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Just a guy who watches anime and reads manga in my spare time. I'm always happy to chat, so feel free to message me if you want.

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Seitokai Yakuindomo
Seitokai Yakuindomo
Today, 12:14 AM
Watching 5/13 · Scored 6
Mar 22, 11:26 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
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Rosario to Vampire: Season II
Rosario to Vampire: Season II
Mar 23, 3:45 PM
Reading 11/67 · Scored 7
Mar 19, 4:28 PM
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Rosario to Vampire
Rosario to Vampire
Mar 19, 9:48 AM
Completed 40/40 · Scored 7

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SuperGreenTea Feb 17, 3:34 PM
Happy New Year and belated Happy Birthday to you! Sorry for the delay. I’ve not felt motivated to write MAL comments for a while now, preferring to concentrate my energies on my MAL BFF, Ity. So many people have come and gone through my 7 years of MAL (and made it seem like a waste of time in writing so much), that I’ll only make a special and dedicated effort with certain people these days, and actually you are one of them. So, don’t be a stranger. Try to keep the connection alive!

I see you’ve already passed what was Season 1 of Bleach. For me, it’s been 13 years since I first watched it, and I still remember being enticed after seeing the first 3 seasons DVDs on sale in Fopp. I think they were reduced to just £10 each season, so I thought I’d take a gamble on it. I was unimpressed by the first few episodes (having no previous knowledge of the characters or world) and it seemed a bit annoying or childish. I didn’t know that it would gradually start getting better, and picking up pace, or that the characters would start growing on me - so, I decided to return it to the store. When I got there though, I discovered I had taken the wrong DVD box (I’d taken Claymore, which I really liked and wanted to keep). So, rather than go again the next day, I thought I’d just hang onto Bleach for another week (there were a couple of weeks in which you could make a return/exchange) and see if it started to grow on me. It was probably around halfway through the first season that I changed my mind and thought - actually, this isn’t that bad, it’s watchable at least. And by the end, when Byakuya and Renji turn up to take Rukia back to the Soul Society, I thought - this is starting to get quite good now, and I think it will be worth carrying on with. So, the next day I went back to Fopp to buy Seasons 2 and 3. Looking back, I think Rukia was the main reason I made the decision to continue, and she was one of the first female anime characters to win a place in my heart. As for my experience with the rewatch, rather than seeming like a really amazing show in and of itself, it’s more that the nostalgia and fond memories have warmed and gladdened my heart. I think the lead female characters are likeable/loveable - like Orihime, Rukia, and Yoruichi, and one of the best elements has been the comedy/humor which helps release stress/anxiety and relieve fatigue. Some of the jokes and skits still make me laugh and on the whole, it’s a lively and uplifting series that helps give you a break from real life sorrow, worry, and angst. As for writing and story, I think the Soul Society arc is peak Bleach, and one of the best shounen arcs of all time. Even though it’s still early days, how has your experience with the rewatch been?
DarkStarHarry Jan 3, 8:22 PM
No problemo. Thank you for accepting :)

Happy new year to you as well owo
fausifahrial Jan 1, 1:15 AM
You're welcome

Wishing you a fantastic New Year as well ~
fausifahrial Jan 1, 12:41 AM
Happy birthday! :)
Wood94 Nov 1, 2024 8:47 AM
Visiting your profile page is like ascending to a higher plane and being greeted by 3 adorable angels telling you everything is going to be ok


need moar mushoku
SuperGreenTea Sep 19, 2024 1:16 PM
It’s going to be like all your Christmases have come at once, because the story is just going to develop and expand from this point onwards, and you’re going to be treated to some of the most beautiful anime artwork and colouring, ever. As you said, the warm watercolours when he enters the three sisters’ house exude such a warm and cozy/comforting aura - in stark contrast to the flashbacks of his earlier traumas, and the time he was struggling to live alone in a bleak empty apartment. I’m so glad for you, that you finally got around to it, and that it’s living up to the great expectations you had for it :)
SuperGreenTea Sep 19, 2024 11:25 AM
Are you rewatching 3-gatsu no Lion, or is this your first time? Don’t worry, I’m not an obsessive stalker (cue, nervous laughter), I just saw you on my friends updates, and thought I’d drop in cos 3-gatsu is my all-time fave softy/sentimental series, and the artwork and OST are the absolute pinnacle for me.
SuperGreenTea Sep 9, 2024 3:26 PM
I knew Madoka was definitely something I’ve not seen in your top 10 before, and thought Kaguya might be new, but wasn’t sure. I’ll often change things around in my faves, and like you said, it’s nice to give some different things a spotlight, infuse your top 10 with a fresh energy, or show your love or appreciation for something new (for you). The Yuru Camp franchise is still one of my all time fave anime (it can do no wrong) but I thought I’d bring in Carole and Tuesday, as it’s my fave musical-themed anime (so far). I think, your new faves convey a different side to your personality than I’ve seen before. Like, a more contemporary romantic comedy with Kaguya, magical girls with Madoka, and a less popular/lower rated Fate instalment, like UBW. It’s almost like we’re seeing you express more of your girly side (Rin and Saber double-team in UBW) ;)

Yeah, the fights in UBW are better than the Heaven’s Feel ones for me too (and I’m not a fights oriented person). I still remember the impact of seeing Saber versus Berserker, and Archer versus Lancer, for the first time. When I first saw it 8 years, it was on another level from the visual style I had seen in anime up until that point (the fights from the first Bleach series didn’t really compare in the looks department). Agreed, the original 2006 Fate stay’s OST is more noteworthy/memorable than the Ufotable route’s OST. I have a high regard for Kenji Kawai, though. So, I’m not too surprised about the OST being such high quality. I look forward to seeing a different Saber ending, from what I’ve seen before. Even more reason, for me to push on with it. So far, the three-way banter between Saber, Rin, and Shirou, has been one of the highlights. It takes me to a happy place.

