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Dragon Ball Z Special 1: Tatta Hitori no Saishuu Kessen
Dragon Ball Z Special 1: Tatta Hitori no Saishuu Kessen
Dec 28, 2024 5:25 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 7
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Dec 28, 2024 3:02 PM
Completed 14/14 · Scored 8
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze
Dec 28, 2024 5:27 PM
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
Dec 28, 2024 5:27 PM
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Undead Unluck
Undead Unluck
Dec 28, 2024 4:22 PM
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ChronicPredator Feb 12, 2024 8:20 PM
Hey and I'm form India
painiwakura Feb 6, 2024 11:26 PM
Hey, Skull! I can't tell you how good it is to hear from you! I can't lie- I did take a painstakingly long break from the site to enjoy other forms of media like video games, films, and even some Western animation.

Oho, so you finished Fire Punch? (โ˜‰ะพโ˜‰)
That's amazing, Skull! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed one of my favorite manga- especially considering I recommended it to you specifically.
I agree, however, that it is not something I can recommend to just anyone as it is much harder to digest than the likes of Naruto, One Piece, and Dragon Ball, to name a few. It's not a manga you can pick up and put down perpetually. You have to commit to the, frankly, hell that comes with and after the story. So- props to you for finishing it!
Fujimoto is one hell of an artist with a vivid imagination- that's for sure! I quite like almost everything he's released as they are all pretty abnormal and uncanny (My favorite!)

I completely relate with the Chainsaw Man sentiment as I, too, am having trouble getting into part 2 despite (or maybe because of) how much I liked the first part.

Thank you so much for reaching out and telling me your thoughts on Fire Punch. I truly hope you are well.

I remember you telling me you loved Persona 5- let me know your thoughts on Reload!!! I'm gonna start playing it this Friday (:
JeyJee Jul 15, 2023 4:01 PM
I will not be getting back to it, I think HP is a downgrade for Mappa, for example if you compare that to the current JJK episodes, the animation quality is very one sided, we can see who is the favourite child ahaha

JJK manga fanbase have been going ham on social media about Gojo vs Sukuna, both calling each other frauds ahaha this Wednesday should be the new chapter where the long fight comes to a close.

CSM movie would be amazing, getting the whole Denji and Reze section put into it would be pretty cool, and would allow them to put some movie budget into it.

Vinland Saga was amazing, now with the baltic sea arc is going to be even better, baltic sea is the best arc in Vinland Saga in my opinion. Don't know if you have read it so won't go much into it. But it's going to be great.

I'm keeping the messages shorter if you don't mind, this way it's easier for me to reply back in a reasonable amount of time, hope you've been doing good!
JeyJee Jul 15, 2023 3:56 PM
Hey, nothing much how about you?
I stopped One piece at ep 34 or something ahaha, ngl until that point it was actually really good, and the new episodes from what I have seen look stunning, unlucky that it's being gatekeeped by 1k+ episodes :(

New bleach was really good! Shinji should be coming up soon, they did an amazing job with this adaptation both episodes so far have been amazing, specially this recent one it went by so fast I didn't even realize.

Yea I don't think Ginjo and Tsukishima will get any anime exclusive scenes since they did serve their specific purpose, which is not a bad thing since they gave other characters the spotlight, like the Gotei 13 captains and Urahara/Yoruichi.
Can't wait for Rukia vs As nodt, same with Komamura vs Bambietta, one of my personal favourites in this cour. And let's not even get started on Kenpachi vs Gremmy. One that I also can't wait to see is Mayuri and Nemu vs that Pernida dude, that fight was sooooo good man...
JeyJee Jun 22, 2023 12:25 AM
I was quite disappointed with it, the animation quality dropped after the first episode and that was the only thing that kept me onto episode 2 because the story itself already didn't interest me that much. There is a high chance I won't be continuing it, just haven't got the slightest interest in it anymore.

I think that Mappa's overworking kinda showed itself a little. Compared to like JJK where the animation was gorgeous from episode 1, Jigoraku just doesn't look nearly as good. I am heavily interested in JJK manga, also hyped for the season 2.

