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Dec 3, 2022
Lives up to its name. "Chihayafuru" or "passion-full" takes pride and joy affectionately taking you through the poetry, skill, and hard work involved with mastering Karuta from the eyes of an oddly endearing group of hopeful masters and queens.
The lovable airhead heroine Chihaya, the savant with the sexy accent Arata Wataya, the smart, talented boy in Arata's shadow who started following along Karuta for Chihaya(though he won't admit it) Mashima, the genius hardworker yet always second-best Komano, the lover of poetry(and destined to be with Komano) Kana, and the fiery Nishida who plays for fun(and championship).
Karuta remains a sport I still don't know
much about, except that I like to watch this specific cast play. The intense love of the sport doesn't come off as overwhelming nor does it seem shallow because it never bothers to clearly define the rules much or go into the technicalities of Karuta much, instead it focuses the excitement of the competition, training with a team, friendship, being inspired and achieving your lofty dreams... something we can all relate to. Yeah, and it pulls you in and excites you a bit along the way.
Definitely worth watching. 8/10, with an excellent soundtrack(esp. the Chihayafuru main theme which encapsulates the main character and the overall tone of the show beautifully) and lovely colourful art and animation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 3, 2022
There's something quaint, realistic and heart touching about this simple story about unsimple things. The unassuming yet inspiring story of dedicated motherhood, of beautiful souls and their trials, of happy endurance. This story isn't about tragedy, although it has it. It isn't about gaining sympathy, though it earns it. It isn't about sadness. Its about life, even in the face of adversity, of growing up and loving selflessly, in a way only a mother could.
The art is is simple in design, yet the artists always retain a warm touch of loving beauty and detail in their drawing everywhere, whether it be doorways, details in
the scene, the way the light or rain drops fall, or in the very movement of the characters. The animation is natural and fluid throughout, just mesmerizing you effortlessly into believing the reality of their world. Yet despite the simple look, the artists don't hesitate to dazzle you from time to time, immersing you in the beauty of the world when the characters see it. The restrained and calculated use of their best pulls you into their feelings wonderfully. You feel sad when they feel it, and happy and unbelievably content and grateful when they do. Simply by the ever so subtle unnoticeable shifts in art.
Another thing that struck me at the end, while I thought of them as amazing by the end, the characters aren't visually that cute or beautifu. Their design is minimalist and plain. Completely normal. And I think that was a wonderful choice on the creators part; the movie doesn't sell you on their looks or make you sympathize by their cuteness or crying faces but on their spirit and on the attachment that develops so naturally as you see them grow and live. They don't feel stereotypical at all but wonderfully relatable and nuanced people, that you feel that you come to know and care for.
The music is wonderfully in sync with their personalities and spirit and with their emotions and is gorgeous in its own right. Combined with the art, the effect is infectious. The ending theme and the nostalgia along with it is just unbelievably... the word doesn't come to me. I guess you feel sad. You feel love. Its a very pure feeling, the story comes back and wraps itself in its conclusion gently, your heart having followed it all the way, until it reaches the end, having been filled with love. Wrapped so comfortably feelings you didn't know you could feel.
Their world is filled with beauty because they choose to see it. Always find a reason to smile.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 4, 2014
Hard mode: watch this on speakers on high volume.
It doesn't even matter if you're alone, you'll still cringe instinctively. This is an extremely short anime so I'll keep the review length appropriate. The show is about voice acting in lewd productions and as such, its performances certainly have expectations to live up to.
Koe De Oshigoto blows those expectation out of the fucking water. To the point I really can't imagine the voice actors keeping a straight face delivering the lines that they do unless they were utterly focused on distressing you.
This series will violate your mind, your innocence and somehow leave you exploding with
laughter start to finish.
Bring friends.
The ones you want to lose.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 6, 2013
The show that turns boys into men.
Gurren Lagann was breathtaking. An endlessly thrilling ride from the most humble beginnings to the most fantastic of ends. Absolutely inspiring and a must-watch. There are so many memorable moments in this series, and lines and ideas that it imprints into your very soul.