With what you’ve said about how Saber’s route in the 2006 original helps make better sense of UBW, I feel like I would like to rewatch UBW after the original, and move onto a Heaven’s Feel rewatch after that. I will try to consider all three pieces as parts of a whole, from now. Certainly, it’s an interesting world/setting/environment and diverse bunch of characters/personalities to get immersed in.

Don’t worry about the wall of text, it’s nice to see someone else (other than myself) pull something like that out of the bag, once in a while. And, I wouldn’t expect anything less from the Type-Moon Fate expert.
SuperGreenTea Sep 7, 2024 12:12 PM
I’ve noticed you’re usually the one to drop by my profile (to be a friendly neighbourhood weeb), but sometimes I’ll investigate the faces that appear in my friends panel. And I’m glad I did, because I was shocked/surprised to see so many changes in your top 10 anime. And I must say, it makes me happy to see Fate UBW in there, because we’re the minority Fate on MAL (compared with Zero and HF). I always thought you were more of a Fate/Zero or Heaven’s Feel guy. Why the change/turnaround? Coincidently, I finally plucked up the courage to watch the original Fate/stay night (I was worried I might dislike it), and I’m glad I did, because there are some undeniable charms and merits to it (Rin and Saber, mostly). There are occasional unintentionally funny dialogue moments (so, my enemy’s enemy is still my enemy - from Shirou), and the artwork/animation falls considerably short of the Ufotable alternate version/route, but the American dub voices for Rin and Saber are the same (two of my fave dubs ever), and their personalities really shine/sparkle and are very nice/likeable for me. Those two still might be contenders for my top 10 characters, just based on the Studio Deen original (what I’ve seen so far, and how I can imagine it progressing). Shirou Emiya is an even bigger fool and bumbling idiot in this version, but there’s something mildly comical about it, so I don’t mind. It’s also interesting to see the differences in the story from the UBW version/route (Rider has already featured a lot more), and as a Fate fan, you get to enjoy new scenes/conversations/comedy, and a really fantastic Kenji Kawai OST. What are your thoughts/opinions regarding the comparison between the two Fate/stay night anime?
Wood94 Sep 2, 2024 5:56 AM
( ") <3 (" )
SuperGreenTea May 26, 2024 10:54 AM
Thanks for that link! GITS (I'm not calling anyone rude names lol) has always been one of my top franchises since I first started watching anime, 12 and half years ago. And I had no idea there was another installment scheduled. I loved 2045, but because it seemed to come in for a lot of flak from the MAL crowd (I'm guessing some people just couldn't get past their distaste for the aesthetics of the 3D faces), and I wasn't sure how it went down with the Japanese home audience, I had started to doubt if we would ever see more of Kusanagi and Batou's witty repartee again the future.

I have a feeling that you'll like the 2nd half of 2045 if you liked the 1st half. I thought the story was pretty good myself and was cleverer and more sophisticated than a lot of anime, and some of the action and fight choreography looked amazing. I know it's been a while for you, but do you remember the episode where Batou finds himself in the middle of a senior citizens bank robbery? That was hilarious! I think you'll enjoy seeing it again, if you do a rewatch ;)

Also, seeing that Science SARU are listed as the producers for this new GITS, bodes well. I loved what they did with Eizouken and Heike Monogatari. A high quality 2D GITS would be something to really look forward to!

Seeing as you have a Kyuubey and Homura theme going on, would it be right to infer that you're getting geared up for the new Madoka movie? Do you have any details regarding it? I get the impression that it's been delayed or postponed many times already, but that this year, really is supposed to be THE YEAR, that it's finally released. I'll probably do a rewatch of the movie trilogy to reacquaint myself with the story so far, before watching the new one. Although, I'm sure it will take a while for even the English subtitled version to be released, as I've noticed there's usually a delay of at least 6 months, from when anime movies get a Japanese release, to the when the subtitled versions get a worldwide release.
Ink-ling Mar 31, 2024 8:50 PM
While I haven't read too far into the novels, it's pretty good so far, and expand upon more of what's seen in the anime. If you were disappointed with Index III, I was told that the novels fix that. Index III was heavily rushed and condensed, hence why it turned out the way it did.
Do you have a favorite character in the series?

What are your thoughts on RWBY?
Ink-ling Mar 28, 2024 6:05 PM
Nice to see Berserk and Toaru on your lists! Any plans to read the Toaru light novels?
SuperGreenTea Mar 27, 2024 11:40 PM
I said Tem - when I meant Pina, of course. I've corrected it now. It was half an error, and half a test for the true fans out there ;)

Yeah, it was a really compelling and fascinating series. The drama was really great, and I enjoyed the on-stage dramatics - especially the simmering tension between Bill and Legoshi.

I've gone for a color coordination/match-up between the posters of my fave characters, fave series, and fave studios (all opposite to each other vertically). I wonder if many users notice things like that!
SuperGreenTea Mar 27, 2024 11:40 AM
Glad to see you gave Beastars season 2 a 10. I preferred the 2nd season (by a whisker over the first), myself. The insights into Riz's mentality/inner thought processes was interesting, and it was enjoyable/a thrill to see Legoshi playing detective and getting closer to uncovering the perpetrator. The stuff with Pina was amusing and heightened the tension - like the bathroom scene between him and Riz, where he made a thinly veiled allusion that he knew the truth (he was hiding). The art/animation and OST were top-drawer, and the voice acting in American English and Japanese were about equal for me, and like an acting masterclass. Anime doesn't get any better! I only put the first season in my top 10 because I prefer the poster, and think it's more of an iconic representation of the series as a whole, than the poster for the sequel. Lol.
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