Im pretty sure I read somewhere that Chainsaw man will be getting a new movie along with a new season, good news to be honest cause with a movie budget they can do even better with the animation. I though season 1 looked really good animation wise I had little complaints but the main one I had was about the CGI, I'm just really not a fan, but that's just me.

Bleach will be amazing I can't wait man... Same here tbh, Bleach and JJK are the main thing, but I will also be watching Mushoku cause it had an amazing second season, I even gave it a 10.

Anyway hope ur doing well! And sorry again for the late reply ๐Ÿ˜…
JeyJee Jun 22, 2023 12:17 AM
What's up :))
Yeah I dropped it cause of length as well, although I have to say, the episodes that I did watch (Up until episode 34) were actually really good. That is true I do hear often that One Piece has the weakest fights in the big 3. Where did you drop it exactly?

Yeah Taika is a hit or miss, Love and Thunder was really not good. Ragnarok on the other hand is an amazing movie. So we'll have to wait and see. Haven't watched Akira myself but will definitely do someday.

Oh really?! That is actually one of my, if not my favourite arc, the lost children arc. I remember reading it vividly, you should definitely continue. But Im confused by what you mean with the deluxe being bad reading experience, is it because the art is on a bigger scale therefore is like tiring to go through the speech bubbles?

Oh yeah I remember that as well, Crowbcat makes really good videos, it was surprising to see a 2010 game actually had that attention to detail put in compared to Back4Blood. It did make me want to play L4D cause funnily enough I only played B4B lol.

I agree, would have loved to see more with Ulquiorra and Orihime, but on the other hand the fact that he only really realized that on his last moments also made it more impactful as a chapter imo. About the fullbringer arc, I did think it had a bit of a slow, but necessary start. And the last episodes/chapters of it did make up for it, development wise it was a very important arc specially for Ichigo.

I have most definitely seen the new trailer, I am wired up when it comes to Bleach ahaha I.
I personally loved that trailer, when that soundtrack kicked in it was so hype seeing all of those scenes animated with it. Also Shinji's bankai mannnnn I have been saying to a lot of people that I wished they would show more of him on the anime exclusives and Kubo delivered ๐Ÿ™

But yeah when it comes to Bleach I am very biased and watching that trailer got me even more hyped, like it's the main thing I am looking forward to this summer :D
JeyJee May 19, 2023 12:59 AM
Oh not at all man, no need to apologize for the late replies I should be the one to lmao.

Yeah Alice in Borderlands probably the only anime live action I enjoyed. Oh yeah I completely forgot about One piece live action lol, we'll see how that goes. I stopped One Piece at episode 38, something like that. Not really dropped it but couldn't go through with it due to how long it is. It was really good though, I did enjoy a lot what I did watch.
Even though I didn't watch it Im excited to see what gear 5 looks like, a lot of animators seem to be working on it so it will be a treat to watch for sure.

I just want a well animated conviction arc mannnn that one is my favourite :(

Ps1 dragon ball games were just overall not that good, does not compare to ps2 ones really.

Ohhh I watched that video lmao it's so funny and an absolute classic. I watched almost every video of his though he makes really good videos, I remember he made me appreciate GTA 4 a LOT more after watching the GTA 4 and 5 comparison video. That Ubisoft downgrade video too was really good.

I think Village was good, I didn't enjoy it as much as Biohazard but it was still enjoyable, I do agree with you that Village was more consistent. But all and all I prefer RE2 Remake out of all of them :D
I do prefer third person a lot more.

They are man the visored are such cool characters, some of them do get a bit of runtime on the TYBW but... The thing with Bleach right, it has so many good characters and there is so much possibilities, like you could expand on a bunch of them you know what I mean? But there just isn't enough space for that, still we get to see a LOT on TYBW and I still feel like there is more to be shown, and characters that were left out. I am sure that Kubo will be continuing Bleach with the Hell Arc but it's probably going to be long before that happens. Btw you should watch the Hell Arc movie from Bleach, it goes more into that so you'll get an idea from it, it's a pretty decent movie actually.

