My ranking criteria:
10 - Reserved for my favorite anime.
9 - I would look to this anime for the BEST example of how to do at least one thing.
8 - I would look to this anime for examples of how to do something great.
7 - I would look to this anime for examples of how to do something well.
6 - I was pretty consistently entertained.
5 - I was sometimes entertained.
4 - It just wasn't for me.
3 - I would look to this anime for examples of what to avoid.
2 - I would look to this anime for examples of how something can go horribly wrong.
1 - Reserved for my least favorite anime.
I give each anime the highest score it qualifies for according to the above criteria. This is why, for example, I gave Akiba Maid War an 8 even though it also meets the criterion for a 2.
I usually rate just the first entry in a franchise and let that rating stand for the whole franchise, except when subsequent entries differ enough to warrant separate ratings.
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