Kengan Ashura is quite a unique and overlooked manga. While on the surface Kengan Ashura may seem like an average battle manga with big muscular men punching each other, it's so much more than that. While it does indeed include big muscular men punching each other in cool ways it also has a strong emotional core and it could even be said to be one of the greatest martial arts stories ever told. The story is simple but well executed. An average middle-aged salaryman by the name of Yamashita Kazuo just so happens to witness a street fight where a young man defeats a Yakuza
with ease. The young man introduces himself as Tokita Ouma. A series of events makes it so that two of them become involved with the Kengan Association and have to fight in the Kengan Matches. The Kengan Association is an organization made up of representatives from prestigious businesses where they can settle disputes and business deals between each other by sending out fighters they hire into the Kengan Matches. The Kengan Matches are underground fistfights with basically no fouls, so two men clash fists until one of them is knocked out or dies. Kazuo reluctantly becomes Ouma's manager in these matches. Soon after they join the Kengan Annihilation Tournament begins, a tournament to decide the next chairman of the Kengan Association. This tournament makes up most of the manga and is captivating the entire time. Strong fighters from around the world are gathered and there is no better arena for Ouma, whose only desire is to be recognized as the strongest. Of course, you've also got the politics of the Kengan Association going on in the background, with different factions vying for control and trying to outdo each other by any means necessary. This all makes for a grand display of strength and wit. The pacing is perfect, it never feels like it's moving too fast but it never feels too slow and drawn out either. There's a lot of humor and funny moments in the story but it never feels distracting or out of place. It's very well integrated into the story which has a mostly serious tone despite the bizarre premise.
Kengan Ashura has a fairly large cast of characters but the manga does a good job of giving all the fighters and their managers time to shine. Of course, some get more time and characterizations than others but even the characters that don't get much time are likable and memorable. All of the fighters have different fighting styles that match their personality. They all have different reasons for fighting, things like glory, money, and even love. All of the fighters have some interesting dynamics with their manager. Some of them have good almost family-like bonds while others have a purely professional relationship. All of these dynamics are interesting to watch. One of the best things about the manga is the sense of camaraderie and respect the fighters have for each other. Despite having to fights each other they still respect each other as a martial artist. Well, most of them anyway. A few of them are complete psychopaths or distance themselves from the other fighters for their own reasons. Some of the best comedy scenes in the manga are from some of the fighters just hanging out after the matches of the day are over or just cheering on their friends and peers during their fights. Even during matches these fighters still have respect for their opponent's skill and technique. This makes it so that there's not a character that's just purely evil, they all just need to have to fight each other to advance in the tournament. Even the more psychotic characters are sympathetic and likable. It's quite interesting how characters will continue to be important to the plot and their character arc will continue even after they've lost. A major theme in Kengan Ashura is how people shouldn't give in to despair and allow themselves to be consumed by their failures and instead learn from their failures and seek to improve. It's a theme that is conveyed well and will resonate with a lot of people. Yamashita Kazuo is an entertaining character and his development throughout the story is amazing. At the beginning he is a timid man and kind of a loser, his wife has left him years before the story starts, his two sons don't respect him and even his boss treats him badly. Throughout the course of the story, he finds himself in dangerous situations which forces him to try and find some confidence in himself. He is the character that perhaps develops the most in the story and he's a good source of comedic relief. He provides most of the commentary during the fights and often has some good insight. Another thing of note is his relationship with Ouma, they develop a really good friendship. Ouma himself is a fascinating character. His goal is simple, he just wants to be the strongest martial artist in the world and prove the strength of the Niko style and he will do anything to achieve this. He's so confident of his own strength that he's kind of arrogant but it's also obvious that he's got a lot of room to improve. This overconfidence is his greatest flaw. He's reckless and doesn't seem to have any regard for his own life. He's obsessed with fighting strong opponents and becoming the strongest to the point that he doesn't care about anything else except for eating which he enjoys quite a bit. while it sounds standard it's executed very well and he matures a lot in the story. Another character worthy of mentioning is Kiryu Setsuna, who is Ouma's main rival. He's got immense amounts of charisma which practically comes out of the pages whenever he shows up. He's totally insane yet is a joy to watch and the reason for his madness is one of the most interesting things in the manga.
