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L Monster review
Hope you have a good day.
Yours Insufferable truly, wishing you a [existing] day
So, let me get this straight, not only do you say that this is "one of the worst anime series of all time" which in of itself a strong opinion, but I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume that you haven't seen how bad anime can get. Also, this is just your opinion, so I am completely fine with you stating that Clannad is the worst, even if it is overly aggressive. But holy shit does "of course almost nobody is willing to admit or understand it." make you look like the biggest piece of sh*t. If you had just said "I think it's terrible", I wouldn't have a problem with it, as it is just you stating your own opinion, but by saying "almost nobody is willing to admit or understand it" you are taking away other people's right to form their own opinion. Nobody is worse or wrong for liking something, and you can't tell anyone that their opinion is in any way inferior to yours. You can critique Clannad but all the reasons people like it for, are just as valid as your criticism (probably even more so). So go shout your opinion, I've got no problem with that but if you are so full of yourself that you start denying others the right to do the same, just because they didn't experience what ever you are talking about the same way, then for the love of god, just shut the f*ck up. Nobody is going to say something like "You know, I really liked Clannad but thanks to you, I now understand that doing so was objectively wrong, thanks for telling me how stupid I was". You realize how pretentious and just overall stupid that sounds, right? So please just be respectful, especially when talking about stuff other people feel passionate about, because you are just as much a prisoner of your own subjectivity as everyone else, even those people that like Clannad do so for a reason. People that disagree with you are not fundamentally unreasonable, and if you disagree with that, then I have to inform you, that you are being unreasonable. So I kindly ask you to be more respectful and treat others like their opinion is just as valid as yours, because it is. If you don't want to do that, that's fine too, nobody is forcing you to write reviews, so if change is not an option, maybe consider shutting the f*ck up. Thank you for reading my very objective criticism of your Clannad review, if you wanna have a meaningful conversation, accept that all of the above is my opinion and thus as valid as your own. If you can do that, cheers, that's one step towards becoming a better critic. If your response to receiving criticism is to read one of my reviews and tell me how shitty I am, then that's also cool, maybe you can learn a thing or two from my equally horrible reviews that at the very least don't claim to be more than they really are, just my simple opinion.
With kind regards, a fellow asshole. Have a [] day