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Dec 20, 2021
This is basically a dojinshi that got published.
Stand that makes Jolyne horny. That's all there is to it.
It belongs on a hentai site, dunno why anyone approved it. Is it supposed to be an ad for part 6 anime?
But hey, at least it goes into unnecessary explanation of.... japanese porn art. There's also virgin Mary. Something Araki would definitely do.
Story 2/10
It's... pointless.
Art 5/10
Some of it looks... nice, i gwess? But it's still something you'd find on h-site.
Character 4/10
Pucci offended by religious drawings. Jus w-t-f. But hey, at least F.F. acts like herself, wanting pancakes with minced meat.
Enjoyment 4/10
Would be lower, but it took me less than 10 minutes.
Overall 3/10
Maybe not entirely bad, but that's 10 minutes i'm not getting back.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 29, 2021
This is not going to be a long review, because i'm not going to put more effort into this than Toei did in DBS:Broly's script.
Yeah, the movie looks fine, but the moment you start asking questions about motivations or story beats, entire thing starts to leak. Broly's dad motivation? Vegeta did a bad thing to him, so now he's going to listen to Frieza (that killed every other Saiyan) and take revenge on Vegeta's... son. Very mature of him.
Broly motivation? Oh, he's just... savage. That's it.
50% of this movie is story (filled with expositions and repeated information), while other 50% is 2 dudes punching one
another and exploding everything around them in the process. Even if it might sound interesting, it's... not. Maybe because motivation on Frieza's part is that he wants to be 5cm taller (wtf) and on good guys part is that Bulma wants to be 5 years younger (even bigger wtf).
Overall, entire movie is literally 100-minute special episode that should have been 20 minutes. Frieza turned into Powerpuff girls and at the end of the movie, nothing really changed. There are literally no stakes, no character development, no plot twists, NOTHING. The only thing that film really tried very hard was to bring older cannon into new one, so we have Gogeta, Broly, Bardock and all of this crap.
Other shonens have evolved, but DB just refuses to go beyond "1 dude punches other dude for 90 minutes" formula. The only thing saving this movie is the art style and animation (but there's still an annoying amount of 3DCG, including characters). Sometims DBS:Broly looks like FighterZ game (which isn't a compliment). And the music.... There's one vocal track that plays twice, and singer really wants us to remmember who's on screen right now (lyrcs are, as follows: KA-KA-ROTTO, GO GO BROLY, GO BROLY).
Sigh, just sigh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 5, 2021
Well, Fire Force is a new guilty pleasure of mine.
It's a deeply flawed series, that's at the same time weirdly enjoyable... Maybe because it's made by David and they know how to make a fight-focused series?
Compared to the 1st season, not really much changed. A lot of cons of that one stayed: story is overally pretty ok, but sometimes characters will just run into a solution of a problem. Pretty much EVERY plot point is given to the characters, instead of being earned, for example bad guys have a weird habbit of explaining mysteries to the heroes.
On the good site, middle 3 arcs (Inca, China
and Joker/Benimaru) are actually enjoyable and don't feel forced (for the most part).
But.... Characters are just as dumb as previously. Arthur is basically a big child, Shinra is boooring (i aint a demon, i am a HERO!), rest of the cast doesn't really matter. Viktor and Vulkan feel like characters taken straight out of Soul Eater (and yeah, it's a compliment). But a lot of the main cast just don't get screen time. Maki is the biggest wasted potential, alongside captain (a power-less character that will just chop you with an axe?? i want more!). Tamaki's development is just bullshit writing - she suddenly became priestess (xD). 50 episodes and we still dont know what her powers are about. I know, she looks like cat - but WHY and for WHAT reason?
I still cant stand fanservice. There's *less* of that here, but it's still fckn abnoxious. A serious scene? Yeah, let's have some BOOOBS BOIIIS. At least Tamaki is no longer molested (if not r**ped, like previously...) every second scene.
Art - during non-action scenes, it's simple. And what's with those blank faces? They appear way too often and are way too distracting. And the weird thing is that they don't appear only on the background characters, but also on the front...
Fights- ok, this is really why we're still watching it. Fights are, as always, increadibly enjoyable, mostly due to the animators, not the story. I dunno why, but David's fight (goes for JoJo too) just have an amazing sound design (not sound track, but sound desing - and a lot of other animation studios forget about it). Every punch, flame, exmplosion has that crisp, powerful sound effect to it. Maybe David has access to some other base of sounds or they hired another team just for the sake of making sounds in their basement? I don't care, as long as they keep those deep, bass sounds whenever someone is punching other people's faces.
