JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Kuujou Joutarou: Mirai e no Isan, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy to the Future
Japanese: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 スターダストクルセイダース
English: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 16
Chapters: 152
Status: Finished
Published: Mar 20, 1989 to Apr 14, 1992
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure, Supernatural Supernatural
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Shounen Jump (Weekly)
Authors: Araki, Hirohiko (Story & Art)


Score: 8.091 (scored by 6067360,673 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #6012
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #142
Members: 101,944
Favorites: 3,424



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Feb 19, 2009
The fighting shounen manga is possibly the most widely read and widely published genre in circulation today. Hence, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders faces a great deal of competition for the attention the reader. However, JoJo's visual flare, entertainment value, and unrelenting creativity make it the cream of the crop among shounen adventures.

The story takes place 40 years after the events of Battle Tendency (the second part of the JoJo saga). The protagonist is none other than the grandson of Joseph Joestar -- Jotaro Kujo. When the coffin of the vampire Dio (the antagonist of part one, rival of Joseph’s grandfather Jonathan Joestar) was excavated ...
Aug 17, 2014
Stardust Crusaders is the third, and most famous part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. This is for a lot of reasons - it's the arc that introduced Stands, the core mechanic of the series that has stuck with it for the last 25 years. It marks the return of Dio Brando, JJBA's most instantly recognizeable character. It stars the iconic Jotaro Kujo, who is the poster-boy for the series. It was, until recently, the only arc to have an official translation in English, and it produced multiple games based on it.

So, with that in mind, it's kind of surprising that Stardust Crusaders isn't really one of ...
Sep 1, 2014
Mixed Feelings
Stardust Crusaders is by far the most iconic, recognizable and popular part in the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series. It was very influential and when there is a Jojo reference anywhere, it tends to be this part, particularly to Jotaro who is the most famous Jojo in the entire series.

Unfortunately, the earlier parts of the series have really not stood the test of time, and Stardust Crusaders, especially given its status as the most iconic part, might be the biggest example of this.

The basic idea is fairly sound: Dio returns after being absent in part 2, Joseph and his grandson Jotaro along with a few other ...
Nov 29, 2012
By far the most recognised part of the series, Stardust Crusaders is the third part in the long running manga franchise Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. While Part 3 is a clear step in the right direction for the series to head in, it is not without the stumbles that come from the introduction into a different focus point (namely the Stand based combat) and does affect its overall effectiveness.

Notably the first thing that a fan of the previous two parts will notice right off the bat is that in terms of the narrative’s strength, JJBA is at its most linear in Stardust Crusaders. The story opens ...
Apr 21, 2015
The most popular and famous Part of Jojo, Stardust Crusaders is considered one of the most iconic and influential manga ever made. But is it really THAT good?

STORY: 5/10
Stardust Crusaders picks up 48 years after Battle Tendency. In it, an elderly Joseph Joestar teams up with his grandson Jotaor Kujo and others to stop a resurrected DIO, who has cursed the Joestar family and is hiding in Egypt. They go on a 50 day adventure to Egypt fighting DIO's army along the way with newly developed Stands, spiritual forces that live within one and grant a special power or ability.

And what a long ...
Jul 30, 2014
Not sure why I haven't heard of JJBA until very recently, but I watched the new anime for the first season and decided to try out the manga so I started with part 3 and, let me tell you, it was one hell of a ride.

You should know this already (if you don't then here it is), but here's a quick brush up on what JJBA is. It's a manga that has been around for an extremely long time and is very popular. It contains lots of action, gore/blood shed, super bulked up men, and each protag has the nickname "Jojo" hence why it's called ...
May 15, 2014
Stardust Crusaders is the third part of the JoJo series so please read or watch parts 1 & 2 first.

After the events of Phantom Blood & Battle Tendency, Jotaro Kujo makes his debut as this arc's Joestar who discovers his new STAND power & his visited by his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, warning him of the danger that is DIO Brando. After Jotaro's mom, Holly Joestar, is taken ill by DIO's curse, Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol, Kakyoin, Polnareff & Iggy embark on a road trip to Egypt to put an end to this family feud of The Joestars & The Brandos.

Part 3 is the most hyped ...
May 21, 2021
This is an amazing Battle Shounen Manga in every way.

It was The 80s in the Jojo world, now. The main character, Jotaro Kujo, The 3rd Jojo in our story about the multi generational Joester family blood line. And i haven't read the later parts yet, but probably the most bad ass Jojo ever. Really a hard boiled delinquit, hard boy character in a modified all black japanese high school boy uniform with a chain hanging from the colar and a cool hat on his head and his ...Yare Yare Daze.... One liner.

Joester family arch nemesis Vampire Dio was back ! and that was literally killing ...
Mar 15, 2019
Mixed Feelings
DISCLAIMER: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a currently ongoing series with (at the moment of writing), 7 complete parts and one ongoing one. It's important to first make the distinction that this is NOT one ongoing story split into parts, but rather 8 stories in the same universe following the Joestar bloodline, that share similar elements, plot points, and even motivations in some cases.
Due to that, this and my other JoJo reviews will follow an unique JoJo rating system, since in my opinion it cannot be easily compared to other manga, done in a beginner-friendly way so as to illustrate whether or not it is worth ...
Sep 8, 2020
Mixed Feelings
The 3rd Part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a noted sea change from the compact, straightforward Parts 1 and 2. Stardust Crusaders is the most epic in scope of the first 3 parts, but it suffers as a result of the episodic journeys taken to fill the space of that ambition. This is the part that begins the "monster of the week" format that fills out the rest of the series, and where the self contained nature of the franchise becomes clear.

