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Jan 12, 2023
Okay so you all know domestic na kanojo and its plot. Why am i talking about it though ? Well because it's hard to not see the inspiration from it here. This anime is basically domestic girlfriend without drama elements to make it the most generic possible. Like domestic na kanojo or not (i dont, i hate this thing from the bottom of my heart) but there's no denying that the plot was initially meant to be deep as much as the character dev aswell. Okay eventually everything fell apart and it became the shame people who read the manga know but the first part
was pretty decent. Back to Mamahaha no tsurego, it's not.
Let's start with the plot, well there isnt any plot it's your basic slice of life in which heroes dont have any ambition it's just focused about the main characters. The first episode was weird to see for me because even though they tried to copy the concept of domestic girlfriend, it's like they removed every scene that could potentially be in a drama scene. Thus, everything feels weird, bland and there is a feeling that they forgot something to explain. I'd have loved to see in the first episode the MC discovering his new "sister" but everything felt rushed.
Quickly, it became a generic show (not that it wasnt expected seeing how they skipped the part the MC and the girl discovered their parents were in love with each other, it was clearly a redflag screaming that the author didnt want to bother with a deep character dev and a deep story). Im not going to spoil but, in the first episode even though both MCs seemed like they hated each other, they ended up in a... funny situation to say the least. Luckily, a cliche scene nobody was expecting (irony) happened right after and made them stop.
I think at this point, it's safe to assume that a lot of the events are entirely predictable. Everything is so cliche, it's like they had a book with random tropes commonly used in romcom mangas and their aim was to check EVERY boxes. It goes on and on and on and it never stops to deliver random cliche events and tropes the same way an amazon deliveryman delivers packages in a day.
Harem, sickness, bath cliche and so on... If Domestic na kanojo had a book filled with drama cliche they wanted to check to an extent there's nothing left to check, here it's about romance cliches. How ironic !
Now let's talk about the characters. The MC is uninteresting like 99% of romcom MCs. Apart from the fact he loves litterature (like in domestic na kanojo... Weird) he doesnt have anything that sound like a personality trait. There's also a crazy girl. At first i thought she was lesbian with the main girl, then i thought maybe she was in love with the MC but no she's just a mad possessive weird girl.
She even guessed correctly 5 seconds after meeting the MC FOR NO REASON that there was maybe more than brotherhood between both MCs. I mean you need to see that moment to understand how terrible it is.
There's a random girl in love with the MC for no reason that stalks him, luckily it seems nobody is annoyed by that so let's clear that.
Character dev is non existent. In the first episode, half of it the girl and the boy doesnt like each other then suddenly they're in love and that's it. You're probably wondering at this point why did they break up previously ? Without any surprise, you'll learn it was portayed in a way not to be a drama and... The reason is so pitiful you instantly understand why it was so fast for them to be in love again.
It's just a joke, their break up story is probably the WORST break up story i've ever heard and seen. The funnier ? Even though the event is ridiculous, both were UNABLE to pinpoint the reason why they broke up. (Spoiler : the girl was an insecure toxic girl) I cant even imagine they showed that as a valid story, it reveals a severe lack of writing talents period. When I see that, i tell to myself that if the author didnt bother to be original and to deepen its story, it's not because he just wanted to write a generic story to appeal virgins who tend to crawl in these shows, nah it was just because he genuinely has NO IDEA on how to write a real story. There's A MILLION valid reasons to break up, A MILLION AND HE DID THAT ??! When you're not even able to make up a good break up story, you cant pretend to write a good romance story. Im sorry to be that blunt but this is not acceptable.
Overall, who should watch this anime ? I've already said it indirectly in my review but... Yeah. If you have no idea on how a relationship works, if you like romance animes but your tastes are pretty basic because you still havent seen a lot of romance animes/mangas, you'll probably be appealed. But let's be clear, "cute" moments are the ONLY thing this anime has. That is if you think those cliches are cute though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 5, 2023
Well tbh i didnt have a lot of hope while starting the first episode but at least i've been lured by the fact it's a seinen to believe it might be mature. Well ngl i was wrong, this isnt mature. Sometimes it's borderline ecchi but it's not really different from a shounen slice of life.
