"The book is better than the movie/series/whatever!" Yup, we've all heard it, and from my experience 99 times out of 100 rehashes, remakes and adaptations pale in comparison to their source material. Unfortunately the Utena manga fits into that rare, mythical 1% zone. In this case, the source material is indeed a mere shadow of its adaptation.
Not to say the manga is bad. It basically covers the first arc of the show and then jumps to the very end of the last arc, so you're getting what is generally considered to be the best parts of the series (I'm a bit of a black rose
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 少女革命ウテナ More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 5
Chapters: 25
Status: Finished
Published: May 2, 1996 to Mar 20, 1998
Ciao Statistics Ranked: #46292 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1678
Members: 12,956
Favorites: 307 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 10 / 11
Your Feelings Categories Nov 5, 2007
An classic manga with lots of simbolism and fantasy. In order to understand all the story read the manga, after this, watch the anime and, in the end, watch the movie, they have important diferences but are related.
The story is very original and the progress of the characters and their past is very deeper. The story is focused in each member of Student Council, their relationships and the quest of Utena to find her prince and became a prince herself. It shows like someone can fight for his own wishes, live the way he wants and the importance of friendship. A very good history that influencied ... Apr 28, 2008
I will try not to allow my love of Chiho Saito to slant this review, but I can't promise anything. I'm one of the very few who enjoyed the Utena manga more than the anime, probably because I could relate to it more (and I like the ending better...not to mention it made more sense than the anime). The characters are more realistic. Touga and Akio actually appear to have some heart. Because it's much shorter than the anime, there is less time to go into secondary characters, so the story mostly focuses on the main triumverate (Utena, Anthy, Akio) and Touga. Definetly more symbolic
Aug 10, 2010
Utena is a story far less innocent than it looks. Even with a subtle dash and all the fantasy comes to controversial issues, as is typical of shoujo, but this anime is much more dense than the others.
Each character is worked in a splendid manner. Its life history, their personal dramas. We note characters very human, with virtues and defects that are in common. The atmosphere is surreal anime. Be the "Castle Dios" floating above the "Duel Arena" is the uncertainty of time and place. Utena is more than a fairy tale, is a magical story, where nothing is what it seems. Aug 9, 2018
This was such a let down I had to review it. For years i have been told that this manga was amazing. revolutionary even. That it really was a great story that defied gender norms and tackled tropes and stereotypes. But honestly i really don't see that at all.
The only different thing going on in this Shojo is that instead of getting with the guy in the end Utena...??? I'm not even sure!!! She wants to become a prince the entire time, break out from the princess trope yet she is constantly falling back into it. She falls in love with anyone she thinks ... Jun 17, 2020
Both the manga and anime for "Revolutionary Girl Utena" seem to have quite a large following, so to say the least, I was expecting something great. I am afraid I did not get exactly that. I'm not saying this manga was bad because it was a great concept and actually had a lot of potential. However, it came up short for me, and I am going to give it a 6. I'll list the pros first.
Pros I'll start with my favorite thing about this manga, which was the art. Chiho Saito really outdid herself because this manga was completely beautiful. I love the rose theme and ... Jan 24, 2017
I really thought I'd like this at least enough to continue, but it just wasn't for me. I've been wanting to read this for a while and it was on my 'number one' list as one of the ultimate yuri classics - I mean, a girl wanting to be a prince and protecting another girl is pretty bloody high up on my can-relate list, and I love Shojo art; anything sparkly is fine by me (Note: I just want gay Sailor Moon). The artwork was beautiful but I felt the story was kind of lacking and the characters fell flat. The whole Utena being rescued
Jan 30, 2021
I love Utena from the show but ... I think I love the manga a little more after reading it. The show has more time for these characters to grow and battle but the manga is more straightforward with the story in an equally as beautiful way and, oddly, with less of the plot points from the show, the characters come out even better in the manga. I think some are somewhat overlooked like Miki and Juri but all the men that I despised from the show, I came to enjoy their presence (slightly! cant give them all the credit here.) The story is truly
Jan 16, 2022
I don't understand when people say the manga is not gay, because it very much was for me. I mostly interpreted the story about being about Utena's abandonment issues, and the fight she had going on between her intuition to find a "strong man" (in short her compulsory heterosexuality), and her will to be her own strong man and emancipate herself and Anthy from the shackles of patriarchy. But maybe I am biased h. I liked that in the ending (spoiler) she actually manages to revolutionise the world and free herself and Utena (I think?). However, the whole was too chaotic, plot-points and magical abilities
Nov 20, 2020
SO perfect! I wish the manga was just a bit more explicitly gay but still. The art is so pretty and beautiful theres surprisingly diverse characters for a manga (and also anime!) from the 90s. And I find the story so interesting and beautiful. I loved Anthy's story so much and I love how much personality the female characters have. During the anime I was confused pretty much throughout the whole thing but after reading the manga everything made a lot more sense. I would recommend reading before watching the anime. The only disappointing part about the manga itself was ****spoiler***** Juri is not a