Greetings friend,
My name is Ethan and I am currently aiming to become a Gameplay Programmer. If you wish to be friends with me, don't hesitate to hit the friend button! Trust me I won't bite at all :)
Send me dank memes while you're at it. Thanks.
Top Games
The best games I've ever played.
->Ratchet and Clank series
->Hyperdimension Neptunia (The original series more than the silly rebirth series)
->Sly Cooper series
->Wild Arms 4
->Jak and Daxter series
->Atelier Ryza series
->Astral Chain
->Crash Bandicoot series
->Starcraft 2
->Persona 5
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 232.4
Mean Score:
- Watching6
- Completed1,279
- On-Hold19
- Dropped24
- Plan to Watch12
- Total Entries1,340
- Rewatched0
- Episodes14,302
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Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta.
Mar 21, 12:49 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 15.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries91
- Reread0
- Chapters2,380
- Volumes147
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Watashi wa Akuyaku Reijou nanka ja Nai!!: Yamitsukai dakara tte Kanarazushimo Akuyaku dato Omouna yo
Oct 24, 2023 12:25 PM
· Scored
All Comments (271) Comments
I’m happy that you’ve accepted my friend request!
Nice to meet you!
What came with the Limited Edition of Persona 5? I own the steelbooks for both vanilla Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal, but I never opted to buy the full limited edition sets. Btw, have you played any other Persona games? If you haven't, I recommend playing Persona 4 since it's on Steam now. It's by far my favorite entry in the series.
Nice picks. I don't see myself going back to play the original PS3 trilogy, but perhaps one day I'll watch a playthrough of them. I also kind of want to own a physical copy of the original Neptunia for collection purposes.
The more I hear about Megadimension the more I want to play it. However, I've gotta finish Rebirth;3 first (Plutia Best Girl). I'm also making my way through some of the spin-offs. I finished Super Nep RPG a few days ago and surprisingly enjoyed it. Now I'm planning on going through Cyberdimension or Neptunia U.
I personally don't agree with your 4th reason. I've seen some pretty barebones and uninspired limited editions out there, but most of IFI's are above average in my opinion. While many LEs typically just consist of basic things like an artbook or soundtrack that's hardly even worth anything, IFI have put in some really unique things in theirs. Like how the Date A Live LE comes with a Kurumi body pillow (lol), how the Super Neptunia RPG LE comes with a Puddingo Plush, or how the Virtual Stars LE comes with a Vinyl. Now personally I live in the US, so I'm probably subject to cheaper shipping rates, but I think the actual overall values on their LEs are worth it.
or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself since I'm planning on buying the Virtual Stars LE haha
Dear God, I really hope that's not the case. I haven't played Megadimension yet (since I'm saving the best for last) but from what everyone says it's an amazing game. It rubs me the wrong way how they made a game that raised the bar for Neptunia and showed how great the series can be, and then just stopped after that, deciding that's good enough.
Speaking of which, I'm curious to know your favorite game in the series?
Yeah, I'm very disappointed with ReVerse. Releasing another mainline game would've breathed new life into the series. Frankly, at this point I'm a little bit worried about the future of Neptunia. Maybe they're just testing the waters with the PS5? Either way, hopefully Virtual Stars (and even ReVerse) will sell well enough in Japan and overseas to continue the franchise.
Wow haha. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I may've seen some of those summons before. I love it when games do nonsensical stuff like this. One thing that comes to mind is this boss fight from Nier Automata lol.
Speaking of future titles, are you getting Neptunia Virtual Stars? The Limited Edition for it was recently revealed and I think it looks REALLY good. It even comes with a vinyl. A VINYL. I don't even have a record player, but that's just insanely cool to me. It's safe to say I'm definitely more excited for this than Neptunia ReVerse.
I'll probably get on Fairy Fencer soon then. I actually decided to start playing Super Neptunia RPG recently and I've been enjoying it so far. I will say that I miss Noire's old english VA, Erin Fitzgerald, but her new VA is pretty good as well.
(also what the hell are those skills haha)
I agree, the skills are very charming. I love watching the animations for them and some of them are really funny. Especially Plutia's haha.
Have you played Fairy Fencer F? If so, what are your opinions on it? I've been meaning to play it for awhile since it looks very similar to Neptunia.
While I personally didn't like Noire so much at first, her character started to grow on me after awhile. The "she's a loner with no friends" gag still makes me laugh everytime lol. I'd say she's probably in my top 5 favorite characters now.
So you're an OG fan then? That's pretty cool, considering how niche the games were when they first came out. What is your opinion on the PS3 trilogy? I heard the gameplay (especially the very first Neptunia) is questionable, but the writing and exclusive characters like Gust/Nisa really made it special.
How long have you been a fan of the series? I got into it during 2019, after I first built my PC. I'd say Plutia is my favorite character so far, with Nepgear as a close second.
What about you?