The set up for Part 3 is more fitting for a video game than a manga, as its broad nature allows for battles with ...
Dec 15, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Stardust Crusaders is undoubtedly the most iconic part of Jojo, and the part that defined the direction the series went from this point. While I respect Araki's decision to change his series, which led to some great stories, Part 3 of Jojo is definitely my least favorite part.

Don't get me wrong, there's some good stuff, but part 3 to me is ultimately an extremely forgettable story. Part of why is because Part 3 is longer than part 1 and 2 combined (The anime is even longer, but I'll compared the two at the end). Now, 16 volumes is not an overly long length compared to ...
Nov 27, 2022
Mixed Feelings
Not a fan of this at all. The reason why the rating is not any lower is only because of the final 2 fights which were great but everything else sucked. The Around the World in 80 Days is a cool concept but the formula is so repetitive that you actually forget about the globetrotting. Some of the stuff that I thought was particularly poor were:
1) No tension. It's the story of a Jotaro and his grandfather (Joesph from part 2) in a race against time to save Holly, Jotaro's mother. The idea is emotional but the story lacks any tension whatsoever.
2) Stand of the ...
Jan 10, 2015
Art - JoJo's always has great art, and part 3 is no exception. The uniquely styled faces are wonderful and the stylized dramatization of panels are awesome.

Character - The cast of characters in Stardust Crusaders is very good. Each party member is unique and lovable in their own way. DIO is also such an evil character that it's great.

Story - To clarify, I'd rate the story itself about a 7, but the writing is a 9. The way Araki can kill off main characters is great, because one of the worst things is when characters have plot armor because they are main characters.

Overall - The ...
Oct 7, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure stands, in my opinion, as the greatest manga I've had the pleasure of experiencing. However, Stardust Crusaders, despite being the most iconic part of the series, is not its best offering. It occupies an awkward position where it showcases many of the manga's signature elements but also highlights some of its weaker aspects. Though it's undeniably important for the development of the series, it's not as refined as later parts. The introduction of a new, experimental power system, combined with pacing issues, affects its overall quality. Nonetheless, this part is crucial as it wraps up the original trilogy and lays the groundwork ...
Jan 26, 2020
Stardust Crusaders is about genetics and psychic ghosts and vampires and memes. This manga is consistently beautiful and hilarious. JoJo's kept me consistently laughing and rereading entire volumes, however why did I rate this down when i gave Aho-Girl and Grand Blue 10's for these very reasons.

At a certain point I felt like it was just going too far to be funny and that pandering was awful.
The characters barely develop with the exception of best boy Polneraff and some characters are kept on more than they should or brought back in the most dumn and insulting ways possible. Seriously *** and *** should have ...
Dec 26, 2012
Despite this being the original break out part in both Japan and the west, I really feel like the popularity is misplaced when compared to the rest of Jojos. It's a good part, no doubt, and the inclusion of stands was a fantastic idea since Ripple was a very weak, undefined ability.

The story is solid following the long fued of the Joestars and the Brandos and putting a nice epic ending to it all.

Araki's art style is something that takes a long time to get used to, at least I think, but somewhere around Parts 2 and 3, his muscular style definitely started growing ...
Feb 23, 2019
First chapters of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, pt.3 are disappointing: the concept behind renown stands may seem childish, first battles result in ‘classic’ enemy-becomes-friend scenarios and protagonist Jotaro Kujo reminds too strongly of his predecessor. But hold out for thirty chapters and you will start to realize how brilliant the creation of Hirohiko Araki is. Stands will become just another form of superhuman abilities, shounen tropes fades quickly and and Jotaro will transform into unique, awesome character. In fact, most of characters of Stardust Crusaders are awesome because of Hirohiko Araki one-of-a-kind approach to the story. He never tries to *teach* which opens up an opportunity ...
Dec 16, 2021

Pretty much everyone is familiar with the third part of JoJo at this point, and for good reason. This part is when Hirohiko Araki really found his niche, what with the introduction of "stand" abilities, something that would be present in every part from here on out. In the later parts, we're introduced to crazy abilities like being able to erase time, travel between dimensions, and uhhh... make zippers and stuff, but in Stardust Crusaders, it's nice and simple. You got fire, fists, a sword, emeralds, and some vines that read technology or something, I don't know. Things are simpler in part 3, ...
Apr 25, 2024
It's funny that the last part was called "Battle Tendency" when this part is nothing but battles.

Jojo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders is the point in the series that becomes recognizably Jojo. Not only are the iconic Stands introduced, replacing hamon, but this is the part with most of the memes that people know Jojo for. In between all the "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA"s and "OH NOOOOOO"s, Jotaro Kujo and his grandfather, Part 2's protagonist Joseph Joestar, must race against time to defeat Dio. Along the way, they make a few friends and find themselves in many, many more fights. And that's the part that will make or break ...
Jul 29, 2024
Have you ever felt like someone or something was following you? Watching your every move? Well, Araki-sensei sure did, and then brought to us Stardust Crusaders. A new JoJo along with some familiar faces take flight around the east and make their way to Egypt all while enemy after enemy try to stop them.

Stardust Crusaders seems to be THE JoJo's part people think of whenever someone even mentions JoJo's. Sharp lines and strange proportions, Araki's style during this time is distinct and makes most people doubletake.

Snippets of different asian cultures, and truly bizarre foes and friends alike, Part 3 of JoJo's is a fun trip ...