Overall - 8 (compared to 7 i gave s1). I will probably forget about this shonen in few months, but so far - i have fun watching it.
Perfectly fine if you have spare 20 minutes and want some low effort enjoyment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 4, 2020
Chi no Wadachi (Trail of blood) may be one of the best modern japanese horror stories, and for sure is one of the best artistic manga out there.
Story follows Seiichi Osabe, that on one day sees his overprotactive mother trying to murder his cousing. She denies that she had tried to kill him and boy falls into coma, leaving Seiichi wandering if what he saw was even true, and if it was - why would his kind mother do such a thing?
From this point on series focuses mostly on intricate reliation between son and his mother, filled with manipulation, lies, drama and.. terror. Shuuzou Oshimi
focuses mostly on the faces, which in connection with detailed shadow, gives a chilling impression that each and every face panel bears emotions and weight to the story. Very often Mother is drawn in a way she resembles onryou.
I guess some may disagree on the fact that Chi no Wadachi is a horror story - there are no supernatural elements, no gore, no extreme violence, but the story being slow-paced and focused solely on characters' psychology is what makes it even more real, to the point it makes it almost uncomfortable to read.
You won't see jumpscares or disgusting panels here, most of it feels as it could actually happen in the real world. The biggest "scare" of the entire manga is definitely mother's relationship with her son. She's constantly lying and manipulating his son to the point where he is no longer able to act on his own and it negatively influences his life.
Art style of the manga is a sight to behold, filled with tiny details. Shuuzou masterfully operates with shadows, making them flood entire panels at times, making you feel the stress and danger of the situation. Other times all the panels become ridiculously bright and white, making the reader feel the comfort and peace the characters feel. Most of the panels could be framed and hung on the wall as if they were paintings.
As for the flaws, i have to admit that there are some moments (or strings of chapters) that fell a little bit too slow or meaningless. There's a middle portion of the manga, that consists mostly of main character going to school, getting back and experiencing more strange situations with his mother.
Other than that, Chi no Wadachi is near perfection. As of this moment story has 75 chapters collected into 8 volumes and i kinda hope it'll end sooner than later.
It's definitely a series that could break a man.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 8, 2020
This is probably the most obscure anime i've ever seen. You simply won't encounter anyone in real life that even heard of that anime.
Noein is, for some weird reason, anime that i catch myself thinking about every now and then, something that rarely happens to ran 24ep-series i've seen long ago. Now when i think about it, it didn't really have anything special to it, it didn't inspire ganres or other series, it just aired and fall into obscurity.
From what i remember, i first saw this in a youtube video, i think it was some sh** about "most powerful anime antagonists" or something. Material
in it felt interesting enough to watch the series, and what can i say... I didn't really feel anything special after that.
So why am i still getting back to it? Right now i'm considering rewatching it, something i rarely do. This anime just got inside of my head and doesn't want to let go.
Maybe it's because of a really heart-warming story, intriguing art, or just breathtaking visuals? Really, some of the *fight* scenes are really great.. but they appear maybe twice, other than that it's a pretty slow-paced slice-of-life.
But there is one thing i think Noein simply excels at- the CGI. Yes, now dreadful and stiff CGI look INCREDIBLE in this anime. Not only because of monumental, out of the world design, but mostly because of how.. unreal this CGI looks. Every other character or background is hand-draw, and in a way that really resembles paper drawings, but that CGI just looks like literally from another world- and it's used mailny for invaders from the other world.
I cannot not mention the opening- i still have it on my phone, and listen to it every now and then. It just strengthens the mysterious mood of the series.
Noein anime unlike any other, not in a way that it's that good, but it simply is.. unique. More of an experience than any other 8/10 show you could watch. Yet if fall into obscurity pretty fast, you can hardy find it anywhere online. And so will this, and probably many oher reviews of that show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 9, 2019
[minor spoilers, none if you watched anime]
I'm not gonna lie- i used to hate Shingeki no Kyojin. When the anime first came out, i didn't really see anything exceptional in the anime- just another series about zombies with boring characters, ludicrous action, but this time with incredible soundtrack and animation. But outside of visuals, there really wasn't anything to it- you've seen first episode, you've seen all 25 of them.
