Preface: If you like this manga, I have no qualms or issues with you. I just feel this needs a review of some sort to really warn people as to what they are getting into. Longtime fans especially but newcomers as well. Though if this is your introduction to Baki, I think you might enjoy it more, but it just depends.
Story 3/10: The synopsis pretty much covers the story and Baki has never been a story heavy series by any means, but I feel like it is appropriate to discuss it this time around honestly. Following the outcome of Son of Ogre (Baki part 3),
the main cast you know, and love are all bored out of their minds. No fight could ever compare to THAT fight, so they seek new ways to entertain themselves. Tokugawa hatches a crazy plan to revive/clone someone based off a piece of their skeletal system. That someone being Miyamoto Musashi. Whether you know who he is, is irrelevant to enjoying the story. He is basically a big deal and that is all you need to know. Expect zany antics from a man born centuries ago instantly thrown into modern day Japan. I would say hilarity ensues, but not much is truly funny as the story goes on. What makes the story so bad that I had to give it a 3 out of 10? It isn’t the setup or beginning, considering the world of Baki it makes enough sense that you roll with it. The issue is the middle and ending. The middle is full of fights with outcomes you are already aware of and the ending just blue balls you for a lack of a better term. It feels like everybody got robbed in terms of the story department as time went on, with all our time being wasted, which is something I absolutely hate in manga. I am both glad that I didn’t read this on a week by week basis as it was released like some people but at the same time, I am also frustrated that something with such a solid start could turn into something so well below average.
Art 10/10: This is peak Itagaki art. I don't think his art can get any better than this, it fixes the flaws and work arounds that I had issues within Part 2 and Part 3, making everything essentially feel and flow like a good action manga should. Characters look disgustingly muscular and that is a good thing! Everybody from the previous parts are highly recognizable despite the shift in how he presents them. Fights are easy to follow, and the two-page spreads have reached an outstanding level of detail to come out of this series. Everything looks ridiculous and it just adds more intensity to the already beloved series.
Character 5/10: Characters? What characters? Baki-dou is essentially character assassination the manga. Most, if not all the returning cast are heavily neutered in terms of personality. The funny quips or interesting quirks you remember from the previous series? Pretty much all gone. Everybody has tunnel vision and that is to fight Musashi, even if they know they can't win they still want to do it and sometimes under the dumbest conditions (you will see what I mean). They make the dumbest decisions for the dumbest reasons and they obviously end up getting embarrassed for it. The embarrassment was so strong at one point, I actually felt embarrassed for one of my favorite characters in the series getting beaten in such a stupid way. Gone is fighting for honor or respect or upholding some sort of code, we just want to see Musashi fight and show off his skills! Oh, he uses swords? No problem we will just lift the ban on using weapons in a strictly martial arts-based fighting arena, nothing could go wrong! I will admit that though there are some surprising developments with one character in particular, a man achieving an almost godlike status despite having the worst track record in the series. I won't say who but boy is it silly and not in a good way. Musashi is slightly interesting, only slightly though. He can be boiled down to pretty much a singular word and it isn't positive. He has swords, he knows how to use them, and he wants to use them because you didn’t get between a man and his swords. Get used to him being the main focus and pretty much only him.
Enjoyment 5/10: Believe it or not, this manga is actually still decently enjoyable but for all the wrong reasons.Samurai stuff is typically pretty enjoyable in anime or manga, but here it just seems to be as lackluster as everything else. Going from Volume 1 to about to about Volume 8, it held a solid 9 in my book. Following major events, and I do mean major, it devolves to about a 7.5. Still decent but after that one decision? It becomes a bit difficult to sit through. It makes it to about Volume 10 before things start taking a weird and not enjoyable turn. A good fight gets interrupted and you are just left dumbfounded by the sudden involvement of one character. Despite being terrible at martial arts he is apparently able to match the swordsmanship of a master level Samurai. Insane. I know but roll with it and keep believing it because the author isn’t joking. It is right around here where I sort of just mentally checked out of the series and kind of stopped caring about what I was reading, which is no easy feat mind you. After the fight between revived clone and sudden weapons expert, you get more or less just throwaway chapters that don’t really add anything of note except for maybe an exchange between Hanayama and one of his goons which ends up being pretty hilarious. Though the biggest thing that bugged me was the violence in Baki-Dou. Anybody who knows even the slightest bit about Baki is that it is a series with crazy violence. I would say the violence gets toned down with each series but that isn’t my point. There are these inclusions of “what it would feel like to be cut by Musashi” panels, which do exactly what I just described. They are extremely explicit, and it doesn’t leave much to the imagination. The problem lies in the possibility of such actions and then those actions not being carried out. A bit hard to follow I know, but Itagaki shows an explicit scene of violence, showing he can draw such a scene and intense violence is allowed in the publication, but that same level of violence is never actually seen in actual fights or conflicts between characters where it would actually matter. It feels like wasted panels and leaves the reader baffled as to why you would include such violence but never actually implement it in a meaningful way. Still, there is at least one good fight in it so if you want to see that then maybe it is worth your time.
