Halo, nama saya Rala (samaran). Hello, my name is Rala (pseudonym)
•Bahasa Indonesia
Saya suka anime bergenre comedy, fantasy, dan lain-lain. Saya sendiri biasanya tidak terlalu tertarik dengan anime romance, tapi biasanya kalau romancenya bukan romance remaja, biasanya saya akan cukup menyukainya.
Saya bukan tipe yang benci se*ual fan service, tapi saya tidak suka kalau terlalu banyak.
Saya juga kurang suka dengan anime bertema harem, reverse harem, karena menurut saya aneh aja sih. Tapi terkadang saya menelan ludah sendiri, hehe.
Saya mulai menonton anime sejak 2016, anime pertama saya (yang bukan kartun, seperti Doraemon dll) adalah High School *** (Taulah apa itu). Sebenarnya saya masih di bawah umur saat itu, tapi ya.. mau bagaimana lagi.
I like comedy, fantasy, and other anime genres. I myself am usually not too interested in romance anime, but usually if the romance isn't a teenage romance, I usually like it quite a bit.
I'm not the type who hates se*ual fan service, but I don't like it when there's too much of it.
I also don't like harem-themed anime, reverse harem, because I think it's just weird. But sometimes I swallow my own saliva, hehe.
I started watching anime since 2016, my first anime (which was not a cartoon, like Doraemon etc.) was High School *** (Know what it is). Actually, I was still underage at that time, but yeah... it couldn't be helped.
Anime History Last Anime Updates
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries21
- Reread0
- Chapters1,639
- Volumes35
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