All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 87.6
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed258
- On-Hold58
- Dropped2
- Plan to Watch112
- Total Entries442
- Rewatched44
- Episodes5,205
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 26.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries124
- Reread18
- Chapters2,104
- Volumes316
All Comments (435) Comments
Thanks! You too~ we have some similar favorites.
No problem!
I hope you will enjoy what you choose. ^^
hahahahaha that's exactly what happens to me with Japanese, because I've seen it so much, I already know how it sounds,
I haven't given them the opportunity yet due to time, but I have in mind, any recommendations on where to start with k-dramas?
It's good that you have someone to share that hobby with, I still haven't found a group with which to enjoy those games :'(
Yes, Lovecraft is among my sources of inspiration, you can do a lot of horror, action, and battle themes with inspiration in his works.
I like to compose orchestral music, my main instrument is the piano and based on that I make the composition and then the orchestral arrangement, recently I decided to start uploading my music to a YouTube channel, in case you like to listen to any of my pieces I leave you the link :) Youtube Channel
oh ok yes I have noticed that they use it in a lot of role-playing games, it is easy to adapt its writing to that type of games
Yes, thank you very much for the recommendation, it's great,
The situations between Kaguya and Shirogane are very funny and peculiar, Chika's comic relief is not bad either, but we must admit that the magic of everything in the series is Ishigami HAHAHA
Wow Link Click sounds pretty good, although I have to get used to the language hahaha, I'm going to plan to watch it, have you gotten used to hearing other languages like Korean or Chinese?
Sure, I'm going to start watching it and I'll tell you my impressions :)
My PTW list is also eternal hahahaha, I don't think I'll have time in my life to watch them all, there are such a large number of series to watch, what I've tried is to look for those lost gems in the vast sea of animes haha
Yes, you are right about that, but it is quite difficult to find people to play role-playing games with haha I think they are not for everyone. Do you already have someone to play with?
And with respect to Lovecraft, I love it, all of his stories are fantastic. In my case, I like to compose music and design video games. His stories are an excellent source of inspiration, and what are your favorite stories?
And with regards to Kaguya, a few days ago I was listening to its soundtrack and I loved it, now I want to start watching it even more hahaha
Nice to meet you too