But then, after 4 years 2nd season came out and.. i was intrigued, to say the least. One character revealed himself to be yet another humanity's enemy- the Titan. But instead of evil laugh and
moustache-twirling (that you would expect from the level of story telling of the 1st season) he said something.. peculiar. That he's tired of being "soldier", that he had spent too much time with those idiots. And that he has to remember his duty of being a "warrior". What the hell does it all mean? i thought to myself. Is there something else to this manga than just giant zombies? Oh boy, how wrong was I.
Season 3 came around, more things were finally explained and pieces finally began to form a picture- first season of SnK was more of a lie, a prologue. We all were lured into thinking that Titans are this infinite danger, that all that matters is "glory to mankind".
But in reality the series started to develop a way deeper theme- the one fully explored only in the forth sea-- sorry, 3rd season, 2nd half.
And thus SnK changed from series about zombies into one about patriotism, xenophobia, racism, freedom at any cost. Characters i used to hate developed or the story developed to the point where you could finally see what Isayama intended them to be.
Take look at Eren- naive, loud, brave and bold shonen protagonist. Type of a character that would want to become king of pirates or a hokage. Incredibly dull and inadequate protagonist for a manga that tried o be a seinen.
But after the "basement" it became clear that Eren's naivety and childlishness was a trick designed by Isayama. Eren developed into this cold-hearted, cynic nihilist that wills to kill all his enemies, even if it may mean commiting war crimes.
But did anything really change about Eren? He's, in core, the very same character he was, since chapter 1. All that changed is the information about the world, which is amazingly depicted in the "shell" scene.
An ocean, that he thought to be a symbol of freedom, is yet another birdcage that keeps him safe from his real enemies. He thought titans were mindless monsters, but his "new" enemy isn't really that different from titans, they are maybe even more monstrous.
Other personality-lacking characters are also revealed to be actually brilliantly written. Reiner changes from your avarage bully into depressed paranoid, Berthold is clearly not doing anything he wants, Armin becomes more depressed... overall, this series changed from being edgy shounen into fully depressing experience.
What i think Isayama does the best is writing moments, not long-term stories. Any arc that doesn't rely of politics is just a blast to read, but the problems start when he wants to develop some "more real" intrigue- Uprising Arc is probably the worst in the series, since Isayama doesn't really know how politics work. He also likes using various shortcuts, where some of the more important plot beats are just there for the sake of simplifying the story. In short- some things "go too easy".
But, as i said, what Isayama does best are those *moments*. Full of emotions, surprising, sometimes even status quo changing. Till this day Reiner/Bertholt reveal scene is probably one of the best directed scenes i've seen in anime- kind of a one that you would watch 10 times, with your jaw dropping lower and lower.
The main reason i've written this review is the fact that majority of other reviews on MAL are from 5 years ago- where Snk was still about zombies, not philosophical conflict. And with series probably ending in half a year, i think it's the best time to maybe convince people who watched only 1st season to actually pick up.
Because trust me, it's totally worth it. I used to call SnK one of the most over-hyped series in existance, but now i'm fairly close to calling it a (flawed) masterpiece.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 8, 2019
While i would without a doubt give manga 10 out of 10, anime just doesn't deserve such generosity.
You know that something is wrong, then your anime looks much, MUCH better during episode 300 than during ~700. I guess Toei realised that they don't need to pump any money into this, kids will still watch it- so we have a miserably bad animation (ironically, the best animated scenes are these where characters are just talking, any movement, especially backgrounds, looks embarassing at best) and annoying reuse of sound effects... You laughed at CLANG from berserk? One Piece STILL uses Dragon Ball Z sound effects!
Bad animation
alone wouldn't be much of a problem, if the story was good, right? And it is- if you look at the entire arc. Single episodes are boring as f*** unless you skip through them.
Every episodes starts at time of 6:00 and ends at 22:00. Subtract 20s of eyecatcher, another minute of camera slowly moving through ugly backgrounds and another one minute of reused scenes from previous episides and you end up with each episode lasting maybe 14-15 minutes. And even this is stretched as much as Toei can, with dozens of characters reacting to every mc actions and filler fights.
Most episodes cover a single, 18-pages long chapter. Even other long-running series, like Bleach or Naruto, used to cover at least 2 chapters. But i said "MOST", because there are some that cover... less. Imagine entire episode based on, let's say 10 pages, that you could read under 8 minutes. Stretched to a full episode! That's a regular OP episode.