I will admit this is one of the first anime I had ever watched, except Miyazaki films. And its ridiculousness shocked me as a newcomer. Even so, I was enraptured, drawn by the infectious energy and the constant adrenaline rush from this show.
Because it was unique. It was so very unique.
Tengen Toppa, while
it does have an amazing story, is not about the story. It's not about a logical progression, strategy, conflicts of interests, world building, exploring the sci-fi or the other ideas in it. In fact, it is about the deconstruction of all those things. I usually like smart anime. But Tengen Toppa is unique, managing to be good without trying to be smart. Because it isn't about being smart. Its about feeling. Everything else is just a plot device. Its abstract almost, like a legend or an epic. You don't need to believe it. TTGL takes your ideas and your expectations and says fuck you. The only one idea that matters is feeling and spirit. It delivers on an emotional level. A primal instinct; willpower, that adrenaline rush and madness that overcomes you as you resolve to beat an impossible challenge in pursuit of what you want.
Every aspect of the show work to arouse and reinforce this zeal in the viewer. Its art, with a clever use of angles, bold lines, exaggerated designs and at times simplified drawings personify its brazen self-confidence and panache. Its soundtrack oozes fearless charisma with a liberal use of energetic horns, drums, opera, rap(!), violin ensembles, and forceful sound effects... all the while also reserving a soft, passionately delicate side for its emotional moments. Its vibrant characters(especially one of the manliest leads in anime I know, Kamina) are among the most unforgettable I've ever encountered, and how far they come by the end, and indeed how much they grow on you is amazing to behold. Every single one of them, in the span of 27 episodes(yes, TTGL hates norms, even season counts), manages to surprise you and show you the many faces of human nature. In a way, they are perfectly chosen to represent the show's central theme of the struggle between human "spirit" against the abyss of "despair".
I like to think of Gurren Lagann now as at least in part, as a light hearted jab at various overused tropes in anime(such as copious amounts of fanservice, plot arcs that escalates from small to unbelievably huge and so so many more). Gurren Lagann takes every cliche trope there is and ramps it up to 11, in a way that it feels strangely new and enjoyable again. If I could describe this show in one word, it'd be "ridiculous"... and I don't mean that in a bad way in the slightest.
The blatant and ridiculous sexual innuendos everywhere(the Di-gurren has a gigantic dick for a hull for just one example), the in-your-face approach to fan service, the seemingly boundless main plot arc, the battles, the set pieces, those outrageous VILLAINS, Nia and her moeblob eyes, the cheesy dialogue(it actually seems to work quite well in TTGL for some reason although it wouldn't anywhere else), the over-the-top speeches and declarations, the attack names... the list goes on and on. It presents these obviously un-serious things in the most serious and cocksure way possible. And somehow... manages to be convincing. It shocks you and grabs your attention with nothing else other than its unique spirit and confidence. TTGL feels like its taking an adult and making him play pretend, dragging him about in a crazed rush, and learn again what its like to be mad with drive and child-like passion for your dreams.
For deus ex machinas, there were so many in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann I couldn't count them all. But it played into the show's theme "Kick logic out and do the impossible" perfectly. I didn't get the impression from the rest of the narrative that the show was taking itself very seriously at all(viewed as a parody, TTGL is pretty damn good), so they actually felt natural and strangely uplifting, instead of disappointing.
Tengen Toppa is also excellent at emotionally moving you. They even state in the anime itself, "kick logic out... it's all about spirit!" And it delivers. It will move you, fire you up, make you cry, laugh. But it will most definitely not intrigue you, or make you race the characters in deductive reasoning like in other shows. But it will leave you exhilarated regardless.
And maybe... just maybe... etch itself into your memory for a long time to come.
EDIT: Now, as much as I know it is strange to say now, right at the end, especially after(rightly!) emphasizing the ridiculousness so much, I think it is dishonest to give the impression that this is just a mindless show intended to make you scream. Believe it or not, how epic it manages to be despite the absurdity is actually the result of very clever writing, brilliant implementation and noticeably passionate production values and attention to detail. In fact, I would even say this is one of most subtly intricate and thoughtful series to come out in recent years. This doesn't take the form of philosophical debates and pretentious sci-fi however. In true TTGL(and Gainax) style, it defies expectations. Everything thats silly is in your face, and whats clever is hidden for those who care to look.