The art of Kengan Ashura is absolutely stunning. Every character is extremely detailed and expressive All the characters have fantastic designs that are instantly recognizable. While a lot of them are big muscular men, there are also men with a more slim build as well as some beautiful women. So there's a good variety of characters. The panels flow very well, making it easy to understand what is happening during a fight. The fights all look stellar, turning each bloody confrontation into a beautiful clash of strength and willpower. Every punch and kick feels like it would be a final, grand attack in any other manga They are drawn with such passion and care that you can feel the impact. The fights are brutal spectacles, joints are dislocated, and people get sliced open. It's all drawn in such graphic detail and looks amazing. The fights themselves are not just tests of pure strength like in some common battle shounen. These are fights where fighters have to figure out what their opponent's technique is and how best to counter it. Strength is a key factor in battles but technique and strategy are equally important. The outcomes of the fights are unpredictable and leave the reader in suspense the entire time. The fighters use highly exaggerated forms of martial arts, some characters have superhuman strength, some are inhumanly fast, and a character who can manipulate his hair and use it to fight. These are only a few examples of how insanely bizarre all of the fighters and battles are. Even though a lot of it is exaggerated there are in-universe explanations of how these abilities work and there are still some very grounded characters that use real martial arts like a character that specializes in grappling or another character that uses real wrestling techniques. Kengan Ashura also has one of the coolest power-ups in any manga. Visually it looks rad and it's used in the story very well and has its own drawbacks. The only minor complaint I have with this series is that there are not enough female fighters. There's only one and she isn't involved with the tournament nor doesn't do much fighting.
Overall Kengan Ashura is spectacular. You can really feel the character's and even the author's love and passion for martial arts in every page. It's an inspirational story about persistence and not giving up. No matter how many times they get knocked down they get back up and improve. It's a must read for anyone with even a mild interest in martial arts and even those who don't typically read martial arts manga should give it a shot.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: ケンガンアシュラ More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 27
Chapters: 256
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 18, 2012 to Aug 23, 2018
Martial Arts
Ura Sunday Statistics Ranked: #3602 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #276
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Your Feelings Categories Jan 11, 2019
Kengan Ashura is quite a unique and overlooked manga. While on the surface Kengan Ashura may seem like an average battle manga with big muscular men punching each other, it's so much more than that. While it does indeed include big muscular men punching each other in cool ways it also has a strong emotional core and it could even be said to be one of the greatest martial arts stories ever told. The story is simple but well executed. An average middle-aged salaryman by the name of Yamashita Kazuo just so happens to witness a street fight where a young man defeats a Yakuza
Mar 8, 2019
Kengan Asura is refreshingly straightforward about what it wants to be. Even though I had many issues with it over the course, it’s still nice to read a manga where the team behind it clearly knew what they wanted to do and were passionate about executing it to the best of their ability.
Kengan is first and foremost about action, action and more action. To a point where nearly entire 27 volumes of it are a single, gigantic tournament where not a single damn fight is omitted. Plot, while present, takes a back seat or rather gets shoved in the trunk. As such, I think ... Mar 4, 2019
Boys, what a damn piece of art we got here ! I'm not a professional, but I'll try to give you all a good review.
First, the story. Even if I love it, I must say it's a bit simple (excluding character's development), I mean, it's a series of fight, even if there are some events which come enrich the story. The humor, just like the fights, is pretty good. Second, character's development. I rarely see a manga with such great and well-developed characters. Everyone is fascinating, even the useless ones. It make the story much better, because we know why all of them are fighting. Finally, the ... May 14, 2017
It's pretty cool to be the first to review this manga. Just as much as it is surprising, as I think Kengan Ashura is probably the best fighting manga out there at the moment.