Im definitely looking forward to JJK season 2, Bleach and JJK go like bread and butter, if you enjoy one, there is no way you won't enjoy the other. I already saw a bunch of panels from the manga so I did get spoiled, it's whatever though only gets me more hyped to see it animated :D

I'll admit I lost interest in Jigoraku, just didn't think it was as good as the other 2 in the ''new gen dark trio''. I'm not sure if I will continue it, I'll let it finish and see what people say then.

Oh yeah and Vinland Saga, omg man it's been so good, I'll just paste here what I said in another chat ''Ngl this one Vinland chapter later on had me in tears, tears from happiness which I never ever got from an animanga, that's how invested I was in it lmao. The anime is doing it justice, ep 17 was one of my favourites from this new season. That episode was as good as S1 episode 14, and that is saying a lot since that one is one of my favourite anime ep oat.''

Currently watching all of Fate series spin offs and monogatari series, planning on watching Soul Eater and Yuru camp after.

What about you? Where are you planning to go to next with anime? What have you been most impressed with recently? What are you looking forward to the most besides JJK?
Blackfire2340 Apr 29, 2023 4:52 PM
What's up again, been a minute. Yeah, the DBS Broly movie has easily been the best anime movie in recent memory for me. Though I'm also a fan of the original Broly movie and DBZ in general, so that is a big factor for me. DBZ is something I've also primarily enjoyed in dub, but in Super related movies/TV I think sub is the way to go. The direction feels different in newer Dragonball projects. I think soundtrack might be a big part of it. DBZ dub had the Bruce Faulconer OST and the movies often had rock music playing.

Nagatoro is great, but you might have to push through it depending on how you handle the bullying. It gets lighter as you go and she warms up to the MC. I didn't like Uzaki-chan mainly by design, so I never started it. I've heard mixed feelings on it though.

Well, that's good to hear. Tiny Tina's isn't the best thing in the world, but I think its worth a playthrough or 2 if you were a big Borderlands fan. Borderlands games just have that style to it that you can't get in other looter shooters like Destiny or Warframe. It also doesn't feel as grindy and FOMO since it isn't a live service game.

I've enjoyed the Diablo 4 beta so far, so I'm pretty optimistic about the game. The main question is just if the game is something I'll play for a month or for the rest of the year. That really just depends on how the end game is setup. I'd like it to have a boss/raid system like Lost Ark. Lost Ark was a very ARPG, but the pay-to-win, grind, and FOMO on the game was just too much. I know the game is free, but I'd rather just spend $70 once and have full access to the game without needing 1000 hours in for progression.

Oh you're still pretty early in then. Yeah, the Saint Beasts arc isn't the best, but its still kind of cool since you get to see Kurama and Hiei in action. But as I've said, "the arc" in Yu Yu Hakusho has always been The Dark Tournament. Everything is pretty much a setup for that arc lol. That's why the show feels off when its over, but you'll have your own take on it once start it.

As for me, I've been alright. Started reading Oshi No Ko since I liked the anime and just have been catching up on more shonen jump manga I was behind on. Also, started reading the Fate/stay night visual novel. Watched a little bit of Fate/zero, but wanted to try out the visual novel since I've been reading light novels more often now.
JeyJee Apr 23, 2023 12:32 PM
I can't wait mannnn cour 2 is gonna be soooo good. Oh yeah the manga ending... Idk how I feel about that. But there is talk about Kubo making a new arc and continuing the manga, so there is potential.
It was confirmed that a anime exclusive fight would be in the cour 2 too, I'm really hoping they do something with Shinji. I heard the same animator from Yamamoto vs Yhwach is responsible for one of the biggest fights in cour 2 so Im very hyped for it. The material is there, all they have to do is nail it with the animation.

Oh yeah I thought that was a bit weird too ahaha, u should definitely watch the first episode from Oshi no ko too though, it's really well animated!

I'm still halfway through champloo, ep 14, I will finish it though 100%. Right now I'm watching the Fate series spin off's, I'm planning on watching all of them, and then the new one coming July. July is stacked with good anime's, JJK season 2, Mushoku, Fate and Bleach phew...

Which seasonal you enjoying the most? Vinland has gotten to the very good bits now too, u should definitely keep up with it cause from now on every episode is going to be amazing!

