It is not often that you'd come across an ecchi harem manga, where the main characters aren't afraid to follow-trough and express their affections for one another, just like any real couple in an actual relationship. Yet that is exactly the kind of manga you've stumbled across. Umi no Misaki being an Ecchi, Harem, Slice of Life, with a greater focus on the Romance to enhance its relaxing story; revolving around an island community, with its own ancient customs and cultural traditions.
Set in the radiant & lush island of Okitsu; a city boy named Nagi Goto travels to such an isolated rural environment, for
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Messenger of the Sea Japanese: 海の御先 InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 15
Chapters: 135
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 23, 2007 to Feb 28, 2014
Young Animal Authors:
Fumizuki, Kou (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #41442 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #935
Members: 21,127
Favorites: 264 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 17 / 18
Your Feelings Categories Dec 20, 2014
It really is quite a story. Umi no Misaki is very unique and can pull us into this lovely tale with suspicion, mystery, and a slight suspense that enthralls the ecchi and romance that surrounds the main character.
I liked the uniqueness and the suspense built into this manga. I didn't like the various awkwardness that was brought about, even if it added to the story. Jan 30, 2015
Well, this is my first time reviewing a manga but after finishing this prime example of a harem manga, I thought I should write one.
Story starts with our hero Goto Nagi, who's a highschool kid coming to a remote island where his mother was a local. The background for the manga is pretty generic. "A used playground" is the correct word. Manga is based on that used playground, but it makes a great sandcastle. For the few chapters, manga makes you think that this is a mystery manga and that the protaganist is trying to solve the puzzle, but that's not it. Not remote. ... Jul 7, 2012
Hello guys reading my review, this is my first review so please don't think badly of it.
Now to get onto the grasp of this manga, i have read about 100 chapters so i would have a fair knowledge about this. You might hate this manga for whatever reasons but i give good scores to anime and manga because they are always entertaining in a way whatever the anime/manga is like typical,ecchi,harem,drama. About: This starts off like some typical harem mangas and animes do, which i fairly like about it, it starts off the main protagonist then meets a heroine in a way, then he discovers a ... Oct 5, 2014
This is the harem manga I've been looking for!
So the comment field were full of comments saying things like "this is not your average "harem comedy", and guess what, they are all correct! My personal theory on how this manga came about is that the author came up with this highly erotic setting; a desolate island in south Okinawa, a mystical and ancient sect, and three maidens who have been trained their whole life to fulfill the desires of the reincarnated Dragon God - if the Dragon God were to reincarnate that is. So when the mangaka was about to get off on this whole thing ... Aug 9, 2020 There we are, umi no misaki, one of the best romance manga ever written. Open polygamy, god tier characters development, excellent original and mysterious story. The story is based on the believes and the mythology of the island. It makes everything refreshing and realistic. In this manga, you wont have the cliche plots of slice of life romance and harem. The story is serious, mature, well paced, cute and to enhance everything, there is a LITTLE touch of drama on the last chapters. I can only say this much to avoid spoiling the interesting story. The characters is the point where I can put everything. MC is not ... Feb 8, 2021
Time well spent. Epic shit.
Some shady stuff went down. Creepy grandmother, creepy boomers. 1 girl ends up mentally deranged, 1 ends up with PTSD, 1 ends up regressing to what another was seemingly saved from (i.e not being fun), 1 ends up being the target of lolicons and 'oni-chan' tropes. Boy becomes Chad with 3 hoes? 4 hoes? 6 hoes? Maybe 7 if you count the normie begging for threesome? Bro I dont even really know. Well fire fire fire. I loved this shit. Imma give a 9/10 in my heart because it had a lot of unanswered questions but I enjoyed overall but imma vote it a ... Apr 13, 2017
After following over 500 series (manga and anime) I've finally found the rare pearl I was looking for !
I began reading this by pure chance, I just saw the title in a list and the synopsys made me want to have a look at this manga even if I dislike harem. But after I began to read, I couldn't stop, the story is really amazing, the folklore of the island is well developed, even if some character can be pretty annoying at some time you'll realise that there story is developed as much as the main character and that they are not just girl, but a ... Sep 16, 2022
Fact of the matter is this; it’s the single greatest harem manga ever written, other than Domestic Girlfriend if you subconsciously retcon that disaster of an ending. But I digress.
