On the surface Boku Girl seems like your ordinary, generic, everyday genderbender manga and, well... That's kind of what it is. However, this is an extremely well written, fun to read and entertaining one at that. Apparently this is Sugito Akira's first manga, in which case I have to congratulate him on making something so fun on his first effort. Remember that word, "Fun", because that's what Boku Girl is about. It's not about a deep, intigruing story. It's not about heart-wrenching drama. It's not about shakespearean dialogue. It's about fun. In all it's simplicity, the manga delivers that fun incredibly well.
Story - 6
As I
Alternative TitlesJapanese: ボクガール InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 11
Chapters: 107
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 12, 2013 to May 12, 2016
Young Jump Authors:
Sugito, Akira (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #38722 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #383
Members: 47,008
Favorites: 1,475 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 31 / 34
Your Feelings Categories Dec 4, 2016
I'm am going to write a mostly spoiler free review of this series as most of its faults can be detailed without given away any plot specifics (nothing you can't guess without having ever cracked the cover) aside from character names. Warning, this series is ecchi and carries all such related warnings. All of pronouns referring to Mizuki will be male because I'm lazy and don't feel like writing his/her and he/she etc. and I have no clue how the author intended for us to see the character. Summary 3/10 : In certain sporting communities the word potential is used as an insult. With that ... Nov 27, 2016
I wanted to right this review before I was able to finish the series. The reason for this is so that I don't have a biased opinion due to having an ending I liked or due to it having an ending I did not like so let me begin.
First I would like to state I absolutely LOVE this series. Although there are quite a few issues I see being the cynic I am. So when it comes to the story of Boku Girl there is a pureness to it with a VERY lovable cast that makes this manga exceeds others like it and with a ... May 26, 2016
This is written after reading (more or less) all 107 chapters, either through full scanlations, live TL threads, or reading raws with my extremely rudimentary Japanese skills.
Recognize that this entire manga is very cisnormative and heteronormative (aka there would be no conflict whatsoever if characters weren't straight and also weren't polarized as strictly masculine and feminine). I'm not a huge fan of the gender binary, personally, but I can put that aside to read some silly manga with nicely drawn boobs. When I first started this manga it was silly, fun, had really nice art, didn't drag things out for too long, and I gave it ... Jul 6, 2015
[TW: Transphobia, gender dysphoria, sexual situations, and pedophilia/child sexual abuse (possibly) in this series]
I can't believe I read this manga but I did and I might as well write a review about it so here we go. Boku Girl's protagonist is an effeminate first year high school student by the name of Suzushiro Mizuki, who is constantly at odds with his feminine appearance. His life has always been overshadowed by men confessing to him, others not taking him seriously as a boy, and even his crush confessing that she only sees him as a she. Matters are worsened when the trickster god Loki decides Mizuki to ... Oct 11, 2014
As of this review, I've only made it up to Chapter 38, so keep that in mind if you're reading in the far future. Gender benders are a sub genre that I don't really care for. They all suffer predictable cliches such as the gender bent protagonist adjusts to their new gender, with unfunny comedy, ecchiness, lack of a proper ending etc. That's where Boku Girl comes in. Never before since Ranma ½ had there been a gender bender as funny as this. I was pleasantly surprised how well written and funny the story and characters are. Story-7: Boku Girl is a ... Apr 9, 2020
CONTENT WARNING: This manga, first off, portrays the LGBTQ community in a controversial light, and thus I do not recommend reading this title if you are prone to these kinds of opinions. There are already so many posts calling Boku Girl "transphobic", "homophobic" and "bigoted" and this needs to stop being the basis of the series. While people are allowed to have their own tastes the toxicity I've seen in these reviews is in a league of its own. I'm not going to talk about any of that stuff in my review, because honestly I don't really care and like to enjoy things without involving
Feb 11, 2019
It's my first time writing a review. It's also my first time writing a review. That said, I'm too lazy to explain my feelings in full. So I'll summarize.
When the fuck did he fall out of love with the girl? Why is he so passive? Why does he let himself get pushed around all the time? WHY IS IT NO BIG DEAL THAT HIS CHILDHOOD FRIEND TRIED TO RAPE HIM FIVE FUCKING TIMES? I hate this manga. I want my hours back. *space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space filler**space ... Mar 9, 2017
This is really one of a kind. Even if at the same time it is an
amalgam of almost everything thats wrong in manga and anime today, it still managed to give me a fun time, so I will give it that. There's no significant character development whatsoever through all the course of the story (even the guy to girl development seemed a bit off and in times, artificial (very, very artificial)), but this time it didn't really matter much. I will talk about the wrong things I mentioned before, and focus my review on that. First and foremost, this is an ecchi manga, so I ... Jan 18, 2016
updated and tl;dr'd
A sound premise and well done for the early chapters. But becomes swamped with needless angst and melodrama once you start to reach a certain point. Most of which is based around the two main characters who quite obviously like eachother romantically, have made it basically 100% undeniable to eachother through body language and their actions, but refuse to say anything about it. It becomes so riddled with fallacies and senseless drama that the latter chapters become a swamp to wade through instead of a story. Enjoyment 5.5/10: It would be rated lower if it were not for the early-mid chapters being actually enjoyable ... Dec 3, 2019
I started to read this manga out of curiosity without much further knowledge and finished it, because I learned that it is a significant piece for certain groups. I can see why some people see this as a significant part of representation for the minority groups of the LGBTQ community, but for me it is still not a good manga.
