Kimi ni Todoke
Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You
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Kimi ni Todoke

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Reaching You, Mayuge no Kakudo wa 45° de, 45 Degree Eyebrows, 45° Eyebrows
Japanese: 君に届け
English: Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 30
Chapters: 125
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 11, 2005 to Nov 13, 2017
Genres: Award Winning Award Winning, Romance Romance, Slice of Life Slice of Life
Theme: School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Bessatsu Margaret
Authors: Shiina, Karuho (Story & Art)


Score: 8.301 (scored by 4817148,171 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #3082
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #105
Members: 126,139
Favorites: 5,583

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Preliminary Spoiler
Aug 5, 2009
Preliminary (26/125 chp)
I just had to write a review for this story, because even though it's not over yet, I am shocked by how addicted to it I am. The story is pretty simple, and not uncommon: girl has few friends. girl meets popular guy with lots of friends. girl slowly makes friends + develops crush on boy. When I read the summary for this manga, I think I rolled my eyes at the thought of a manga based on the fact that someone looked like a character from a horror movie. How could that be believable at all?

It totally was.

What makes this manga different? It's ...
Sep 1, 2011
Preliminary (Unknown/125 chp)
"Reaching you", no other words could have been the best title for this manga.

Kimi ni Todoke, when you look at its cover, seems like generic Shoujo romance manga with obvious development and obvious characters. Even some of actual fans of this manga seem to think that is a case. However, not much people notices how much shoujo cliche that Kimi ni Todoke broke in order to become one of the current most popular shoujo manga in Japan. It has so many appeal points for anyone who is not experienced with female-targetting series and it also hooked me up instantly. This review will be mostly ...
Apr 28, 2019
"Kimi ni Todoke", translated as "From Me to You" or "Reaching You" is one of the sweetest and most heartfelt stories I have ever read. After reading it for so many years, I couldn't stop myself from writing this review.

It's slow-paced, simple and delicate in the best of ways. I feel that it mirrors the pace of true high school life: little things happen day by day, inching slowly towards the end. It's a story about love, of course, but it's so much more than that. It's a story about expressing your emotions and love for others, all kinds of love: romantic, friendship & ...
Dec 2, 2007
Preliminary (23/125 chp)
Recently rated as the top manga for the week of 28th November 2007, I feel that the manga deserves its' ranking. While there are moments of pure shoujo cliches (angry rivals) I love the main protagonist's personality. Instead of having a warped personality from being treated as an outcast, Sawako keeps her naivete and is always wanting to help lighten the burdens of others.

I find the art cute and pretty, not overly shoujo with flower backgrounds but, similar to the style of Honey & Clover. Rather than being a love story of an unpopular girl falling for the most popular guy, I think that ...
Jul 20, 2015
Preliminary (100/125 chp)
The story is simple; awkward girl meets a little less awkward boy and they fall in love. But the girl is so socially awkward that its just hilarious.

Seriously though, the story is great. Sawako gaining friends and learning about other people is a pretty good core, but learning about everyone and what their troubles is one of the best things here. The romance is great, I love how diverse and different each relationshipdynamic is and yet how, they all just 'clicked'. 9/10 for story.

I'm not the best in terms of judging art, but i really love how it's drawn. It's clear and well-drawn, with some ...
May 13, 2008
Preliminary (Unknown/125 chp)
I strongly believe that this manga is one of the best I have yet read/am reading. Even though I have only read chapters 0 to 3, I can honestly say that I believe this manga will turn out to be a great success. So far the characters have really started to come into play, and the story is just starting. It's only just the enterance of a great tale, and I am already looking forward to buying all the volumes of this manga. I truly think that the creator of this manga will be successful. I love this manga.
Nov 17, 2009
Preliminary (Unknown/125 chp)
It's funny how when you start to read a manga, and you start to smile, and kind of "tingle" inside. You become engrossed in it, and all of a sudden it's worn out and raggedy, but you don't want to get a new one because this it has become a classic to you. That's how much i love this manga.

Kimi ni Todoke isn't the average shoujo. Sawako isn't a brain dead pretty girl crushing on the most popular guy in school. No. she's just a sweet girl, who seeks understanding from her classmates. The first ever person to give her that is Kazehaya. Kazehaya isn't ...
Apr 20, 2010
Preliminary (41/125 chp)
Recently I have gotten into this rage of reading Manga, thanks to my craving to read and right now its focused on Japanese graphic novels alias “Manga“.

Anyway, coming back to the point which is the review of the Manga “Kimi ni Todoke” which means “reaching you“. At first, Kimi ni looks like just another Shoujo Manga, but that’s where the similarity ends. This Manga series mainly focuses on love and friendship. It has very beautifully created some of the most outstanding moments that happen when the seed of first love sprouts in a teenage heart. It certainly made me nostalgic about my teenage years and ...
Sep 29, 2013
Preliminary (71/125 chp)
I've already written a review for this series, but I wrote it when I was tired and not thinking well enough to create very coherent thoughts, so this is me trying again.

You know what? I love this series to pieces, and my love for it only increases each time I read. I've scored all four of the categories Story, Art, Character and Enjoyment fairly high, but only one of them is the reason for my shameless adoration of the manga (and its anime adaptation, but I'm not reviewing that right now), and that would be its characters.

That's not to say that I love all ...
Apr 23, 2011
Preliminary (57/125 chp)
This has got to be my favorite manga... granted I haven't read many, but this manga has you rooting for the main character, who has the most innocent, sweet, and sometimes painfully honest personality... she's a hard worker, a genuine friend, and an admirable person overall.

