Like most others on MAL I've loved anime for quite some time. It is my hobby and I would even go so far as to say it is my passion. Exploring the different worlds and perspectives in anime is one of my favorite things to do. I love discussing moral dilemmas as well as heart pounding romance scenes. To me anime is just a nice way to bond and connect with people. I'm honestly open and welcome to any and all suggestions, though I do caution I do not handle tons of blood and gore very well. Other than that there really isn't much else I think I need to share.
Thanks for checking in.
- MemiHime
All Comments (2) Comments
Looking around your profile page more. I use to live in Connecticut. I was actually there for 16 years.
I honestly do miss getting snow around Christmas time. Then yeah I don't really favor walking into gore shows myself.
We are currently in the middle part of the season and at the Anime Guild our main specialization is being a Seasonal Club.
We choose the best Opening, Ending, Character and of course Anime of the Season with also a Review Section and a Power Ranking Group.
If that seems appealing to you, we currently are featuring our tail-end of our OP Contest as well as our ED contest if so see this at a later date.
I have already sent an invite as well as provide a link to our club ^.^ -