Hayate no Gotoku!
Hayate the Combat Butler
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Hayate no Gotoku!

Alternative Titles

Japanese: ハヤテのごとく!
English: Hayate the Combat Butler
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 52
Chapters: 570
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 6, 2004 to Apr 12, 2017
Genres: Action Action, Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance
Themes: Harem Harem, Parody Parody
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Shounen Sunday
Authors: Hata, Kenjirou (Story & Art)


Score: 7.851 (scored by 1415714,157 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #11442
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #582
Members: 32,510
Favorites: 1,907



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Preliminary Spoiler
Oct 30, 2008
Preliminary (105/570 chp)
Hayate the Combat Butler targets a specific audience, and hits it dead-on. Hayate is for people who love rapid-fire gags and Japanese cultural references. Those looking for serious plots or extremely well-developed characters should look elsewhere.

That being said, Hayate the Combat Butler accomplishes what it sets out to do: Make you laugh. Sure, there's a little bit of a plot thrown in every now and then, and maybe a character or two makes a realization after 10 or so chapters, but the main focus is on the gags, and each characters' role in them. Character deliveries range from deadpan-humor to Manzai stand-up, and each one's ...
Jan 13, 2009
Preliminary (118/570 chp)
Story: It's very creative and original, albeit unrealistic, but not in a way that detracts from the series. It's a fairly simple slice-of-life type of story, but it's a very unusual life that the characters lead. This allows for plenty of interesting, crazy things to happen that flow well because the whole thing is interesting and crazy. The story is exciting and new, giving infinite possibility for the author to let loose with his creativity.

Art: The very pretty and distinct characters are fun to look at; again, the variety and uniqueness make it a great manga. There aren't many gorgeous glory ...
Apr 11, 2017
In a timeless romance one of the most somber things you’ll realize is that one of you will live to see the death of the other. I was 16 years old when I picked up Hayate and realized, hey, this character is the same age as me. As I grew older I came to my own realization that Hayate will continue to be 16 forever. I will be going through life while Hayate, poor Hayate, will still be attempting to pay off his debt and power through the silliest adventures you can think of. In a world where the parody genre is dominated by Gintama, ...
Jan 15, 2018
This is a very bias review.
Hayate no Gotoku was one of the first manga I've ever read, dated all the way back in 2007, when it only had 100-ish chapters. I didn't read every week, I believe I took a 2 years break just so that I can read all of them at once. Regardless, It's like my child you know.
After 10 odd years with 570 chapters, it ended.

To the actual story, Hayate no Gotoku is about an unlucky guy, with many odd talents (especially with woman), who fall into debt by his parents and was taken in by a super rich lady to ...
Jul 18, 2019
Mixed Feelings
Jesus Christ, I finally finished this 500+ manga and it only took me 7 months to do so.
Anyway, I watched the Hayate anime a few years ago which is why I of course decided to check out the manga out of curiosity. I'm not a huge fan of the series like I am with other romance harems like Rosario Vampire and Heaven's Lost Property but I enjoyed the series to a certain extent.

Story: 6
Hayate's story is a very mixed bag. It starts out well with the idea of a Hayate being abandonded by his parents on Christmas Eve and taking on their debt ...
Aug 31, 2009
Preliminary (Unknown/570 chp)
Having recently gone from having an interest in animes to an obsession , I can safely say that this is the funniest product to ever come out of Japan. Hayate the Combat Butler, is the story of unlucky teenager Hayate Ayasaki,who after being sold to the Yakuza(Mafia) and inheriting a debt of 156,804,000 Yen, decides to kidnap a girl named Nagi Sanzenin. Unfortunately, the idiot(Hayate), botches up the plan, and due to poor empathy, makes Nagi believe that Hayate is in love with her. After saving her from another kidnapping plot, Hayate then becomes Nagi’s butler, where he must use all means necessary to protect ...
Mar 19, 2011
Preliminary (Unknown/570 chp)
It's very difficult to categorize Hayate no Gotoku in a specific genre. On the surface it is most obviously a comedy, but of what type? Situational? Slap-stick? Dramatic? Parody? Hayate no Gotoku is in fact all of these, as author Kenjiro Hata seems to be ill content with sticking to a single source of comedy. The first chapter alone contains: the titular Hayate riding head first into a subway entrance, fighting off Yakuza, referencing biblical stories, referencing Gundam, and a cameo of Santa. All wrapped up in the 'poetic' first chapter title: "Santa's Red is a Blood Colored Hell," and we have a good point ...
Jan 23, 2021
It's difficult to talk about someone's own happiness and what that means relative to their financial wealth. People often say that money can't buy happiness, and yet this saying betrays just how utterly miserable being poverty-stricken can be - everything from personal relationships to material belongings to familial security can be taken away from you, with a reality that what little you have can be stolen at any second. Hayate Ayasaki lives one such life where he works day in day out, sacrifices any and all connections he may form with others in order to have a better future away from his parents, only for ...
Aug 15, 2017
Overall, I got what I came for. I wanted to read a relatively light-hearted comedy/romance series that had a little bit of everything from jokes to action, and that's exactly what I got.

