Let's get to it:
This manga was fairly good for the first half.
A mysterious sexy broad with a loser who no one cares about, typical combination.
You get a good mix of comedy mixed with gore and sex for the first half. After about chapter 75 the manga goes so far down hill I almost dropped it. The ending was the worst I had ever seen and would recommend the first half up to the point she (spoiler) says she won't kill anyone anymore.
The manga was dope till the second half, then turned shittier than a dung beetle at Thanksgiving.
I'm gone
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 穴殺人 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 8
Chapters: 135
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 6, 2013 to Sep 23, 2016
Manga Box Authors:
Larsson (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #173532 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #661
Members: 28,729
Favorites: 291 | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Aug 20, 2014
Ana Satsujin is a thriller manga about a suicidal NEET and his discovery of a murderous neighbor through a peephole. I'm extremely new to the horror/thriller genre and in fact I avoid it in general, but Ana Satsujin was able to keep me curious and interested.
Story 7/10 - As you can expect from a horror/thriller manga with a character who's a psychopath, there are lots of violence and people dying. The story doesn't really have a plot, but instead it's more of a journey of how the relationship between Kurosu and Miyiachi can work and waver. There's a part where murder was being justified by ... Apr 20, 2014
So far this manga is a good breath of fresh air, with a very interesting story that haves you guessing and knowing that anything can happen at any time in this manga. This story is about a boy named Kurosu who is a NEET that dropped out of prep school and now finds himself lost not knowing what to do and attempts to end everything. Not spoiling to much he stumbles across a cute girl named
Miyaichi that lives next door that gives him hope to live, little does he know she has very dark secrets. I am really loving this manga with a ... Apr 13, 2014
I'm pretty new to manga, but I thought I'd share my opinions on Ana Satsujin.
As a fan of horror and ecchi, I actually really like this manga so far. The story is interesting enough to keep you focused and the characters are both strange and incising, as well as being slightly unconventional. The art is pretty average I'd have to say, though the characters look good and it carries the story well. If you're a fan of this kind of stuff I'd definitely recommend checking out this manga. The fact that the chapters are short make it an easy read, and overall its pretty ... Feb 25, 2018
Story Score: 3. I was tricked. This manga tricks you with an somewhat interesting twist of the main girl being a serial killer and the protagonist falling in love with her and they make a deal for her to kill him. With small little twists and turns to make you curious but at that point you might as well just look up the ending. The story is so badly paced with dumb moments constantly and lame enough writing to entertain you when you were going through your emo existentialism phase back in middle school. With lame lines that are supposed to
Jul 5, 2018
To say this manga dropped the ball would be an understatement. The entire first half of the manga is pure gold. The characters, the timing, the way they all develop and change are honestly quite amazing.
Then the second half happens and the entire thing goes downhill. The plot becomes filled with annoying cliche. Evil twins, Amnesia, so-and-so didn't die, etc. It all comes together at the end when major players who you thought were dead all gather in the last 5 chapters for one showdown and most of them barely get a line out before they killed for no reason other than the plot ... Oct 1, 2016
This manga is a really twisted manga without much development.
Basically, it's just a giant mess and it felt as if the author really wanted to make the manga very gory. I was expecting a manga like Monster, where it was psychological and slightly horrifying; that was a good manga. Ana satsujin is a very simple manga that dwells on death. In a sense, it's "death porn", an extreme emphasis on death to the point where it feels like it's erogenous. There's even a character that gets excited from corpses, which just makes it a tad bit more apparent. The manga isn't really horrible, but it's not ... Dec 1, 2018
This manga I feel is one that is really easy to simply not get into, in which case you simply miss the point of everything with nothing having an impact on you, and it'll probably seem terrible. On the other hand, if you do get into it like I did, I feel that it's one that can have a tremendous impact on you, in that this is the rare mangas that made me feel somewhat sick. Now this isn't because of gore or violence or anything like that, but because it has such a twisted viewpoint completely divorced from common sense and the hardest part about
Dec 13, 2017
At first we are given a snapshot of what it would be like to be in a relationship with a serial killer. That is then further expanded upon by learning about what kind of person would want to be in a relationship with one and succeed at it. Most people who read the manga enjoy that.
The controversy resides in the second half of the manga, because the main idea was fully threshed out in the first half the author decided to use the world he created to put a twist on the classic damsel in distress storyline. I enjoyed it, for me it gave ... Dec 30, 2022
The story is a very good written and unpredictable. Page turning at least for me. Art was a bit lewd, so NSFW warning.
I HATED the ending, so all you righteous and do-good readers are NOT recommended to read this manga, because all you will get immensely disappointed by the track this story goes down in. I originally came to expect a thriller about a man and his serial killer neighbour, but it soon essentially became a sick twisted psychotic love story, so fair warning before jumping into this manga; it’s not what you were hoping it to be I have mixed feelings about it, but it ... Aug 5, 2022
a good psychological manga that talks about a different point of view about love. There are a lot of violent/gore scenes in the manga with a bit of ecchi and comedy in it. Not really a fan of psychological manga or gore but this manga is pretty average and has some bad story pacing in it. Gonna be honest, the story is good at the beginning but it kind of gets bad as the story progress. Still, the story was able to bring the characters point of view in romance.
The art is somewhat average but there are scenes where it is poorly drawn (but the ... May 29, 2020
Ana Satsujin AKA Peephole sits in a very specific niche as far as mystery/drama/horror manga are concerned. It's not very horrifying, although it is gory and violent. It is rather dramatic, although more so in that it provides schlock and easily-predicted plot twists by the handful. As far as mystery goes, there isn't much to be found past the first arc, even if you're particularly naive and can't pick up on the generic tropes presented in the "trash gore-romance drama" genre of manga.
However, this doesn't mean that Ana Satsujin isn't an enjoyable read; Supposing you're a fan of this type of manga or looking for ... Nov 5, 2017
Hello, this is my first review. Minor to no spoilers. Please tell me if this is a decent review.
Overall - 7 Good read. It had great potential but turned into an unfathomable thing from when you started the manga. Like chewing gum, starts tasty and delicious then turns into a piece of rubber in your mouth that you want to spit out, but you keep it in your mouth thinking the flavor would come back, but it doesn't. Story - 7 The story revolves around a guy that finds out he is living next to a killer. He finds out by peeping through a hole in a ... May 25, 2021
I started following this manga when it was still decently early into its production, around chapter 40. and quite honestly the really messed up dark and sexy stuff was pretty good and definitely something you don't see a lot of. The phrase "psycho thriller" definitely comes to mind when reading the story and for a large part of its publication it handles gore and sex in a weird but interesting way.
But when a series is this weird and surprising anyways, the absolutely weird plot twists it introduces ruins the story. Obviously the main girl is a yandere from her LOVE of her box cutter, ... Nov 23, 2021
I recently added Ana Satsujin or Peephole on my manga reading list its about a guy who wants to kill himself but then his method was a disaster and it created a hole towards her roommate who is a terrifying yet good cooking serial killer. I was super hype up about their abnormal love story, the way female mc kills her victims via cutter and giving details like death or formaldehyde. However, I don't like the male mc for being stupid, pathetic, obvious in his actions or facial expressions and clumsy for all the chapters in this series. Additionally, I'm quite disappointed at the ending