All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 428.4
Mean Score:
- Watching8
- Completed1,404
- On-Hold17
- Dropped59
- Plan to Watch143
- Total Entries1,631
- Rewatched175
- Episodes26,346
Manga Stats
Days: 25.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries123
- Reread27
- Chapters3,006
- Volumes391
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All Comments (293) Comments
(sorry, havent been on or very much active with anime or manga lately, and writing-stuff even less, totally burnt out)
how are you?
Almost the same for me.
lol, that sounds like almost the exact list that i am watching, indeed xD
well exclude some smaller ones like Pupa, wake up girls and super sonico ^^
I'm pretty sick atm, down with a cold :-/
hehe, I was watching almost every first episode of every anime this season.
some of them will be fully watched. I cant really name them all, but Nisekoi is one of them, since I'm a fan of the manga. then there is 'witch craft works' and blabla 'zvezta' something, some mecha anime ... and some good comedy with long names. (two with sister-anime, one of them is with a ghost in the story, and one or two with an arranged marriage *ponders*) yeah like that.
But I'll wait for more episodes to come out, so I'm more aware of what happens in the anime, because otherwise I'd have no idea what went on anymore xD
There are lots with potential and looking pretty good.
Well, nothing much, trying a friend, that stayed in my appartment finding an own appartment but now the time limit is over and i need him to leave...
maybe i'll take a look, if its just a side story in between the first and second season ^^
hehehe, well, thaaat is good enough for vacational 'work' :-]
How are you? How were your last days? :)
My tears were like "everybody get out, its a floood"
I totally agree, there are some anime in each category that you just love.
(All in all Epicness is in Code Geass :D)
I cried in the first pokemon movie, in Clannad (who wouldnt?), Chobits and Code Geass ^^
I agree with you, but an anime doesnt need to make you cry to prove its great. :D
these are manly tears! .. everybody would feel like that!
Since i played through 2/3 of the translated game before the anime got released xD
and the others are preordered, when i remember correctly :))
oh yeah. time killers everywhere. ... and "pain in the ass" is an understatement.
"time is money? Fuck that, you can't buy time!"