It's been a while now i review those romance animes/mangas and it becomes increasingly boring and hard to find inspiration while writing because it's just a taste of deja vu for me. Like a feeling that everything i write for 75% of those animes could be switched with other animes
and so on. It's always the same flaws, the same stories, the same characters...
Nevertheless, i'll do it. Well let's start with the characters. The MC is bland, generic indeed it's your basic SOL romance MC with a bland look, a bland personality, the same shy thick headed boy we get in all those animes. Nothing to see, nothing to say because "nothing" is the best existing word that refers to this army of MC clones that mangakas created.
Akari (pink haired girl) is portayed as a pretty yes-life girl who aspires to go out with the handsome boy of the high school. She starts the anime being a selfish unbearable spoiled brat who openly mocks the MC then in just 15 minutes she becomes a girl who flirts with him without accepting it. Like often in those animes, we discover that she's more than a selfish girl and it turns out that she's kind, sweet, funny and maybe nymphomaniac seeing how she behaves with a boy who isnt even her crush. But I guess i shouldnt be saying that though. All in all, she's just weird and should be avoided at all costs for any normal boy out there. In my opinion, this character doesnt make any sense at all. I mean obviously girls in those animes dont make any sense aswell but at least their behaviour is understandable. Here, she's portayed as a virgin kind girl without any experience but sometimes she just straight up behaves like a prostitute you know. I dont want to spoil anything but some scenes are borderline sluts. Her behaviour is strictly made for fanservice, she's kind and virgin but she'll behave like a drunk girl with a boy she met in a club even though she's been knowing the MC for 3 days. I mean, how would she be a virgin if she behaves like that it doesnt make any sense. Either you do a full virgin cliche girl either you embrace the fact this is a seinen and you show a more realistic girl with experience but a mix of both is a no go.
Shiori (MC's childhood friend) is the shy girl who doesnt like to stand out. She's been in love with the MC since 1942 (well that's false but you guessed it, it's been since they're kids) but because of her shyness and her lack of luck, she has never been able to convey her feelings to an extent the MC believes she is deeply friendzoning him. Let's not lose our time, she'll probably end up alone being regretful about how her stupidity made her lose the heart of a simp that has been following her in hope of love since they're kids aswell.
Truth is that we see a girl like that in 80% of those animes, it's getting boring but they continue to provide us with those top notch girls that end up heart-broken.
That is exactly why this anime is random and doesnt deserve (for me) more than a generous 6/10. Random MC, weird irrational girl, a cliche childhood friend that will eventually end up like every others... Well that's not appealing.
But maybe there's a chance the story goes farther to transcend us, modest anime fans !
Haha lol no. They spend 95% of their time at home, sometimes they end up in some cliche situations and that's it. Like everytime in those animes, there's not deepness to increase our affection to the characters by showing us their hardships (apart from their sexual life). It seems like they're always talking and thinking about relationships. Even when the MC hangs out with his friend, they talk about girls. What do they want to do ? idk what are their passions ? idk Who are their parents ? idk
well truth is that it's even less developed that the standard romance anime. At least in other animes, you get to see a mother, sometimes a father, a sister and so on. In this anime, we dont care ! and i will explain you why
Because this anime is a slut anime that doesnt say its name. If you dont know what is the slut genre, well it's animes/mangas without any story because the only thing that matters is that characters end up doing sexual things. The plot conveniently helps them.
The only difference here is that you can replace sexual scenes by fanservice scenes. Boing breasts, breasts that touch the MC's back, scene in which a girl simulates a sex scene while she's cooking with the MC (God it was awful to watch).
I'm not going to talk about art etc... cuz there's nothing to say really.
All in all, who should watch this thing ? Well if you're only interested in a generic anime full of fanservice with girls but you're not brave enough to watch a hentai you're in the right place. This anime will probably be one of the best romance anime you'll ever see because it goes really far in fanservice. That's all
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 9, 2022
It's been several years i'm spitting on boruto without understanding how ppl can see a decent anime here. Rcently, nostalgia and boredom made me go back seeing some intense scenes in naruto. I decided to give a... fifth chance to boruto ? Smth like that...