It takes the form of exquisite symbolism, subliminal homo-erotic rap, intricately interwoven themes which the show doesn't always spell out for you(as just one slightly spoilerific example; think about the mistakes of humanity. Think about the Elder in the Face-God Village or the Chief of Jiha village and compare population-control Rossiu and the Anti-Spirals to them... they all are driven by the same thing), the bitter contrasts of war and how they seem to fade once you actually understand the sides, how infectious and inspiring spirit is when it truly refuses to give in to cynicism... hell, when you've finished I actually encourage you to read this: http://wtf.animeblogger.net/?p=140
For now, the rest of you: watch this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 25, 2013
I went into this anime under the promise that all is not as it seems. That what started as quite banal, somewhat annoying, rather tasteless... and frankly off-putting could turn into something beautiful. Something you'd remember.
24 episodes later (and after marathoning the last 5), my cheeks are sore from smiling like an idiot for so long. And I'm feeling more than just happy I gave it a chance. In fact, I'm feeling a lot of things. But mostly, its satisfied... a little inspired... and touched.
In a way, that journey... that transformation is representative of the story of Sakurasou. And in retrospect, I would
not have it done any other way. Other reviews say that Sakurasou starts shaky, and turns into something wonderful later on. I say that this anime knew exactly what it wanted to be from the get-go... even if you wouldn't like it, it stuck to its quirks and celebrated them. I'll just say right now, this is not some weird perverted harem romcom, even if it comes across that way at first.
This is the story of a dorm seemingly for misfits, who for some reason or other needed a place to escape the harsher world outside, and pursue their dreams away from society's captiousness. Or... they just needed a place, really.
Sakurasou though is a strange habitat, eccentric... and to put you in a prepared state of mind as you enter this show, I'm going to tell you right off the bat... its a place where its almost completely OK for a boy to be given full responsibility of a girl who can't do much of anything for herself aside from paint(including cooking for her and helping her ahem...dress herself), another hyper-charged girl to go rampaging around and (among other things)practically flaunt her sexual availability, a laid-back average looking joe to score attractive(sometimes married) chicks seemingly every night and a computer savant to construct a maid-themed AI to handle virtually all his social obligations. There is also gratuitous, cringe-worthy fan service and many many (all narrowly avoided though! phew)sexual situations. Well, you know where I'm going with this. You'd be forgiven for wanting to leave... but that's where it starts getting fun. How you don't want to. How SnPnK makes you absolutely fall in love with every single one of its quirks, or at least, make you accept them even if you don't like them. Because you love it as a whole. The story is full of twists and turns, and is as real of a life journey as you can put its curious cast of characters through. Its sincere, realistic(for the most part) and relatable in the struggles, situations and feelings it portrays. There is lots of strife and it reveals the makeup of each character it introduces, and along the way, you see them all grow, learn and become closer together.
The strength of Sakurasou, as you'll find, lies entirely in its cast, their evolution and their interactions, which were full of a certain charm, and chemistry. They may not seem like a realistic bunch, but by the end, they felt that way. I couldn't help but grow attached. Each of them have many different facets to them, which all develop as the show goes on. Though they admittedly may be very weird, their trials and emotions, their thoughts and fears... their love and friendship, they resonate with many of us. Their passions and their aspiration to succeed seem genuine and infectious and sometimes you can picture yourself in their very shoes as they face joy and disappointment alike. Their conflicts and insecurities come across as quite lifelike and sometimes made it hard to choose a side because you can empathize with both so much... Perhaps I'm biased, I admit(you can probably tell as you read this review) but I found myself relating to them quite a bit, and got unexpectedly emotional during the scenes which showed them each at their very most vulnerable.
I should mention that the voice acting, while pretty well done almost everywhere else, really carries through in the important moments. I didn't like the MC's voice much, but even he delivered when he had to. Great performance by the VAs, and the music and sound effects were very appropriate as well. Never quite taking away the spotlight, but noticeably enhancing the immersion. The fade in effects to the EDs were also a nice touch.
