Baki-dou is an integral installment within the expansive Baki series crafted by Itagaki. It is advisable to commence your journey from the inception of the original series. Positioned as the 4th or 5th segment of the Baki saga, depending on classification, Baki-dou stands as a narrative that can be comprehended independently, devoid of prior acquaintance with its predecessors.
Baki-dou unfolds as a captivating kung-fu martial art battle series, bearing resemblance to the acclaimed Kengan Ashura. The portrayal of characters within this series is notably distinct, with fighting maneuvers meticulously depicted. Across its span of 22 volumes, Baki-dou successfully sustained my engagement, holding my attention steadfastly. Admirers
Mar 13, 2024
Kono Ko Shirimasen ka?
Kono Ko Shirimasen ka?" translates to "Do you know this child?" Initially, I anticipated it might be akin to works like "Boy's Abyss" or "Eating Crab with a Snow Woman," centered around themes of escaping a small town, traveling, and ultimately leading to suicide. However, it diverged from that expectation, unfolding as a ghost story with themes of revenge. I completed all 28 chapters, and while it appears to have concluded, there's a lingering uncertainty. At times, I found the manga to evoke a sense of unease, yet it was compelling enough to maintain my interest until the end.
If you liked "Boy's Abyss" or ... Oct 4, 2023 This manga intricately narrates the tale of an unusual relationship between an 11-year-old boy named Masashi and an enchantingly beautiful older girl named Asako. Although the exact age difference eludes me—falling within the approximate range of 10 to 15 years—the narrative unfolds as a captivating blend of romance and mystery. Masashi, from the onset, finds himself irresistibly drawn to Asako, who harbors an enigmatic past with hints suggesting potential involvement in criminal activities. The plot undergoes a significant temporal shift, portraying a major leap in time. As Masashi matures, he fervently endeavors to unveil the mysteries shrouding Asako, showcasing an unwavering commitment that persists through the ... Oct 4, 2023
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
I have perused the initial ten volumes of "Rent a Girlfriend," and regrettably, I found myself compelled to discontinue my engagement with the series. In the realm of romance narratives, the quintessential element lies in the portrayal of characters. However, I found the central protagonists to be markedly disagreeable and, frankly, irksome. The conduct exhibited by the primary characters is notably disrespectful, with a discernible dearth of positive attributes, particularly evident in the male lead, who appears to grapple significantly with issues of self-esteem.
Despite affording this manga ample opportunity to evolve and improve, I am disheartened to convey that it has failed to meet my ... Jul 7, 2023
Dekoboko no Waltz
Dekoboko no Waltz translates as Uneven Waltz is a romance manga between an older woman and a younger high school student. The female teacher is almost six feet tall, and the male student is around 5' 3". Thus, the "Uneven" Waltz. Also, "Uneven" denotes the uneven relationship between the two.
Food serves as the major bridge between the two characters, as the male student is an excellent cook and frequently impresses the teacher with his cooking. Like any May-December love story, this one has to deal with moral judgment from other people. So far, I liked this manga. My rating of ... Dec 19, 2022
Jukkakukan no Satsujin
I did not read the original novel, I only read the manga. From the manga, as a detective story “The Decagon House Murders” is quite average. Nothing outstanding, but nothing too bad either. The story starts with way too many characters at once, it was hard to track who is who at first. The characters had an alias and real name only added to the confusion. The characters became more clearly defined later. The story is similar to Agatha Christie’s “And then there were none”. If you liked "And then there were none", then you might like this one. Of course, there is
Oct 24, 2022
Yukionna to Kani wo Kuu
Yukionna to Kani wo Kuu left a strong aftertaste after reading for me. Yukionna means snow woman based on Japanese folklore. The female main protagonist Ayame was called a Yukionna probably due to the mysteries surrounding her. The male main protagonist Kita and Ayame both seek death by suicide for their personal struggles. They meet in an unlikely scenario and decide to not die until they travel to Wakkanai in Hokkaido, the northernmost city in Japan, and taste the king crab.
The series is made for adults with a lot of sex scenes. Even though the overall feeling is sad for this manga, there ... Sep 9, 2022
High Score Girl
Hi Score Girl is a manga made by a gamer for gamers. If you were not a gamer you wouldn’t understand many of the plots and jokes. I am a gamer, love video games, and grew up in the same period depicted in this manga. Thus, I loved this manga.
However, video game reference is not the only thing this manga offers. It is a quite good love story centered around video games. More amazingly the female protagonist does not talk at all during the entire 10-volume manga. And she is not mute. All her feeling are displayed through her facial expression and action. Let’s ... Aug 16, 2022
Efu no Shichinin
Efu no Shichinin roughly translates to The Seven Ninja of Efu. Efu is hard to translate, my understanding is that efu means some kind of government. This manga sets just post the sengoku era. It is very heavy on historical content and Japanese lore, making the translation of this manga very difficult. As of August 2022, there is no official English translation.
The story follows 7 people ninjas (technically none of them are real ninjas), who suffered and died from the brutality of war after Tokugawa Ieyasu united Japan. They came back as hunting spirits or ghost seeking revenge. The stories of these 7 people ... May 18, 2022
Koi no Tsuki
Koi no Tsuki by Nitta Akira is very similar to My Boy (Watashi no Shounen). Koi no Tsuki’s literal translation should be Moon (or Fortune) of Love, the English translation has been Love and Fortune. The story is about a 31-year-old woman (Wako) who falls in love with a 15-year-old high school student (Iko). Wako is unhappy with her current relationship but feels obligated to stay with her current partner. Iko moved a lot with his parents so he doesn’t have friends. The two had a serendipitous encounter at the movie theater where Wako works as a temp and quickly falls for each other.