JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean

Alternative Titles

Japanese: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ストーンオーシャン
English: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean
Spanish: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean
French: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 17
Chapters: 158
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 7, 1999 to Apr 8, 2003
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Shounen Jump (Weekly)
Authors: Araki, Hirohiko (Story & Art)


Score: 8.241 (scored by 137695137,695 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #3842
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #36
Members: 209,157
Favorites: 11,451



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Sep 28, 2009
Women in prison. Ok, got your attention.

Featuring one of the most ridiculously tense and violent games of catch-ball ever, Stone Ocean is even better than part 5 of the JoJo saga. If Golden Wind was the zenith of the JoJo franchise, then Stone Ocean is the apex. Ok, they both mean the same thing but you get the idea.

Starring the daughter of the stoic, bland, yet incredibly powerful Jotaro, the story has jumped a few years to 2011, Florida, USA. Jolyne is in a 'pinch' as the Japanese love to say. She's on her way to a sprawling prison complex ...
Apr 24, 2015
In what can be considered the grand finale of Jojo, Stone Ocean has a lot to live up to. But does it deliver?

STORY: 9/10
Stone Ocean starts 10 years after Golden Wind. It follows Jotaro’s daughter, Jolyne, as she’s wrongfully imprisoned in a jail whose warden, the mysterious Father Pucci, my have ties to DIO.

Stone Ocean is one of the more dramatic Parts. It is much more story focused than other Parts, who used their stories as excuses to go on a voyage to encounter fight after fight. Stone Ocean’s plot is one that truly concludes Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure up until this point, ...
Jan 24, 2020
Arguably the most controversial part in all of JoJo, JoJo's sixth instalment of the now iconic franchise is one of the most split parts of JoJo, many loving and hating it at the same time, with all the negatives do I still think this is a good read? if your looking for my answer then it is yes.

Q: Should I read JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean?

A: Part 6 is probably the one part of JoJo I would not recommend to new comers of the series, part 6 is heavily referential to the other parts and is not good for new comers ...
May 25, 2016
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean Review

(This review is not spoiler heavy nor is it spoiler free)

Story (7/10) Good
More Specifically (7.50/10) Good

The story for Part 6 Stone Ocean was good but it definitely is probably the least liked story of JoJo's thus far overall including Part 1. Now the reason I say this is not because of it's main plot which at the beginning had A LOT of potential and I was hype for it. I personally care far more about execution of a story you have versus what the story actually is. I feel the execution of Part 6's story ...
Oct 8, 2014
For those already familiar with the series (or at least Stardust Crusaders) then the last name "Cujoh" may sound familiar to you. Which is because Jolyne Cujoh is Jotaro Kujo's daughter and has inherited every bit of badassery and cunning there is from the Joestar bloodline.

Story: 8
Part 6 mainly takes place in a prison which has amazingly low restrictions and gives the residents a certain amount of free will. Life in the prison is easy if you have money, a fact that Jolyne learns from Hermes, a woman who is also going to Green Dolphin Street prison.

Stone Ocean is no exception when it ...
Jan 1, 2015
I started Part VI in the same day i finished part V. To cut long story short, this part is a little bit better than part V, but they are both 'fabulous' and just great. Characters... there are some i really like (Annasui, Jolyne, Weather), and some i dislike (Hermes) or even hate (F.F.). Main antagonist has a reason to 'be evil', and... he is evil, unlike Diavolo, who wasn't truely bad. Well, he wanted to kill his own doughter, but Father Pucci, main antagonist of Stone Ocean wants to rule the world~ instead. In brief.
Story is interesting and it's base is ridiculous and bizarre- ...
Feb 18, 2019
Stone Ocean, apparently has the same model of Golden Wind, however some points differ the quality between them. The real reason to be alike, is the plot that each one presents.
Story: A very good story, does not reach the masterpiece level, but still maintains the quality from the beginning of the manga. An imprisoned woman, a priest, a severe prison, all this has a good run throughout the manga, with exception for the party near the climax, despite having the originality of putting the "villain" in first person, this ends up leaving the work runs deep, and slow in the narrative, the same small mistake ...
Feb 14, 2017
I usually don't write reviews but I couldn't just let this one pass. Part 6 is by far my favourite part. I haven't read part 7 or 8, so I don't know if those are better. I really enjoy the fact that we have a woman Jojo for the first time. As the reader goes through the story, there are some flows and things that are there for the plot, but the amazing thing about the part is the end. To me, the end was a mindblow I didn't expect to happen. The art is stunning and the whole manga really enjoyable. The fights ...
Mar 20, 2019
Stone Ocean is a very divisive part for many, and I can totally understand why. A ton of controversial decisions are made, and you can see Hirohiko Araki trying to figure out how much he can get away with. However, despite that, I believe this to not only be amazing in its own right, but one of the best JoJo parts to date, rivaled only by Steel Ball Run.

