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Feb 21, 2025
Ichi is a mountain child. To survive he learns to hunt in said mountain where the law of eat or be eaten is all there is.
He accidentally acquires a magik one day and becomes a witch... in a society where only women can have magic.
The interesting part here is that this isn't a reset button. Ichi just shifts his focus from hunting animals to hunting magical creatures (magik) using the same principles. This contrasts with an entire society built on arcane practices.
I want to note that the author (Nishi Osamu) is also behind Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun, a story about a human boy in
demon hogwarts. They very much are into the displacement thing, I call it displacement because "fish-out-of-water" doesn't work. You need to keep splashing the fish with "because plot" or it'll die. But with Osamu the person introduces ideas and practices to the new world/society and things develop from there with both parties learning from each other.
It's a well written manga, even more focused compared to Iruma-kun and the artwork is amazing.
Also, like iruma-kun, the adults here are responsible. They don't endanger children just because this is a shonen. Something so basic yet I rarely come across it in this genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 16, 2025
Tokimeki Tonight, or what it was called in the Arabic dub, Ranze the amazing (رانزي المدهشة)
I grew up with this anime back in the 80s so it was a real throwback to come across it again 40 years later.
The show masquerades as a shoujo anime but it's really a circular gag show, similar in style to Urusei Yatsura by Rumiko Takahashi (of Ranma 1/2 fame).
The characters are introduced, they fall in love, the relationship never advances past the introduction and its used as an excuse for comedy to happen. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if it was inspired by Urusei Yatsura as the character
dynamic and situations are pretty close.
Summery = Ranze is a daughter of a vampire father & werewolf mother. On her first day of highschool she falls for Shun the bad boy, because he's human and she's a monster it's considered forbidden love. Love rivals are introduced to complicate things and hijinks ensue.
Plot (7/10) =
Episodic by nature and very character driven. A situation is set up and the characters are left to run amuck. Similar to Urusei Yatsura (and Ranma) regardless of what happens no lasting harm is done and the relationship status quo is maintained. The episodes are memorable though, If I can still remember some of them including one off characters over 40 years later then the show must be doing something right. Ending was rather lackluster though, I always thought the arabic dub stopped at an odd point so imagine my surprise to find out they were actually faithful to the OG.
Characters (8.5/10) =
This is the show's strong point. Not only are they solid but memorable, they're not stereotypical at all. If anything every single character is created with some form of conflict in mind so the relationships and interactions are very dynamic, explosive in some cases.
Ranze's mother is headstrong and tries to force her daughter into a more traditional marriage, which is hilarious when you find out that she herself rebelled against her parents and married for love. A man she now uses as a punching bag whenever the full moon rises (gee I wonder what that symbolizes... subtle...)
Ranze herself has a strong sense of self and doesn't let anything or anyone get her down. She is sure both of herself and her parent's love (to her and to each other) & very internally motivated. More than can be said for 90% of modern heroines sadly.
Even Shun the love interest, I didn't like him as a kid as it seemed like he was just leading the girls along. Well yeah he is but he isn't your typical bad boy jock either. He actually has a personality and just because he is the love interest doesn't mean he HAS to like the girl back.
Art and animation (7/10) =
So... yeah. This came out in 1982 with the typical low to moderate budget animation of the time. I suspect it was funded by what change they found in the couch cushions...
Characters often walk in space. Backdrops are missing in none essential shots. repeated animation to cut on costs...etc.
They did try to stylize it though. Lots of English signs to hint at this happening in the west and the characters will often drop english words randomly. The backgrounds have a stylized look, style of something drawn by a 5 year old sure, but still stylized.
The characters have this long thin body with a large head typical of 70s animation.
It's a date look but even with all that it's still charming with a lot of attention to detail. The characters expressive and the animation matches the show's energy.
Sound (8/10)
Another strong point for the show. The music and sound are really catchy and memorable. I would score it higher but I feel like the japanese voice acting brings it down a little.
Fun Factor (7/10)
This is a cute show with lots of gags that still land. It's of it's time but a cheap laugh is still a laugh. Also while the characters can be a bit much at times they are never unlikeable.
OVERALL (7/10)
A cute gag show from the 80s, good characters and doesn't take itself too seriously. It's of it's time for sure and more a curio rather than a hidden gem.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 15, 2025
I came across this series by accident so went in completely blind.
From the images I thought this was BL. Well, it's not... there is not yet a word to categorize how gay it is though.
The premise is that Momose, previously employed in a black company, was traumatized by his previous horrible boss and poor work environment.
Transferring to a new place he starts the healing process with his new "goofy" boss.
Lots of airheaded and cutesy moments, the show is less episodic in nature and more a series of vignettes strung together to complete the required run time. It's the kind of show
made for 5 minutes anime shorts to be honest.
Regarding the "goofy" boss... Ok, so I'm not a fan of the airhead character so I just found him a bit too forced. The show would have done better to endear him to the viewer first instead of deciding that he will automatically be loved from the first frame.
The show is fine, the focus is on "cutesy healing". The characters are just a vehicle for the cute interactions.