At its heart though, Sakura no Pet na Kanojo is a pretty silly series. It never loses that spirit for long or tries to. But its serious and emotional moments always seemed just as natural and effortless as its silliness. That charm is ever present. Maybe I should've stepped back a bit before writing this review to present a less biased view, but IMHO, the in-the-moment impression is the most honest, and that's all I'm trying to convey here.
That isn't to say Sakurasou isn't without its flaws. I disliked the character Ryuunosake Akasaka(to be fair, he never was really trying to be liked) and his romance felt very forced and pandering to an asocial audience. The panty-shots and underwear shots were somewhat unnecessary and became tedious. And the art while well-drawn and sometimes very cute was very average when compared to shows from the same time-frame. I also disliked the fact that since the show is about art, none of the things produced by the characters seemed particularly impressive, even though they acted as if it was.
All in all, this show is well-worth your time despite the bad first impression, and is a welcome respite from the monotony of the harem and high-school romcom genre. This is definitely one of the better ones and I have to give it a 9(great) rating overall.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 11, 2013
I've never had a show, or book make me detest itself so much yet still keep me from putting it down.
Although nearly every event portrayed made me cringe, I cannot deny this show provokes you. With its absurdity. Its overly innocent title. Its demented psychotic cast. That feeling of total helplessness(and admittedly mild amusement) as complete idiocy unfolds before you. I have never before wanted to line up a group of fictional people and bitch slap them all so fucking hard. Especially that piece of shit protagonist.
That said, this is what the creators probably wanted. In the end, THATs what made it memorable. It
made me goddamn confused and sick and audibly WTF and cheer for blood multiple times... BUT it was memorable. Especially the ending.
For the story, I would say watching "school days" is a rollercoaster of disbelief at oddly plausible stupidity. I'm not going to outright join the people calling it realistic (harem or otherwise) but in such a big world, something this(or more) crazy has has to have happened somewhere, right? With "reality is stranger than fiction" in mind and a healthy suspension of disbelief, School Days was my very entertaining peek into a bizarro universe where an unbelievably lucky imp manages to turn off his brain and wake up covered in bitches. Some of whom are insane and [SPOILER REDACTED].
I can't deny the creators took a rather unique take on the cliche high school romance genre, twisting it rather well by combining lots of real-world complications(emotionally vulnerable women, young naivety and inexperience, a senseless and nonchalantly callous lead, teenage angst, jealousy, infidelity and copious amounts of horniness and psychosis) in a simmering mix. I give the story a 6.5(Fair) because despite the enterprising premise, the writing was weak at crucial places, often giving away too easily that the show is intentionally trying to rile you.
The characters are I think done rather well. The lot of them are retarded, true. But they're consistent and believably so. Their actions, judgement, personal disposition and motivations are actually well built up and foreshadowed. At the end, despite my inclination to demur, I could not seriously answer in a way unfavourable to school days these questions: "could an asshat like Makoto actually exist?", "Emotionally co-dependant women like Kotonoha have gotta be a myth, right?", "meangirl sluts like Otome and company? C'mon...", "Could a girl like Sekai really be stupid enough to pull that wingman scheme of hers?".
This is where School Days impresses you, I think. Despite the stretches of imagination at places, it would be unfair not to call it a psychological anime. Its cast is uniquely idiosyncratic, unbalanced and uniformly contemptible... but still so very... interesting. The mind-boggling series of events involving interactions between these anomalous-yet-still-not-quite-unbelievable characters leave so many who watched it affected in some way or another. I think that's a commendable feat and could not have been accomplished had there /not/ been any depth, or could it have been summarily dismissed as beyond the imagination. Despite the heavy misleading fanservice(which I'm convinced was shoehorned to drive home the shock value), these aren't your average porno characters. IMO, They deserve at least a 7(good) but I'll up it to 8 for being memorable.