Story: 10/10

It should be noted that the story is not, by any means, FLAWLESS. It can be a tad difficult to follow at times and straight up nonsensical at others. However, this is part of the charm ...
Mar 14, 2021
This review will contain spoilers

If I were to describe Stone Ocean in one word, that would be confused. To be more precise than one word, Stone Ocean feels like it doesn't know where it is going and what it wants while being forced to move in a direction. Though I may have given it a 2, I still found it to be worth reading, as I have finished it. But what good will I have towards this part is showered in complaints and confusion that made the whole 3 days journey I took reading this a very rocky road. But I can't be this vague, ...
Jun 21, 2019
To be honest one of the most underrated jojo manga and i think more people should give it a shot before saying that it is bad writing, characters and all that stuff.
I am not really the review guy but i am going to tell you that if you really get into it you will really appreciate what Araki has done about Part 6 and i hope more people will get into the part when it comes animated.
Don't get me wrong i don't think it is better than part 7 but i think it is way underrated for some reason.For instance F.F and Annasui are one ...
Aug 22, 2021
This is going to have some spoilers, but nothing too major.

Maybe it's because I read it instead of watching it first like I did for the first five parts. But Stone Ocean felt the most mature and comprehensive out of any Jojo part thus far including Steel Ball Run. It blows the first five parts out of the water with theme, tone, and so on and seriously contends with the later seinens.

Let me start off with a disclaimer that I do not dislike Steel Ball Run. In fact, it feels very similar. I think, though, that this is where the weekly format actually benefits Araki's ...
Feb 21, 2018
I gave a review of the previous part, Vento Aureo/Ougon no Kaze (Jojo Part 5) and this review is going to echo that one quite similarly.
My views on Vento Aureo were that toward the end (the last third or so), the story began to drag on, the stands got far too ridiculously complicated, and the character designs became distracting and annoying. which I thought was a shame because the first two thirds were GREAT, with an awesome premise, cool characters, and neat stands.

This sentiment also rings true with Stone Ocean.
The Premise is cool as hell: Jolyne Kujo has to escape from a ...
Dec 2, 2020
JoJo Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean

Mierda SO es muy buena siendo objetivo diría que narrativamente SBR es mejor pero ese final es hermoso y ala vez es desolador

Jolyne:Ok Ok jolyne al principio no me "llamo" para nada fue como una decepción, ya qué esperaba mucho de una jojo mujer pero al final.....mierda sin dudar es de los mejores jojo tiene un desarrollo brutal pero es muy "personal", sigo esperando una conversación tranquila entre jotaro y jolyne

Hermes: Costelo es un buen personaje aunque me hubiera gustado que aparesiera más, en cuento a ...
Feb 1, 2016
Stone Ocean is my second favourite out of all the JoJos, falling behind Steel Ball Run. Honestly I kind of wish I hadn't finished as fast as I did so I would be able to enjoy it more.

The story of this part is on par with Araki's previous JoJos and the story telling is done in a manner which will keep the reader interested and you will want to keep reading. I found myself reading 10-20 chapters when I had promised myself I would only read around 2-3. The stands introduced in this part are fascinating as well as the way they are utilised ...
Apr 23, 2020
Part 6 has a good premise, had awesome moments, the protagonist is one of the best in the series, the main group is great and the story is interesting. So, why am I giving such a bad rating? Because of the ending. The ending is the worst in every possible way.

I'm leaving the Story part to the end.
Art (9/10)
What can I say? It's just good. Araki improved his drawing skills a lot through the years and this part proves it. Also, the character design is crazy as ever, you can see it specially in Jotaro, Jolyne and Pucci.

Character (5/10)
If you read my other reviews, something ...
Mar 15, 2019
DISCLAIMER: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a currently ongoing series with (at the moment of writing), 7 complete parts and one ongoing one. It's important to first make the distinction that this is NOT one ongoing story split into parts, but rather 8 stories in the same universe following the Joestar bloodline, that share similar elements, plot points, and even motivations in some cases.
Due to that, this and my other JoJo reviews will follow an unique JoJo rating system, since in my opinion it cannot be easily compared to other manga, done in a beginner-friendly way so as to illustrate whether or not it is worth ...
Nov 19, 2019
Stone ocean review (no spoilers)

I cannot begin to explain my love for JoJo i could rant about it for hours, its
always been my favourite anime from its ridiculous and bizarre plot lines to its deep and compelling characters and villains theres something for everyone. I've been especially impressed over how much JoJo has improved from part 1 and Araki as an author has only upped everything that makes JoJo great to a colossal scale and as the parts go on its only been getting better and my love for it increases. (especially in recent parts) there's something about it that's so special to me ...
Oct 4, 2017
As a fan of jojo, part 6 was a major disapointment to me, the main characther and the sidekicks are straight up worse versions of the stardust crusaders. The concept of being in a prison is well handled, but Father Pucci just tries too hard to be a good villain, and ends up being a bad dio (Funny, huh?).
There's just so much bullshit on certain chapters, and althou Jojo is known for a lot of bullshit things, part 6 takes it to an ungodly amount of protagonism, ex machinas, plot convenience and others.
The ending was rushed, and it shows, Pucci had so much more potential ...
May 9, 2019
Excuse me mainly if my English is not the best (I'm even doing this mostly with a translator).

Although stone ocean has comedy and many absurd things, it is mainly the part in which Araki made a good tragic story, a drama in a prison with stands? that sounds great!

and a black gay priest trying to reach the "sky" that SOUNDS BETTER.

both jolyne, hermes, anasui, weather report, F.F. It has its reasons which continue in history, causing great tension and drama of themselves to know who is the user of White Snake.

his characters have a great development, even Jotaro seems more human and with more reasons ...