Ive been cautiously avoiding every fillers (HS episodes, not in the manga, not relevant for the story and poorly written scenarios) but even with that, boruto remains mediocre. Im not gonna write endless sentences about nothing because the most logical thing to do now is to make a comparison between naruto shippuden and boruto. How have we come to that point
? How a story in the narutoverse can be so hated and bad at the same time ? Let's analyse this :
Firstly, i must admit that the manga is half decent due to being a fast read with a fast paced scenario without any fillers. But it doesnt change the fact that boruto is way worse that naruto shippuden.
Now, im going to act as if fillers (approx 3/4 of the anime) are non existent. As if only the manga were adaptated. (let's be honest, only because of fillers, this anime is worth 0, 1 if we're being kind like a teacher giving a free point to his studen because this latter correctly wrote their name).
I do admit that naruto shippuden does have a lot of inconsistencies mainly because the main message of naruto isnt respected (naruto being the chosen one while he wants to demonstrate that a loser can achieve anything with hard work... Neji was right in naruto)
But if naruto is seen that highly, thats because pro are heavily overwhelming compared to cons.
Boruto doesnt have ANYTHING related to those pros.
Let's take a moment to remember our best scenes in naruto shippuden. It was deep, interesting, emotional, some flashbacks were disturbing, musics were full of emotions : sorrow, joy, action, mystery and so on. I can easily remember a lot of those songs during iconic scenes.
Did you read that ? Did you understand my point ? Great now give up on that cuz nothing listed above is in boruto. Ok we can argue that the scenario isnt really far fetched. It's very childish compared to naruto (which wasnt a seinen... But anyway im not gonna contest the choices made by the scenarist).
Im not gonna lack of respect about people in charge of the anime. But they're the worst i've ever seen. The anime is genuinely worse in term of graphics compared to a random episode of naruto shippuden made in 2011. You can try it if you want. On ADN, the max quality is 480P. It's absolutely shameful.
Songs are bad, forgettable at best and they're not even loud enough compared to the voices. There are no emotional musics at all, it's like they put random songs to random moments. Some moments made to be dramatic are plainly ridiculous and random partially because of that.
Now that I explained why iconic scenes will never exist in boruto, let's explain why iconic antagonists will not exist either.
Naruto is considered for many like the manga with the best antagonists out there. Or at least not far from being it. Boruto is the complete opposite. Antagonists are poorly designed, they're ugly and random. Their past is non existent aswell. They exist, they're strong and... That's it. Forget about sasori and his inhumane past, forget about itachi killing his clan, kabuto forgetting his own identity. In boruto, bad people are BAD that's all.
The otsutsuki clan is a joke. Ppl hated kaguya, they hate the other members aswell. But hey, they're gods so they're strong they dont need any character development ! Huh godness.
Let's talk about the story. The world is in peace and naruto/sasuke have a godly level so how did they manage to put a story on that ?
Answer is simple : a ridiculous "ninja technology" was created (thus removing the point of being a shinobi). It could have been a god thing if handled well but... Lol. Nothing else to add you know where i want to go saying that.
+ gods. As if the end of naruto shippuden wasnt DBZ like enough, now we're dealing with flying gods.
It's bad.
Im not hateful about boruto. I'm madly disappointed. I had great hope at the beginning. The introduction scene with a grown up boruto hyped me and i did really like the utterly non existent relation between boruto and his father as this latter used to work 24:7.
I did like the fact that boruto was more serious than naruto when he was a kid. I did like mitsuki and all the mysteries behing him.
But knowing the quality of the scenario, it will be bad. I cut my finger if im mistaken. But it will be poorly managed.
Now let's talk about the characters. Well... See every naruto characters ? take them and remove every good aspect of them and you have their sons. Simple. We all know that side characters in naruto had a poor execution. Some of them dont even have flashbacks. But some other were likable because of their past. They were tough because their past made them tough ; neji, lee, gaara and so on.
