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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Dec 5, 2024 11:28 AM
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I also read your review and it was much more objective than mine, although still surgical, I liked it. I confess that I'd tend more towards the negative score as well because I've been following this show for about 15-20 years and never been so frustrated with a season as there's so much wasted potential and priorities being putted in odd places that made me largely suspect there was way too much interference from the anime's executive production instead of letting writers do their already questionable work. Then, I watched episode 02 of the miniseries and they do seem more at ease to do whatever they want now and I hope it only gets better until the long awaited goobye.
Again thanks for replying about the show and the reviews, english is not my native language so I really appreciate any insight about it.