All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 119.0
Mean Score:
- Watching6
- Completed597
- On-Hold160
- Dropped4
- Plan to Watch277
- Total Entries1,044
- Rewatched0
- Episodes7,143
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries69
- Reread0
- Chapters1,653
- Volumes152
All Comments (8) Comments
I brought that up seeing that you have it as your #3 favorite anime series. Personally, I never was a fan of AOT S1, but it grew on me a bit in S2 and then I finally got into it in S3 and was excited for S4 but then had this massive wait and I kind of just lost a lot of that excitement that I had for it.
Ironically, the wait for Fruits Basket S3 has been killing me and I'm dying to find out how that ends. I guess it's because I am so used to being told to watch and being recommended Shonen by all of my friends that I finally have a Shoujo that is still on going and left me on a massive cliff hanger and it is killing me to find out how it will turn out haha.
But anyway, thanks for friending me back. I still haven't finished all of Steins' Gate believe it or not. I have been playing the visual novel.. I beat it the first time and got four of the 6 endings. I got the Suzuha ending (I was legitimately depressed for a day after experiencing that for the first time), the Faris ending (This was a bittersweet ending), the Lukako ending (this made me feel like an asshole and I felt bad and so did Okabe and Lukako. Probably my least favorite ending), and the Mayushi ending which made me cry like a little bitch. I am replaying it and will be getting the #besstgirl Makise Kurisu ending and then will be doing the ultimate playthrough. Where you stop before you get the "True Ending", play all of Steins' Gate Zero, get all of those endings, then get that true ending, then return to Steins; Gate to get the true ending. I have a long ways to go before I'm there. Right now, I just finished my Lukako ending for the second time and am nearing best girl's ending which I'm hoping will make me somewhat happy since none of the endings have made me happy yet haha.
I tried to be vague in terms of the endings to prevent spoilers in case another commenter sees these and in case, you haven't played the visual novel. Have you played the visual novel?