Here, they all lived a peaceful life. They dont have anything. The only way to improve them would be to destroy that peaceful life. Like a bigger destruction than pain's. Buut once again we all know that it will be poorly executed.
Finally, im going to explain using a simple example how childish boruto is compared to naruto : orochimaru.
Orochimaru was a monster, a freak doing all sort of disturbing experiences in his secret lab. Now, he physically seems kind, inapt to fight and he seems tamed. He's tolerated by Konoha and apart from Mitsuki, he doesnt do anything. In a nutschell ; they killed Orochimaru.
That's why i give boruto the anime the (over)rating of 3. I still genuinely think that they COULDNT have done worse in everything they touched.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 17, 2022
GTO Lost paradise is the logical sequel of GTO. We had the latter with a classroom of kids still not in high school. Now we tackle high school and more specifically : artists.
Overall the story is more less "slice of life" than the original GTO because the idea was to recreate the saga and to make it different while keeping the good elements.
While in GTO Onizuka was facing unbearable lost children, it had a sense of daily routine, it was almost realistic because those kids were just everyday kids with troubles. A random teenager could relate to the story because we've all known
a bullied boy because he was a weird gamer, we've all known a bored genius having excellent grades and so on... It's a part of why GTO worked that well with people.
GTO lost paradise is a little bit different. It's about an classroom of artist high schoolers thus they've got a lot of different issues we cant relate to. While the manga is great if you're into the kind of comedy GTO has always been, i can understand why some seem to be skeptical.
First of all, the story is less "slice of life". We dont follow the everyday life of onizuka and his teens. Onizuka is already locked in jail because he meddled in a big story with some bad guys. It means that we know that the main element of the story isnt about resolving high schooler anymore but it's now about some deeper issues related to those kids in a messed up industry. The story is now about how Onizuka got locked in a jail (thus it gradually shows what kind of issues he had to deal with) and it's also about how is he going to flee to resolve his ultimate task, the task that brought him in jail. We can say that every issues with the students are minor, a sort of side story because everything that matters is that "big task" that brought him in jail.
Now, Onizuka isnt your weird funny teacher anymore, he doesnt help normal students anymore. He's some kind of hero going against the whole industry, the whole yakuzas of Tokyo only to help a student. Issues are deeper and it didnt disturb me.
GTO lost paradise is basically a mix between GTO and young GTO.
Some feel lost because everything feels so grand here. First of all ppl cant relate anymore to the manga because students here ar artists with artist issues and then, those issues are superhero issues in a totally corrupted industry. You're free to start the manga to make an opinion.
Despite that, comedy is still the same and Onizuka just does Onizuka things. He hasnt changed a bit. For me, it definitely worth a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 11, 2022
I was exptecting, reading the summary, a story about a king taking pragmatic decisions, harsh ones, kind one, good ones, bad ones etc... A good king has never been someone who could act kindly towards everybody.
As such, i was believing that this story could show me mean decisions against people to enable the kingdom to become stronger because the main priority isnt to do social reforms but to be prepared against the demons.
I was wrong. It isnt pragmatic nor deep at all . The MC does random reforms using basic knowledge from his world to help the kingdom with a touch of kindness
in it. None of his decisions as a king has ever backfired to him. None of them were double edged sword which is a shame for a story about a king. Even the decisions are just basic choices without any cruel dilemma, hard choices or else...
That's the main issue. Everything feels so generic I feel like a 11 year old kid watching a kid anime.
I could have accepted the terrible setup (classic isekai, transportation to another world for no reason, terrible story about demons coming to destroy the world) provided that the king part was great but in fact it's not even near decent or acceptable. It's shameful. I could have imagined a deep story with a cynic point of view taking inspiration into some famous books like "the prince" from machiavel but there isnt anything. It's a story for kids.
I mean sure they tried to do something decent showing basic economics and more but everything is so romanced and kid friendly that it feels fake and unreal.