It's just not for me, I want a little more from a show than that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 13, 2025
Combatant Six is evil henchmen.... number 6.... anyway he is sent on a scouting mission for evil Corp to a new earth-like planet slotted in for the next invasion.
Right of the bat this is not just a comedy but also a parody anime so lots of references and they are more than aware of the tropes.
They do it right because the jokes land, the characters interesting and the show as a whole very entertaining.
Elephant in the room, 9 time out of 10 the joke will involve some form of sexual harassment with a system that, because Six is literally part of evil
Corp, he actually gets paid for doing evil deeds. So the show is aware that this is wrong but it's funny so they'll do it anyway. Six even says when one of the girls complains about him always targeting her "because you're our designated fanservice!"
It's a cute show, the fact that evil corp not only has this system but ALSO sexual harassment laws is ridiculously hilarious.
Sometimes they go over the top with the harassment scenes but it's always done in service of the jokes, also with them being firmly slotted in the villain role.
Overall it was a fun show and I was sad to see it not end but suddenly just stop. I would recommend it though humor is subjective so keep that in mind.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 13, 2025
This was a different angle.
After rising to the top and achieving NEET-dom thanks to some smart investments followed by setting up passive income our hero is Isekaied. Broke and in debt he must now work overtime for da man like the "little people" he used to look down on. Dungeon grunt edition.
The different angle here is that our hero was never a salaryman nor did he have any interest in being one. He was always a hustler, borderline con man and the "don't work hard, just exploit others!" kind of guy.
It's an odd take to have the "hero" of the story use the
same exact tactics of exploiting staff and unpaid overtime as big corp does... which is the villain in this anime so... brave choice.
A few things.
1. The show is aware that he is in the wrong and will call him out / punish him for it.
2. His actions do have consequences so no MC-kun powers of Making the world stupid for some power fantasy. It has to be earned and earned in a way where people will have a solid reason to help.
3. It was entertaining.
The ending was bit rushed but otherwise this was a solid show. The writing more on the mature side with an interesting main character.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 1, 2025
Gegege no Kitaro is a manga first published in 1960. Kitaro is the last of the ghost tribe, a link between humans and Yokai. He is not one nor the other but stands on the line between.
The manga and the anime (which the latest was the sixth iteration aired in 2018) hardy allowed more than one chapter for his backstory (manga) and the anime decided it was so iconic that it didn't even need one, it was just rehashed in one of the OPs visuals.
The movie starts before this as Mizuki, a reporter, is sent to the countryside to investigate a story. This
turns into a murder mystery ignited via a dispute over inheritance with supernatural elements hanging over the tale.
Story is great, animation is amazing without the use of CGI.
It has some dark elements which include Incest and body horror so something to be aware of before going in.
Do you need to know anything about gegege no Kitaro to watch this?
Honestly, no. The only link is that the ending is the iconic birth of Kitaro that is the starting point of the manga but that's about it.
I do think fans of horror, hand drawn animation & yokai will like this. Fans of the show will love it though the usual cast barely make a cameo as this isn't their story so don't go in expecting to see them much.
Overall a very atmospheric movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 31, 2025
The Hero's party defeat the demon lord ushering in a era of peace to the world.
A decade later the demon lord is resurrected (in chibi form) and is off to find his great hero... who is now a bum has-been living in filth. Refusing to give up on him the demon lord settles in to make a hero out of him once again!
You know, I think someone had a lot of love for the source material. While the animation budget did seem tight in spots a lot of care and attention was given to the artwork. Mostly though this was just a very cute
and sweet show.
Someone who was past his prime, who got stepped on by life, and yet.
From the promo I worried about the loli aspect of the demon lord but thankfully it wasn't that.
The characters sweet, the plot fluid and the jokes land. I might have laughed a little too hard at a recurring "The Ring" joke to be honest.
I think if the show had a flaw it would be taking the setting from medieval times to modern japan in just the span of a decade. Seems a bit fast but they were clearly trying to tell the story of someone past his prime just needing a little support to try again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 30, 2025
JJK is so famous at this point that it needs no introduction. Going in I kept watching and watching waiting for awesomeness to hit, there just had to be something about a show so loved.
Answer is yes... and no. The show is a painfully average Shonen with rather bad writing, this is covered over by both the cool factor and grade AAA art & animation.
(no) PLOT = 2/10
This is badly written. The magic system, Oh excuse me jujitsu... no wait wrong series, jujustsu clearly >DON'T SUE< is random. There is no rhyme or reason for the powers and might as well be "quirks" from MHA.
They are literally whatever fits in the moment. No system in place or limits.
It's the same regarding the plot, just whatever is cool in the moment and sprinkle in some shonen staples along the way.
(no) CHARACTERS = 4/10
I mean, we all know it so lets put it out in the open. It's the author's favorites from Naruto.
Gojou = Kakashi sensei + sex appeal
Then the three mains as the kids with Yuuji being born a super human Naruto. The only difference is that they have the character depth of a teaspoon. The show keeps questioning their motivations to be a sorcerers and it so flimsy that the show feels the need to keep asking again and again.
