Kami no Kodomo
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Kami no Kodomo

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: God's Child
Japanese: 神の子供


Type: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 11
Status: Finished
Published: Jan 6, 2009 to Mar 6, 2010
Genre: Horror Horror
Theme: Psychological Psychological
Serialization: Horror M
Authors: Nishioka Kyoudai (Story & Art)


Score: 6.631 (scored by 78577,857 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #148522
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1276
Members: 16,129
Favorites: 301


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Preliminary Spoiler
Jul 29, 2011
Mixed Feelings
an enjoyable aesthetic experience, but it's immediately clear that this is very much a matter of style over substance. you could call it a bitesize parable, i guess. although only in the framework of its own (a)moral code, it does have a moral to the story, a lesson to be learned.

points for an idiosyncratic style that is easy on the eye, but it was also much too easy on the brain, a cruise-control sort of read. perhaps this is inevitable, given that it's a one-volume work.
Jul 31, 2022
Don't overthink this. People may throw many many interpretations to Kami no Kodomo as a great and mature work of art. But what lies beneath is just edgy and shock factor material, that doesn't bring anything substantial to the table.

The story follows "Child's God", a kid who had a disturbing and lonely childhood, and grows to be a twisted adult years later. From property damage and killing to beating witnessing and abusing, Child finds himself surrounded by minor boys, whom learn "loving" through his visions, which of course, isn't nowhere to be find in the normal and sane area.

After a series of disturbances ...
Mar 23, 2011
A more realistic re-telling of the manga 'Monster'.

People who haven't finished reading the manga Monster may not get this and in many ways the art and the story spoils the final plot developments of that manga, but it cannot be denied: this manga at least is shorter and is much more realistic in the sense that there's no hero to the horror and the timeline of the story is much closer to how long real life serial killers' careers last.

This doesn't mean this is realistic though. From the first panel onwards, it is clear this is meant to be more poetic than realistic. Those who ...
Jan 16, 2022
Mixed Feelings
huh, ig it's boycrime time

i wanted to like this, but the story was very lackluster. like oh no, he's a fucked up kiddo doin boycrime. which sucks because the start was very strong and intriguing, "I was born out of my mother's asshole" is a killer line. Idk, I was hoping for something that lived up to the unique art style but instead it goes where you think it will go.

Read it if you are looking for something visually interesting, it takes like 15 minutes to zoom through this. There are plenty of other manga that go this dark are more thought-provoking
Apr 14, 2024
Unlike most narratives with sympathetic villains, Kami no Kodomo doesn't try to justify the protagonist's actions. His descent into violence feels inevitable, fueled by a cocktail of childhood abuse, a twisted sense of entitlement, and a chilling apathy towards human life. The narrative is devoid of flowery justifications – the protagonist lays bare his motivations and depravity in a chillingly detached tone.

This lack of emotional manipulation is what makes Kami no Kodomo so unsettling. We're forced to confront the raw ugliness within the protagonist without the comfort of assigning blame or seeking redemption. It's a story that lingers long after the final panel, a ...
Oct 24, 2018
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (8/11 chp)
The best thing about this manga is definitely its art. While I wouldn't say it's amazing, it is certainly aesthetically pleasing and unique. Although, where the art can fall a little short is in the story's depictions of violence, the lack of detail in the style being unable to create an image that is too graphic. This is also in part because these moments are not sold on the narrative end, which I will get into.
Where this manga is really lacking is its story. Most of the time it just comes off as trying to be edgy. It just seems ...
May 10, 2022
I don't really know what to call this story other than a bitesize truly disturbing experience with some good really unique art, which in the end fails to really say or do anything of substance in it's runtime.

I didn't gain anything from this experience nor did I feel much enjoyment in my short read time, perhaps as a result of the short length of the work as well as the low average amount of content per-chapter due to most of it being taken up by the admittedly good art it fails to establish a coherent plot or purpose/message for all the disturbing violence that goes ...
Jul 5, 2021
The review will be the first part in English and the second in Spanish: D

Strange and disturbing, Kami no Kodomo is a manga that exploits Christian symbolism, while criticizing certain aspects of today's society. But, and still, these two elements in the protagonist's mouth are distorted, until you only have the image of a boy who has a deep sociopathy and who, in addition, is capable of transmitting his fascination with crime to others ( Collective insanity or some other form of global delusion?). What we are left with is a deeply unpleasant story, although, unfortunately, a highly credible one. Plus, the disturbing drawing style ...
Aug 23, 2024
The best thing about this manga is the artwork, easily. The cover is what convinced me to read it, the protagonists design is simple and haunting (I mean, just look at his eyes). But that's the only positive of the Manga. And even then, I feel the surrealism style isn't pushed far enough to compensate for the lackluster plot and themes.

None of the characters have names, few have motivations, and little happens in the grand scheme of things. I read the manga in about thirty minutes and I feel nothing. There are shock factor elements, but if you have ever read anything with purposeful ...
Mar 24, 2022
Does the beautifully surreal and creative art style excuse the sloppy plot? Personally, yeah. It is still worth experiencing. The characters are shockingly vile, but the story itself becomes pretty contrived. Starts out solid, great attention grabber. It’s nauseating and yet you can’t look away. After the burst of visual stimuli, there’s not as much to sink your teeth into. Due to the art style, the explicit scenes aren’t too visually gross but the discomfort comes from the reactions and implications. The short length does make it an enjoyable read and as stated earlier, the art and paneling is delightfully unique. This had a lot ...
Feb 2, 2023
Mixed Feelings
This manga is/was disturbing, but still somewhat intriguing. It being a quick read makes it difficult to put down because you're immediately drawn in and want to know how more fucked up it could get or if it would at least redeem the main protagonist but (spoiler alert) it never happens. There are only 11 chapters

The main reason why I read it and what initially drew me in was the art. The art is beautiful and unique. Its sort of a minimalist gothic style, to be honest that's the main reason why most people probably picked it up.

This manga is basically a case study of ...
Nov 29, 2024
This manga feels very one note and on the cusp of exploring interesting ideas in regards to how society reacts to absolute atrocities as well as the inherent hypocrisy of people like this.

But instead of exploring that side of everything it just reads as deprave torture porn.
Although it doesn't explicitly show a lot of the sexual acts explicitly, the sheer amount of them that dominate the middle to ending chapters really do just feel like the author wanted to just write torture porn, instead of wanting to dive into the mentality of society and depraved individuals.
Which is the only thing I think this manga ...
Jan 5, 2025
"God's Child" is a short story of a kid who rejected the world around him from birth and his growth as a monster. The only positive thing to say about this work is that the art style is unique. There are no compelling characters, the themes are very in your face and executed in very uninteresting ways, and the main character has no interesting development.

This isn't a thought provoking story by any means. It's hard to imagine what would even interest someone while reading this. I would only recommend this if you strictly want to read something edgy and short, because there really isn't ...