Aye, plus it’s very sexy! True Sayo is the best busty masochist (don’t forget Fuji-san, or rather forget her) but that’s a “tallest dwarf” thing xD. Aye! That would be cool, provided you weren’t stuck with crappy stats and movesets like Stadium rentals xD. I assume you can change clothes, but still! That’s another good point, boo the awesome Unova mons being Mega-less and yet AUDINO gets one :/. Hopefully xD. Cool you remember that, and aye but boo Johto cockblock! Not to Spanish and other European languages, and another game is the same, but English is there thankfully xD. And aye for Weevil’s oddity! Cool you saw it, go Emilia wanting to upstage Echidna as best girl for me xD.
Right, go Ageha being the third Cure girl and thus counting! No worries, it was pretty minor xD. Being fair it’s not that bad other than, well, the meganekko dying right off the bat! Aye xD. Right, though in the attack list most girls with huge asses have them! Aye and boo Komugi being static and terrible to the point I favor a mamocentric masochist over her xD. Makes sense! Makes perfect sense xD. Aye, boo wasting so much time in phone crap and Champions too! Aye for the so many issues, in particular the same clothing is because it makes the main characters look less like characters and more like avatars; Arceus and SV pulled the uniform excuse but this doesn’t look like one so bah xD. No worries for liking Megas, just personally they force you to use specific Pokémon so not my thing for that reason! Aye for the trap but people seem to like the new Hex Maniac which helps, and aye for the Johto starters minus Thyplosion because it got cancelled is featured in Arceus xD. Aye for translating the games (minus the sugoroku one a certain YouTuber would dislike), case curious they use the 4k!ds names except for Weevil who still uses his Japanese one due to him being unnamed for odd coincidences in our dub! Aye, go her punching Regulus a lot and kicking him and other cool things xD.
-Legends gameplay, which is awful
-Kalos, worst region
-Mega Evolution, the worst gimmick
-Shitty anime style battles instead of turn based ones
-None of the girls are pretty (and they made the leads dress the same AGAIN)
The only way it'd be worse is if there was a trap :/.
Thank you! Aye, but if you skip him then Ageha is next so that helps xD. And we saw Kokoro briefly in ep 2, she was putting up a Cure Idol poster and said “kyun kyun”! Aye, go the cute yuri show even if it was bad for glasses fans xD. Aye but the small doctor lady wore glasses I think! Exactly xD. Aye, like Shizuru the not-Keijo girl! Exactly xD. Agreed so boo Wonderful not living to its name, and go Sayo’s character development as the dumb mutt got none of that! Aye xD. No worries as never cared that much for Gundam Unicorn, even if it’s better than Fuwa! Aye, and indeed for PH but never beat it as one of the final boss phases is too hard because touch controls xD.