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Synonyms: BODY, Saa Kyou mo Gakkou da
Japanese: B.O.D.Y.
English: B.O.D.Y.
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 15
Chapters: 62
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 13, 2003 to Jan 28, 2009
Genres: Drama Drama, Romance Romance
Theme: School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Bessatsu Margaret
Authors: Mimori, Ao (Story & Art)


Score: 7.461 (scored by 58565,856 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #33012
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1485
Members: 14,381
Favorites: 189



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Preliminary Spoiler
Jul 30, 2008
Preliminary (22/62 chp)
First of all, B.O.D.Y. was one of those mangas that I was never planning on reading. But one of my friends shoved it in my face and told me to at least try it. And once I started reading it I just could not put it down.

STORY: At first the story started out like all the others. Girl falls in love with boy. Boy likes girl but there are problems with their relationship. But then, this story took off and became very interesting. More characters were introduced and surprising things happened that you would not expect. Cheating, lying, laughing, crying... the characters made the story ...
Dec 5, 2010
Mixed Feelings
The story sounded good enough in the summary so i picked it up. A girl who falls for a boy who is at first seems like a good shy boy but actually it's all for appearance and he's working as a host after school.
But this is all. Just an interesting concept. After this is all used in the first volumes your left with a very typical boring to death story. About all kinds of love rivals and exams and typical things. Nothing really new. This manga even not trying to refresh something. And no, to take the typical settings for shoujo and put ...
Feb 7, 2014
Preliminary (44/62 chp)
I found this manga on MAL and it seemed interesting. I've been reading manga for years and just recently I've turned to MAL to find new ones.

I really wanted to like this story to be honest, but I hate Fuji. I straight up hate his character. I'm a fan of the whole scarred past, and the bad boy thing still I can't make myself like him.
He's immature, both characters fall in love way to quickly to be realistic and it seems from the very beginning that she is wrapped around his finger and will just blindly follow him anywhere. (think Naruto to Sakura, and ...
Jun 8, 2014
B.O.D.Y. wasn't what I was expecting from the synopsis. Not at all. The story was put together really well. Every thing flowed together as one, there were no choppy points where one was left going "hmm.. what did I miss here." Which is wonderful. It has growth, complication, laughter, tears, a twist here and there and a well done ending, which to me can make or break a manga.

The characters were great with a good depth to them. They weren't super deep to the point were you had to take notes, and they weren't shallow. They were kids learning about life, love and heart break. ...
Mar 19, 2019
Ohhh boy where do I begin...?

First off, this is not a bad manga. If you compare it to your average shoujo romance where the two main characters have a misunderstanding that leads to a break up that leads to millions of chapters where I try not to yell at these silly teenagers for being ridiculous, then B.O.D.Y. is actually one of the nicest shoujo I have read so far.

STORY 7/10

Again, it's a shoujo manga so the most I could be was pleasantly surprised by the story - I know a lot of people like drama drama drama, but so many times that leads to ridiculous ...
Jun 4, 2014
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (24/62 chp)
I really wanted to read this manga about four years ago, and I can definitely say that my 16 year old self would have probably enjoyed this manga a heck of a lot more than my 20 year old self. I understand that it is shoujo, and, thus, I am probably outside of the target audience. I still felt disappointed with it.

The story started out promising. I liked how the protagonist guy, Fuji, was a nerd-by-day and host-by-night. Deception is always fun in manga. Even the lead female was enjoyable at first. She would literally punch Fuji when he was being a jerk, and she ...
Apr 4, 2013
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (35/62 chp)
B.O.D.Y. was a manga I never planned on reading, but after completing Ouran High School Host Club's manga; I was looking for something host club-related and at first, B.O.D.Y didn't disappoint. I really liked the artwork, the story was shaping up beautifully, the characters were likable, and the writing funny. For the first half or so of the first volume, I was interested,and like any otaku, or otaku-in-training, I read the manga everyday.
But after a while, I find it became a bore, and I, personally, began to find myself reading for the sake of simply not wanting to drop it, something which happened anyway.
Ryoko's ...