Watching one piece without skipping is painfull, but hopefully there are still some fairly good episodes, every now and then (i somehow watched through entire Law's past without skipping a second). Also, the material anime is adapting is outstandingly good, even if this hideous cartoon would suggest otherwise.
Something went really, really wrong with this anime. I mean, it used to be better- not only the animation peaked during Ennies Lobby/Summit War, but also anime used to cover at least 1 chapter per episodes (and sometimes- it's actually enough). But nowadays watching one piece is just exhausting- for example, Dressrosa Arc lasted for 100 chapters in the manga... and 120 in the anime! Whole cake- 80 v 100!
I simply can't imagine the torture of watching it weekly, in front of tv, for full 30 minutes. I'd forgot what all was about before Dressrosa could end...
But there's a simple explanation to it all- the manga counterpart. Obviously, Eichiro Oda is a god of mangamaking, and each volumes sells in millions. Also One Piece airs on sunday morning, next to a freaking dragon ball and other kid's favourite shows. Of course millions will watch it ANYWAYS, so Toei doesn't have to spend more than, i guess, "enough". They do not have to compete with other series. And Toei knows it- they know that if they aired more than 4 episodes of filler in a row, less would watch it (and sadly, some filler were pretty fun). That's why they decided to move at such a slow pace, because even showing one minute of new content is enough to attract millions of people in front of TV...
But hopefully animation slightly increased in recent episodes. But OP anime is still a shadow of its former self.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 23, 2018
Part 5 anime made something impossible. Not only it lived up to the hype, but it came like a rocket and broke a roof called "expectations". As for now, 7 episodes in, i can most definitely say that this is the best anime adaptation i've ever seen.
David Production- they just know what they're doing. Up until this point all they were lacking was the budget. And with money from monhun and tsubasa, they could finally deliver anime that not only does the honor to the manga, but also brings it to the whole new level.
Everything in the anime, as for now, is just perfect.
Sound design, the art (call if blasphemy, but sometimes it looks even better than Araki's work), animation, voice acting, even pacing. You can literally feel the heart and passion(e) that David put in this one- there are dozens of scenes that would be either skipped, or ignored by other studios. Just from the seventh- the legendary and mythical, the dance scene. It was what? 6 panels in the manga? One page. They made a music clip out of it! All the colors, the moves. the song in this scene... just wow. And just couple of minutes later- 2 of Six Bullets are high fiving one another, for 10 seconds. Any other studio would just drop it, or make it 5-6 frames. But not david- because they want to deliver the most enterteining and fun experience you can imagine.
Every now and then David would throw in some "anime original"- extension of the situations we already know from the manga. First 5 minutes of ep1 are the "filler" that introduce you to this world better, show Giorno's personality etc. Then you have Abbachio meeting Bruno- that didn't have to be in there, but David wanted to deepen the characters even more.
Part 5 anime is doing something more than "panel by panel" adaptation. What i love in almost every piece of media- doesn't matter if it's a game, film or anime- is the dedication in the production staff. I can only care as much, as they did.
And David cares. Not only about the money, but also about their fans, and the franchise they are working on. Purely glorious.
The saddest part of this anime is that after each episode, i have to wait another week. I have never been this excited about JoJo, as am i now. And i didn't even like part 5 manga this much! 10/10 boyz.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 16, 2015
This is a true ending of OreImo. First 13 episodes weren't finished in TV series, there was NO ending.
So, are these specials worth watching? I've seen them, because i've wanted to know the ending. Now i regret this, THIS insults me and the previous episodes. First season and most of the second were quite funny and fun. And this? I just wanted it to end as soon as possible.
Only art is good, music, like always, is bad. Characters- they WERE average, now they aren't, and this is surprising. Enjoyment- i liked the part when TsundeNee got hit by that... main character's friend?
It will only ruin your memory of previous series (yes, memories even of OreImo can be ruined....)!
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 7, 2015
You can believe me or not, but thit is so far the best anime, no- the best THING that my eyes have ever seen. What did i like?
-Characters- there's no such thing as boring or cliche characters here
-soutracks are great, and i hear them even nowadays
-openings are... my 2 most favourites opening come from this anime (4. and 5.)
-plot is literally genious
-i actually cried a lot during 4. episode and after Ray vs Envy fight, also after the burial
-well, even after ending i was crying- becuase the show was over :/
-original, characteristic and beutiful art style
-tons of humour
-tons of awasome fights
-ending that cannot be disliked
As I sad, 'only one true 10/10' i've given.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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