Rosario to Vampire: Season II
Rosario+Vampire: Season II
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Rosario to Vampire: Season II

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Rosario and Vampire: Season 2
Japanese: ロザリオとバンパイア SeasonⅡ
English: Rosario+Vampire: Season II
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 14
Chapters: 67
Status: Finished
Published: Nov 4, 2007 to Apr 19, 2014
Genres: Action Action, Comedy Comedy, Fantasy Fantasy, Romance Romance, Supernatural Supernatural, Ecchi Ecchi
Themes: Harem Harem, School School, Vampire Vampire
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Jump SQ.
Authors: Ikeda, Akihisa (Story & Art)


Score: 8.111 (scored by 3612636,126 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #5712
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #243
Members: 68,988
Favorites: 3,552

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Preliminary Spoiler
Oct 23, 2014
This is the one of the view manga's I've actually been compelled to read and I can say Without a doubt that its a must-read manga, although the ending is a bit rushed which sucks and I'm sad that this is the end of it for now (i can Hope it comes back can't I).

The story is far more interesting then that of the first season with many new enemies and allies, its defiantly a good read if you're new to manga (like myself) if you like supernatural,harem and action this is the manga for you.
Mar 25, 2012
Preliminary (51/67 chp)
Without a doubt this is a must-read manga, the story expands a lot to make a great action-ish manga to read but it had to tone down the ecchi/harem/romance from the first season to put in more of that sweet actiony goodness. The story is far more interesting then that of the first season with many new enemies and allies, I'm trying not to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't read this masterpiece, but if you haven't, WHY ARE YOU READING THIS REVIEW, YOU SHOULD BE READING THIS AWESOME LOVEY, ACTIONY, ECCHIY, HAREMY MANGA OF AWESOMESAUCE, go and read it now, trust me, you won't ...
Apr 29, 2014
It was a breath of fresh air when the Shounen Jump title Rosario + Vampire came out, bringing with it an interesting take on the harem genre, within a Monster Academy setting. But alas it came to an abrupt end, along with the Monthly Shounen Jump magazine. Fortunately it was popular enough to warrant a continuation in the form of Rosario + Vampire II.

Rosario + Vampire II being a Shounen, Supernatural, Harem manga, with a bit of Comedy & Action thrown in for good measure. Although this is technically a sequel, R+V II feels more like a reboot, as it re-introduces the characters and ...
Oct 2, 2010
Preliminary (35/67 chp)
I love that Rosario+Vampire gets progressively darker as the series goes on. While the first couple of books were just a generic harem comedy (but with monsters!!! omg), by the end of season I it was clear there was far more potential here than probably even the author initially thought.

Story: 7
Season II opens with the usual R+V harem hijinks, then gradually introduces some fun and interesting new characters. Not long into the story, the new main villain(s) begins to move into the picture. Akihisa Ikeda is continually experimenting with all different subject matter this time around; everything from class struggles to abandoned ...
Jun 23, 2008
Preliminary (43/67 chp)
Part two of the series is just as great as the first part maybe even a little better now. With each of the girls trying to get Tsukune to be there's with inner Moka (Her Vampire half) getting in the way of Tsukune trying to be with the other Moka. And with Moka's half sister Kokoa also getting in the way every now and again.
May 18, 2014
Art is great
Characters develop well and develop over the course of the manga, but they seem to have a fairly cliche personality about each one. It is still very enjoyable to watch the different interactions between them and how their relationships affect Tsukune
The Story was solid at the end, but felt weak in the beginning where the gang stumbles upon a bunch of individual events in what seems like complete randomness, but then its all pulled back together. That much does not seem very strong, but the plot definitely thickens in the remaining twenty chapters as it nears its climax.
I found this series extremely enjoyable. ...
Aug 12, 2020
Booooring choice by me, right? I'd defend this manga with tooth and nail: You can always find something objectionable in a story or piece of art, the point of an overall 10/10 grade is to argue that those failings *don't matter*.

Certainly, the story meanders a bit in the beginning (if only to set the scene and flesh out the characters), but nothing about the story stumbles or makes little sense: every chapter flows logically and accomplishes what it was set out to do. Maybe you don't particularly prefer the subject character or the corny lesson at hand, but this comes with the territory of storytelling. ...
May 6, 2019
When I was reading this manga I have ended up feeling that I was reading a story written by an elementary school child.

The story is totally incoherent, nothing have sense and it is way too unrealistic. Not because there is a lot of fantasy, that is totally fine, but because the rules of the world described by the author are constantly changing.

This is the perfect example of the story that has been written without any planning and that have ended turning into a set of sensational incidents just for trying to keep his audience.

Speaking about characters, they are simply uninteresting.

The main character is a regular ...
Oct 23, 2021
The story was Great it wasn't perfect it had it's flaw but it did well to deliver the plot but I always feel like Tsukune is actually immortal and he just comes back to life every time he dies. It has its fair share of hilarious moments but the author blends the serious moments excellently I probably shouldn't go anymore since it would be a bunch
of spoilers.

The art at the start seems really old school but it improves a lot I mean Tsukune's hair has more detail and is also smoother instead of being spiky i prefer that a lot then more then before ...
Feb 19, 2018
Please! if you are even considering picking up this manga... Do it!