Anyways hope ur doing good! Sorry for the long reply ๐Ÿ˜…
JeyJee Apr 23, 2023 12:20 PM
Hey, I appreciate the kind words! I do like to write thorough replies if I can, I do really value the patience with my delayed replies ahaha.

Damn so that's not even the most gruesome one you say, yeah I mean babies flying around ripping limbs apart is already pretty crazy so I can imagine they get pretty creative too with some of those deaths lol. I agree, I loved the og Hellsing atmosphere, it was much more sinister imo. Also the animation from it, even though Ultimate had much higher quality there is something about early 2000's animes that I really enjoy, idk what it is but for example old Bleach as well I loved the old style animation and setting, something about it it's just so nostalgic.

Yeah you should definitely avoid anime live actions ahaha, but Alice in borderlands is surprisingly very well made. One of the few ones that you might even argue it's better than the manga. Oh yeah that wolf and sheep section I did not expect them to just get rid of so many important characters like that, they did an amazing job with that scene on the live action as well I was quite lost for words for a couple minutes.

About Berserk, the 1997 adaptation is on Netflix, I would definitely recommend that, it's an amazing adaptation. Elfen Lied was decent, wouldn't say I recommend it but it was entertaining to say the least. Still don't like the ending ahaha. I think I did say that someone told me the Elfen Lied manga ending was better, but I didn't see that one.

Oh sorry I didn't even realize that fan animation is actually spoilers, got too excited ahaha, I got spoiled myself on it but I didn't mind cause it looked so good.

Yea Budokai tenkaichi 3 had a strong presence in my childhood, fighterz I played it more recently. Well let's hope they don't hold content on DLC's although they probably will. About the combat I would guess they keep the core of it just like Budokai Tenkaichi 3, with some minor tweaks and improvements, keeping that nostalgia element going.

They did... Leon still had some of his goofy lines but some of it was also removed which kinda sucks imo. Idk if you know Crowbcat but he's a youtuber that made a pretty good video comparing some scenes and elements from the old and new one, I would recommend watching that after you played the remake though.

Oh yeah Chris arms here HUGE, if they reduced that and removed the boulder scene people would riot, me included lool. RE3 remake was good but unfortunately very short that's the main issue with it, RE2 remake is just better in many aspects. Nemesis was not that intense on first playthrough until you up the difficulty then he would run at INSANE speeds it was terrifying ahaha. Yeah I got to Krauser but like leaving the Ps2 on for as long as I could you know ahaha, even then it was a long way.

Wooow that's low, I remember that yea Tommy just drowning instantly ahaha.

Dorohedoro manga looks pretty good as well though, I will admit I am not a fan of CGI, so if I can avoid it I would prefer it ahaha. I have it on plan to read I do wanna read it some day. Oh so the anime skips some story as well? Yeah I'll just go with the manga then.

Suria108_ Apr 13, 2023 6:32 AM
Yes I'm coughting up with Chainsaw man part 2 and I absolutely love it! I love the idea of having someone else as a main character and Dengi seems to be more matured. The story is going so unpredictable as well I love it! But I get that people love part one more bc we have't seen much from part 2 yet, but I like where it's going so far.
JeyJee Apr 13, 2023 3:47 AM
Ikr it looked so good! Bleach never misses with music and visuals, I watched that one like 10 times already ahaha.
So hyped for second cour... Like the material is all there, if they nail the animation and soundtrack I bet the ratings are going to be even higher than the first cour.

BTW, did you watch Oshi no Ko? A friend recommended me it yesterday and after seeing the rating I just had to watch it. First ep came out yesterday and currently sitting at 9.38 rating which is crazy... Another one taking the number one spot, it was great I would definitely recommend!

Anyway hope ur doing good :)
JeyJee Apr 13, 2023 3:42 AM
RE2 was so good, I still think I prefer that one but again I still need to replay 4 a couple of times, I saw they also added mercenaries to it also got to try that, yeah RE4 original was horrifying playing it as a kid ahaha, this remake is more action focused though that's for sure, sucks they removed some stuff aswell as changing some voice lines though, they made Leon less 'goofy' and more serious, idk if I really liked that.

