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Keikenzumi na Kimi to, Keiken Zero na Ore ga, Otsukiai suru Hanashi.
8 hours ago
· Scored
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Days: 63.8
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All Comments (11) Comments
I'll get back to you when I manage to catch up on it again. Thanks for the heads up!
Oh, I see where you are coming from, but Idk if rushing it to some point will be a major problem in this case, considering their relationship and the fact that the plotline was slowly-paced from the very beggining. Well, let's hope we get something worth of praising in the end( can't wait for the references in all those cosplay events >0<).
I saw that you are reading Sono Bisque doll, which is going to have an anime by next year. How are you liking it so far?
How have you been lately?
bruh, Roxys episode made me CRY man lol, no matter what content it is, if it has something to do with family i'm in tears.
I'd say 2nd season is pretty solid, fight scenes are tighter as well
what 'bout you?