STORY: This may look like your typical romantic story, but it really isn't. The main char is quite unique, where she basically kinda scares everyone around her cuz of her similarity to the girl from The Ring, but you find yourself totally drawn to her and cheering for her as she grows as an individual... it's a really touching story, ...
Aug 21, 2020
Mixed Feelings
TL;DR at the bottom

The shoujo romance is one of the most popular stories published in the magazines of Japan. The story of a high school girl living a mundane life before one guy turns her life upside-down is a story that’s been done time and time again. But how different series differentiate themselves ultimately comes down to their starting conditions.

Kimi ni Todoke (From Me to You), written by Karuho Shiina is one of the longest and, arguably, the most successful. Whereas other series have fairly unrealistic and wacky premises, Kimi ni Todoke keeps it simple: the socially awkward girl Sawako Kuronoma, who’s never made ...
Mar 22, 2010
Preliminary (42/125 chp)
Okay, up for a second review. This might be long than I thought. Okay, so Kimi ni Todoke is your simple and satisfying manga. Not the best, not the worst.

It may sometimes leave some readers unsatisfied with the misunderstandings happening and revolving around the story, but this is just natural, and on learns to get used to it. The story is simple, and just every girl's life-style, inlove, unable to confess, likes of the different likes. Pretty to think so, that this just show's how every girl like Sawako is trapped in this situation. The Characters may sometimes be uncool because of the misunderstandings happening, ...
Aug 5, 2010
Preliminary (Unknown/125 chp)
In this story, I enjoyed it a lot more although it was really long. When
I mean really long, I mean that it took forever for any relationship between the two main characters to take place. But what kept me reading this story is that I can relate almost 100% with the main character at the beginning of the story. She had no friends. She was really lonely. Everyone was mistaking her for something she wasn't. That in my life, is also how you would describe it. I think this story is good for those like me, who are lonely and have close to no ...
May 24, 2010
Preliminary (43/125 chp)
Kimi ni Todoke would have to be one of my personal favorite reads. The plot is very unique, and I haven't read anything else that comes close to a story as good as this one. First off, the idea of a girl as beautiful as Sawako being feared by everybody else may be farfetched, but everything seemed to fit so perfectly in the end, that Kazehaya fell in love with someone the other boys would cover in terror facing, that he, the ever popular Kazehaya Shouta of all people, would be in love with Sawako Kuronuma, nicknamed "Sadako."
Not only is the main plot interesting, but ...
Apr 19, 2010
Preliminary (Unknown/125 chp)
Even though i have just read the first book, i am so eager for another one. Kimi no todoke, of what i have read so far, the story is cute and cheerful and you also feel like shouting (or maybe this only counts for me XD) Sawako you silly billy don't act like that they are scared of you because you like that.
Basically its a cute, romantic, sweet and charming story of what i have read so far! And the artwork is pretty and the main boy is seriously cute tehe XD
Sep 6, 2008
Preliminary (5/125 chp)
Kuronuma Sawako's one wish in life is to make friends. That's a difficult proposition when everyone who meets this high school student cowers in terror! She just wants to be like her classmate Kazehaya-kun, a laid-back, easygoing guy. Like CHARMING JUNKY and THE WALLFLOWER (aka Perfect Girl Evoltuion), this is a lighthearted and romantic comedy.
Jun 30, 2010
Preliminary (18/125 chp)
Sheer brilliance in a beautiful story.
So rarely does a shoujo manga completely defy the norm and venture into unknown territory. The main character, Sawako Kuronuma, is completely unlike any manga character I've ever seen. Looking spookily like Sadako from The Ring, Sawako is an outcast, all other members of her class shunning her out of fear. The classic 'rumours' getting out of hand, descending into such idiocy it is said if you look at Sawako for more than seven seconds something bad will happen to you within the week.
But is Sawako bitter, vengeful or twisted because of been shunned the majority of her life? ...
May 3, 2019
So, this manga is probably one of the best your gonna get from this genre. At least, as I've found so far. I said this with the anime as well, but Kimi ni Todoke is as realistic as realistic get with romantic fiction, and that's really nice. I won't lie to you: if you don't like slow paced things, this manga will probably bore you more often than not. It does take the story extremely slow, so you need to be invested in the characters to care about what's happening.

Though, that really shouldn't be a problem, because all of the characters written for this manga ...
Jun 28, 2020
I read this manga just after finishing "Ao Haru Ride," so I have something to immediately compare it to, and I want to say that this one was much, much better. Even though it's frustrating and slow at times, like high school love, it's still extremely refreshing and heart warming.

One of the main things that I enjoyed about the series was the lack of fan service and the focus on friendships along with romance. It isn't your average "shy unpopular girl and experienced popular boy fall for each other" story, specifically because the main character is a bit more than just shy. Because of ...
Mar 22, 2013
Preliminary (77/125 chp)
I've been reading the manga for a few years now and not much has happened in the story from when I first started reading it. I love Sawako with her awkwardness and Kazehaya with his cheerful attitude but I just find this manga so .... slooow. It moves at the pace of a snail, no even slower than that.

I love the secondary characters of this manga though. Chizuru and Ryu pairing up is something I've been waiting for for so long now and it seems that it may be happening soon! As other reviewers have said, I think that their relationship is more realistic ...