Moreover, there isnt any plot. Okay demons will come destroy the world later on but what are the characters doing ? Reforming different things over and over again. There isnt any hardship, any plot, any other antagonists. Episodes are just a succession of reforms. It's boring damn i feel like i'm reading a 4 koma. It's not normal for a normal manga or for an anime.
Regarding the characters... Well generic generic generic
The MC is uninteresting honestly i didnt even know before watching this show that it was possible to make a smart protagonist uninteresting. He has no identity. He reforms things and it's his only trait I guess. He doesnt even feel smart or clever he just feels like an idiot who took hours to learn by heart his lessons. I dont feel that genius vibe i can feel from other interesting protagonists like Lelouch for instance.
The main girl is useless. She's cliche aswell. She just reacts to what the MC does. I dont even know how to describe her she has never done anything.
Other side characters are terribly bland aswell. No interesting characters, a few women show themselves and are impressed by the MC. It's full of fanservice, they blush at him etc... They're just women to create a sort of harem feeling. Even the worse harems Ive ever seen had better harem girls than this too.
The art is random at best, if not it's just bad. The MC is disgustingly generic and ugly. Random haircut, random eyes, random clothing. Girls are terribly generic. No original traits nothing.
Finally even the sound effects are bad. The first episodes are filled with background songs louder than the voices. It basically means that without the subtitles, I wouldnt even be able to hear what they say. Even this much has been rushed.
Overall this anime could have been an original isekai with a deep plot and a really good protagonist but instead we've got a terrible isekai with the worst smart main characters I've ever seen, the most generic girls i've ever seen and the most pitiful scenario aswell. Everything has been ruined by lazyness. Too lazy to make good characters, to create a deep story, to read books about kings, even the economics notions seen are more than basic ones. Dont waste your time. Nothing can be saved from this wreck.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 11, 2022
Comedy has become a random trash tag used for every anime/manga with a severe lack of inspiration. It's currently very uncommon to find a comedy anime with a reel intent to make us, viewers, laugh at it. It's commonly generic jokes, cliche jokes and so on.
Hataraku maou sama is one of those scarce animes made to be funny. The plot is ridiculous and the main characters are ridiculous aswell, even their language seem ridiculous.
The main character, the king of the demonworld, ends up being a worker at mcdonald using a bike to earn a living and live in its ridiculous appartment. His colleague,
previously seen as a monster is now doing the domestic chores. But the most ridiculous part is that it doesnt seem to disturb them at all.
Let's be honest here, the story isnt that interesting. The main aspect of this anime mostly concerns the excellent comedy and it cumulates the random tier story.
Overall characters feel really lovable. They're not deep but they are just so mad and funny it makes them good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 9, 2022
Huuuuuh I've already dropped the manga because of how bad it is I dont even know why I'm forcing me to have hope on the show.
Let's be a little bit optimistic. Art is decent and characters are joyful to see. Full of colours, colored hairs, eyes overall it's a bright anime and it suits well the romcom genre so nothing to say about that.
And... Well that was fast because I dont see any other decent things about it !
Well, let's talk about the setup. It's obviously your random romcom. Everything is generic and random. The MC is the virgin dumb boy, he lives
in a random suburb house, he has the random mother that cares too much about him with the same seiyu every mother has in this genre. Shikimori is your random beautiful girl that every highschooler dream about in their highschool.
Did you see those redflags ? That's what we see in the first 5 minutes. Sweet !
Actually there's one original thing that surprised me : the MC "suffers" from his badluck. We quickly learn that he falls a lot, attracts birds to shit on him and so on.
Indeed at first I was happy to discover one original thing ! How unpleased was I when I discovered that it's higly predictable and boring because the MC lives unlucky events every TWO F*CKING MINUTES !
Worse than this, the girl basically acts as a mother. She protects the MC everytime over and over again. Hey i've got a theory, I do believe that the MC is victim of bullying and that Shikimori secretly protects him punching the students that bully him. Honestly, in the first episode, his classmates laugh at him right in front of him as he dates a beautiful girl like that seeing how bad he is. What did our solid MC do ? He laughed back at them and roasted them about the fact that while they try to find excuses, he gets to sleep and do a lot of things with the most beautiful girl of the highschool !
