This will be a short review.
I watched this mostly, because the other reviews had increased my curiosity. That being said. I don't think this Anime was a waste of my time, but I don't think it was a good use of it either.
I would like to really break down the series and summarize, but I can't because I have very little clue what the hell happened.
I never played the game. I think all the men in this series are seriously going through Mommy issues to the extreme, and they all are awesome at being bad vampires. My mind is now scarred at the fact Kanato
Feb 7, 2014
I found this manga on MAL and it seemed interesting. I've been reading manga for years and just recently I've turned to MAL to find new ones.
I really wanted to like this story to be honest, but I hate Fuji. I straight up hate his character. I'm a fan of the whole scarred past, and the bad boy thing still I can't make myself like him. He's immature, both characters fall in love way to quickly to be realistic and it seems from the very beginning that she is wrapped around his finger and will just blindly follow him anywhere. (think Naruto to Sakura, and ... |