The basic plot of the Manga revolves around the idea that companies from around the world champion street fighters to compete gladiator style on their bosses behalf to win business opportunities or property in Japan, which is a pretty interesting concept. But, plot aside (because, let's face it, this is an action manga) the fighting itself is great! Every character has their own unique fighting style which pairs well with their equally ... Feb 14, 2019
I have sort of just started reading manga really so not sure how great my opinion or review would be but eh. I love fighting stories or whatever for anime or manga like baki,hajime no ippo, and even this. I think the art is amazing and all the characters are interesting and cool to me. The story isn't a masterpiece or anything but I love it and love almost all the fighters minus some. The non fighters are entertaining and I enjoyed watching how everything would unfold. I think the art is great and gets better as the series goes on and I enjoyed this
Nov 11, 2017
Yamashita Kazuo, a middle-aged man leading a boring life, once stumbled upon a street fight in a dark alley. He meets there a certain individual, who after a quick exchange of punches easily defeats his opponent. Kazuo didn’t realize that he just met a man, who would change his life forever. That man was Tokita Ouma - a fighter, who just signed up as a participant in Kengan tournaments - big scale events, where martial artists from all over the world beat the living shit of each other, and Yamashita Kazuo just became his manager.
When it comes to the plot, this manga doesn’t have ... Jan 13, 2023
If KENGA ASHURA were a fighting game I would like to play as Cosmo. (Tell me your choice)
All the fighters are distinct and fun to watch , they each have personality and a common goal , which makes the fights unpredictable. There are a lot of characters that I can't say anything meaningful about their characterization , being nothing more than shonen stereotypes , Ohma falling in the same category. The art is a bit rough in the beginning but it improves , becoming quite unique. The story is similar to Baki's , in that it's about fighting for the sake of fighting. The story it's inconsistent at ... Aug 6, 2019
I'd like to start by saying this anime is very similar to Baki the Grappler (specifically the tournament arc of Baki) so if you enjoyed that chances are you will also enjoy this. If you haven't read Baki the Grappler, this manga is about a bunch of martial artists fighting in brutal matches with no restrictions (excluding weapons of course). So, if you don't like violent gory slug fests then you're probably going to want to skip this but if you enjoy them (as I do) then you'll probably want to pick this up.
Story 7: The story of this manga is ... Oct 25, 2020
pretty shallow story. despite that, i did think some of the character designs were really cool. there was this dude who was a ballerina and uses that in his kicks or this blind assassin guy who's practically the god of sex. the research in martial arts also goes pretty deep. i thought it was really interesting learning about these really ancient or obscure martial arts like pankration or bare-knuckle burmese boxing. it gets even more interesting then, seeing these martial arts get pitted up against each other. the actual bulk of the manga is tournament arc, so if you're not into tournament arcs, you're out
Dec 31, 2018
Kengan Ashura is one of those ‘fight scenes’ manga.
I’ve never used that phrase before but it popped into my mind when I was 80-something chapter into the manga and I thought it fit pretty appropriately. What makes me think this phrase is that Kengan Ashura is basically 95% fight scenes. The story feels tacked on and just serves as a flimsy excuse for why the fights are happening. Plot/character development – what little there is – are often forced and contrived because they happen seemingly on the fly. Even major plot points sometime seemingly come out of nowhere. The manga basically resembles ‘Baki’ (seems like a common ... Feb 24, 2021
You want a fighting series but are disappointed in how weak the human body is? You want to spice up a little bit, adding some cool powers and techniques that would be impossible due to the human body being so limited? Then boy, do I have a series for you. To make it easier to explain why I personally love this manga, I will break it down step-by-step for you, reader. Let's start with: --> [THE HISTORY: 7/10] <-- Kengan Ashura's history isn't the greatest thing ever, that's for sure, but it does offer a few interesting points. ... Oct 4, 2021
Originally posted on 14-7-2020
*SPOILER FREE* "I fight, therefore I am." -Kanoh Agito Now then, this is personally one of my favorite manga I’ve ever read. The art, characters and the suprisingly good story(that goes more in depth in the sequel). Hate to point out the obvious, but everything said in this review is of course my own personal opinion. ... May 15, 2021
Easily one of my favourite manga out there u shud read it for the fight scenes and the vastness of it's cast there are so many interesting characters each with there own unique well-developed personalities and techniques that are somewhat down to earth ,the mc is quite mysterious and the unveil of his past was perfect, didn't quite like the ending though but what can you do huh.