Overall 4/10: I actually had this at a 5 when I first finished it, but after some careful consideration I thought it deserved lower. It just left such a bad taste in my mouth that I can’t help but really give it such a score. I wouldn’t say it is the worst manga I have ever read, and I still think Baki as a whole is a pretty fun series, but this is just such a mind numbingly bad part to an otherwise enjoyable series. I would say avoid it, but even then you might just read it to see if I was overexaggerating or not.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Baki's Path Japanese: 刃牙道 InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 22
Chapters: 198
Status: Finished
Published: Mar 20, 2014 to Apr 5, 2018
Shounen Champion (Weekly) Authors:
Itagaki, Keisuke (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #21542 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1068
Members: 18,872
Favorites: 297 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 7 / 7
Your Feelings Categories Aug 28, 2019
Preface: If you like this manga, I have no qualms or issues with you. I just feel this needs a review of some sort to really warn people as to what they are getting into. Longtime fans especially but newcomers as well. Though if this is your introduction to Baki, I think you might enjoy it more, but it just depends.
Story 3/10: The synopsis pretty much covers the story and Baki has never been a story heavy series by any means, but I feel like it is appropriate to discuss it this time around honestly. Following the outcome of Son of Ogre (Baki part 3), ... Aug 29, 2019
Having recently finished the third manga of the Baki series, I wasn't sure on what to expect from this one. What can possibly up Baki's journey through 3 manga parts, to finally fight his father, Yujiro? With hesitation, but excitement, I gave this a try.
Warning: Spoiler ~Story~ (3/10) This story frustrated me beyond belief. It reminded me of this one 'popular' book, written by a famous author, which resulted me in almost throwing it across the bus that I was riding in. Guess what, this manga gave me the same feeling. The beginning of the story is great, for the most part. The only thing I found ... May 15, 2020
If you love just watching Baki be Baki minus the Father-Complex then you'll like this. It's divulged into a fight-fest where Baki is just fighting whoever to quell the boredom and if you can get down with that then you'll enjoy this ride.
Do not look for character development from Baki or any of the famed cased outside of a few new injuries of a slightly different outlook on their life. It's Baki, look at the beautiful art, the muscles and everything else it has to offer. At this point the main climax has happened, Baki has already fought Ogre and is now growing up into the ... Jul 25, 2022
After the Masterpiece that was Hanma Baki, I decided to take a break from the series. This was mainly because aside from a certain subplot, Hanma Baki was really a perfect conclusion. I knew Baki-Dou would be fighting an uphill battle trying to justify a continuation.
Baki-Dou actually acknowledges this directly, as all of the characters are bored out of their minds despite doing some incredible training. Compared to that battle between Baki and Yujiro, the insanity of earlier parts of Baki has become dull. So what's a better way to drum up interest than to clone Miyamoto Musashi with the help of scientists and Tokugawa's sister? ... Dec 12, 2022
Baki-dou can be seen as something of an epilogue to the events preceding Hanma Baki, which more or less concludes the story of Baki and many other characters in a dramatically satisfying way. As a result, Baki-dou is left with answering the question of "what now?" And the answer is a perhaps expected level of absurdity involving light science fiction elements to bring fourth even more stronger opponents for the main cast to face-off against. The power creep is very apparent and this would seem like a 'jump the shark' moment for the series, but that would be discounting the many other points where Baki
Apr 9, 2024
Baki-dou is an integral installment within the expansive Baki series crafted by Itagaki. It is advisable to commence your journey from the inception of the original series. Positioned as the 4th or 5th segment of the Baki saga, depending on classification, Baki-dou stands as a narrative that can be comprehended independently, devoid of prior acquaintance with its predecessors.
Baki-dou unfolds as a captivating kung-fu martial art battle series, bearing resemblance to the acclaimed Kengan Ashura. The portrayal of characters within this series is notably distinct, with fighting maneuvers meticulously depicted. Across its span of 22 volumes, Baki-dou successfully sustained my engagement, holding my attention steadfastly. Admirers ... Feb 13, 2025
Once again Baki Delivers with a strong, and very cool entry.
Although I would agree that after Reading Baki: Son of ogre, this part of the series can be a bit far-fetched and/or slow, I still believe it delivers one of Baki's principles of never stop answering the most ridiculous fighting what-ifs in the coolest way possible. In this entrance, a central part of the story is the revival of a legendary japanese samurai, and camparing him to modern day martial artists and swordsmen. So if you are into that, you will love it as much as any of the other parts of the manga. |