Apologies for not responding I will tell you honestly I wasn't in the mood to even watch anime much less reply to anyone..regardless to answer your question yes I can curse and say words online that I cant offline ...but believe me or not I have never said a bad word offline to anyone in my entire lifetime....and I totally get what your saying....i personally have never critised anyone but I have seen a lot of people doing so..and always made me wonder if they met each other in real life would they actually hold a fight 😅... Probably not...Internet has freedom of speech but it also influences us In ways we cant even comprehend...Example are trends before we know it also tend to relate things with that trend....I love sarcastic person but also ones who know when to get serious dont want someone laughing at my issues now do i....Dont worry about life that's the beauty of it..You dont have to worry as much you just have to live your life the best you can...But I guess as the saying goes easier said than done...so dont push yourself answers can come and go but we only get 1 life so make it worth it .. Do what you enjoy ... Zenshuu has my interest tbh the last thing I was expecting it to be was isekai I thought it was more like Oshi No Ko where they show Idol Industry Pressure and Expectations so I thought here they'd show Anime industry Flaws and Pressure But I guess not ... The protagonist is hilarious but also narrow minded ... They dont want others..but then again environment builds your view so I hope she grows outside her shell....Link Click is definitely my favorite if you have seen my Favorite list you'll know...And yes they have 2 seasons out and an additional I think the one that aired this season was a side story if I'm not mistaken...... Zenshu is great and I will watch it as well...as for solo leveling I am watching it because it got so much hype but to be honest I dont really see the hype in it.. that's just me tho so if you hype for it..Go for it...Haikyu huh?.. I dont think I watched it but hey added to watch list...Oh darker than Black I finished it recently it was a good show .... I loved the cat...tho I do wish they had more seasons but that's too much to ask for I suppose and lastly I hope you have a good day or night
Also looking into Maruo Suehiro's work a bit in between. I've finished a short story collection, as well as a one chap by him. [DDT] [The Dancing Dwarf]
reallyy, sometimes i feel like i conduct myself as younger than i am. at least mentally and the things i like, its not very typical "adulty" i guess. w that said, i would say i feel younger than i am and probably look younger as well. ive been told i have a baby face lol :s thats a good combo to have tbh, ur mature enough but still know to have fun! c:
oh maan that long? is it because yall live far away from each other or? take care of yourself and the family! congrats on ur sisters wedding :D
Hey! Just checking in. I hope everything is well with you. Is anything interesting going on? Was it Nue's Exorcist you were reading? How's that going? I've just finished reading all four physical omnibuses of Blade of the Immortal that I own. As far as samurai manga goes, it's a goldie!
he's 24 lol, not so little :p hahahaha lmao thank u i guess? i loved how sanji said it so i just had to have it as a username, real nerd ik ^^
truuust, u aint the only one. as soon as u see the result a lot of ppl stop but the important part is to find a good balance so u can maintain it for a longer period of time. dont be to strict w it tbh, let it take time and just try to make sustainable routines and hopefully u wont be discouraged and loose the results c: tbh i dont have the right to talk since im mostly in bed whenever im not working ;-;
Good morning to you as well. To answer your question, I do find myself speaking more freely online there’s a certain ease in being able to gather my thoughts and express them without the pressure of immediate reactions.... In Public I don't really use my head I just blut out without thinking....But i can appreciate the charm of in-person conversations; they have a depth and spontaneity that online exchanges rarely capture. so I understand but it doesn't really resonate with me...I hate Calls,Video calls and Going outside so yea.....as for sarcasm I get what your saying and I appreciate your understanding but I will try to understand as much as possible....Well That's what the thought process is when everything about anime is just sexualized left and right so cant really say otherwise...And as for the ‘baby’ remark, I’ll accept it gracefully, I still have a lot to learn so Considering me a baby is right.... Also makes me feel less old I guess
Your description of yourself as a sitcom character is an intriguing ono...Its ok no need to worry .. I'm sure you'll find peace somewhere along the line..Life isn't a race so take it easy...but that said don't take it too easy.... There’s something admirable about finding levity in the everyday it’s a perspective not everyone is fortunate to have. As for anime, I am watching most of the anime that are airing this season .... But my fav would include Ameku M.D Doctor Detective...Tasokare Hotel....Flower and Asura.... and my Favorite of all time Link Click Brideon Arc and I suppose the Mappa original Zenshuu..but nothing is really interesting about Zenshuu except the Concept.....What about you? Any series you've been watching?
