Alternative TitlesJapanese: 鬼畜島 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 24
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 26, 2013 to Sep 12, 2022
LINE Manga Authors:
Hokazono, Masaya (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #203202 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1742
Members: 12,425
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Filtered Results: 10 / 10
Your Feelings Categories Jun 11, 2020
Its so bad i cant stop reading. Its like the author wants to change the genre every few chapters. Oh its a slasher, now its radioactive horror cannibals, now its a war on the island, now all the cast is stuck in a hole eating each other, now its a tsundere romance manga and oh is that the fucking pope i see coming to smite the island with his stand powers. WTF is going on I can't look away! Read this for the same reason you watch The Room or Birdemic not because its good but because its a fucking wild ride.
Oct 19, 2018
This story starts off as a cross between "The Hills Have Eyes" and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" on an island, then goes in an odd direction: the psychotic, mutant cannibal clan are by far the most sympathetic characters in it. This is probably this manga's most notable feature, and I think it's biggest shortcoming. The intent was likely to be social commentary, as in even decent people will do horrible things in bad enough circumstances. Instead, it largely just comes off as every single character being a cartoonishly horrible person.
The reason I consider this a shortcoming is because, if the insane cannibals are far more ... Jan 30, 2020
TL;DR It's a trainwreck.
Contains minor spoilers from the first ~5 chapters The story starts out like any Slasher film does: bunch of teens get stranded in the killer's territory and when they realize what's going on, it's already too late. Nothing original, but fine. Can work with that. But from chapter 2 onwards it just gets more and more unbelievable. From the very beginning our MC spots several nuclear waste barrels in the surrounding waters, but refuses to tell his friends. Even when they start to get hungry and catch some fish, he does not tell them that these fish are contaminated, but rather lets them ... Jun 6, 2021
I have been reading all chapters of kichikujima/Freak island and been trying get the raws which is currently on 17 volumes and soon up to 23 volumes or higher. The series is about a family of killers consisting of Kaoru,his dad yoshikazu,his big sis mari,his lil bro satoru,his twin sisters anna and kanna,his mom Mariko Glaccias,and his grandma otoki. The setting is on an large abandoned island with toxic wastes and magic worshiping Zanta maria. The college kids went to explore but three of them were killed and the others turned into monsters like the family. starts off as survival horror but becomes more
Oct 11, 2017
Let's see?
Story starts off With a sense of being watch from afar at the island. Takahisa’s paranoid reaction of uneasiness,Concerned Fuji then eventually everyone with a feel of Curiosity about the island. With a claim that the island is possibly cursed and others wanting to go there to see it. Soon they were Alerted by a suppose survivor by a fire coming from shore. I have to say this one is the most bizarre in horror when you're reading this, it just feels like you watching a horror b-movie. This manga is very different from all the horror one I've read. It plot is ... Dec 8, 2018
It is a trainwreck.
Breakdown: 2/10 story; 4/10 art; 1/10 character; 2/10 enjoyment; 2/10 overall. There is a sub-genre of manga where the story largely takes a back seat, and very quickly devolves into a semi-nonsensical string of events that depict horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible things happening to people for no reason. Usually in this kind of manga guts and body parts start to fly and dismemberment is common. You know, those mangas, right? This is one of those mangas. The story starts with several students getting stranded on a strange island with a murderous madman. However, few chapters in it falls apart, and starts throwing weird plot ... Mar 3, 2023
One of the worst manga series I've ever seen For a horror manga, the first couple of chapters were adequate, but as the story continued, the narrative grew increasingly absurd. A cursed island, a slasher story, and some magic nonsense followed. For this manga, the term "read" is overused 70% of the time. Even though it is visual, the gore isn't really worth it because there is so much filth, guts, and nasty design that it is overshadowed. The narrative is also unremarkable. From being a simpleton "slasher" to some sort of gibberish "mutant religious mystic," he changes. The fact that it is not finished
Nov 16, 2021
Absolute 10/10 masterpiece.
Criminally underated. this is like a horror mystery set on a mysterious island. With twists and turns everywhere , you cant stop reading. An excellent page turner. Iv read a lot of horror mangas but this is just epic and incredible.An adrenaline ride that does not stop. Really puts other horror mangas to shame. love it. its a combo of the island of dr moreu and texas chainsaw massacre. With wacky characters, mystery , intense scenes one after another and did i mention some crazy gore and violence. Outsanding. If you like horror and mystery or suspense. Read now. immortal 10/10 manga for me. ... Aug 12, 2019
Overall: This manga reads like you are watching a B-horror film and if you enjoy those then this will be right up your alley.
Plot: Decent, got more interesting once the Supernatural stuff got involved. Characters: They are all like someone pulled out of a B-horror film. Cartoony and not that bright, but the Family is entertaining to watch. Art: It is unique. the gore is pretty nice, some viscera and a lot of blood. Enjoyment: I was entertained enough to binge it in one sitting. If you don't take it too seriously and aren't looking to be scared you'll have a good enough time. The ... May 19, 2020
Survival horror with gore scenes has been my jam. Kichikujima gave off exactly those vibes, in the beginning, however, it changed in later volumes to be a cult secret. It's enjoyable nonetheless due to the gore.
What strikes a chord about the manga is the straight forward violence. It's amazing how the creator brought out the twisted thoughts of each character in tight situations. Characters who would annoy you, in the beginning, will slowly seem to make sense and perhaps you will feel empathy towards them. One thing is for sure - Everyone is crazy! There is no dull moment in any chapter. Each chapter is either ... |