All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 86.4
Mean Score:
- Watching106
- Completed385
- On-Hold15
- Dropped52
- Plan to Watch115
- Total Entries673
- Rewatched0
- Episodes5,185
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 17.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries124
- Reread0
- Chapters2,783
- Volumes351
All Comments (474) Comments
It has been an interesting two weeks. We saw the largest number of nominations we have ever seen and the introduction of a semi-final round which was exciting until the end. Now with all that it is time to vote for the Face of UAS for the Spring Season. With this our club will be redesigned to fit our new winner. Voting will take place 4/16 and last until 4/24 at 23:59 PST (MAL time). The winner will be announced on Monday 4/25 and the redesign will take place that week. Vote now and make your favorite the new Face of UAS!!!
For those who find these messages annoying this will be the last one for a while
Well it is time for the start of the spring anime season and after taking a break for one season it is time once again for us at UAS to select a new Club Picture. In this forum thread nominate your favorite unpopular anime and/or character. Each member may make two nominations only. They may be anime/character, anime/anime, or character/character. The choice is yours. Nominations start Friday 04/01 and go through Friday 04/08 23:59 PST (MAL time). Shortly after a poll will be created using 6 selected nominations. If your selection isn't chosen worry not as we do this with every new anime season. (4 times a year) Who knows, maybe your nomination will be the new face of UAS!!!
New to the process
*Upon announcing a winner, the club page will be redesigned reflecting the character or series that wins.*
LOL, little siblings
I'm certain it's over a year... *checks* Oh, one and a half years. I don't mind the time either! It's nice to hear from you regardless
"i generally have a concern for ANYONE who has problems" I'm the same here actually, I know issues and sadness or depression are very common yet it still concerns me when people mention it. You sound like a gud person c:!
I GOT SICK ON THE FIRST DAY OF BREAK. LOOOL // Other than that I've been fine though, haven't been watching much but One Punch Man is definitely on my mental PTW. How's M3? Haven't heard of it before.
Atsu Workshop~★
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If there's any problem with your card, just let me know~ :3
Well, it was a show aimed at little girls, after all LOL.
And hey, we have know each other for a while, it's just that we take so long to reply... I'mma shorten this so it's easier lololo. And it's fine really, I appreciate the thought and you can feel free to rant to me anytime homiedachi!! ^ u ^
Lmao wow, when I started reading that sentence I got scared because I thought it was a bad grade. gg oAO