No it was a joke he just laughed with them like an idiot with an anxious laugh. And it leads us to the two main biggest issues with those fast food romcom. In a good anime, the story would be about how the MC gets more confident over time and how he gets to learn taking care of himself without being in need of a second mother watching every of his footsteps at school.
Here, it's not. There's no story, they just randomly go to random places triggering random cliche tropes in romcom : cinema, sports event, cleaning the blackboard and so on.
I still dont understand how people can like animes where there's basically no story. Just random events. The MC is one of the biggest excuse as a man (as a human being overall let's be honest here) that exists ? Not important, his second mother will protect him till the end of his life ! Seriously what kind of lesson does this anime try to convey ?!
Thus the second issue is an underlying issue : no story ? No character dev that's simple.
The classic idiot MC "It's ridiculous I cant protect myself !" he says that every episode but he has never tried to change in 5 episodes. Yes yes yes.
Shikimori ? "dont worry MC you re strong enough" and blah blah im too coward to be blunt with the man I love blah blah.
Let's summarize that anime till now. Not funny ? Check. No story ? Check. No character dev ? Check. No message to convey ? Check.
Now what if I tell you the romance is bad aswell.
Firstly, we dont know how they ended up together which is... I dont know maybe a lil bit important to enhance our vision of their couple... Just sayin
Secondly, even if it's not meant to be drama, is it really normal for a couple to live without any issues ? No arguments no question about their future nothing.
I mean a sexfriend has a deeper relationship with her sex interest IRL than both of them have with each other. It seems that the author doesnt have anything to tell in his story so he could at least create a relatable relationship and their hardships to get closer over time.
Im really fed up with those lazy people. "Hey i want to do a manga, what currently works in this industry ? Cute girls ? Nice I'm going to do a terrible manga with it's girl as a sole interest !"
The most funny element about those animes is the fact I've never given them a 1 out of 10 cuz the people making the anime save it from being pathetic with their work to make it beautiful to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 9, 2022
Summertime render, a mystery story on an original exotic island in Japan. The MC takes some day on this island cuz his childhood friend died on weird circumstances. As he originally planned to leave the island after the funerals, he decides to stay after learning that all his friends are endangered. Some old traditional beliefs of the locals are more than just beliefs...
What do I think of those 4 first episodes ?
I've hardly seen an exotic setup on a japenese island like that. I've got some names in my head but it's really rare. It's really pleasant with the upcoming summer to travel a little
The story is a masterpiece, there is a similar thing to RE zero with the timeloop when the MC dies, i kept getting surprised after every episode.
Characters seem interesting aswell. The MC is beautifully designed (art is really beautiful and people are recognizable and distinguishable from other animes). He's got that original haircut instead of the classic and overused random asiatic man haircut. He's brave and smart.
Mio is a cheerful girl trying to discover why her sister died while spending time with the MC. She frequently puts her hairs behind her ears, it's a sort of gimmick but it's really good because it enhances the animation and it gives her special characteristics to make her more memorable.
Not going to talk about others because we've seen them few times only.
I'm really impatient knowing that story and I believe it has the potentiel to be one of the best anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 7, 2022
kakkou no Inazuke is a scary story with a scary name (a couple of cuckoos) and the first time I heard that name I was not attracted by it at all. And indeed i'm going to be blunt, the story will probably develop deeper in those 21 episodes remaining and it will lead to a solid harem with the main girl, the fake little sister and the love interest of the MC. Im really doubtful about the quality of the future story but im going to watch it. Or so... That's what i said in my first review when this show only had 3 episodes.
19 now and it has become exactly what i didnt want it to become. It became an unoriginal and uninteresting show with every possible cliche you can find : siscon, harem, MC forgot about Erika despite the fact they met when they were kids and so on.
