Gunka no Baltzar
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Gunka no Baltzar

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Baltzar Militarismus
Japanese: 軍靴のバルツァー


Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Jan 21, 2011 to ?
Themes: Historical Historical, Military Military
Demographics: Seinen Seinen, Shounen Shounen
Authors: Nakajima, Michitsune (Story & Art)


Score: 7.761 (scored by 18771,877 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #14722
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #2493
Members: 8,832
Favorites: 122



Both have the outsider character introducing ideas that are known to modern times but are considered revolutionary during their eras. 
reportRecommended by fiore777
Different genre and plot but both manga pretty much using strategy than luck. Both protagonist is also very smart. 
reportRecommended by Ruzu
Taking place in a fictional world, Gunka no Baltzar and Arslan Senki tells a war story with its complex cast of characters. Both series focuses extensively on military affairs and conflicts between various nations. At its core, the main male protagonist gets themselves involved in such conflicts as they fight for what they believe in. Arslan Senki is noted to having a more adventurous feel while Gunka no Baltzar adapts more military politics. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Although set in different era of war, the current male lead in both of these manga have similar personalities like being overly cautious and can make better judgment when the situation calls for it but somehow unlucky to be burdened with inexperienced subordinates along the way. Now the only choice left is to train these livestock and survive with them on the battlefield. 
reportRecommended by Yap30
The concept of war is a central element in both series. In fact, the main characters are deeply involved with a wartime atmosphere adapted throughout their story. Both series' protagonists are also part of an army that teaches about war. The way their roles are played differ but has a familiar feel with each chapters' storytelling. There is also politics in Gunka no Baltar while Koukoku no Shugosha portrays more realism regarding events on the battlefield.  
reportRecommended by Stark700
the era and militaria setting are common to both mangas 
reportRecommended by edroxel
Historical manga, war, awesome strategy and a protagonist who's a brilliant tactician. 
reportRecommended by Alice_9
Both stories take place in a "not exactly Earth but very similar" setting, and roughly the same time period (1800s-1900s). Both MCs are talented military officers who employ clever military strategies to win difficult battles. Both stories have a heavy focus on the politics of their nations, while also focusing on how those changes affect the groups of people we the reader follow. 
reportRecommended by Dartok
Both involve Military Strategy and Politics. With focus on intellect rather than pure brawn. The MC in both mangas are placed in a peculiar position in the military (double agents?), surrounded by subordinates and equals. Both Protags are tacticians and sharp making for a good read. Although Nejimaki is colored with some fantasy - it does bring out military skirmishes interestingly. 
reportRecommended by Nagatake_
i like golden kamui because of the atention to details and the loveable characters, but gunka was great because of the political aspect of it and the great characters as well. bottom line i think that someone who enjoyed one would like the other 
reportRecommended by edroxel
A military theme series taking place in an alternate history. I recommend both series for anyone interested in world building and a story with a warfare themes. Both series' main characters also experienced in strategic warfare that dominates a good run on the battlefield. Expect plenty of action beyond just the typical battle shounen norms. With its ability to articulate warfare, both series masterfully create a story of military conflicts and thought provoking world setting. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
While both of these war stories are in different historical time periods with different cultures, countries and weapons, they have certain similarities in political intrigue, battle, planning, and strategy - people trying to outwit their enemies and using underhanded methods to gain the upper hand in politics. Both are set in historical periods and while setting an accurate mood they don't strive for a retelling of history but instead have interesting stories of behind the scenes characters in those periods. Both have characters which could be seen as good or bad depending on how you are looking at them they could be  read more 
reportRecommended by inzaratha
Both share similar settings with incredible artwork along with tremendously detailed and accurate portrayal of the tools, instruments and way of life of Europe during their respective periods 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
If you enjoy historical mangas that depict a very detailed, accurate and often times brutal setting based on historical facts then these two titles are for you. Both have great attention to detail particularly with the artwork everything looks like the mangakas of both titles have done their research very well and the customs and way of life of the characters are very believable. The fight scenes are very smart as well each panel is drawn carefully and you can easily follow what is going on despite the chaotic nature of a battle with dozens if not hundreds or even thousands of people involved. The fight  read more 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Both are set during past Europe but in different time periods. They both depict the way of life of the people during their respective periods and depict a violent life. They also share a lot of tactics involved in fighting compared to most other action mangas where the characters rely on sheer force rather than strategy 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Gorgeous artwork, great action, a bit of gore, spunky characters and quite simply both titles are fun to read 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Both have a very rich and detailed world where the main setting is a highly militaristic country of steampunk / victorian era technology. Both titles also have massive battles where strategy and intelligent thinking is much more important than shear brute strength with a very well thought out scenarios that are both complex and rather easy to follow  
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Gunka no baltzar and Fullmetal alchemist feel in many ways similar ,although one is way more realistic than the other ... if hovever you liked one you will probably like the other one too . 
reportRecommended by power199
Both are military drama involving child soldiers and European ambience. 
reportRecommended by Edaniel
Both of these titles share a similar art style and both of them are beautifully drawn historical manga with very well paced stories and involves fairly realistic fight scenes with no super powers or super moves but rather more on tactics and simple but brutal fight scenes such as savage stabbing and shooting. Both titles also have a fair share of sex and gore but not too much like in Battle Royale, it won't make you throw your lunch if you get queezy watching guts get splattered across the entire page, but rather these titles show plenty of death and a lot of bodily mutilations but  read more 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Both titles show characters that rely more on strategy, intelligence and cunning rather than brute force, shear determination or "The Power of Friendship" to succeed. If you enjoy an intelligent manga then these two are for you. These titles are very smart and are very detailed and most important of all no overpowered teenager who can destroy entire mountains or planets with a single super powerful finishing move 
reportRecommended by kuglefang