Dec 25, 2017
I am all for ecchi, really it is one of my favorite things to watch and I'll give this show props, it had more of a story line than some of the other short form ecchis that have been gracing my watch list the last couple of seasons. Also, in the shows defense it gave me exactly what I was expecting. A wanna-be hentai plot with lots of hentai moments that are blocked from view with an aggravating and slightly disturbed story line. Positives, everyone was relatively attractive to look at. Negatives, the older brother is way too nice and the most interesting parts are
Dec 25, 2017
Houseki no Kuni
While I found this anime to be a refreshing breath of fresh air when it came to a unique art style that properly utilized CGI, character development just fell flat for me. The MC of Houseki no Kuni goes through this "coming of age" process that I've seen time and time again and I just felt like the execution was poor. I felt like it was forced, haphazard and extremely disorienting. Don't get me wrong, I understand overall why things happen the way they do, but I felt like even with the set progression it could have been executed in a much more thought out