Furthest I got was to the final island, after beating Krauser, never finished that ๐Ÿ˜…

Oh yeah that sounds bad ahaha, was the same for me with San Andreas, I couldn't go to other territories cause you only unlock them later in the game, I eventually got a memory card though, and there were a bunch of cheat codes you could do back on the ps2 as well.

RE2 and 3 remake are really the only games that I speedran a couple times, it was actually really fun, since you could finish it in like 3 hours max as well, so it wasn't that time consuming, you also kinda have to in higher difficulties, cause there just isn't enough resources to kill every enemy, as for the boss fights you could 'cheese' some them so wasn't really that big of a deal.

Oh yeah I saw the doom speedruns as well, I saw a developer reaction to one of them which was kinda funny, he would use all kinds of skips and skip like half the game ๐Ÿคฃ
I think we are talking about the same speedrun video too lol

Dorohedoro looked so good from a few panels I've seen, would you recommend the anime though? Like is it as good as the manga?
JeyJee Apr 13, 2023 3:27 AM
Hey man sorry yet again for the late reply, took me longer than 10 days this time lol at this point I would honestly understand if you didn't reply back anymore lmao, hope ur doing good though.

Oh about that, I actually saw a panel on a Gantz death, I was looking through some panels and it was a guy basically getting his limbs ripped apart by some baby angels something like that, looks pretty brutal and I got the feeling that's not even the worst of it, oh yeah I don't mind I like just straight up batshit crazy stuff too without much plot. Yeah if it is like I think it is, the anime producers could definitely have gotten a bit creative and added some new stuff. I see it's animated by Gonzo haven't really heard of them outside of Hellsing and NHK.

I watch Alice in borderlands on Netflix actually, if you didn't know there is a whole live action on it lol, it's actually surprisingly good, I still remember the wolf and sheep game that one was sad...
Elfen Lied is crazy lol I never seen stuff like that before in anime, completely unhinged lmao, it's a good watch and it has an AMAZING opening, it's just the ending that I really disliked, I heard something about it being different and better in the manga but yeah I wouldn't really know.

Berserk movies are good, but again just doesn't really compare to the manga, and the 1997 adaptation is still better. The movies has it's moments though that's for sure, I love what they did with the wounds chapter and Griffith and Guts first duel, if you ever watch it watch the memorial edition btw, it has extra scenes.

YES I seen that one, was so fing good omg the animation went hard, talking about good fan animations I will drop this one here from One punch, imo the best one out there

Oh yeah FighterZ was good too I played that a bunch, even then still doesn't compare to how much I played Tenkaichi 3 though I used to play that religiously lmao, like the amount of nostalgia this gives me is insane

Blackfire2340 Apr 11, 2023 5:06 AM
Haha don't worry, my reply is late too. Want to make sure I give an actual reply when I can and not just a half assed one.

And yeah, the Shibuya incident was definitely the best part of JJK that I had read so far. Thats why I think my hype might be restored once season 2 comes out. I saw the Love is War movie, back in February. It was great, but I don't think its something needed to see in the theaters to fully experience. Its not like if you saw DBS Broly, JJK movie, Mugen Train etc.

Komi definitely carries the manga, similar to Nagatoro. Their personality and antics are kind of what keeps the story interesting. Gets a bit repetitive after awhile, but its still interesting. I haven't bought any anime figures myself yet, just gotten some small ones as gifts. I feel like once I buy one then I will end up buying a ton lol.

Borderlands 3 is just unforunate. To go from characters like Maya, Zer0, Gaige, and Salvador to that new cast is rough. I don't think I even need to mention the Twins lol. But if you are a fan of the series I definitely would recommend at least a quick playthrough on it. Game is rather old now so I'd expect a lot of sales or having it on game pass.

I'm really hoping Diablo 4 is good, well at least good to me. The beta was enjoyable, but that only covered the first 25 levels. It really depends on how the endgame works. Also didn't really get to see much on the MMO features.

Yeah, reading is definitely slower than just watching anime or reading a manga chapter. At least for me. I'm not a very fast reader and I get distracted very easily. I need to be extremely immersed in a story for me to finish it. But if you can find a light novel you enjoy its the best. If there's an anime you already finished that was originally a light novel, I would start off that way.
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