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Apr 26, 2024
The Quintessential Quintuplets wasn't particularly a passionate read for me. I wouldn't say that I had a bad time, but overall, I feel there are many unhealthy and unconstructive messages in the story. The main characters have a complicated relationship with their studies, and the author tends to reinforce the elitism within such an intolerant system rather than being critical of a situation that isn't beneficial for anyone. Additionally, the main girls are often portrayed more as rewards for the reader rather than fully fleshed-out individuals with their own lives. I believe this objectification of the quintuplets is what significantly deteriorated the overall story.
However, there
are also a few positive aspects scattered throughout, primarily the way the story showcases the individuality of each of the quintuplets. Based on their unique personal experiences, each one ends up being different in certain ways, and the story gradually reveals these experiences. Towards the end, the manga delves deeper into this direction, and I appreciate the development the story takes in the final pages.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 8, 2023
Netsuzou TRap is another example that proves the well-known statement that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
I would say that the storytelling of this manga was much better than I expected. While the cover may suggest that fanservice will be over-represented and that the story won't be a priority, I can tell that this is not the case.
Overall, I think the way the main characters are developed and the subsequent messages that the story addresses are very pleasant to read. I really appreciated its coherency as well. The author was definitely aware of what she wanted to develop with her manga.
The story delves
into the difficulties of homosexual relations mixed with insecurity issues in an age where words are always missing, and the confusion driven by the need to discover oneself is at its peak.
While, in the end, I think the story is not the most original yuri I have read, it has a very clear personality that I believe any reader who enjoys yuri love stories will appreciate. From my perspective, I started reading, and from the first chapter to the last one, I was hooked.
In conclusion, a manga that I initially thought would be average has now become one that I want to keep in my library.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 18, 2020
Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan is for sure a special manga. No matters if you like it or not this story will probably not let you indifferent.
I really like how unique the characters are, all of them have such a strong personality and have so much to tell. Regardless of whether or not you agree with their point of view it is for sure interesting to read something as deep.
Speaking about the theme, I would say that it is very special. It is mostly a combination between the consequences of a childhood filled by traumas and the capital punishment. The capital punishment part isn't really
developed and it is there mostly as support, but the other part is very good. I think that this story is pointing out how much your life experiences can turn you into something you aren't, and how hard it is at the end to have a strong opinion about someone. The relationship between the two main characters is also very interesting and shows how much impact can someone have in a person life.
On the other hand I think that the story is a little bit too short, by my point of view there is a lack of overall development. Sadly sometimes I was feeling that the story was jumping.
Regardless of that, this manga is very good and I think that everyone trying to understand what the author is telling is gonna enjoy his reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 6, 2019
When I was reading this manga I have ended up feeling that I was reading a story written by an elementary school child.
The story is totally incoherent, nothing have sense and it is way too unrealistic. Not because there is a lot of fantasy, that is totally fine, but because the rules of the world described by the author are constantly changing.
This is the perfect example of the story that has been written without any planning and that have ended turning into a set of sensational incidents just for trying to keep his audience.
Speaking about characters, they are simply uninteresting.
The main character is a regular
guy that has totally nothing for waking up the interest of the reader at any point. I have felt so hard that the author was trying to give to the main character something special to say, but in the end nothing valuable was done.
The secondaries aren't better either, just a set of girls whose personalities could almost be summarized by using one word. There are ones written in a better way than others but anyway there is nothing really good about anyone.
And in the end I ended up feeling that in the whole story there wasn't any character development that was well written, just superficial things that aren't interresting. The worst part is that there was some potential, for example with the character of Mizore, but the author has apparently preferred to write about a freaking teen harem without any value.
This is the kind of manga that should only be read by teens, otherwise I don't really think that you are gonna have a good time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 6, 2019
This is the kind of story that can even make you grow up.
This is not the first time and it's not gonna be the last time that Keiko Suenobu gives to us a very positive set of messages about human feelings.
I was very surprised that the author has been able to write a story with so many different messages but without being chaotic at the same time. The reading is totally pleasant and the drawings are as expressive as always.
The story is mostly about the hope of the main character dreams but not only. There is a lot of common human behaviours pointed out and
the consequences that this behaviours implies. At some point the story ended up being quite sad, but in the end this allows the author to say great things making by this way the story even better.
On the other hand, the only weak point of this manga is a little lack of development in some parts of the story. At least for me, there was things to say that wasn't said. But honestly this is the only thing that I can complain about.
I totally recommend this manga to anyone that wants to read about human feelings.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 1, 2019
Well, to be honest I think that this manga is quite weak.
Just to put the manga into the context, all of the chapters are an individual story and all of them have been written by a different author.