Ecchi manga is nice. I love tits. We love tits. They’re great. Yet it is a genre plagued with mediocrity. Shallow characters, often sub-par art work, no plot or character development, shitty tropes, and spineless protagonists. Fortunately for you, Umi No Misaki was written and it manages to subvert all of those negative expectations you would have for a ecchi/ harem manga. It’s a manga that does a great job at feeling mostly organic when it ... Sep 11, 2019
So I just finished reading this for the 4th time. This manga did not have me in tears like previous ones, but it is still good none the less. The story was very good, but I believe there could have been improvements to make it fit better. I wasn't a big fan of the art though it wasn't hard to look at. Every character was different and had their own charm. The ending was not what I was expecting. It felt like it was good, but I don't believe it really finished the story. Overall I enjoyed this manga. It was a very good read,
Nov 1, 2017
The story starts out great, you have a fun set of characters and it's beautiful to see their interactions and growth, even if the main character still leaves much to be desired, I would say he still resembles shonen main characters that just go along with the flow without a will of their own.
But by the ending, the story not only took a turn for the worst, it went full speed at it. Disregarding everything we were presented before about the characters, their feelings and resolve. Too me those final chapters completely destroyed any good mood I had while reading the story, and instead ... Oct 1, 2022
For 7 straight years, this manga continued its magical run until it got its formidable climax and conclusion.
Also for 7 straight years (or 7 days, AKA the time it took for me to finish reading it), we got the ugliest hairstyle of any male MC I've ever seen in my entire life. I've read over 10k chapters worth of shounen, romance, comedy, drama and action manga, and I've never seen a man with hair so unbelievably distracting that I wanted to snip them off myself through the screen. But anyways, let's get to the actual review. Story - 8 Umi no Misaki was as creative as it was ... Feb 16, 2020
I have a really hard time buying into the premise: falling in love very very very deeply with 3 girls (actually it's more than 3, you know it yourself if you read it) in such a short amount of time.
Story:3 The main point of the story is a folk tradition that forced the MC to have a certain relationship with the heroines. I find this setting to be very clunky, considering that the MC HAVE to choose someone for the sake of ritual. The progress is also boring: encounter-rejection-acceptance-wobbawobba-final date; times three since the flow is all the same for each heroine. Art:3 Not a fan, just ... Feb 23, 2018
First things first. My "reviews" system is explained on a blog entry. Which can be found through my profile.
------ ✦Story A bit of a nonstandard harem ecchi show. Consist of a guy and 3 girls. Development of strong and mutual love with a certain circumstances. Meaning would be that the girls are a part of a island culture/religion and must serve a certain lord. Obviously our main character is that lord. Main guy wants a simple and honest life and isn't fond of being served and those how the story shall begin sprouting. Slowly uncovering the whole island tradition while living daily lives with 3 beautiful girls. ... Apr 18, 2018
Umi No Misaki is seemingly a simple tale about a young man arriving in a mysterious island with strange but beautiful customs, and his interactions with the islanders and specifically the Cape Maidens of the local religion, once his role as that religion's central figure is revealed.
However, that's where simplicity ends. Without spoiling too much, I will say that the plot is contrived, the characters mostly one-dimensional or outright caricatures, with the sole exception of the MC, Nagi, who is alright but nothing to write home about. The art is mediocre at best. There was no aspect of this story or its presentation that captivated ... Mar 2, 2021
This is your archetypal 2000's harem manga, 'nuff said.
...The first half is quite good for this genre and deserves at least a 7/10. Unfortunately it progresses in exactly the direction you won't want it to (i.e. nothing happens) and the resolution comes out of nowhere and feels like a step backwards. But the girls are cute, it's kind of funny, it's an easy read, and it (usually) does a good job of just taking itself seriously enough to feel like a real story without getting bogged down in drama. Let's be honest, you're reading this for the ecchi. Umi no Misaki delivers on that front ... Mar 1, 2016
After being into Anime and Manga seriously for over 10 years now, I can say with confidence that I'm familiar with the medium, as well as the genres. But there isn't a genre that I'm more judgmental of than harem romcom.
In the beginning I was accepting of most harem stories if the main character finally chose one girl by the end. But as I got older, I had more and more expectations and became less tolerable of certain tropes. It's because of this that I've ignored Harem series as of late. But then I came across Umi no Misaki. I'd seen the series cover on ... |