Because the show is so focused on the action scenes it's a bit jarring to see them in the ED-song and after credit breaking character so much. Almost like it's a separate slice of life show.
(yes) ART & SOUND = 10/10
Made by studio MAPPA the art & animation is top tier. This is probably the secret behind the show's success. It's so nicely animated that in the moment you forget how bad this is plot and character wise.
(yes/no) Fun Factor = 6/10
The action scenes are loads of fun. Some characters even add in the cool factor so you do enjoy seeing them on screen. However because the characters are so shallow and the writing so bad that enjoyment went down the longer the series went on. Also a lot of cheap emotional tactics were used that sorta took me out of it after the bullying arc.
OVERALL = 5/10
The show borrowed characters and elements from the most popular shonens and just gave them some branded clothes. While I could overlook it at first because of how nice everything was it just kept going and going with the flaws in the writing becoming more apparent. By the end it was just so boring I had to force myself to finish it.
While it wasn't for me I can see it appealing to a younger audience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 28, 2025
A cancelled "newtuber" decides to run her own channel. She comes across a yuri vampire and strikes a deal. She'll give up all her blood in exchange for reaching a million subs.
Blood in this case and the next being a euphemism for Yuri.
TLDR = Bad writing, Masaki is a pill and the payoff is not worth it. Skip!
There are a few issues with this show. Lets start with the SMALL ones before moving to the elephant in the room:-
1. It's a show about youtubers. The persona they show the world not the people behind the screen... fun right...
2. No research was put
into this. It's literally lets do a variety channel and someone will watch something. Because obviously the more successful channels aren't targeted or specialized.
3. Whenever there's an emotional moment the show feels the need to undercut it by something asinine, oh we learned that viewers prefer authenticity over an over polished product? Well obviously leaving the little goofs in the vid isn't the answer, it's to force the girls to bath naked on camera... slow clap...
4. The moral of the show, and this is word for word from the finale (no spoiler), is that trolls exist and content creators shouldn't take it personally...
Ok, with the SMALL ones out of the way lets tackle the biggest issue this show has.
number 5. Masaki.
Sometimes a youtuber will say "do it for the content, this is for the content." Masaki is that one sentence personified.
Her one and only personality trait is teen shoving his phone in your face to be on his tiktok. Then bad mouthing you because the vid didn't do well. Also why can't she exploit you for her vids?! You're so not making any sense right now. Obviously her content and views are all that matters in this world.
It would have been fine if she started out that way then learned her lesson but nope, beginning to end. If anything the show rewards her with views any time she acts that way.
Another part of the asinine writing is how unbelievable the interactions she has are. The story starts off because she punched a co-star during a stream. It's shown like a playful thing but since the internet didn't like it her co-stars kicked her out of the channel... on stream... without telling her... bad mouthing her to hell and back...while living in her house. I'll note that she's the editor and promoter and they don't have someone else to replace her. Oh wait they'll even leave the expensive cameras and equipment behind, because someone that makes videos for a living doesn't need those right, they just need their phone.
Let's say this is your source of income and you ran into the person that did that to you randomly. would you:-
a. Tell them off.
b. Gloat that you're doing even better now.
c. Avoid them, you don't need that in your life.
d. Allow them to film you drunk while they antagonize you into getting physical then ok the footage for upload, footage they will be editing.
There is a saying, Don't give the oars of your boat to someone trying to drown you. I think this is more you drilling a hole in the boat yourself at this point.
Every second Masaki is on screen is a pain. While the vampires are literal blood suckers she somehow manages to top them and drain any ounce of enjoyment out of the show. SKIP IT!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 24, 2025
This is one of those ideas that sound good until you think about it for 3 seconds.
The Guild receptionist wants to live a quiet life and achieve tenure. She just happened to have a super duper 1 in 7 billion power, so she uses that to solo final bosses if adventurers take too long.
I don't usually do this but let me list the problems with this very premise:-
1. Just be an adventurer then. She doesn't even collect the drops for cash THEN complains about having a 30 year mortgage. I think those mega super hard to get boss drops you're ignoring would put
a dent in that!
2. Why would it lead to over-time? Her job is to process the quest requests once fulfilled, if they're not getting fulfilled what is there to process.
3. She's anti-social by nature. Why is she working in customer service?!
4. Once she feels like she's stronger than someone she starts treating them like trash and disrespecting them. They automatically become beneath her. So why does she cling to her low status job? She clearly likes being on top.
5. Lastly, she hates working over-time, that's the whole premise. Yet she moonlights as an adventurer in her off-time, that's work and it's unpaid. It's literally the same thing only unpaid.
The anime is a bit muddled. It's clearly wish fulfilment for someone in the service sector but at the same time it doesn't really do anything with either premises. The service sector part is ill researched, the adventuring part is zero research!
I admit the MC is cute and some of her struggles with over-working is relatable, it's why I kept watching. But the writing is atrocious and it just kept getting worse as it went.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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