Hello, seems like you found me!
I'm Sorata Keitarou, many call me Sora, some call me Keita. Obviously It's a Pseudonym and it was the first of them all, now I have many names... But for this plataform, Sorata Keitarou is the best.
I am someone who carries the INFJ personality from MBTI. I consider myself a good person, I always try my best to avoid or solve problems, harmony and understandingness is what I wished most, but this world is simply against any innocent and good wishes you make.
I started my Otaku career watching Bleach, to be honest, I watched it like a random normie, my true first anime is shamefull to share, but it was Kiss X Sis and I am not proud of it. It was around late 2016 september to october.
Later on, my "golden otaku age" started at 2017 around january and febuary, when a certain anime made me cry, it was Plastic Memories... Then I got soul bound to my Otaku side and climbed up to 112 animes in 1 year!
My golden age ended around 2018 when I started only watching the airing animes, from then, nothing changed anymore, I just became and adult, started working, studying and suffering with like just like a ordinary person, but while still watching anime.
I'm a gamer too, but I'm a solo player, I don't have many friends that plays the same games as me, so I have no choice haha.
I am afraid of what could happen when I reach above 500 completed animes... (Writting it while have 466 completed).
I don't know what you're doing here and why you're paying attention to my poor story, there's not much you can do here except explore my tastes. I hope I can be a good reference for getting good stuff to watch!
Thank you for your attention, I really appreciate it.
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