Why Do I Like This Manga : The first chapter really drew me in with the premise and since them I've kept reading because I wanted to see more of these characters. I loved how the jokes and references are done in a Gintama-esque way. And, this is a rather long running manga so there are more than enough chapters to keep you entertained for a while.

What I Didn't Like : At ...
Jun 5, 2019
tl;dr: A long journey with an incredible cast full of laughter and amusement with a solid enough plot though one that doesn't quite stick the landing on the ending.

This started off as a gag manga, but eventually the plot turned out pretty solid. But what really makes the manga is that there are a lot of amazing characters. My favorites seem to match the character polls pretty well, being Athena, Hina, and Ruka. But even beyond my favorites, overall the cast was really large but despite that still managed to pull off most all of the characters being really solid, which I find incredibly impressive. Trying to ...
Jul 9, 2021
For a long 570 chapters of a series, my enjoyment has been maintained entirely throughout. Every day, I wake up and the most exciting event for me is reading my daily 2 volumes of Hayate the Combat Butler. This 2-volumes-a-day rule was actually a rule past-me enforced on present-me so I wouldn't binge until 5 am and kill the rest of my life.

What did I look so forward to? Firstly, the cuteness of the romance comedy element. Almost every character is well-crafted. My heart goes doki doki when Hina blushes upon Hayate's dense kindness, or when Ruka so explicitly shows her love. The exception ...
Feb 14, 2014
Preliminary (Unknown/570 chp)
Oh, SO many things can be said about this series. Sure, when I first picked it up, i couldn't stop reading all the way until chapter 300 or so. The i realized something. The manga was no longer just a bunch of zingers thrown together by some random plot (Randomness is 75% of Hayate's daily routine) and made into print. There was slowly starting to become visible a main story line, and somewhat of a deep romance as well. Before that, it was sheer comedy with occasional bouts of romance.

With the arrival of a certain lady into the story, the genre seems to change almost ...
Sep 1, 2012
Preliminary (Unknown/570 chp)
A very good Manga, aka The best butler comedy manga. Despite the graphics from chapter 1-50 or so (You should watch the anime instead), The graphics get better and amazing. The story is 40% fillers but when it gets into the an arc/plot the story is amazing. This is a definite watch if you are a fan of Good Romance and not CHEAP romance
Jan 9, 2021
Ten years since discovering the world of Hayate the Combat Butler through the anime, I have today put the series down for the last time by reading the final chapter of the manga. This is a series I will always have fond memories of in that it was a bond a friend and I shared, and for the fact that I watched the first few episodes on an iPod Classic while flying in an airplane (which would have brought Hinagiku much dread). Though I can't say it was my favorite series or the most impactful to my life, I will look back on it fondly. ...
Apr 14, 2016
Preliminary (525/570 chp)
Hayate the combat butler is at its core a comedy but its genre is not exclusively comedy. It can also make you cry. The romantic moments are mostly subtle, like a gaze or hug but it is nicely done. There is a bit of supernatural stuff in the story as well. There are references, breaking fourth wall, parody on various animes, manga, TV shows,popular culture but the manga never takes itself seriously. It is never boring, and even if you do not get most of the reference, like me, you will still enjoy it.

Hayate is like any other shounen hero ...