Another issue with this anime : the light tone in it. Sometimes out of nowhere it tries to introduce some drama scenes but it's so random and manichean that it doesnt do anything. Which is a shame because seeing how chaotic relationships are (3 girls in love with the same guy) it could have been way deeper... Once again it's your random harem where everything will eventually solve itself throughout the story without any tension between characters. In the end, they'll all be friends as if nothing happened which is the most manichean plot i've ever seen in romcom animes.
Considering the fact that relationships are wasted in this anime... Is it a decent comedy then ? Well. No.
Comedy is random, i dont remember having laught at this show and past the first 5 episodes, it was boring all along. Well past the first 3 episodes tbh. Plot is really simple. Almost each episodes = "funny" moments between the MC and a girl (full of cliche scenes) then another girl becomes jealous and she ends up not jealous anymore for some random words MC says... Until the next moment she'll be jealous again cuz words wont remove her love. And as i guess that her love for MC will conveniently decrease near the end of the story...
Now let's talk about the characters. The MC is unoriginal. It's the random virgin who studies a lot. Previously, i said he had some potential because he used to be manly fighting againt some scums. Well he's not. It's indeed your random MC roaming around with beautiful girls while the crowd is amazed by how ugly he is compared to those girls !
Erika is quite the interesting girl. She's a tiktok insta girl (something that I dont really enjoy IRL despite having a lot of followers on insta, i despise people earning subs by showing superficial pictures to show how beautiful their fake life is). Actually she seems to replace real life friends (she doesnt have any) by followers on instagram. Overall she's quite cheerful but not too much and she has a clumsy side as she's the child of a wealthy family (classic cliche) but she seems really true.
I was expecting a lot more about her, she's not bad but i'm disappointed i was expecting the social network thing to be way more useful in the plot (could have been original and interesting) but it's not it's just to highlight the fact she's a beautiful girl while the MC is bland.
The lil sis is a trap. Even though i saw through it right at the beginning. Dont let her fool you she was indeed conflicted with the fact she learnt that she wasnt MC's sister and with the fact she has a sister she doesnt know. But past the beginning of the story, her main point wont be this conflicting situation anymore but the fact she's in love with her own brother ! (after all it's legit he isnt her real bro ! even with a goalkeeper you can still goal !!!) Huuuuh. Im fed up honestly.
Finally, the art is really beautiful. Characters are well made with original traits in their drawing (not the MC though), some animations are beautiful, colours are great and some moments are on par with some OVA : flash of lights in the water at night, leaves from sakura trees. Really beautiful scenes i'm surprised.
All in all, i'm disappointed. It's not that terrible unlike some mediocre shows we had those last seasons but... Everything has been wasted by cliche plots and fanservice. If you're looking for a great show with a serious story and genuine relationships = keep looking for another anime. If you're looking for an easy show to watch (no need to use your brain, no drama, no emotions) then go ahead and try it. Another thing = this show should have been a 12 episode long one. 24 is plainly stupid for an empty show like that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 7, 2022
This is a pretty generic anime about an uninteresting MC and a somewhat cute girl I guess.
Aharen san wa hakarenai is one of those seasonal animes without any story nor character development showing a weird girl doing cute things. It's tagged as comedy but the anime and the manga are both unfunny though. I criticized sono bisque doll for the fact that 95% of it's interest is fanservice but actually there was a story and a sort of character development.
The main issue with animes/mangas like aharen san wa hakarenai or komi san cant communicate is that it doesnt show anything. There's no goal, no
development, no interest other than a quirky girl.
Okay I admit it you can make good things with the sole interest of showing cute things to people but all those that i've read are made with real characters who change throughout the story and with human emotions.
Obviously it's not the case here, the MC is generic and he does the same face everytime. It's probably a choice made by the mangaka but you know what ? Not all the choices made by mangakas are good choices.
I kept my eyes on the show for something like 5 minutes after forcing me to watch the other episodes i've watched. It's really boring. The pace is really slow, musics are boring aswell. I really have the same vibe I have watching a boomer TV show that old people watch in the afternoon while sleeping on their chair.
Overall, this show is already doomed to be random at best because it's from a really generic genre that provide nothing else than a cute girl. Moreover, this show is probably the most boring show i've ever watched in this genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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