Delusional Love is one of those stories that just can't quite figure out what it wants to be.
It starts out an ecchi, almost borderline H, story about a beautiful honors student trying her best to seduce her new homeroom teacher. It's sexy and perverted and right when you think that something's about to happen...
The manga turns into a bloody suspense/thriller story.
Both parts of the story are well done. The artwork, in particular, is tremendous: the gore and violence are very well drawn in the second half, as are the breasts and titillation in the first half. But the two parts of
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Delusional Love Japanese: 被愛妄想 InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 18
Status: Finished
Published: Jul 19, 2013 to Feb 16, 2015
Young King OURs GH Authors:
Nakamura, Uzuki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #200472 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2666
Members: 8,365
Favorites: 39 | Reviews
Filtered Results: 5 / 5
Your Feelings Categories Dec 4, 2018
A good example of how yandere horror stories should be done, in my opinion.
The story starts off in a very ecchi-ish manner, with bits of Kanade's craziness displayed here and there. This goes on for the first half of the manga, after which the story gets dark. There is no release in the build-up of suspense (as compared to something like Higurashi which has comedy here and there), and there is a very gradual descent into psychological horror with each chapter, indicating good pace. 8/10. The art is great. It's very clean, and if you like boobs and girls masturbating you'll love this. On the ... May 16, 2019
Ehh it's ok I guess, the art's pretty good and the characters really are interesting. When reading this Manga you end up feeling so sorry for the main guy. But it was ok.
. SPOILER WARNINg So the main guy has a pretty good life in the beginning he's got a beautiful wife and daughter. Lives in a comfortable home and just got a job as a teacher. He starts his job and tries to get to know all the kids and he see that the main girl is kinda quiet and lonely. So he thinks "hey why not get to know her a little better" because ... Aug 3, 2020
Even if this was the trashest Yandere manga out there, the story seemed pretty good for 18 chapters but my goodness gracious WTF was up with the ending like wuttttttttt?!!!!!!!!! Lol
Would I consider this better than Future Diary? No Would I recommend this to fans of the Yandere genre? Yes because it does have that intense atmosphere that you probably normally see in Yandere stuff (Apart from Future Diary, I haven't bumped into good Yandere girl series yet but will try find some after this haha) Would I consider Kanade better than Yuno? No but almost. The bich was unpredictable enough like my dudes, ... Dec 20, 2020
Oftentimes, a manga will write a yandere as either a love interest for the main character or as shock value for the audience. What's interesting is when the yandere is written as not just as a generic yandere, but as a geninuely ill mental person, which is what this manga does. This manga reads like a horror story, and I love it. The main characters descent to madness is very enjoyable to watch, as he discovers more and more of the unpleasant yandere side of his student. He struggles with his paranoia revolving her and her aggressive obsession with him,