Sound is actually an area where School Days excels. Whether it was muting the world for some sense of foreboding, or quiet piano pieces in the background, it was used very well. Each of the fade-in songs and the EDs were brilliant and an effective and evocative exit to the trauma you inevitably suffered in each episode. A sort of soothing exit after being mentally raped. Also, at the moments in the episodes themselves where these songs played, I think they were superbly effective at creating atmosphere and really did enhance the impact of whatever was happening at the time. I also noticed that the lyrics of some of the songs were quite poignant and seemed well-written too(something I'm sorry, few songs are after being translated). I did not like the OP nearly as much, but I suppose at some level it too played into the euphemistic way they were trying to present the anime.
The voice acting, I believe was also done rather nicely. Makoto's voice makes me want to punch him, but thats all well and good and perfectly in line with everything else about him. The dramatic and emotional parts of the script were delivered satisfactorily and believably and all of the characters had convincing emotion in their voices at the appropriate places. For sound I give SD an 8.5 that I'll round up to 9(Great).
I don't really have much to say about art. It didn't stand out particularly or had a distinguished style and I never had my attention drawn(heheh, drawn) to anything in particular. The character designs were good overall but somewhat inconsistent(where did Setsuna's boobs suddenly come from in her lewd scene? I could've sworn she was flat-chested everywhere else) for the sake of tasteless sexualization. At the same time, I can't say it was *bad* in any place either so I'll give it a 7(Good).
While I can't say I ENJOYED this anime, I will say that it was interesting and worth watching. School Days wasn't really made to make you ENJOY it(and if you did, well... my sympathies to you...). It was made to make you squirm in your seat. I give it a 8 for that.
Overall, 7(good).
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 22, 2013
I'm just going to go ahead and say its overhyped to hell. Its not that it's a bad show, it was a enjoyable experience. But certainly not without its flaws as its ratings or most reviews would suggest.
My biggest gripe with Steins;Gate is that, as an engineering student, at no point was the suspension of disbelief at the science in its science fiction, or the logic of its plot (or the soundness of its explanations) effortless. It is a good show, but not as science fiction. I don't want to include any spoilers but I will say this, at times I couldn't help myself audibly
chuckling and saying "bullshit" after hearing long-winded explanations of its in-universe sci-fi. There are quite a few glaring plot holes in the show, and the series relies on deus ex machinas on more than one occasion to dig itself out of dead-ends its written itself into. THAT SAID, none of that matters if you can overlook it. Do not go into steins;gate for Sci-Fi and that still does not qualify it as a bad show. For story I would rate it good(7), but only because it was at least original and did have some really great moments and twists.
In every other department however, Steins;Gate excelled. In hindsight, it really is something that this show took such a hilariously varied and mismatching cast of characters and managed to make them so believable and mesh together so effortlessly. The interactions between them were endearing and well written; full of charm, wit and chemistry, taking you through the full spectrum of emotions. You can't help but grow attached.
The show's relied on its cast so much that for long lengths of the show, nothing really progressing the plot happened at all, yet it still feels unfair to call it filler. In these parts the show doesn't seem to try at all, the events portrayed being completely laid back and banal, yet still infinitely interesting and hilarious. The comedy of Steins;Gate is facile in manner and doesn't even seem forced even when referencing internet memes and otaku culture, which is not an easy thing to do. Houoin Kyouma and company would definitely find a place in any list of favourite characters of mine. For cast, Steins;Gate recieves a solid 9(Great)
The art of Steins;Gate was gorgeous, the character designs unique and refreshing and the animation was fluid. You could at parts tell there were budget constraints but overall, what they managed to do was more than adequate easily deserves an 8(Very Good).
The voice acting was superb, and even in the english dub, it was hardly disappointing. In fact, I'm going to even go far enough to say that FUNimation and their VAs put their whole heart and soul into this dub and managed to produce something very quality. I personally have heard both and can't find myself being able to choose one that is objectively better.
The music was very minimal in Steins;Gate and the OST does not consist of many songs. At the moments, it does though, it stands out and is brilliant. "Gate of Steiner" and "Believe me" being my favourite tracks. The ED was also very appropriate and in-general a good song. I personally didn't like the OP very much though, but that is my opinion. For sound, I give it a 7(Good).
For total enjoyment, I give Steins;Gate an 8. It definitely is something worth watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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