Hii Im Eryn or Rynn for short
To start off I used to hate anime, but now I love watching Anime. It's so unique and nothing like regular Tv shows. In my opinion, I don't think anyone should hate anime unless they actually tried watching it and generally didn't like it. But hey, that might just be one show. You need to explore and find what you like, I used to only watch My Hero Academia. But now I'm watching all sorts of different Anime. So find what you like and enjoy it. I'm looking for recommendations so I can watch and rate them for you. I hope we can all be friends.
p.s. I cry in almost every anime.
Kuroko's Basket
Kuroko's basket is an anime I wish I can watch over and over again and never get sick of. I don't want to spoil the anime so I'm not going to get too much into detail. This anime focuses on the relationships, teamwork, victories, and losses of every character on every team. Friends to teammates to enemies to friends again. I love how this focused on the main specific characters but still brought in the stories and opinions of everybody else. The outside relationships and friendships really brought this together for me and I cried every time I saw the Friendship evolve. Each character has their own individual story that was brought into the anime to create the storyline, and it all centers around basketball. Everyone has their own reasons and goals to want to play basketball, win as a family and as a team, and learn different things. This show was very inspiring for me even though I don't play basketball. The main point of this anime is life-changing once you watch it.
Fruits Basket
I love this anime because it wasn't too romantic, nor was it so romantic that it was cheesy. It had the perfect amount of chemistry, comedy, and just a typical High School anime. All the characters have their own issues that they're dealing with and still trying to get through life as normal as they can under the circumstances. This did make me cry several times I have to admit, some tears of joy some tears of sadness. If I could re-watch this anime for the first time again I would. Fruits Basket is nothing that I would have expected just by hearing the name. The romance is slim but they're in slowly increases to the point where it's adorable. If you watch the anime you will understand why the romance it's a little difficult and slim. I would absolutely recommend watching this anime even if you don't like romance because I don’t and I loved this anime.
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Sure, Letterboxd is an app to log movies, sometimes TV shows, and anime. Letterboxd allows people to have lists, and I've been making lists for my favorite movies of each year.