Just read this manga for the fight the scenes cause they are jaw-dropping and the techniques are diverse,the good thing is that even closing in on the end it still maintains it's earlier aspects or even enhances them ... Oct 23, 2021
You know how there's a tournament arc trope in shounen manga, whether it be a fighting tournament arc like in dragon ball, or maybe more of a school festival event competition for the most votes for a club. The precedent and use of "competition" with people in a bracket format is an overall kind of predictable, but at the same time, fun way to bring about strong individuals to fight each other in a story.
Usually, tournament arcs are established well into the story, or at the very least, is just a single arc of many Kengan Ashura is essentially, a 256 chapter tournament arc. That's it. ... Jan 8, 2022
I read through this while I was 18 and it was LIFECHANGING. This inspired me to start working out, to start creating things, to spend my time more wisely, and got me generally interested in the medium of manga.
So this in my heart Kengan will always be a 10/10... but since I'm reviewing the manga in a more "professional" environment I had to read it again with a more critical view and sadly some cracks started showing. I have made a whole video review about this if you want you can check that out from my profile. Story - 7 The fights. The main (and kinda ... Apr 10, 2022
Kengan Asura is a bloody bare-knuckled slugfest from beginning to end, and while it may lack a bit in the story department, it makes up for it with unique and detailed artwork, expertly crafted fight scenes, and a level of intensity that barely slows down at all in over 200 chapters. Occasional comedy and tragedy elements also come up for better or worse, but if you're into a good old-fashioned fighting manga then Kengan Asura should be on your must-read list.
The story of Kengan Asura is probably the weakest element, and it's still fairly interesting and original. The majority of the manga takes place ... Feb 16, 2025
Kengan Ashura is trying to be what Baki has been for the last couple of decades.
Though succesfull in many aspects, particularlly art syle, kengan ashura just falls short where it really matters. The story is nothing new. there's a big fighting tournament and every fighter wants to win it. each with their own martial stlyes and motivations for winning the big price. Admiteddly, the fights are actually really entertaining, and the characters- although bland- really make you root for them during their combats. In short, I feel like kengan ashura set out to tell a story, and it told just that. Regretablly, nothing this story has ... Mar 17, 2025
Kengan Ashura is one of the, if not, the best fight mangas.
The story is not the best story in the world, but that's the point. The story is not the focus of this manga, the fights are, and let me tell you, the fights are fire. There's a lot of differente martial arts, and all of the martial arts are well represented. The fights fell natural, of course there is some fantasy during the fights, but mosstly, the moviments fell natural. Every fighter have a different personality and there's a lot of comedy in the manga, good comedy by the way. Oct 2, 2023
Kengen Ashura is a manga series that revolves around underground gladiator fights, where powerful fighters compete for the sponsorship of wealthy corporations. The manga has a lot of action scenes, but also a lot of commentary from the spectators, the announcers, and the fighters themselves. The commentary often explains the techniques, the strategies, and the backgrounds of the fighters, as well as their motivations and emotions.
The manga tries to balance the action and the commentary, but sometimes it feels like the commentary is too much and slows down the pace of the story. The commentary can also be repetitive or unnecessary, especially when it states ... Mar 11, 2021
This is the first Manga series I have completed as everything before this was just anime for me. And boy, this was a great one. I had previously given the anime for this series a 10/10 for season 2, but the manga is far better. Many important pieces of the plot were left out, and entire fights were omitted.
Have I mentioned the fights? Spectacular, even the worst ones are worthwhile. All characters get their chance to shine, even jobbers get spotlight. All fights are unpredictable, even those you believe are one sided will have you have you changing your mind halfway through. It manages to ... |