There are some that are fine and others that are quite lame. But in the end the big problem of this manga, at least for me, is that all the stories are way too short. Even if there are some good ideas to make an actual story the lack of development totally drags back your reading experience.
So I would say that this manga is readable, but try to
don't have high expectations.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 1, 2019
If I have to summarize the quality of this manga in one word it would be, pretty fine.
I think that the story it is ok in general, ok characters, ok development, ok messages (I like the way that the story tells you that love isn't related at all with genres).
But in the end, I end up feeling that the manga is not really too special. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the story is mediocre, but just that is not telling enough.
This is the king of manga that you can easily read in the bus, without really having to be too focused.
if you like reading Yuri mangas, go ahead and enjoy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 30, 2019
This manga is one of the best stories I have ever read, but in the same time one of the saddest.
The story is mostly about a relation between two people that one day breaks, and this two people don't accept this fact.
During all the story the author is mostly gonna show his point of view about this topic, telling what is gonna happened in this kind of situations and why. At the end he conclude saying what to do, and to be honest I really think that the message of this story is positive.
I also want to highlight that the story is very well written,
all the dialogues and the drawings are very good. This allows the reader to be able very easily to dive in the word described by the author and then enjoy the reading even more.
By the way this is the first time that I like more an adaptation that the original. For me the manga version just feels more accurate and complete than the movie.
I truly recommend anyone to read this manga, I think that is it almost impossible to be disappointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 30, 2018
I didn't expected this story to be very good, but as far as I read I en up being quite surprised.
Let's start speaking about the characters. I think that they are quite good in general, all of them have something different to tell to the reader, and at least for me that makes the story interesting. I also really like the way that each one of them aren't perfect and have clearly things to learn.
By the way the main character is a young high school guy that doesn't really understand what he is doing and what he is feeling. He is trying to do the
right thing but without really knowing what is the right thing. Nothing really special or too original but in the context of the story it works just fine.
Regarding the main plot I just like the topic and how it is developed. In this manga the high school relationships are more than usual, they are something that can determinate the future of the characters in a very extreme way. This is mostly because in the universe of this story all the partners are chosen by the state and the penalties for going against this rule is a future that will turn around hardship. So the characters are going to make their decisions taking into account hard consequences. This probably doesn't seems as the most original thing ever, but to be honest I don't care, it is not dragging back my reading experience at any point.
I would say then that because of the characters and the story this manga makes me want to keep reading.
On the other hand, well, this is clearly not high level literature, to say it simply I think that this story is written quite badly. In a lot of moments it can be a very incoherent, making characters pop-up in the good moment in the good spot without any actual reason, and this happens a lot. I would say also that the rules of the partners matching seems to me quite unclear, and it shouldn't be the case. To be honest I think that this is what is dragging back the story making it too unrealistic and weird.
I am just sad when a manga I like start having flaws, but to be honest this doesn't make it unreadable. As I said before this manga has also a lot of good points. At the end of the day if you like to read about human feelings and teen romances go ahead, I am pretty sure that you are gonna enjoy your reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 29, 2018
Fuuka is a very good story and personally this manga has a special spot in my heart regardless of the flaws it has.
In a superficial way Fuuka could be summarized as the story of some young people that seek to succeed in the world of music, however this is just a support for the true story and the set of issues that touches.
The theme of this story is the phases of grief, and in my opinion it has been written in a quite realistic way. I have been touched by the way used to develop it.
The story begins with a prologue of 4 volumes (~
40 chapters) that introduce all the characters and create some bonds between them. Once that done, the story truly begins with a huge environment change.
I think that this hasn't been a bad decision at all even if apparently some readers have been disappointed. By my point of view this have been something original making the readers able to really understand the feelings of the characters. In some way you will be more engaged making all the grief process more understandable.
Then, the story is gonna continue, being developed, and ending with all the answers you need to understand what the author is saying about this topic.
On the other hand, speaking about weaknesses, at least for me there is some of them. At first I really think that some of the ecchi situations that happens doesn't match at all with the theme. The mangaka has probably done that because he is used to a public that enjoy this kind of stuffs, but by my point of view with the case of Fuuka it isn't working. I just don't see people that could be interested with grief phases asking for some bra situtations in the middle. And also I would like to highlight that there is maybe some situations that are way too unrealistic, but to be honest this part isn't really damaging the story.
So, if you are wondering if you should read Fuuka I would say that this depends on the things you are looking for right now. The story is quite sad and it isn't as simple to read. But if you are interested in the theme and you don't care about ecchi go ahead. I don't think that you are gonna be disappointed. And hopefully you will end up liking this manga as much as me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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