Yeah, but they did say that was gonna happen in the beginning when they were kids and they found the librarian(?). I really liked how brutal it got at the end, I felt like they should have just done that the whole way through. My biggest complaint was that the anime style changed for like 2 random episodes. It really pissed me off, I almost just dropped it.
Well that sucks. I hope you figure out your car situation, if you need anything let me know nigga.
On a side note, Zombie is sick :( she has an upper respiratory infection.
Misc thread boring af now. Trash mod presence. Pocket Mal goat app
Las Woatgas cost of living is lower than Texas you mad. Don't need a 100k/y job when i can just suck dick for money.
Watching anime feels like a waste of time to me now. brb could have read 6+ chapters in the time it took me to watch a single episode.
Live Reactions are goat. I don't really remember how I started but I do remember really enjoying watching other ppls reaction to some epic moments(UzumakiKhan's reaction to Euphemia's massacre lawwwddd). Especially ppl that don't have a lot of anime under their belt. I know i first became aware of them around the time Shingeki aired and was kinda interested, but i didnt really get into watching them every day until Nanatsu no Taizai aired.
I kinda expected DBS to be bad but I was in denial that a revival of one of the most popular anime of all time would be butchered like it has. So far it's legit been a remake of the Battle of Gods movie with shitty ass animation. IIRC in the recent ep we finally got something new smh
Saw a gif of Haikyuu s2 that made me wanna watch it real bad, but like I said no matter what anime i watch, while im watching it just feels like a waste of time. Would rather read it.
if you mean online on misc: i dont really go on misc much anymore, shit weak. If you mean online on mal: I've been using the Mal app on my phone and the mal site doesnt recognize me as being online when i use it
you said texas is shit, why would i ever go there wtf. Watching anime on tv is disgusting. Watching anime in general is disgusting. I've pretty much become manga only. Before White Album 2 a couple days ago(which was a fuking waste of time) I don't even remember the last time i finished an anime or even added one to my mal.
Manga days surpassed anime days shiiiett. Probably wont ever reach 80 anime days now. just no interest in watching anime myself anymore, i do watch live reactions tho hnngggggg recently rewatched code geass and most of Ippo through live reactions. watched NNT a couple times now through live reaction. But yeah other than that anime watching has been at an all time low for me. not even gonna watch Haikyu s2 or Owarimonogatari. Was excited for DB Super but that shit is a fuking disaster.
All Comments (219) Comments
You should read it man its a m a z i n g
Gonna re read naruto later on and decide which series i like more...
One piece is GOAT srs
stay mad at best poster poll
Well that sucks. I hope you figure out your car situation, if you need anything let me know nigga.
On a side note, Zombie is sick :( she has an upper respiratory infection.
And that all blows, why'd you quit? That's a shit ton of stress to deal with all at the same time nigga.
Las Woatgas cost of living is lower than Texas you mad. Don't need a 100k/y job when i can just suck dick for money.
Watching anime feels like a waste of time to me now. brb could have read 6+ chapters in the time it took me to watch a single episode.
Live Reactions are goat. I don't really remember how I started but I do remember really enjoying watching other ppls reaction to some epic moments(UzumakiKhan's reaction to Euphemia's massacre lawwwddd). Especially ppl that don't have a lot of anime under their belt. I know i first became aware of them around the time Shingeki aired and was kinda interested, but i didnt really get into watching them every day until Nanatsu no Taizai aired.
I kinda expected DBS to be bad but I was in denial that a revival of one of the most popular anime of all time would be butchered like it has. So far it's legit been a remake of the Battle of Gods movie with shitty ass animation. IIRC in the recent ep we finally got something new smh
Saw a gif of Haikyuu s2 that made me wanna watch it real bad, but like I said no matter what anime i watch, while im watching it just feels like a waste of time. Would rather read it.
Would never come to Texas you nerd
if you mean online on misc: i dont really go on misc much anymore, shit weak. If you mean online on mal: I've been using the Mal app on my phone and the mal site doesnt recognize me as being online when i use it
you said texas is shit, why would i ever go there wtf. Watching anime on tv is disgusting. Watching anime in general is disgusting. I've pretty much become manga only. Before White Album 2 a couple days ago(which was a fuking waste of time) I don't even remember the last time i finished an anime or even added one to my mal.
Manga days surpassed anime days shiiiett. Probably wont ever reach 80 anime days now. just no interest in watching anime myself anymore, i do watch live reactions tho hnngggggg recently rewatched code geass and most of Ippo through live reactions. watched NNT a couple times now through live reaction. But yeah other than that anime watching has been at an all time low for me. not even gonna watch Haikyu s2 or Owarimonogatari. Was excited for DB Super but that shit is a fuking disaster.
your essay writing has rubbed off on me
Facebook is for heterosexuals and females. I use grindr cuz