I see Thanks for the agreement...Hmm quite interesting! Truth be told, I wouldn’t consider myself much of a conversationalist.....I rarely talk to people or socialize much, but of course conversing online feels far more comfortable it offers a sense of personal space that makes it easier to engage. That said, I may sometimes miss the nuance of a joke or sarcasm, but rest assured, that doesn't mean I found it uncomfortable or offending in anyway I take no offense in most things.... Please, feel free to speak freely or joke as you like without hesitation. As for The soccer joke, as it happens, came to mind from something I’d seen on Twitter/X someone mentioned making a soccer team with Miyabi (the Character from ZZZ). So soccer=Triggered my memory It just fit perfectly with your 22 siblings! As for cars, admiration without technical knowledge is still quite admirable—there’s something beautiful in simply enjoying a craft for what it is. And yes Lionel Martin was truly remarkable .....your 27 huh... Ig you’re still young! I’m 20...so I’ve got plenty of years ahead to figure things out. Regarding James Earl Jones, he’s indeed the EGOT awardee, though, as i mentioned, the Oscar aspect remains a topic of contention. Lastly, I see you’re from the U.S. but your tone carries a hint of light sarcasm, but whether or not it’s true, it’s all in good fun! My profile lists my birthplace, though not where I currently reside....I do hope you are not frustrated with my long Responses
It is indeed a Delightful conversation starter—there’s always something Great about engaging with someone new..... I must say tho having 22 siblings is quite surpising... That’s quite the familial assembly that's a full soccer team with substitutes.... I wonder tho...I cant manage one sibling so I cannot fathom the complexity between you all at home ...Nonetheless...... it’s Great to know you’ve been part of a loving family ... Your not aware of Lionel Martin?.. Well he is one of the founders of Aston Martin The Automobile British Brand Or you may understand better if I said James Bond Cars are most Aston Martins.....You said your a Black man so I'm curious are you in your mid-twenties. Of course,... Such conjecture is purely academic your age is a private matter....not something your Obligated to Confirm..... And as for my own name even tho I love it id say it quite mouthful in certain Situations...Also Earl James Jones? isn't he the EGOT Awards Winning American Actor ... tho the awards have a bit of controversy whether the 'Oscar' from EGOT he got is actually considered a part of the Awards regardless...A question for you...of course one that your not obligated to answer are you perhaps from The USA Regardless I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Evening/day/night/afternoon and it has been an absolute pleasure conversing with you thus far.
hahaah im praying too ;-; noo hes still in the hospital, hes got a bad case of ulcerative colitis so hes been there for almost a month now. he feels way better now and wants to come home but the doctors wont let him because the bloodwork aint good enough yet :T
frr they are robbing me, but i always think if i cancel i wont go at all but tbh ive been paying for 2 years straight and gone only two times. i couldve saved so much money TT-TT but this year for sure imma go hahahaah
Thanks for the compliment about my name...I suppose it does have a unique ring to it regardless a name shares nothing of the person's true personality other than sounding nice but that said I do appreciate the compliment none the less.....And Your quite Welcome I only shared my honest thoughts so no need to thank me....yea it was my first impression of the word Club also I'm Glad to hear that your dad likes you and you get along .... A large family you say...You must have a lot of brothers and sisters and if that's the case and your dad still loves you all equally id say he is a wonderful man.....As for your surname Martin Huh....As you perhaps related to Lionel Martin Was he your Great Grandfather .. if so You have quite the legendary Last Name .... My Last name is Ferguson With Quinn being my middle name.....Hope its not all too confusing
hahahah thats a first! im glad it started good for u ;-; i was working night shift during new years and that shift was a shit show lol, i couldnt sit down for one sec. and the same night my lil brother got sick and got hospitalized as well so it was a bad start of the year for me. those are great goals to keep yourself happy tbh. im glad its going good!
pray for me too broo ive been paying for a membership for at least two years and i can count on one hand how many times ive gone. thats baaad hahaha i need discipline 🥲
Cool! Choujin X is for sure on my horizon, I love the covers! Im currently reading Blade of the Immortal, basically samurais a little after Miyamoto Musashi, the story is good so far and the art is just phenomenal. A lot of panels are done in pencil-only so it’s really breathtaking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I'm well myself, how's progression on reading Nue's Exorcist? Or are you caught up with it?
I'm more than halfway done reading Blade of the Immortal. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also looking into Maruo Suehiro's work a bit in between. I've finished a short story collection, as well as a one chap by him. [DDT] [The Dancing Dwarf]
oh maan that long? is it because yall live far away from each other or? take care of yourself and the family! congrats on ur sisters wedding :D
thank u clubkun, ill try! hope u and ur fam are doing good too. hustle them money and get them gains 💪🏻
truuust, u aint the only one. as soon as u see the result a lot of ppl stop but the important part is to find a good balance so u can maintain it for a longer period of time. dont be to strict w it tbh, let it take time and just try to make sustainable routines and hopefully u wont be discouraged and loose the results c: tbh i dont have the right to talk since im mostly in bed whenever im not working ;-;
Your description of yourself as a sitcom character is an intriguing ono...Its ok no need to worry .. I'm sure you'll find peace somewhere along the line..Life isn't a race so take it easy...but that said don't take it too easy.... There’s something admirable about finding levity in the everyday it’s a perspective not everyone is fortunate to have. As for anime, I am watching most of the anime that are airing this season .... But my fav would include Ameku M.D Doctor Detective...Tasokare Hotel....Flower and Asura.... and my Favorite of all time Link Click Brideon Arc and I suppose the Mappa original Zenshuu..but nothing is really interesting about Zenshuu except the Concept.....What about you? Any series you've been watching?
yaaas get them gaaains! whats your goal btw, u bulking or cutting?
frr they are robbing me, but i always think if i cancel i wont go at all but tbh ive been paying for 2 years straight and gone only two times. i couldve saved so much money TT-TT but this year for sure imma go hahahaah
pray for me too broo ive been paying for a membership for at least two years and i can count on one hand how many times ive gone. thats baaad hahaha i need discipline 🥲