Story & Characters:
There is a stark contrast between the plot of Season 1 compared to Season 2. This does not AT ALL mean Season 1 was not enjoyable, however, the sense of continuity and character development present in Season 2 is nothing short of amazing. The way new characters get introduced and old characters get improved upon is a thing of art.

The only shortcoming of the story is its length. 67 chapters seems like a lot on paper, however, once you start reading the last 30 chapters the length decreases severely. On top ...
Jul 29, 2008
Preliminary (9/67 chp)

Well i like it as much i liked the 1st season. but i am depressed about Tsukune's change. at 1st season his change was awsome and cool, but in second season he can't controll his power.

also in second season there is new Character, named Cocoa (i think that was it can't remember since it;s been a while) she is sister of Moka. i am especialy fan of Mizori san(ice queen, can't remember if i spelled the name correctly). anyway story is ok and art is ok. charater was good, but the best thing about the second season is the enjoyment i ...
Apr 28, 2018
Hey guys this is my first time writing a review for anything on this site so I'm going to try to be brief, but as detailed as I can be. Also I'm doing this review for both seasons of the manga. I will do my best to avoid any spoilers.

Story - 10
Throughout the series starting at the first book of season 1 to the final ending in the last book of season 2 I found the story to be very solid and very well written. I there are times of calm and times of action. The story has its times where it is very sad ...
Nov 21, 2020
Imagine a 13 year old boy in 2011, who just started to watch anime.
I was fascinated by the anime. I watched it multiple times and somehow just loved this whole setting.
A few years later, i realized how bad the anime really was, but still couldn´t hate it, because it was so nostalgic.
I then read on a forum, that the manga was much better than the anime, but still wasn´t into reading it, because I don´t like Harem that much.

Now, 9 years after watching the anime for the first time, I finally got myself to reading it.
And wow.
I am flashed.
I don´t like how the anime starts ...
Sep 9, 2017
First things first. My "reviews" system is explained on a blog entry. Which can be found through my profile.

A bit of a unique case. As I watched the Anime many, many years ago. But there was simply 1 scene which manga did so much awesome (or wasn't in the Anime, cannot remember) so I added first manga plan to read to continiue where it was left off, but decided to read from the scratch. So since it's aftermath reading, I tought I won't bother with review, but since I enjoyed it so much, I thought, "why not?"


I found the story quite intriguing, eventually story depth ...
Jan 26, 2014
Preliminary (Unknown/67 chp)
Comparing it to its predecessor , R+V Season I , this series has far much more to offer that would leave the readers drooling for more of this series as it took a far more serious approach than it did in the first season.

Story : 8/10

A human being friends with monsters is not an original plot in any sense and I could probably hand pick out several other titles with almost the same plot lines with ease but that was in the first season where everything had started. This second season's storyline is pretty generic at the start where Tsukune and his harem continues their ...
Oct 8, 2012
Preliminary (57/67 chp)
I give this manga straight tens. You know why? Because it's the best damn Manga I've ever read. It's so well written and the characters have so much depth to them. Of course, there is the occasional bit of fan service, but, in my opinion at least, it's purely for comedic purposes, for Tsukune acts in a very humorous manner when in those situations. I have read and re-read all available chapters multiple times - it's that good. Anyway, This series is damn near perfect: The right blend of action, romance, comedy, and character development.

All in all, this manga is a ...
Mar 19, 2013
Preliminary (61/67 chp)
Now at first the series starts rather bland and boring and i'm talking like back in season 1. At first i was like, What is this? But as the plot gradually changed I saw the characters develop, And every 28 days i try to find the next chapter BECAUSE I JUST CANT WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT ONE. Its truely incredible because this manga has soooo much potential, As for Tsukunes "transformations" they will leave you wondering whats going to happen. This is an ABSOLUTE-MUST-READ.
Dec 2, 2012
Preliminary (56/67 chp)
Rosario Vampire has been one of the greatest series in my opinion.Compared to the anime,this is one of the best storylines I ever read.The characters are well developed and the action is well structured.
I can't say the same thing to the anime.The anime is focused on the harem part and many things are continuously repeating.
The manga is full of funny moments,scary moments,drama and plot.It makes you realize many things about life and after many years you will want to read it with the same pleasure.
For me,Rosario+Vampire manga is a must-read!
Sep 30, 2012
Preliminary (56/67 chp)
Season One, I felt, was your typical Harem story. The Characters became a little more defined as the story went on, however the 'story' felt somewhat Bland.

So when I started to read this, I doubted my brain's ability to sustain a repeat of the story that, in my opinion, could have been left there.

Oh, how wrong I was...

(Had to write this in short chunks because I didn't want reveal any spoilers)

Nov 19, 2013
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (66/67 chp)
Hmm before I start this review I would like to clarify that I read until chapter 66.3/66C (no idea why there is sub-chapter numbering when they are full chapters)

And also, if I am reviewing it from a "sequel of the first season" it is 5/10, and if standalone it is 7. But overall, it is 6/10. I gave Season 1 a 8/10 in my review.

Regrettably, the story is what disappointed me the most. Besides being overly-cliched (I think I could see a lot of Bleach-like scenes), and meaningless gore (Why would you wanna pull ur head out and then put it back just for show? ...