The concept is simple and nothing new, a God is bored and decides to prank a young Japanese androgynous boy by making him female. While the concept is nothing new in general, the focus on gender questions is more so. Unfortunately the manga overplays the comedy to ... Mar 11, 2019
Holy FUCK did I hate this manga...
And the worst part is that it was genuinely enjoyable up to a certain point (And even past that point, there were a few decent scenes mixed in every now and then)... But after a while, I just reached the point where I could no longer stomach it. It starts off pretty good. The premise is fairly lazy (The main character gets randomly turned into a girl by a god for no real reason), but the interactions between the main characters tend to be amusing and cute. At first, Mizuki (The main character) retains his boyish personality, while also having a ... Jan 13, 2016
Two things first.
1: English is my second language 2: I see a lot more in things then most people(some would say I look into it to much haha) so you might just not see what made this great for me. (I think would still be just really fun for everyone though Story: This is the only meh part of all of it but it is not the point in anyway so I did not mind. Art: The art is beautiful and the mangaka love to play with our perspective. Also there is a beautiful contrast between the three main character that I really like. ... Jul 9, 2020
Was actually a good story for the first 30 or so chapters (if you ignore the downright awful portrayals of homosexuals and crossdressers), progressively became more ecchi than plot, and then went rapidly downhill roughly at the 50 chapter mark. Final straw for me was when the protagonist's dad was revealed to have wanted to fuck his son since he was a toddler and it's played exclusively for laughs. This story is hard to rate, considering just how massive the quality gap between the beginning and up to where I read is. However, I will try my best. Story: 4 out of 10 Starts off on a decent ... Sep 16, 2019
I know what you're thinking, "a romcom with 107 chapters? how are they going to keep this interesting for that long? and why should i read this, i don't have that kinda time to waste on manga" and to that i say, they don't. and don't lie to yourself, you're reading a review on a gender bender ecchi romcom, don't act like you got stuff to do.
story: 7 i trust that you are observant enough to have read the tag "gender bender" or read the synopsis and gleaned that the main character is going through a gender transformation, which is the main crux of the story. ... Mar 29, 2016
What a weird manga.
Here's the thing, if you wanna enjoy this manga to the fullest you have to be open-minded particularly about gender-benders. I couldnt see myself in million years that i ever enjoy this manga, but I did. Not because I hate/love trap, transsexual agenda etc. But rather just IDGAF, period, if it's good/ clicking with me then Im buying. And this manga is REALLY GOOD IMO. It puts you in the weird position, as any of gender bender manga supposedly does, but in subtle and comedic way, with very,very beautiful artwork (Sugito Akira, dude..you can do manga, respect), and well made characters (each ... Sep 6, 2023
My personally, I loved this. The only thing that left me annoyed was the ending. At the end it felt a bit rushed, like they could have made a couple more chapters but forced it to end here. Sure they tied up some looses ends for the characters and helped them understand the situation but it feels like it could have been better. Would definitely recommend giving this a read, if you don't like it within the first 1-3 chapters then its probably not for you. Either way 9/10 from me, would love to have an anime adaptation one day.
Sep 5, 2018
I really do like this manga. It's sexual tension is done really well, (although I can't really say much about anything else) and its premise is pretty interesting.
Story (5/10) Definitely drops off after I'd say chapter 55. It doesn't become unbearable, but the sexual tension never reaches the same point after that. I think after that they shifted the focus on the female romantic lead to please the people that may have been routing for that, but ultimately it was poorly done, and the entire time I just wanted the mc to go back to the romantic male lead. I think it was important for the ... Sep 1, 2022
I originally read this manga back in 2017 because I had a trap/femboy fetish (I still do) and I thought reading this would be funny.
Instead of a few quick reads and a laugh, I instead read the entire chapters they had in ONE day. Fun to read, But I can’t remember much about the plot nowadays and the only uniquity this hasnover other slice of lice anime is that the protaganist was a boy, but now she’s a girl, and she has to adjust (wait a second, is this a trans story?) On a serious note, I doubt any trans person would relate to it’s “transitonak themes” ... May 28, 2016
Boku girl is a manga series that reminds me of Ranma 1/2. If you know ranma 1/2 then you know that this story fits in the "gender bender" category. The similarities between Ranma 1/2 and Boku girl are uncanny but there are certain things that really make Boku Girl its own thing.
Mizuki and Ranma were raised to be fighters. (this is downplayed in Boku Girl). They both can disguise as a boy or girl when necessary. (ranma can do this cause he can physically switch back and forth while Mizuki can do this cause he was androgynous to begin with.) Both of them ... |