Escaflowne is a mecha, action, romance anime (the best kind) which centers around Kanzaki Hitomi, a high school girl who is magically transported via a beam of light to a fictional planet called Gaea. She meets Van the King of a country named Fanelia who pilots a mysterious mecha called Escaflowne. He is possibly one of the hottest anime guys out there (for reals). She also meets Allen, a knight of a country called Asuturia. There she struggles with her emotions, wishes and the implications they have on the people around her and on Gaea.
Story (8/10): The story itself is very creative. I always
Aug 8, 2010
Going into season 2, we all had an expectation of Gemini. I was lucky enough to watch Gaiden before beginning this serious so I didn't have as much trouble wondering how the situation got to where it did.
The positives: July got a real role that he didn't have in S1. He was very cute, adorable and Yin-like and seemingly took her role in the series since she was given the absolute shaft. More random contractors with epic abilities and badass fight scenes. The return of Misaki!! Im so glad she didn't just disapear. Mao the squirrel. The negatives: As a dedicated fan to the HeixYin ... Jun 18, 2010
Initially I was wary of watching this popular shounen anime as I preferred shoujo or romance anime. I also thought the art was sort of wonky at first, but upon starting this show I was overwhelming pleased. The story and art are, for lack of better words, amazing. I began watching One Piece two months ago and caught up to the 455 episodes in that time and can't wait for more releases each week. Although OP is considered part of the Jump trifecta along with Naruto and Bleach it's really in a league of its own, far surpassing these two in enjoyment and story. Frankly,
Jun 18, 2010
Angel Beats!
I had expected a lot from this anime like most people did having seen Keys previous works. From the start I was interested in the overall theme about dead teenagers trying to find the purpose for their lives/afterlives. The character development is kind of lacking however and after the first episode I found that there is no plot development whatsoever. Many people tout that it gets better after episode 4 or so but I find this to be false, up until episode 11 here nothing has happened and they have decided to essentially kill off the entire cast. Honestly, the only reason I keep watching
Jan 12, 2010
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
THIS MANGA IS AMAZING! I truly love Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE from the bottom of my heart. Of the three literary works that have brought me to uncontrollable tears (the other two being Fruits Basket and Fred Weasley's death in Harry Potter 7) this was by far the best. There are few manga that can make you laugh and cry and at the end I wasn't left unsatisfied.
If you want a really good romance or action story this is for you. The characters are what make the story so amazing. There dynamism and relationships between the characters make this a story you can't put down. ... |